Return of the Dragon Knights Part 3

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Dragoon vs Beast

Been a little busy lately so it took a while to see if I could fix any flaws in this chapter.

Don't own any art or videos, they belong to their respective creators.

Brought in a group earlier then they appeared in the original multiverse book.


"Alright, now that we've eaten let's continue the show."

Zero said, as he presses play and the screen starts showing the next scene.

Only to stop.

"Oh, wait..."

The Great Being said.

"Forgot to bring in the new guests."




A massive portal opened up and brought in the new guests.


Came the scream of many females as they fell to the ground.


"Ooooh..." "Augh..." "Ouch..." "What the fuck...?"

"Alright, who's the dead meat that did that!?!?"

A massive woman with spikes on her back and a spikey tail snarled as she got up and glared at them.



Ishirō Serizawa and the rest of Monarch blinked in confusion as they saw a rather hentai version of the Gojira they knew.

Same could be said for the Kaiju that had fallen with her. They were all too curvy and thick in comparison to the Kaiju they knew.

Especially considering that some of them seemed to be genderbent versions of specific Kaiju!

"...Truly, the multiverse is strange..."

Vivienne shook her head in astonishment.

"Yes, that's me!!"

Godzilla roared in anger!

Shaking the theater as she stomped on the ground and towered over them.

"Who thought it was funny to drag us here!?" She roared. "Especially with her!?"

She pointed at her enemy.


"Watch your tone when talking to your queen!"

Ghidorah snarled as she glared at the Earth Kaiju.

"You are no queen!!"

Rodan shouted.

"Why don't you-!"

"Man! Look at those boobies!!"

Union Issei suddenly interrupted them as he and the other perverts/bullies looked at them in lust and greed.

"Yeah!" Union Mineta drooled. "Would love to fondle those boobies for days!!"

"Yeah!" "Oh yeah!" "You know it!"

The other perverts agreed.

The Kaiju response?"


Was to pulverize the assholes to dust.

"What the fuck!?"

Union Bakugou roared in anger!

"How dare you do that to the number 1 hero!!"

"Yeah!" Union Issei shouted. "How dare you do that to your Harem King!"


Union Rias shouted.

"You went out of line!"

Union Asia cried.

"YEAH!" "Make it up to us!" "Get on your knees and work for forgiveness!"

"OH, shut up!!"

Orga shouted as she stomped her foot to the ground.


The room shaking from the vibrations of the impact.

THAT managed to silence them all.


A female human spoke up.

(General Gyozen)

"Are you people and why did you kidnap us!?"

She shouted the last part as she took out her gun and pointed it at Union. Since they were the ones doing a lot of talking, she figured they might have had something to do with them suddenly coming here.

"You're wasting time asking them."

Zero deadpanned as he got their attention.

"Names' Zero."

He introduced himself.

"And welcome to the Multiverse."


The Kaiju Girls and humans shouted out in shock.

-One explanation later-

"I see..."

Miki Saegusa softly said.

"This is truly unexpected."

The psychic admitted.

"True that." Kiriko Tsujimori admitted. "But that means that the Multiverse theory that has been plaguing scientists for decades really is true!"

"But why are we here?"

Machiko Tsuge cautiously asked.

"Entertainment mostly."

Zero admitted.

"But also to show just how one single variable can change everything."

Ei added.

"But with them?!"

Gojira shouted as she pointed to Ghidorah and her group.

"Hey, I'm not all too thrilled to be here reptile."

Ghidorah scoffed.

"Yes." Zero said. "With them."

"So shut up and sit down!!"

He shouted the last part as he shrunk them down to a more tolerable height. Taller than the rest of the cast, but not reaching the ceiling.

"Fine." "All right." "Maybe some time off will help." "Yippee!"

"But if those disgusting excuses of humans try anything, I'll tear them to pieces!!"

Gojira added as she pointed at Union. To be more specific, at Union Issei and his fellow perverts who all squawked.

"What's your problem!?"

Union Issei shouted as he ugly cried.

"You should be honored to join my harem!!"


They all said, even Jr. who did not understand much of what the weirdo was saying.

"You're not even remotely worthy of being my mate."

Gojira deadpanned.

"Excuse me?!"

Union Xenovia shouted.

"I'll have you know that he's the Red Dragon Emperor!!" She tried to 'educate' the fool. "He is the best male to have babies with! Dragon babies!!"

"...Ex-fucking-cuse me?"

Gojira gave her a 'WTF is wrong with you?' look.

While Ghidorah glared at Union Xenovia and Union Issei at the dragon comment.

This worm...a dragon?


"This peabrain? Having the power of a dragon? HAH!!"

Godzilla laughed.

"He looks like he couldn't find his way out of a paper bag! Much less be worthy of being MY, the Queen of the Kaiju, mate!"

"The only one that has been worthy so far was Jr. father (and maybe Mothra too)!!"

(I don't think Kaiju Girls Godzilla is capable of reproducing asexually. Of course, the other most likely option is that Godzilla found Jr. egg like in the movies)

"But an abomination like you?"

"Not even the most sex crazed Kaiju would want you."


The silence was tremendous as Union Issei started crying like a bitch, causing his harem to coddle him like he was some sort of baby.

"...What a wuss."

Scaramouche deadpanned.

"Feel bad for all the versions of Issei Hyoudou who are actually decent and not overly exaggerated."

"Same." "Ditto." "Yep!" "Agreed."

"I want to commit unalive right now."

RODK Issei groaned.

Which god did he angered in a past life to be cursed with a disgraceful counterpart like him!?

"Can we continue!?"

Ifrit impatiently shouted.

"I want to see what happens!!"

"Cool your jets, girl."

Zero replied.

"The show begins now."


Screen is static for a sec before the scene plays out.

It has been 1 year since (M/N) left Union Academy. While a majority, including the bullies, celebrated the fact that the powerless trash was gone.

"Yeah!" "Halleluiah!" "Now, I can get my harem!"

The bullies were shouting in glee, while the rest just stared in disgust at them.

Especially towards Union Issei, who seems to have conveniently forgotten that he wasn't from that universe. And his counterpart was not like him in that way (Or in any other way to be honest)

RODK Issei: 'You couldn't get a harem even if it delivered itself on a silver platter to you.'

"Who's (M/N)?"

Godzilla tried to spell out.

"A teen who has the weirdest love life you will ever see in this dimension."

Ei answered.

"Basically, we're watching his life and the lives of his counterparts here."

"Why though?"

Jr. asked.

"...Let's just that (M/N) and others like him have been given some of the worst luck in the multiverse and a lot of them have suffered in ways that can't be possibly imagined."

Zero said.

"This particular version of (M/N) we're watching is from their universe."

He pointed to the RODK cast.

"Fair warning, some of their past selves were not good people until later on they began changing."

"...Why do I feel annoyed at that for some reason?"

Mothra frowned.

Ignoring Union perverts crying to themselves that they were not paying attention to them.

There were others, including his friends, that mourned the loss of their friend.

However, there was also the case of some students leaving without a word to anyone but Ozpin about their reasons.

RODK Red: "I really wished you had told us."

This startled the RODK cast because Red hardly, if ever, speaks. He was usually silent and stoic, only those closest to him were able to translate his usually motionless expressions.

RODK Ozpin: "I apologize for that Mr. Ketchum. But I had sworn on my magic and honor that I would respect their wishes and not tell anyone of their reasons unless they wished for it to be revealed."

"Of course, that didn't mean that they couldn't have sent you guys a letter."

Qrow added.

"They were probably trying to be independent."

ChiChi also added.

"Some people don't like heavily relying on others all the time."

"...Still could have sent a letter to let us know they were alive, though."

Sango grumbled to herself.

Those had been some of the scariest months any of them had to experience! Sango was afraid that Naraku had somehow gotten her and was holding her hostage!

She was relieved that Kagome was fine as well as the others. A little befuddled at her new battle outfit and a little terrified at her change in personality.

But at the end of it all, she was still Kagome. Even with her new upgrades.

Fairy Tail was going crazy because Lucy Heartfilia had left without saying anything to her guild.

Union/Arknights/HI3/FGO: "Fairy Tail?"

Zero: "A magic guild. In their world many forms of power exist: magic of many kinds, semblance, quirks, sacred gears, chakra, elemental, you get the picture."

"Depending on the type of power you have you will have to follow the regulations that is put in place by that particular section ruling body."

Mothra looked particularly interested at that. And so did Megalon, but that not's important right now.

Only stating to Ozpin that she wanted to leave on a soul-searching journey to better herself. Kairi, a visitor from outer space like her friends Sora and Riku, was another case. Being fed up with always being the damsel in distress and causing unnecessary worry she left with a note to her friends saying that she must do this alone to become stronger and to not look for her.

"That was incredibly reckless!" The two Iidas shouted, doing their trademark pose.

"And I thought Jr. and Rodan were reckless."

Godzilla groaned.

"What was that!?/MOM!!"

Said Kaiju shouted at her.

"I'm surprised Izu-chan didn't go too."

RODK Denki mused.

"She loves to put herself in grave danger."


Izumi shouted.

"Wait...Outer space?"

Warfarin, a medic from the Arknight verse, suddenly asked. Her voice filled with interest.

Zero sighed, seems like he was going to be doing that a lot while explaining certain subjects.

"Yes, they literally came from another world in that universe."

Shocked expressions could be seen on multiple people's faces.

"Why so surprised?" Ei questioned. "Some of you should already be aware of the possibility of the existence of other worlds."

"I mean, you are now aware of the existence of the Multiverse. So, why is this so shocking?"

"Because they're idiots that's why." Scaramouche deadpanned.

Before Union could say anything, Zero continued.

Zero: "They were from a peaceful world known as Destiny Island...where not a lot really happened. Sora, Riku, and Kairi dreamed of leaving the Islands and seeing other worlds. An interesting fact about Kairi is that she's actually from another world as well, but due to the beginning of the end she was thrown to Sora and Riku world suffering memory loss."

Some of the audience winced at that, feeling sorry for the trauma the girl had experienced as a child.

And they had a feeling that was only just the beginning.

Sora and Riku had to suppress a wince as they remembered their own journeys and the choices they made.

While Riku would never forgive himself for falling so easily into Maleficent and Xehanort schemes. He no longer let it hold him back from realizing his full potential.

Sora might be a happy go-lucky guy. But even he had moments of doubt, despair, and anger. Yes, like Riku, he wanted to go out and explore the world beyond their little beach. But never in that way.

Mickey, Donald, and Goofy gave them a sympathetic look, while the Destiny Trio just sighed.

Knowing that they were the trigger that unleashed an apocalypse from failing to stop Xehanort back in the past.

"Of course, let's just say that when they finally began to prepare to 'leave' the island...that was the day their Destinies awakened."

"They went through trials after trials, saw the impact of what their decisions unleashed, lost their way, found it in the arms of forgiving friends."

Riku smiled softly, again, while he could never forgive himself for falling so easily to Maleficent and Xehanort manipulations. He was glad that his friends were always there to bring him back.

"And at the end, they finally managed to vanquish the mastermind behind, not just theirs, but to many others suffering while putting his tired soul to rest with his old friend."

While Sora and Riku were very concerned, they had every faith in her that she would come back stronger than ever before.

"They are really good friends."

Mothra smiled.

"They know she's not weak, despite her lack of combat experience."

Aqua smiled.

"She just needed to go at her own pace."

"Something she didn't have much of due to certain circumstances."

Axel (I'm too used to him being Axel that calling him Lea feels weird) added.

"I'm surprised she was able to do as well as she did in the Keyblade War."

"Keyblade War?"

Izuku asked, curiously.

"Another time."

Zero said as they turned to the screen.

His shadow quietly chuckling at the look of confusion and desire for knowledge on Deku face.

Kagome Higurashi, a priestess in training under her former incarnation Kikyo (a rather weird turn of events), who grew tired of Inuyasha being so indecisive and sometimes forgetting that the two were separate people despite having the same soul.


"There is a reason why it's dangerous to mess with time."

Zero rubbed his head.

Beerus simply nodded his head in agreement at that. Remembering the whole Zamasu incident.

"Basically, time went haywire and somehow past and present merged."

Ei explained.

"A new history was made to replace the original history."

"It's confusing."

Whis admitted.

"So, let's leave it at that."

And Ash Ketchum, an aspiring Pokémon master in training who had fallen into a coma for 3 months worrying his mother and three brothers. When he woke up, he was different. His amber eyes turned red, and his personality seemed to do a 180. Mirroring his oldest brother Red in that aspect.


"Pocket Monsters."

Akai, the second oldest of the four siblings, spoke.

"Creatures of wonderous power, most live in the wild, some with humans that catch or bond with them, some battle for sport/entertainment."

"And they just let them use them like that!?"

Union Blake shouted in disbelief.

"Like they don't have any rights!?"

"Oh, shut up you stupid cat."

Fire glowered at her.

"Contrary to what your pea-sized brain is misunderstanding, Pokémon are very intelligent and loyal to those that manage to bond with them. They enjoy the battles as much as their trainers do!"

"I won't deny though, that there are those who would harm them, like evil organization or those who refuse to understand the true source of their losses."

"But they can choose whether or not they want to be captured. It's a symbiotic relationship if you think about it, they get stronger, we get a partner."

"Get that through your thick skull, dumbass."

"HEY!" Union Sun shouted. "You can't talk to her like that! She's just concerned that their being oppressed!"

"Like the faunus?"

Raiden Shogun hit the nail on that. Smirking at Union Blake reaction.

Union Blake: "Urk!"

"Funny." Darth Vader breathed. "From that perspective, wouldn't a certain group be saying something as well."

Subtly nodding to the Arknights group.

Who were staring intently at the screen, not wanting to jump to conclusions so easily.

"What do you mean by that!?"

Union Blake shouted.

"You'll see, maggot."

A new, condescending voice broke through. Revealing a whole new group of people.

(Cast of StarOcean: Till the End of Time)

Going to introduce them in case you've never played the game.

First picture:

Brown hair, green eyed female = Sophia Esteed

Grey hair, brown eyed girl = Peppita Rossetti

Brown hair, brown eyed boy = Roger S. Huxley

Black hair with yellow highlights, red eyed male = Albel Nox

Blue hair, dark green eyed female = Maria Traydor

Blue hair, green eyed male = Fayt Leingod

Red hair, purple or green (according to the website) eyed female = Nel Zelpher

Blond hair, dark grey eyed male = Cliff Fitter

Second picture:

Blond hair, blue eyed female = Mirage Koas

Grey hair, brown eyed male = Adray Lasbard

"Nice to see you guys made it, Albel."

"Hmph!" The owner of the voice, Albel Nox scoffed. "We were hesitant, I'll admit. After all, from what you told us, we had the feeling we weren't going to like certain groups here."

"But we decided to come." Sophia Esteed spoke up. "Even if the universes we are going to see, are not going to be pleasant to watch what that world version of our friend will go through."

"(M/N) is still our friend." Fayt Leingod said. "And if we can get these idiots to understand the consequences of their actions. Then that will make it worthwhile."

"Besides." Maria Traydor spoke up. "I'm quite curious to see the potential (M/N) has in other worlds. Our (M/N) is incredibly powerful and just keeps getting stronger the more universes he leaps through to get back home."

"Actually, he finally managed to get back to his original home world." Zero informed them, surprise on their faces at that. "Remember, time flows differently in every universe. While not a lot has gone by in your universe, he's gone through many lifetimes in his quest to return home."

"Well, that's good." Cliff Fitter pounded a fist to his hand. "He's gone through a lot and I'm glad he finally got to the end goal he always wanted."

"But..." Nel Zelpher trailed off, not sure if she could handle the aftermath. "He told us his origins, and the time limit he had. Was he able to..."

"Don't worry, he got to them in time and saved them from the Lostbelt."

Zero confirmed, startling the FGO group at that.


Who was this version of (M/N) they were talking about and what was his connection to the Lostbelts?

"We'll eventually get to that world as well." Zero said, reading their thoughts. "For now, let's get back to the show."

Without a word to their loved ones also left for reasons that only Ozpin knows and swore on his magic to never tell without permission.

"While I do worry, I accept that they must find their own paths even if it isn't in Union."

RODK Ozpin said.

It was sad and disheartening to lose such potential, but despite what people like to say about him, he always believed in free will. He tried to give them as much of a choice to choose as possible.

Granted he did not always tell the WHOLE truth. But he figured that just telling at least a portion of the truth should be sufficient enough to see what choice they would make.

He already tried to tell the whole truth ages ago when he started recruiting people to his cause. The end result wasn't pretty.

They would either deny it and think he was crazy, go crazy themselves, betray humanity just to save themselves, pledge their loyalty to Salem, betray all for power, grow depressed, or even suicidal!

He has seen the result of telling the truth and it scared him with how quickly they turned against him and against the world, or how heavy the burden is on them and drives them to do unthinkable acts!

There were other reasons but that was one of the biggest.

(M/N) friends grew to be colder and more aggressive towards bullies and those that abuse their powers.

"Can't say I'm surprised."

Anguirus shook her head.

"If someone treated my friend like that I wouldn't be so nice to them."

"He deserves it!"

Union Bakugou shouted.

"He's nothing but a weakling that deserves to-!!"



Union Kirishima shouted as Bakugou head fell to the ground.

"You're annoying."

Koga of the Wolf-Demon Tribe expressionlessly said as he had punch Union Bakugou head off.

Ozpin was stricter with his punishments and gave Glynda a tongue lashing that sent her reeling over the favoritism that she was showing to the so-called star students.

"Something tells me she deserved it."

Akane Yashiro shook her head.

"Trust me, she did."

(I don't know why, but I never really liked Glynda for some weird reason)

RODK Xenovia nodded.

He really ripped into his fellow headmasters, admonishing them for not being impartial and constantly defending the bullies.

RODK Sirzechs: "Ugh! *Shudder* "That was really a terrifying day, don't think I ever saw Ozpin that mad before."

RODK Nezu: "You're telling me."

"Yeah, well you idiots deserved it."

Vegeta scoffed.

The Kaiju Girls and humans for some reason were in agreement with the Saiyan words even though they didn't really know what was going on.

Boruto, though he prefers being called Bolt, resentment towards his father grew even more when he learned just how Naruto treated (M/N). Just when he felt that he was finally starting to understand his father and respect him once more this happens (He had a close bond with the older male, seeing him as an older brother). After all, (M/N) had been trying to help him get past his anger issues and accept the fact that his father truly does care for him.

Here RODK Naruto had his head down, depressed.


Sasuke deadpanned.

"Shut up, Teme!"

Kawaki did not understand what connection this (M/N) had with Bolt, since he arrived after (M/N) left Union. But he could tell that Bolt deeply respected him and made the male wonder just what kind of person he was to get Bolt to speak fondly of him.

RODK Kawaki crosses his arms.

"Anyone that knows Bolt well, knows how much of a stubborn person he is. For someone to be able get through his blathering, is someone quite impressive."

RODK Boruto: "OI!"

"It's true."

Mitsuki smiled.

"Not you too!"

The Masters of Chaldea became closed off from the majority of Union, who try to get into their good grace to have the chance to see (and try to bang) legendary figures from history. The Crypters doing their part to keep the greedy bastards in their place.

Kadoc: "Still feels weird that my counterpart in that world gets along with yours and your twin sister well."

Mash: "Well, you guys do have a lot in common."

"And things are better in that world."

Zero said as an invisible sweatdrop fell on his head as he subtly glanced at Beryl.

'...For the most part.'

Beryl Grace was still a nutjob.

At least he wasn't being a creep towards Mash like his canon self was.

So, things have changed in Union. Whether for the better or worse, is left unknown.

But that was what was happening in Union in the past.

What was happening now,


That sound startled the audience as some jumped in their seats at that.

Union: "What was that!?"

RODK Goku: "Oh yeah, that was that battle."

RODK Vegeta: "Please don't remind me. I can still feel the phantom pain."

Godzilla and the other Kaiju looked interested now.

"Damn it!"

Was a fight for the sake of the world as Union, and other heroes were in for the fight of their life.

The Khaos Hero Faction (Made by remnants of the old Khaos Brigade and the Hero Faction after they betrayed Ophis and stole her power) had somehow managed to release not only

Union Ophis: "You betrayed me?"

She leveled her glare at the leader of the Hero Faction.

Union Cao-Cao: "Umm..."

Luckily for him, the show continued.

(Beast of the Apocalypse, 666)

Trihexa, but also

Union Sirzechs/Michael/Azazel: "Tri-Trihexa!?"

"Yep!" Zero popped. "The Khaos Hero Faction got it into their heads to release the Beast of the Apocalypse for their own goals. Only for it to backfire on them horribly."

"Jeez." Rodan blinked. "What kind of a Kaiju is that?"

"Well, technically Trihexa is not a Kaiju."

Nahida spoke up.

"Though with the Beast appearance, I can't say I'm surprised you would think she is one."

(Beast II of Humanity, the Beast of Regression)

Tiamat from her slumber and unleashed them upon the world.


Ishtar: "Impossible! How did they release Mother!?"

Ereshkigal: "I don't know sister. Last time was because of the Incineration of Humanity, and when Merlin was incapacitated!"

Ritsuka shuddered, he remembered just how dangerous Tiamat was. The loving Primordial Mother wreaking havoc and nearly succeeding in ending the world.

'If it wasn't for Gramps, we would be dead.' He thought forlornly to himself.


"So, this is a Beast of Humanity." Goredolf chuckled uneasily, elegantly wiping the sweat from his forehead as he stared at the monstrous form of the Second Beast of Humanity.

"...Uh" Amiya of the Arknights verse asked uneasily. "Could you perhaps explain to us who don't know, who that being is?"

"Tiamat." Gilgamesh began. "Is spoken in Sumerian legends as the Primordial Mother whose body created both the heavens and the earth. Her love knew no bounds, she stood by when the Sumerian Gods turned on their father Abzu and killed him."

"Showing her love for them, surpassed her love for their father."

"However, when they turned on her after deciding she was no longer necessary she went mad. And a brutal war began between the Gods and the Primordial Mother and her 11 offspring. Eventually the gods won and Tiamat was put to sleep."

"During the Incineration of Humanity." Ritsuka spoke up. "Tiamat was waken up and nearly succeeded in destroying the world."

"If it wasn't for the Grand Assassin, we would be dead."

...That was a terrifying revelation to the RODK students, if it wasn't for the Guda twins they would most likely be dead.

Union Ironwood: "Grand Assassin?"

He asked, an unknown look in the eyes.

"Seven servants who are a cut above the rest and have been chosen to hold the title of Grand."

Zero spoke up, his eyes glaring at the Union version of Ironwood.

"Don't bother event trying because it won't work."

"I'll make sure of that."

The dark warning sent chills down everyone's spines.

"Is SHE a Kaiju?"

Godzilla asked.


Zero sighed.

"You sure?"

The Queen of the Monsters asked.

"She looks like she could be the Mother of all Kaiju."

"While I wouldn't doubt it..."

Zero shrugged.

"Who knows."

Of course, what the Khaos Hero Faction didn't take into account was Trihexa slaughtering the majority of them once it was released.



HI3 Theresa and Kal'tsit both facepalmed at the man foolishness.

Cao-Cao bristled at that. Even though it was directed at his counterpart, he knew they were also referring to him since his plan was to free 666 from its seals.

Cao-Cao attempted to control the beast, but was shot in the nuts by Ironwood before he could do so.


Cao-Cao shouted, covering his nuts in case either Ironwoods got any bright ideas.

"Because your stupidness almost got us killed and have proven you're an idiot and shouldn't have kids."

RODK Ironwood deadpanned, other males not so subtly covering their most vital parts.

...Doubt he's gonna have kids anytime soon.

"He'll be lucky if he can have any at all."

RODK Kuroka deadpanned, startling Union Koneko.

"What are YOU doing here!?"

Union Koneko yelled as she got into a fighting position.

"Watching the show, foolish little sister."

Kuroka glared at her little sister counterpart. She could not believe how heartless Shirone counterpart could be! And for what? All because (M/N) was weak?

She was glad HER sister had a brain, unlike her counterpart.

"And sit down, your disturbing the movie!"

"I will no-*BAM*"

Union Koneko found herself violently sitting back onto her seat.

"You don't have a choice."

Palpatine used the Force to sit her down.

"You can't do that!"

Union Issei yelled.

"Feel the wrath of the -AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Union Issei screamed in pain as Emperor Palpatine tortured him with Force Lightning.


Union Asia cried like the weak damsel in distress that she was.

"Zip it."

Vader used the Force to shut them up and immobilize them as Palpatine continued zapping Union Issei.

Eventually stopping so that they can continue on with the show.

Ignoring the looks of terror, hate, and greed in Union eyes.

Forcing him and his remaining faction to retreat.

"One less problem to deal with."

Homura scoffed.

She might be an 'evil ninja', but even she had standards on who she worked with.

The Hero Faction was too hypocritic and full of assholes with their own goals.

Of course, that left the heroes with two major, big problems in the form of the two beasts, and Tiamat Laḫmu.

Gudao, Gudako and the Crypters used their servants to combat the rapidly spawning monsters while the others attempted to defeat the draconic beasts.

"Ugh! Those monsters were such a pain!"

Ishtar grumbled.

"Wait...shouldn't they be able to beat her with Gilgamesh Enuma Elish?"

Mash asked, confused on why they were having so much trouble with the Primordial Mother.

"When she was awakened from her slumber once more, they somehow undid the effects of your counterpart and his sister battle with her."

Zero explained.

"So, what the Grand Assassin did was undone thus giving her back her invincibility. And to make it worse, they somehow were able to block any attempts of having a Grand Servant enter the battle."

...Well, that's just great.

"They're fucked."

Gigan said.

"Wind Scar!"

Inuyasha shouted, as he swung Tessaiga unleashing a powerful wave of Yokai energy against Trihexa.

The beast roared in annoyance at the minor sting as it gathered power into its mouth before releasing it back to the group.

"Bitch gave as good as she could take."

Inuyasha muttered under his breath.

"I do believe that Father would have been one of the beings that could match her in battle."

Sesshōmaru stated.

"Wind Tunnel!" Miroku shouted as he removed his prayer beads and unleashed his curse at the attack. The blackhole like curse sucking in the attack like a vacuum.

"Wind Tunnel?"

"A curse inflicted upon Miroku family by a dangerously powerful demon."

Said demon chuckled in the background.


"Agh!" Miroku shouted as he sealed his cursed hand in pain.

"Miroku! Are you okay?" Sango shouted in concern of her friend (Heh, yeah friend)


"This is like Naraku Saimyōshō!" Miroku grunted in pain, "I won't be able to use it that much here!"

"Damn it all to Hell!" Serafall cursed, furious at how one-sided the fight was for them.

'Despite being a super devil and one of the Rulers of Hell, when it comes down to when it should actually matter. I'm useless!'

Serafall twitched. Not liking at how useless she was in the fight.

'I mean yeah, it was always going to be a fact that fighting Trihexa is tantamount to suicide.' She thought to herself. 'But I thought at the very least we would be able to injure it!'

The fact that it took (M/N) and his friends to turn the tides of that battle in their favor showed just how complacent and weak they had gotten.

That was a despairing fact to accept, something she could tell Sirzechs shared. Even when combining his and his wife, Grayfia, powers they were barely able to destroy the hordes of Laḫmu headed their direction.

"Even the Ultimate Queen and two Super Devils couldn't handle them?"

Ajuka was shocked! Regardless of how they acted, they were some of the strongest devils in their history!

For them to not even land so much as a scratch spoke volumes of just how powerful Trihexa and Tiamat are.

'...I thought Tiamat was a dragon king in the Underworld'

Was his other thought.

"Different Tiamat, and far more powerful than that other one that shares her name."

Nahida explained.


"BOOST" Came Ddraig voice as Issei boosted his comrade's strength as much as he can.

'Even with Ascalon, a sword meant to fight dragons, this battle isn't going well for us.'

Even if he could get close enough to land a blow, it still wounded with a small injury that quickly recovered before it could mean anything.

'And here I was, boasting that things would be different if I was there.'

Naofumi shook his head in self-loathing, he couldn't believe how arrogant he had been back then.

Now, he understood that he and his group would have been killed fighting the two Beasts.

An obnoxious laughter dragged him out of his thoughts.

"I can't believe how weak you are!"

Union Issei laughed like a hyena.

"See? If you weren't friends with that loser, you would have been able to beat these bitches! If I was there, I would have beaten them with no sweat!"

The fool boasted.

'...And suddenly, I now don't hate Malty anymore...'

Naofumi mentally deadpanned.

Because man! This guy was the biggest conceited asshole he had ever met! Full of pride with no real power to his name. Boasting of his Red Dragon Emperor power and status like it meant something to them.

And the fact that the bastard and the other Union perverts kept staring at the girls with lecherous looks on their faces served to piss everyone off. Naofumi just snickered at the outrage looks on their faces when the girls responded with brutal force.

Did they really think that they were all that and a bag of chips?

And RODK Issei reaction?

'Yeah, keep telling yourself that idiot.'

RODK Issei mentally deadpanned at his idiotic breast obsessed counterpart stupid declaration.

Was that.

His idiotic counterpart actually thought that he stood a chance against a being like Trihexa and Tiamat?

"These bastards are nothing more than stepping stones to my greatness!"

Came the shout of the delusional wannabe number 1 aspirer Bakubitch shouted, roaring as she blasted towards Tiamat.


"Yeah!" Union Bakugou shouted: "Put that bitch in her place!"

"That is more idiotic than Subject Can't Cook."


Kiana shouted.

"Who the hell taught her who to fight?!"

Himeko stared at the screen in pure disbelief.

"That's just asking to be killed!!"

She shouted as she unleashed her ultimate move.

"Howitzer Impact!"


A massive explosion occurred as she made contact with the Beast of Humanity.

"Hah, hah how do you like that bitch!?" She shouted in triumph at the black cloud of smoke in front of her.

"YEAH!" Union Bakugou shouted victoriously. "Tremble before my greatness!"


"OUCH! Who dares!?"


Izumi smashed her fist into Assougou face, shutting up the pretentious porcupine.

"Shut up!"


Only for Tiamat to blow the smoke away, revealing herself to be completely undamaged.


Union Bakugou shouted in anger, eyes popping out as his counterpart ultimate move did nothing.

"Sucks doesn't it, asshole?"

W of Arknights mocked the wannabe bomberman.

She could make bigger explosions in her sleep.


"Take this!"

Yang yelled as she slammed her fists into Tiamat face.

Unfazed, the Primordial Mother flicked the two away and into the buildings nearby.

"Yeah...that went better in my mind."

RODK Yang admitted.




Deku and Ruby shouted in concern, before they were forced to defend themselves from the Laḫmu.

"Damn it! Any idea Bats?" Tony Stark, Iron Man, asked the Dark Knight Crusader.

"And I thought fighting Thanos was bad enough."

Tony grumbled.

"Darkseid was easier to deal with than this."

Batman agreed.

"Yeah, but you could reason with Darkseid."

Hawkeye pointed out.

"These beasts? Not so easily."

"Hardly" Batman replied ducking just in time to avoid being body slammed by a flying Superman.

Superman winced, even going full power wasn't enough to stop them. All it did was slow them down for a while.

Though he could admit that it was actually a bit fun fighting them because it's rare that he would be able to go all out.

Which proved just how strong Trihexa and Tiamat are.

"I wonder how we would compare to them."

Queen Caesar mused.

"These two require more planning. And unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of time for that."

"That's really the time to panic."

Superman said.

"What do you mean by that?"

Patriot (Arknights) questioned.

"Batman is really famous for not only being a vigilante crime fighter, but also for plans and backup plans for those plans."

He explained.

"If Bats doesn't have a plan, even a roughly drawn-out plan...then run for we are all screwed."

The Justice League nodded their heads, while Batman just glared at them.

It was not the end of the world if he didn't have a plan, thank you very much!

"...Great." Tony said, as he quickly swerved to the left as Thor and the Hulk flew past him.

"Is this the end?" Ozpin said, uncertainty in his eyes as All Might attempted to do a full Smash attack. Only to be slammed into the ground by Trihexa claws.


Naruto and Sasuke utilizing their sage/bijuu/rinnegan modes (I need to study up on what damn powers they have. Every time I turn my head away they seem to get some ridiculous powerup) tried to sealed them into another dimension. When that failed, they tried to use their combined strength to beat them down.

"We've fought against the Ten tails, fought against Madara, and even the Mother of all Chakra herself and yet we lost disastrously against those two."

Naruto grumbled at how easily they were defeated, and tossed aside like they were nothing worth remembering.

Sasuke frowned, that battle really was the worst of them all.

It worked to slow them down, but sadly, it wasn't enough as Tiamat sent them both hurtling to the ground with her song.

"We were lucky she wasn't drowning the world in the Primordial Sea like in she did in the Seventh Singularity."

Gudako muttered to herself.

Sending chills down Chaldea spines, especially Ritsuka and Mash spines as they remembered that battle.

That was truly a terrifying battle that they almost lost!


"Damn it all is there nothing we can do!?" Motoyasu shouted in frustration as all they could do was delay the inevitable.

-meanwhile, in another location-

"Well, well seems like the heroes are losing."

A voice sounded out as a group of people were watching the fight from the tv screen.

"Hahahahaha! This is wonderful!" A hand locked guy in serious need of lotion cackled like a maniac at seeing the heroes suffer. "Now society will how truly pathetic their heroes are!"

"This is showing even us?" Shigaraki asked.

"If we're going to watch the show, might as well get everyone perspective."

The villains shifted uneasily, if they were watching the past. Odds are they would be watching the future, meaning that any plans the villains haven't put forth would be revealed.

"You guys are too cocky and too confident in your supposed victory."

Blaze deadpanned.

Shigaraki grumbled to himself.

"It's true, though."

Dabi smirked.

"You got a little too ahead of yourself.

"Shut up, Patchworks!"

"You need some lotion."

Kiana and Theresa deadpanned.


"Calm yourself Shigaraki" A talking mist said, "This battle has not yet been decided."

"Indeed." Kurogiri spoke. "To claim victory before the battle has reached its climax is pure idiocy."

"Something that will be shown quite soon enough."

"Oh?" Another, more sinister, voice spoke out, "So you think they still have a chance?"

Here Inuyasha group eyes narrowed at that familiar voice, some held anger in their eyes as they recognized it.


Inuyasha growled in hate at the spider demon presence.

"There will always be some miracle that will happen."

"That's for sure."

A voice spoke from a monitor, "Take that to heart Tomura, that it isn't over until the defeated are killed."

"Indeed" Union AFO nodded at his counterpart wisdom. "Even if victory is all but assured, it's not over until your adversary is beaten down into the ground. Otherwise, there will always be a chance that you will lose."

"Take that to heart you two."

He referred to the two Shigarakis'

"Yes, master."

The two simultaneously said.

"...Yes, master" Handy man spoke quietly.

"Handy man!?"

Shigaraki shouted.

"Well, it does fit."

RODK Aizawa smirked.

"What with all those hands."

-Back to the fight-

"Gah!" Endeavor shouted as he was thrown back into a wall, having taken an attack meant for the kids.

"Endeavor!" All Might shouted in concern.

"Don't worry about me!" Endeavor shouted, "Focus on trying to beat these beasts!"

"Wait, Endeavor a good guy?"

Union/RODK Dabi asked in confusion, seeing his dad take a hit that was meant for the students.


Zero facepalmed at that.

"*Sigh* Looks like we're going to have that conversation now."

Pausing the screen, he began talking.

"Contrary to popular belief, Endeavor does possess a heart, as unbelievable as that is."

"And quite frankly, Toya, you should count yourself lucky that yours and your sibling's childhood weren't that bad."

That cause the Todoroki siblings (minus Dabi who recoiled in shock that Zero knew his real name)

"What do you mean 'wasn't that bad!?'"

Natsuo yelled at the god in anger.

How dare he downplay their suffering!

"He put through Shoto through unimaginable hell just to surpass All Might!"

"How can you say that it wasn't that bad!?"

"Because if he truly was obsessed with training a successor to surpass All Might, the rest of you would have been tossed to the streets or be subjected to worse abuse then whatever your baby brother went through."

Zero coldly replied, his sharp tongue silencing them.

"What do you mean?"

RODK Shoto cautiously asked, he wasn't stupid to yell at a being that could kill them if he felt like doing so. It was best to approach this in a civilized manner, in comparison to what his older brother just did.

His counterpart was also curious as well.

Meanwhile, Fuyumi and Enji had a different thought process:


"I have seen countless worlds in my long life." Zero explained. "I have seen worlds where Endeavor is far worse than these two."

He pointed at RODK Endeavor and Union Endeavor.

"I have seen worlds where the situation is reversed, your mother is the abuser while your father does his best to keep it all together."

That was a slap in the face to them.

Their mother...the abuser?

"Not only that, but you are not that special Todoroki."

"None of you are."

His dark, chilling voice enveloped the room.

"There are worlds where Endeavor is actually a decent father, not forcing his kids to go far beyond their limits."

"However, to get to my point." He continued. "I have seen countless family members cruelly and violently abuse their loved ones, children especially since they're defenseless."

"Some, whose reasons are similar to Endeavor, torturing them, hurting them, starving them, assaulting them."

His cold words terrified all of them, even the villains couldn't help but shake at his words. Some hitting close to some of them.

"Others who are abusive just because they like to be in control, they like the power. Others who abuse and hate their children for being the wrong gender or daring to identify themselves as something else."

Tiger of the Pussycats and Magne flinched at that.

"There are others who have suffered far worse than you, and their futures are always hard to see. You think Endeavor a bad parent? I wonder what would happen if you were subjected to some of the horrors that others had to endure."

"So, consider yourselves lucky that he left you alone even though that is still a bad form of parenting. At least, he had the decency to keep you...even if it was to keep his reputation intact."

His ominous words terrified them. They didn't want to imagine a life like that.

It was enough to make them vomit.

The villains stared at the Great Being in shock. It wasn't that he was defending Endeavor actions (he wasn't), but that he was trying to get them to understand that things could be much worse.

Overhaul flinched, as he remembered his past and why he grew a hatred of the Powered society.

Dabi was in thought over what the god had said. While he could never forgive his father for his insane obsession to surpass All Might, he begrudgingly had to admit that their host had a point. Even though he tossed them aside due to not being the perfect successor, he never threw them out to the street to fend for themselves.

'Is it possible for there to be any kind of reconciliation?'

The villain thought to himself.


Toga stared worriedly at her friend.


Zero spoke up again.

'There's more?!'

Everyone in the audience thought to themselves.

"Endeavor might be a bastard."

"But he is nothing like a certain world of supes of a certain organization."

Zero dark, ominous tone scared them.

Who or what this world was, sounded horrifying as hell.

"Trust us."

Ei crossed her arms in stoic coldness.

"That world would make Endeavor look tamed and cute."

Why was that terrifying?


The sound of wind picking up could be heard as Trihexa concentrated an enormous amount of power into its mouth.


"Shit, Mash!" The Guda twins shouted to the Shield Kouhai.

"Got it Senpais!" Mash shouted as she deployed her noble phantasm.

"All Heroic Spirits with defense buffs and NP we command you to unleash your power!"

Gudao shouted as his and his sister command spells glowed.

"Is this going to work?" Goredolf Musik asked in concern.

"I would like to be optimistic, but..." Olga Marie Animusphere said uneasily,

"...I know they said things were different, and that they saved the Director."

Ritsuka started.

"But it still feels surreal."

"Indeed, it does, Senpai."

Mash said.

"Yep" "Indubitably" "No doubt about that."

"If she takes an attack like that head on" Mini Da Vinci said, as she stared at her older counterpart.

"She's not going to survive, and worse yet the aftermath will destroy half of the city!" Older Da Vinci reported.

"Da Vinci is there too!?"

The FGO group shouted in shock.

The last time they saw her was...

"What!?" "But then"

"Senpais don't worry" Mash reassured them, "My duty is to protect you two as your servant and your shield. If giving my life means that you will both be safe, then I am will to take that sacrifice."

Ritsuka flinched, this was just like the Temple of Time!

Mash clenched her hands, about to watch her possible death scene.

'So, this is what Senpai felt when I died.'

The purple haired girl thought to herself.



Trihexa finished charging, about to release it when-


The massive roar startled the audience.

"What the!?" "What kind of creature could make that roar!?" "What the fuck!?"


"Why does that sound familiar?"

Godzilla blinked.

A massive beam of blue energy slammed right into Trihexa, causing the monster attack to explode on both the beast and Tiamat.


Most of the audience shouted in shock as Trihexa and Tiamat were blasted back by an unknown force.



The Kaiju looked in shock as they stared at the blast.

They knew that Atomic Breath anywhere!


-Villain hideout-


"No fair! That's cheating!" Shigaraki whined (What a baby)

"...Remind me again how you're supposed to be AFO successor?"

Dabi deadpanned, as the two Shigaraki blushed.

"Shut up!"

-Back to the fight-

"What just happened?"

(Natsumi Dragneel 'Fire Dragon Slayer)

Stomp, Stomp

Massive foot noises could be heard as the source started getting closer to reveal

(Legendary Godzilla, I actually fell in love with this version first before I discovered the Kaiju Girls series)

"Who's that babe!?"

Union Issei drooled at the sexy woman on screen, his fellow perverts doing the same.

"Someone that is forever out of your league, scumbag."

Koneko coldly replied, shocking them.

"What is your problem, Koneko!?"

Union ORC shouted.

"My problem is you shitheads."

She coldly cursed at them, furthering their shock.

"You're just going to let her talk to us like that!?"

Union Rias stared at her counterpart in shock.

RODK Rias stared at her counterpart, unimpressed.

"Why should I stop something that is true?"


Godzilla shouted in pure shock as she saw an alternate version of herself!

"Is that me!?"

She shouted at loud!


Zero deadpanned.

"Why are you so surprised? We told you that there are infinite versions of yourselves throughout the Multiverse."

"This is different."

Mothra said in shock.

"She looks so different in comparison to our Godzilla."

And it was true.

Where the Godzilla on screen was very toned and muscular and looking like a very deadly femme fatale. And looked like she would eat you for breakfast.

Their Godzilla here, look more like an oversexualized, hentai version of her. Powerful yes, but all of them could tell that the Godzilla on screen was in a league of her own.

Her breasts might not be as big as Kaiju Girls Godzilla, but that was easily made up for with her fierce beauty and fit body.


"Who is Godzilla, anyways?"

Gavial asked in confusion.

(Your mother, LOL)

"You told us a small bit when you brought them here."

She pointed to the Kaiju Girls who were still in shock at how different Legendary Godzilla was in comparison to Kaiju Girls Godzilla.

With the humans from the Kaiju Girls world in complete shock and fear at the more dangerous version of their Godzilla.

How did the humans of that world handle her!?

"But we don't really know that much."


"Godzilla is a kaiju, a titan she's also known as."

Ritsuka said in awe of the mythological being, idly wondering if a version of her existed in his world.

"She is also known as Gojira."

Ishiro Serizawa spoke up.

Startling people once more due to how calm he sounded. Like it was just an every day thing to see.

"She is the Queen of the Monsters and has been on this Earth longer than we have and is essential to keeping the balance of the Earth in check."

"Which is why she is important to keeping the balance of the world in check."

He added as he glared at certain others and at the Kaiju Girls humans.

"Damn!" Union Issei whistled. "Sure, love for her to balance herself on my-"



Union Issei screamed in pain, as he was burned brutally by Riser fire.

"Do you ever not think with your tiny dick?"

The Phoenix growled, not liking how the so called 'Dragon Emperor' was lusting after his friend girl.

"Besides, dumbass." Scaramouche glared in pure disgust at the burned corpse, only alive by his father's temporary gift. "She's already taken."

"WHAT!?" The perverts of Union shouted, "By who!?"

"Who do you think, dumbasses?"

Mephisto (Arknights) snapped at them.

By now it should be obvious, I mean come on even he figured it out considering who is the star of the show!

The Kaiju Girls and humans immediately figured it out and were in shock.

'How the fuck did a human become my mate!?'

Godzilla thought in shock (and slight envy) to herself.

How on earth did a counterpart of hers choose to mate with a human!?


Ghidorah was positively fuming at this.

'A human in another world managed to claim Godzilla as his mate and I can't claim this one as my trophy?!'

She thought angrily to herself.


Mothra and the others were in complete shock at this revelation.

"Never thought Goji would actually take on a human mate in any version of herself."

Rodan admitted, with both the earth Kaiju and alien Kaiju nodding in agreement.

Gyozen and the others were busy rebooting their brains at this bombshell.

'How the fuck is he even still alive!?'

Gyozen thought to herself.

'I'm pretty sure a Kaiju isn't light, so how is his pelvis still intact!?'


Godzilla felt pain for some reason.

"Does that mean he's my new daddy?"

Jr. innocently asked.

Because if he's mommy mate, does that mean he was her father?



Godzilla tried to say something.

"I can be your daddy!!"

Union Issei shouted, a disgusting look in his eyes.

"Especially in-AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"



His harem screamed in horror as Godzilla burned him with her most powerful Atomic Breath ever,

"Don't you ever!! Say that to my daughter ever again!!"

Godzilla roared in fury.

"You didn't have to do that!!"

Union Asia and Union Xenovia cried/yelled.

"He was making unwanted advancements to my daughter!" Godzilla roared. "Of course, I will not react kindly!!"

What was the Queen of the Monsters doing here!?

Growling softly, she lifted a hand to her shoulder before lowering it down to the ground. Allowing the passengers to get off.


(Lucy Heartfilia)

"Damn! Look at those knockers!"

Union Mineta drooled at Lucy boobs.

"Yeah!" Union Sun and the others agreed.



"I don't think even the Rebellion would have wanted to save you lot from a life of enslavement."

Palpatine growled, electricity crackling around his hands.

(Adam Taurus)

"ADAM!?" "What's he doing there!?"

Union RWBY shouted in shock and anger.

"None of your business furball."

Scaramouche scoffed.

"You can't talk to her like that!"

Union Sun shouted.



(Ash/Satoshi Ketchum)

"He definitely changed."

Misty and Brock shuddered, remembering when they lectured him after his return...

It did not end well and nearly ended with him destroying them. Finally letting out his feelings on certain subjects be known.

Both literally and figuratively


"6/10 for having small boobs."


Sora threw his keyblade at the perverts and Riku blasted them with a super powered Dark Firaga.

(He kept his powers over the Darkness)

'Maybe I should have Minnie banish them to another dimension.'

King Mickey thought to himself as Donald and Goofy also hit them.

Along with many others of the Kingdom Hearts verse.

(Kagome Higurashi)

"Damn! Work it baby!"

"Wind Scar!"

"Be purified!"

"Die bastards!"



The Union Perverts were, once again, punished by a group of very protective friends.

(...These idiots never learn, do they?)

A blond haired, green male that looked like a ninja.

(Shinachiku, fanon son of NaruSaku)

"Big bro!"


"(M/N)!?" Were the shocked sounds of his old friends at the sudden reappearance of the former Union student.

"Damn it! He's still alive!?"

Union students shouted in anger.

"...I wonder if he likes wearing tight clothes."

Harley suddenly said.

"Because his clothes is just fitting just right."

"Eh." RODK Xenovia shrugged. "Who knows."

Smiling, (M/N) spoke, "It's been quite a while, hasn't it?"

"That was seriously all he had to say?"

Raiden Mei deadpanned, though she couldn't deny how coolheaded he was in the face of battle.

'Wish we had more of that kind of temperament.'


Trihexa angered roar eclipsed any responses the gang had.

"And someone mad."

"Well, I suppose I should do what I came to do."

He said, as he started walking towards the two Beasts.

"(M/N) wait! Are you crazy!?" Kaminari shouted in concern for his friends' safety.

"He has Subject Idiotka levels of crazy."

"Shut it, BRATNYA!!"

"He's right, they have been able to take on some of the world strongest heroes with little to no damage!" – Yagyū

"(M/N) don't do it!" Hibari begged him.

"Do it!" "Yes, DIE!" "Do us all a favor and drop dead from the face of the earth!"

Union students 'encouraged' the male, uncaring of the angered stares from the other members of the groups.


Was the common mental consensus.

Chuckling he said:

"Relaxed, all we have to do is weakened them enough to seal them back again right?"

Suddenly, his body started glowing a white-grey aura.


Was the general consensus between those that didn't belong to that universe.

"Then that means that this is the perfect opportunity to try out my new power!"

With that said, a pillar of light exploded. Engulfing him as the power consumed him.

When the light faded, and everyone's eyes opened, the sight was a shock to behold.

(M/N) was covered in a strange somewhat organic (It kinda looks organic, yet not organic to me) armor that radiated power.



Megalon looked at the armor in intrigue. Wondering if she could replicate that power.

"WHAT!?" This shout came from the bullies/power-hungry individuals. Since when did the powerless loser have a power.

Chaos erupted.

"What the hell!?" "How did he get that power!?" "Not fair! It should be me with that awesome armor, not the loser!"

"Interesting form." HI3 Theresa murmured. "Those idiots don't realize it, but the power exuding from the screen is incredible!"

"Kind of like a Herrscher, but with none of the destroy humanity thing."

Himeko hummed.

(The irony about the Divine dragon armor, considering the circumstances surrounding its creation)

"A massive blade on one side, and a blaster on the other side."

Kal'tsit analyzed the new form (M/N) just revealed.

'Well, it works well for power and intimidation.'


Talulah spoke up.

(Note: When they were brought to the theater, Talulah was temporarily freed from her possession. She just doesn't realize it yet)

"He seems to be a worthy warrior to have as a mate."


The Arknights group (particularly Ch'en) shouted in shock at the leader of Reunion words.

Has she lost her mind!?


'Who would have thought that coldhearted stoic Talulah would gain an interest in love?'

Anastasia (Joke) sister, Frostnova mused to herself, silently laughing at the confused look on her boss face. She really didn't get why everyone else was going crazy.

Zero silently laughed, sharing a knowing look to his fellow hosts.

After all, these particular versions will be getting the surprise of their lives when he shows them a certain (M/N) that will land in their worlds.

"OH, this will be good." Adam said, anticipating the fight. Blake noticing him, prepared Gambol Shroud to strike him down.

"Die you bastard."

Union Blake snarled in hate, with the rest also agreeing.

Others rolling their eyes at the hypocrite.

Only to feel a blade pointed at her back.

"Now, now." Kagome tutted with malice, "Put that blade away from my comrade and just enjoy the fight."

"That bitch!"

Union Blake yelled, gaining more than a few angry glares.

"How could she defend him!? After everything he has done to the White Fang!?"

"Because, unlike your world, this world Adam got a chance of redemption when his path crossed (M/N)."

Ei explained.

"What was said between them, is their own business. If they wish to share it, that's their choice. Just know that whatever was said that day, changed young Adam life for the better."

"He's around better influences and is happier now. He's still focus on bettering life for the Faunus, but he understands now that extremists' methods are not the way to go."

"...Plus, there is an even darker side to your father precious organization then you realize, child."

While Union Blake glared angrily at the unfazed goddess.

A certain Bull Faunus from the Union group, eyes widened behind the mask at the hidden implication.

'So, it happened here as well.'

Growling, she was forced to obey. She could sense that she had changed and was far more deadlier now.

The skies seemed to darken and rumble as lightning crashed among the clouds. At first, there was only silence.

And then,


(M/N) flew straight at Trihexa in burst of speed that you would think not possible with armor as big as his. And slammed his massive sword against the beast's face.

"He landed a hit!?"

Union Kiba shouted in shock.


The Beast of the Apocalypse roared in pain, as the monster was thrown into a building.


Came the sound of the building collapsing from the impact.

"What kind of bullshit is that!?"

Union Yang yelled in anger.

"How dare that loser not stay in his place!?"

"Bastard stealing all the glory from us!"

Dumbassogou eyes bulged and popped with angry veins as he glared with nothing but pure fury, hate, and spite at what he just witnessed.

(I am surprised you have not gotten a heart attack with how high your blood pressure must be)

"Pft! I can do that!"

Union Issei scoffed, not impressed by something he, in his delusional mind, could do better.

Union Ddraig on the other hand, thought otherwise.

'The potential this (M/N) has is astounding!'

'...Makes me wonder what our (M/N) is capable of.'

Not for the first time, did Ddraig wished that he was someone else's Sacred Gear. Unfortunately, Sacred Gears don't just choose their wielders, most of the time they are randomly selected to a random human that have the potential to awaken them.

(Not really sure that's how Sacred Gears work, but I was having trouble trying to find how SGs choose their hosts.)

Issei, surprisingly, did show potential to be the next Red Dragon Emperor. But fame, greed, and an unholy level of lust overshadowed and ruined any potential that could have been awakened.

'There is one thing I could do.' Union Ddraig thought to himself. 'Though that is considered to be a last resort.'

...But did he really have a choice?

Sacred Gears, at times, also have the ability to leave their current owners and seek out a new host before they forced into sleep mode until they are randomly sent to a new host. But this was only in the event that their current hosts were so to the point that the SG would rather be destroyed then to be a part of them.

Ddraig had too much pride as a Heavenly Dragon to shatter himself (though he has come close due to Issei antics), so the next best option was to leave Issei and gain a new host.

'...And I think I know who to pick.' Ddraig thought. After all, the (M/N) they were watching was incredibly powerful, who knows just how much potential their (M/N) had!

...And he always felt that there was something different about the (M/N) back in their world.

Zero mentally sighed as he felt Union Ddraig intentions.

'I had hope that Union Issei would not be as bad as I had seen, but it would seem that he might be beyond redemption even after we finish watching the multiverse.'

There was only so much a deity like himself can do, while he could just rewrite their minds. It wouldn't make a difference if it wasn't a natural change. It would feel hollow.


Came the shocked response of everyone (bar (M/N) team) as they witnessed what the formerly powerless teen had done.

He had just landed a direct blow and sent the TRIHEXA flying, when none of them could.

"That was a shocker." Goku admitted, sheepishly rubbing his head. "Not even with Super Saiyan Blue could we keep up."

"At least we were able to put up a good fight."

Vegeta grumbled, his pride slightly sore from that battle.


The building exploded as Trihexa released an aura of power.

"...Welp, the beast is pissed off now."

Arknights Blaze stated the obvious, munching on some popcorn.

Roaring as it stared directly at its new opponent. It could tell that this one was different from its previous opponents. This one was more powerful, and the power felt draconic, ancient, worthy.

"Wait, what?"

Union Supernatural Leaders were shocked.

Trihexa could think.

"I thought the Beast was mindless?" Union Cao-Cao said uneasily. "That it only cares about the destruction of the world?"

"How little you understand."

Beerus chastised the male: "The minds of Gods and beings of higher stations are not something mere mortals such as yourself could ever hope to comprehend."

With that thought in mind, Trihexa took to the skies with (M/N) following.

What happened next was a clash of Gods as Trihexa unleashed a barrage of attacks at (M/N). With said Dragoon either evading, slashing them with his sword, or using his cannon to meet the attack dead on.

"...You think we should have told him the aftermath their battle left behind?"

Yomi asked.


Homura waved off her companion's concern.

"The battle was well worth the show to have bother them about the world changing effects."


Trihexa roared, as the dragon flew straight at (M/N) swinging one of its claws at him.


Only for him to swing his sword in response. The clash sent shockwaves around them, causing windows to break and shatter from the intensity of the backlash.

Backtracking, (M/N) raised his sword filling it with non-elemental energy. Once it had reached a breaking point, he swung down and released a beam of pure power straight at 666.


Trihexa roared in pain as the attack left a deep gash on its body, blood gushing freely from the wound.


Growling, the beast charged up another attack and sent it hurtling straight at him.

"(M/N)!" His friends shout in worry as the male just floated there. Taking the attack head on with his weapons crossed in front of him.

"Hah! Finally he's dead!" Sun and Bakugou shouted happily, the bullies smiling at the supposed death of (M/N). His friends gave them a hateful death stare at how they could be so happy about the death of a person.


Union bullies shouted out in happiness, with Union Issei and Union Bakugou being some of the loudest.

"He's dead!"



The Union bullies were brutally beaten up by Kiana, Mei, and Bronya. Talulah setting them on fire in annoyance.

'Suddenly, I no longer feel like hating the non-Infected anymore.' Skullshatter thought. Because man, these guys were far worse than how the uninfected treated the Infected!

"HmpH! You lot really are a bunch of idiots." Adam scoffed, getting their attention. "Just wait, he's not dead yet."

"Hrngh!" (M/N) grunted as he took the attack, refusing to budge an inch.

"AAHHHHH!" He roared as he lifted his arms in an X motion and slashed right through the attack.

"I'm not losing that easily!" He shouted as he flew right at Trihexa face.

"He barely loses."

Ventus shook his head in amusement.

"For the most part."

-Meanwhile with Tiamat-

Crash, SLAM!


Tiamat screamed in pain as Godzilla brutally slammed her into the ground.

The audience flinched at that; Godzilla was not someone you should mess for your own sake.

...Unless your name is (M/N) (L/N) and can somehow charm human hating Kaiju into chasing after you.

The Kaiju Girls winced at the brutality that Legendary Godzilla was inflicting upon the Primordial Mother.

"And I thought I was bad."

Godzilla winced.


She sang once more causing Godzilla to cover her ears in pain from the attack. Growling, she swung her tail into the Beast of Humanity face. Causing her to stumble backwards, before taking an Atomic Breath to the face.

"I can't believe it."

Ritsuka and the others (especially those that were involved in the final battle of the 7th Singularity) stared in shock.

The Primordial Mother was being pushed back! And without the help of a Grand Servant!

(Yeah...Don't piss off Godzilla is all I can say)

" know, if Godzilla could be summoned. I think she would be a Berserker or claim the title of Grand Berserker."

Sion spoke calmly. Outside though, inside however her mind was going crazy at what she was seeing.

The Kaiju Girls now staring at her and wondering what the hell she was talking about.

"...And (M/N)?"

Mash asked in interest, curious at where he would be fitted in.

"He has a sword, so Saber a good one." Sion thought. "The insane power could also put him as a Berserker, or hell! Even a Foreigner."

Half of the audience were confused about what they were talking about but chalked it up to their world rules.


Tiamat sung again, as more Laḫmu emerged causing the heroes to fall into fighting positions.

"Again!?" Natsumi shouted, as her fists were covered in flames.

"As much as I love a good fight, even for me that was too much!"

Natsumi sighed, not at all ashamed to admit that.

Zeref stared at his sister in shock.

The Primordial Mother is definitely a being he did not want to piss if she could get Natsumi to admit that.

"Now that I think about it" RODK Salem spoke out loud. "Whatever did happen to them after this battle?"


"You'll see."

RODK Ozpin answered.

"...Shinachiku, if you would be so kind" Kairi asked the ninja.

Fwoosh, Clang, stab

Was all the blond-haired, green-eyed shinobi did with the chakra chains sprouting from his back and his hands. Impaling the Laḫmu all over the place (Like Enkidu/Kingu in the anime).

"Hm, a rather brutal yet efficient way to cull enemy forces." Albel nodded approvingly.

'Huh? Wait, that's an Uzumaki clan technique.' Naruto thought to himself, confused on why this stranger could wield it. 'Why is he able to use it?'

Unbeknownst to him, a certain pink-haired, green-eyed shinobi stared in shock as she realized who this person was.

'Shinachiku?' She thought to herself.

"I must admit I didn't expect to see him here."

RODK Sakura admitted.


Was the sound of arrows being fired from Lucy bow (I'm going to put an info page on the reasons why they are using different types of weapons then their canon ones), killing the Laḫmus that were hit.

"Not bad." Maria Traydor observed. "Her arrows are infused with elemental power and she's able to fire with incredible accuracy.

Swing, Slash, Splatter

Came the sounds of Adam and Kagome slicing and dicing the Laḫmu with their swords. It was almost as if they were cutting butter.

"*Shiver* What terrifying strength."

RODK Mineta said, glad that he kept his perverted comments around (M/N) group to a minimum.

Many others agreed, even some of Union did much to their annoyance.

Bam, Slam, Boom

Came the sound of Satoshi slamming his fists against the group of Laḫmu, striking with terrifying precision and strength as he punched off the monsters' head and/or landed a devastating kick that destroyed a good portion of their body.

"What the hell!?"

Union Yang shouted: "Why the hell is his attacks connecting when my counterpart didn't?!"

"Chaos Reincarnation."

Zero coolly said.

"It's a form of Chaos energy that reincarnates a person should they die or choose to. Of course, this type of reincarnation literally keeps the user original form...which could lead to trouble if the parents don't have that type of features."

"In his past life, Satoshi was created to be the Ultimate Lifeform. An incredibly powerful, ageless, near immortal like being with the ability to use Chaos and run/hover at super speeds."

"Interesting." Union Ironwood rubbed his chin, plans already forming on creating his own Ultimate Lifeforms.

"Don't bother." Zero coldly shattered his delusions. "Satoshi origins were rather sad and tragic. He wasn't created to be a weapon, but actually more as a symbol of hope to his creator."

"Symbol of hope?"

AFOs looked curiously at him.

"*Sigh* His creator: Professor Gerald Robotnik had a granddaughter: Maria Robotnik. She was diagnosed with an extremely life-threatening disease that made living on Earth a living Hell. Professor Robotnik is a genius on par of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkins, and in the time Gerald was alive a secret space station known as Space Colony Ark had been created, allowing Gerald to continue research into curing his granddaughter while continuing projects by the U.S. Government."

"Satoshi was such one project that Gerald had personally invested his time in. And someone Maria could have as a friend due to being the only child on the Ark."

Some of the audience bowed their heads downcast at what he was saying. To be cursed with an uncurable disease and to have be alone confined to a place so that you could keep living? Yeah, that was something some of them knew.

"It doesn't end there...does it?"

Silence of Arknights asked. Her heart went out to the poor girl. Who, by the sound of it, could have been around Ifrit age.

"Unfortunately, due to paranoia, Gerald secretive projects like the Eclipse cannon."

"A laser weapon capable of destroying an entire planet if the requirements are made."

He explained, shocking the audience.

For what reason did he need to have installed a superweapon?!

"In order for Project Shadow: Satoshi designation to be completed. Professor Gerald made a deal with an alien known as Black Doom of the Black Arms race."

"And no, that seriously his name and what his race is called."

"So, you motherfuckers better shut your mouth about saying I am racist."

He shut them up.

"Black Doom blood was the final key to awakening Project Shadow, in return for helping the Professor with his project he would prepare for Black Doom eventual arrival with his race to take over the Earth."

"And he agreed!?"

Some yelled in shock, how could he have betrayed his own people for Black Doom!?

"Why so surprise?" Palpatine asked. "Scientists have always pushed the boundaries between right and wrong to improve their research and the well being of the world. This shouldn't be that much of a shock."

"Besides..." Darth Vader breathe. "It's not as simple as you think it is."

"I don't know if he realized at the time, due to desperately trying to find a cure for his granddaughter. Or that he never was going to allow him to claim earth for his own."

Zero continued: "But, he actually schemed to ensure that Black Doom did not get the earth. That was why the Eclipse Cannon was created, to destroy the asteroid that the Black Arms race lived in. And Satoshi would eventually fulfill Gerald wish 50 years later."

"Of course, nobody but Gerald and Maria knew this. And unfortunately, things came to a head that the Government shut down the facility and arrest/killed those that resisted."

...Professor Gerald was eventually arrested."

"And Maria Robotnik was killed jettisoning Satoshi to Earth."


Many people had gasped and covered their mouths in shock and horror at what had happened. Poor Maria! To have her life cut so short.

Red, Akai, and Fire bowed their heads down. They could not believe the horrors their youngest brother endured in his past life.

Was that why he was so cold now?

"There is more, but we should get back."

Jumping to avoid a sneak attack he shouted:


Spears of pure chaos energy flew right at the Laḫmu heading towards him. Destroying his foes as they met them dead on.

Red, Akai, and Fire (His older brothers) stared in shock as they witnessed their younger brother demolish his opponents.

'Since when can he do that!?" They all, yes even Red, thought to themselves.

"He was crazy powerful and insanely destructive in that fight."

Akai said, even now it still felt surreal watching his brother fight.

"Hmph!" Satoshi scoffed as more Laḫmu charged at him.

Sighing, his body was suddenly filled with red, destructive chaos energy. Floating into the air he shouted


Sending a wave of pure destructive energy at them, annihilating all enemies in the immediate vicinity.

...What have they been doing for the past year they went missing?

"Okay, but seriously how did they so strong in the year they were missing?"

RODK Yang finally asked. This has been racing through her head for quite some time now.

"Why don't you ask the Z warriors?"

Nahida pointed to the DBS group, startling them.

"Nahida you know that they don't know."

Scaramouche deadpanned.

"Basically, what she means is that they were training a space cut off from time and space. Here, they could train without time being affected much in the real world."

"Like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!"

Dende shouted.


Was the thought running through Union head at the display of power being shown.



The Laḫmu screamed in pain as Kairi violently slammed her keyblade into the ground, creating shockwaves as she swung her blade at the monsters.

The Laḫmu didn't stand a chance as she unleashed a flurry of elemental magic of water and ice at the monsters.

Freezing, shattering, and killing them.


Godzilla roared as she unleashed another Atomic Breath at both Tiamat and at the flying Laḫmu trying to attack her. Eliminating the flying pests, she quickly looked and realized that (M/N) was going to finish this here and now.

Turning her head to the ground she motioned them to move as she got herself to a safer spot.

"...What's happening?"

Union Deku asked, nervously.

No one answered.


"Gah, fuck!" (M/N) cursed as he got thrown and blasted into yet another building. The landscape transformed as a result of their fight.

*Gasp, gasp*

Panting loudly, (M/N) knew he couldn't keep this up. He was still human after all, well half-human due to the fusion between him and the Divine Dragon.

"Say what!?"

...Speaking of which

"(M/N), we can't keep this up for much longer" Ragnarök warned, "You need to finish this now."

"Hah...hah, I know." He said, it was only thanks to his armor that he didn't sustain worser damage. And he could tell his attacks also left an impression as Trihexa wounds were slowly recovering in comparison to the beast battle with Union.


"A drawback of using such power is that it can't be maintained for that long." Zero stated. "Of course, the duration is extended the longer the user gets use to the transformations."

Moving his head to the ground, he could see Tiamat spawning more Laḫmu.

"Well, time to use my finishing moves."

With that said, he flew up to the sky. Turning his left shoulder to the ground, a hatch opened revealing small cannon like weapons. That started to charge,

"DIVINE DRAGON BALLS!" (Why do I get the feeling I'm going to hear jokes about this?)

"Is that a food?"



Unleashing a barrage of missile like attacks at Trihexa, Tiamat, and the Laḫmu.

"Su-Such power!" Natsumi stared in wonder at the brutal assault (M/N) was unleashing upon the two.

"At least he's skilled in the art of combat."

Albel approved.

'...Why am I feeling so hot right now?' She thought to herself as, unknown to her, she was getting aroused by the display of power (M/N) was releasing.

And dragons were attracted to powerful, potential mates.

"Then why aren't you throwing yourself at me!?"

Union Issei shouted: "I'm the Red Dragon Emperor!"

"More like the Oppai Dragon Emperor."

Union Toga deadpanned.

That comment drew looks of disgust at the unrepentant dragon wannabe.

'Just when I thought he couldn't get any worse.'

RODK Issei glared at the clown masquerading as him, did he have no pride?

I mean, come on! He didn't have any shame at being called the Oppai Dragon Emperor! He actually wore it with pride like it was the greatest title bestowed upon him!

"And to answer your question." Natsumi glared at the disgusting worm (Zeref menacingly standing in the background). "I've already chosen (M/N) as my mate, and your power is so pathetic that it's as tiny as your dick."



Zeref blasted the fool to the wall.

"Shut up you insignificant worm." Zeref glared at him. "Unlike your counterpart, you are not worthy to wield Ddraig nor are you worthy to even have a harem!"

"Touch my sister and you are dead."


Were the screams of shock and surprise.

"You're my brother!?"

Natsumi shouted in shock.

"Zeref has family!?"

Many people shouted in shock.

Zeref sighed, he let his emotions get the better of him.

"When he lets us go on a break, I'll explain everything."

Frowning, Natsumi nodded her head: "You better."

After the assault had stopped, and the dust cleared it was shown that the two beasts had heavily sustained damages despite Tiamat Regression ability, and Trihexa insane regenerative skill.

'Now, time to end this!' He thought as he casted the spell for his strongest attack.


Came the unexpected voice of Ddraig as (M/N) felt his body overflowing with power.

"Come on! REALLY!?" Union Issei shouted at his counterpart. "Why can't you see that he is nothing more than a stepping stone!"

"He won't amount to anything anyways." Union Koneko said.

"They're right." Union Xenovia agreed. "Doesn't matter what type of power he has; he is nothing compared to Issei."

"Hmph!" Cliff Fitter scoffed in an Albel like fashion. "If he's anything like the (M/N) we know, then you'll be eating those words soon enough."

"Fuck you weakling!"

Bakugou shouted: "He's a nobody, the only thing he got running for him is luck!"

"Last I checked; he's not a mirror."

Mirage Koas shot back.

"You BITCH!"

Bakugou lunged out of his chair, and straight at the Klausian with murder in his eyes.


Only for Mirage to violently slam her fist down on his head when he got close. And drove him deep into the floor.

"No honor this one has."

Audray Lasbard shook his head in disappointment.

"Get them (M/N)!" Issei shouted, "we're all rooting for you!"

"...Thanks, old friend" He smiled as he prepared a super charge assault.


He shouted as a blast of tremendous energy struck the two head on as a massive pillar of light resulted from the contact.

When it was over, Trihexa and Tiamat were nowhere to be seen.

"Su-Such POWER!"

Many stared in pure shock at what had just happened.

...While certain Union groups had less than pure intentions.

'He would make a perfect asset to my peerage.' Union Rias thought to herself. 'And while we're at it, I can order him to give his harem to Issei.'

...So, then why then did it feel wrong?

Why was her conscious telling her not to do it?

RODK Rias subtly glanced at her counterpart, frowning as she could see the lust for power in her eyes.

'If she even tries it, she will regret it.'

She thought to herself.

"...Is it over?" Wendy asked, shocked at the battle that had taken place.

"It would seem so" Laxus said, stunned at the display of power that (M/N) showed. 'Man, I knew he had potential, but I never thought it would be this huge."

"Kid wasn't playing around, that's for sure."

Laxus admitted.


That sound broke everyone out of their reverie as (M/N) landed on the ground having undid the transformation.

Moving his hand though his hair in a calm, collected manner he smirked at the group.

"Did you miss me?"

"So, what did you think about that?"

Zero asked.


"That was awesome!"

Ifrit (Arknights) shouted.

"He's got the traits of a real man!"

Roger Huxley shouted.

"Goooo (M/N)!"

Peppita Rossetti cheered.

"I never thought how different I could be in another universe."

Godzilla muttered in shock.

And a bit of jealousy over how dangerous and beautiful her counterpart was.

Murmurs of agreement could be heard.

...With noticeable exceptions, but we already knew that.


With that, the screen turned off as the lights turned on.

"It's time for a break. So, go eat, chat, deal with your family issues, and grow up."

The last part was at Union.

"We'll meet up again later."

With that said, everybody started to mingle, eat, or just contemplate their life choices.


So, yeah. Added the Kaiju Girls in earlier just so they could react to their counterparts.

Added some more lines since they were now included.

Have a good day/night!

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