Return of the Dragon Knights Part 7

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Art does not belong to me. Video does not belong to me.

They belong to their respective creators.



Zero looked at the group of fools that had looked like they had gone through hell and back.

The irony being that they had gotten beat up by a freaking crocodile. Regardless of the fact that it was actually something FAR WORSE than a normal crocodile.

Captain Hook just chuckled.

'Glad to see some landlubbers feeling the pain I felt with that demonic crocodile.'

The pirate thought to himself. He still remembers the 'tick tock' of the croc that ate his hand. And had feverishly wished that somebody else also felt that pain.


VI Issei weakly said.

"Not my type."

Zero deadpanned looking at their brutalized states.

The Croc really had fun ripping them apart and eating their flesh.

"You're a monster..."

VI Asia shakenly said.

"I'm not Red Devil." Zero smirked. "I could have made it MUCH MUCH WORSE. But I consider myself a nice guy by God standards."

"...You have standards even as Gods?"

An VI bully groaned.

"Well, of course we do!" Beerus shouted. "If we didn't, you mortals would be dead!"

"Don't bother wasting your breath, Lord Beerus." Silverash said. "These plebians barely have the brainpower to function let alone comprehend the intricacies of high society and the rules that even Gods must follow."


Beerus nodded in agreement.

"VERY true."

Akeno (PV) nodded.

"They are quite pathetic and lacking in etiquette/intelligence."

Madness and Kong said at the same time.


"How dare you!?" VI Weiss and VI Rias shouted. "Do you even know who you're talking to!?"

"A bunch of fools who don't act like the heiress they are."

QE deadpanned, giving the two royal idiots a look in the eye.

Honestly, she could accomplish better things in her sleep than these two combined could ever do awake.

"Why you!"



"Shut up."

Zero deadpanned.

"Now!" He said. "I was going to continue with the current universe, but I decided to give you guys a short break and show some more of the aftermath of (M/N) return in RODK Union."


"But why!?"

Some shouted.

It was just getting good!!

Zero: "...Because I said so, that's why."

Evoto: "Ouch!"

Tempest: "Mega ouch."

"On with the show!"

"He can be vicious in his own way."

Amagi giggled.

Union Academy

"Home sweet home!"

Some of the heroes shouted.

The pinnacle of hero making, producing many heroes from aspiring students that walked through their doors.

"Indeed." Homelander nodded. "Only the best of the best are allowed in our great academy."

Irene flinched and looked down as Diego wrapped an arm around her in comfort. Glaring at the asshole with hate.

Of course, like with other schools bullying is sadly still a thing. However, the bullies did not feel the desire to bully anyone at the moment.

"Of course." "No surprise there." "Wamp wamp wahhh!"

"Will you cut that out!?"

And that reason being:

"Damn that powerless nobody!"

(Wonder who said that?)


"Rhetorical question, genius."

Coco Adel deadpanned.


The humiliating defeat they had experienced a month ago. It had been over a month since the battle between the heroes and Tiamat and Trihexa. And still, the aftermath of that battle and the one who saved them still burned them to this day.

"How dare some powerless nobody upstage us!?"

VI Bakushit snarled like the rabid dog he is.

Never mind the fact that this wasn't his universe.

"What?" Kakashi looks at him. "Like it's hard?"



"Do shut up." Ember growled. "I'm trying to watch the show here."

"NO!" VI Bakugou shouted. "You shall listen to my grea-!!"


Aka slammed his knee into his nuts.


"How could that damn jerk get so powerful?!"

Yang shouted in frustration, she could not believe, even after all this time, what had happened. Her mind refusing to accept the reality of last month, no matter how many times her brain replayed the fight in her head.

(M/N) (L/N)

The powerless nobody that should have faded into obscurity because he possessed no power. The damn nobody that was able to defeat them while he was still in Union.

"This is really a complete 180 compared to the one we see here."

Ben (JJK) said.

"I grew up."

Yang said.

"Found out I really was being an idiot."


"Was that all?"

Philip asked.

"As far as I'm aware. Yeah."

The damn nobody that continued to be a thorn in their sides by just existing.

'Why why why!?' Yang thought to herself, it shouldn't be possible for him to become so powerful in the year he was gone!

"Freaking hack."

Shigaraki grumbled.

"Get over it already."

Dabi groaned.

Months after and he still bore a fucking grudge over that!

"Victory was so close!"

Shigaraki yelled.

"...Wamp, wamp, wahhhhhh!!"

"Will you cut that out!"

Shigaraki yelled at Leo Valdez.

Or been able to fight them off as efficiently as he did when he was in school.

"How could that stupid powerless punk be on our level!?"

VI Issei screamed.

"Weak." Bakugou growled. "Our counterparts are weak."

That ruffled some feathers as their counterparts glared at them.

"You wouldn't know true strength if it bit you in the ass."

Riser coldly retorted.

"Fuck off, you stupid chicken!" VI Issei shouted. "Go back to being a little bi-!"




The sluts screamed as he burned.

"...Why are these the ones that are entrusted with the future?"

Laxus just stared at the idiots from another universe.

And he thought he was bad!

(Hey. You had at least some reasoning, regardless of whether or not it was bad, when you tried to forcibly take over Fairy Tail.)

Unwillingly, Yang remembered something he once said to her after they had tried to jump him.

"Yeah?" A bully said. "And what would that be?"

"Your attacks are sloppy, obvious, and easy to predict. All you do is throw your punches and let your semblance do the rest."


"My attacks are?!"

VI Yang shouted!

Her attacks were SLOPPY!?

While others...

"So, overreliance on powers makes you predictable and easy to beat."

"Not only that, but it's easy to provoke you into anger. Sure, it helps with your semblance but it also helps clouding your judgment. Sure, it's a risky gamble to rip off your hair, but with how you react with none of the grace of a Berserker. You are too easy to beat."


Many people yelled out as others smirked with vindictive looks on their faces.

It felt good to see the so-called stars getting their karma.

"You live in a sad, little world where you think that might makes right. Never stopping to think that is not true. You judge the world based on who possesses a power, treating those that don't possess one as trash."

"That's because Might is Right!" Homelander and the bullies shouted.

Others nodding because they too believed that.

"Oh, yeah?" Spyro gave them a glare. "So, tell me. If that's true. Then how come you all fall in the end?"

"It will never happened!"

An VI bully scoffed.


Ignika glared at them.

"What did you say, you nobody!?"

VI Bakugou screeched.

"You heard me: Pitiful."

Ignika scoffed, unfazed by the pathetic attempt at threatening him.

"You guys think you're invincible? I've killed many who had the same thinking. They all fell to my hands, but I can give them this."

"They at least had power and could actually use it. You lot are just a bunch of brats who couldn't even fight their way out of a paper bag."

"Why you-!"


"I'd advise you to watch your words when speaking to the reincarnation of the Primeval Father." FSN Gilgamesh coldly threatened. "Otherwise, you will find yourself in a much more difficult situation."

Arrogant he may be, but Ignika is one deserving of respect. And not just from being the reincarnation of the Primeval Father of Sumerian legends.

"Indeed." Albel gave them a dark, menacing look that sent chills down their spines. "Vermin that are even lesser than maggots don't have the right to make threats or demands."


That ruffled their feathers but they were frozen in their place by the glares of many others.

"And I'm a scumbag?"

Dystopian asked in bemusement.

"It seems I'm a saint compared to you insignificant worms."

"Honestly, I don't know what I had done to make you hate me so much when we hardly talked. We barely knew each other before you started hating me like the rest."

"...Go home. It's obvious that you lack the qualities of a true hero."

"How dare he!!"

VI Glynda shouted.

"Who is he to say who possesses the qualities of a true hero and who does not!?"

Many just glared at her with hate in their eyes.

"You're one to talk whore."

Christina growled.

"Excuse me!?"

She yelled.

"Thou heard the lady."

Zestial spoke up enlarging himself as he spoke to her.

"Thou shalt keep thy tongue silenced lest thou wishes to lose said tongue."


VI Glynda gritted her teeth as she was forced to be silent.

Zestial returning to normal height after that.

'Was it his words that pissed me off so much?' Yang thought to herself. 'Was it that I felt he was treating me like a joke?'

"So, sad."

Tempest shook his head.

"Well, so-RRY!"

Yang sarcastically said.

"Not my fault that my uncle is a lazy ass drunk who didn't tell our parents what me and Ruby were doing in Union even though he's supposed to."

"He really is useless like Winter said."


Qrow felt that.

Suddenly, a thought came to her as she realized something important.


'Or was it when-'


"Oh, come on!"

Kalpas shouted.

"What was it!?"

He yelled as others groaned at the cliffhanger.


"We'll tell you later."

RODK Ruby said.

Remembering a while back on one of the reasons why Yang bullied him.

Startled, the girl jumped out of her thoughts as she stared at her sister.

"What is it, Ruby?"

"Are you okay Yang?" The silver-eyed girl said in concern. "You've been awfully quiet today."

"Sorry sis." Yang smiled, "Just still mad about what happened last month."

"That you guys really do suck at being heroes?"

Yukikaze giggled.


VI versions yelled.

"You mean being saved by that boy?"

Weiss interrupted: "I can't believe that out of all the people that could have saved us, it had to be the disgraced dropout."

"Funny, considering how much of a tsundere you were towards him."

RODK Jaune snickered.

(Remember, at this point in time he already got over Weiss and his jealously towards (M/N))

"Watch it, ARC!!"

"Can't believe he was let into Union in the first place."

"You're just mad that he has more potential than a majority of you combined."

RODK Ozpin deadpanned as he sipped his mug.


"Vicious Ozpin, is a scary Ozpin."

Shifter Sans muttered to himself.

It was rather RARE to see an Ozpin that would willingly burn you right to your face with no remorse for his actions.

But considering the stress he had to face in his Union. Yeah, he understood why this version of Ozpin was done with everyone bullshit.

"Seriously, what's his problem?" Ruby groused, "Just because we were a little rough on him doesn't mean he had to treat us like that."


Lorem shouted.

"Funny! If what we had seen at the beginning is an indication, then I'm pretty sure it was more than a little!"

"If that was a little, then I'm a monkey uncle."

Scar (Disney Lion King. Yes, he's still alive after Kingdom Hearts) deadpanned.

Simba silently snickered.

"Take it from someone who was a bully." Michael Afton said. "We generally don't see it as big or bad unless something serious happens."

"Yeah, like shoving your little brother head into Fredbear hungry, hungry hippo mouth."

Union Monoma brayed.

"...Just because I mellowed down doesn't mean I've lost my bully tendencies." Mike growled. "I can give you a demonstration by shoving you into an animatronic mouth."

"Calm down!"

Grace Afton shouted as Michael slowly got up and about to kill the little shit.

No need to get blood on the nice and fancy floor.

"Yeah!" VI Issei taunted. "Listen to your slut of a wife!"

Never mind.

"...On second thought, go wild."

Grace Afton let him go as he and several others lunged at the dead meats.


The two idiots screaming like little girls.

"...Idiots." Ares shook his head. "Really a disgrace to males everywhere."

"You're telling me."

Evolto rubbed his forehead.

"Not a good to insult a family of psychos from a fucked up universe."

"No." Creed glared at the two currently being beaten up. "It's not."

"And go and take some of the other students with him."

"Hey. They chose to go themselves."

Inuyasha said.

"He didn't take anyone with him."

Boruto added.

"That just goes to show what kind of person he is." Blake growled, still mad that Adam was allowed to walk freely. "A scumbag that drags others down with him."

"No matter the universe, you still have that horrible line of thinking."

Ethan glared at Blake with anger.

Still confused though on WHY he has anger towards her in the first place. But he felt it justified now.

Tempest just gave the alternate versions of his wife a disappointed look.

"I was out of line." RODK Blake sighed and admitted. "And so caught up in my self-pity that I refused to understand that help comes in many different ways and shape besides being supportive. (M/N) had his own way of helping, but I was blinded by my own prejudice that I refused to accept it."

"What prejudice!?" VI Blake shouted. "How are we prejudiced when we are right!?"

"Hold on." T'Challa suddenly as he started looking for something. "I have a list here somewhere."

"This is serious!"

VI Blake shouted.

"And I AM being serious."

T'Challa seriously said.



Many shouted in response.

"Yeah!" "You said it sister!" "OH yeah!" "The truth and nothing but the truth"

"And people say I was bad." Malty looked in disbelief. "Of course, if I hadn't tried to manipulate (M/N) I probably wouldn't have realized just how horrible I was back then."

"One of the things, I'm grateful for."

Her mother, Mirellia Q Melromarc, whispered to herself.

She won't deny that she had completely given up on her eldest daughter, and it still stung when she thought about it. She had truly thought that Malty was beyond redemption.

She never thought that all she needed was a true friend to set her straight.

'And the aftermath couldn't be any more better.'

She thought to herself.

The Four Heroes were working together, and even though there is still a bit of tension, they were flourishing even greater than their predecessors ever were.

The rest of the bullies joined in as they sat down.

"I can't believe that Ozpin and Ironwood let him go free."

Naofumi grumbled, angered that he was out on a mission and not there to stop the two beasts.

"Ugh!" Naofumi groaned. "I can't believe how spiteful and cruel I was back then. I became something I didn't want to be!"

"Stopping the two beasts, hah! What a laugh." He grumbled. "I doubt I would have done any better than the rest."

(You would have lost like the little edgelord you are)

"...Was I really acting like an edgelord?"


"Do you want the honest answer or no?"

RODK Motoyasu asked.

While Ren and Itsuki quickly covered VI Motoyasu mouth to keep him from talking.

"And for what? Just because he gave information on them about the White Fang? And they believe that (M/N) of all people can control him?"

"Why do people think he's some sort of manipulator?"

Durandal asked.

"He's simply different."

She continued.

"He definitely sees the world from a unique perspective."

Annabeth Chase nodded her head.

"It's understandable though." Sienna Khan suddenly said. "Anyone that knows even a little bit about Adam, knows how much he hates humans."

"Imagine my surprise when I learned that he left the White Fang and joined forces with a human of all the things I could have possibly imagined."

"Sign of growth/character development."

Bronya simply said.

"Plus, he should be tried for vigilantism! He acted without a heroes' license or permission. Yet, they are letting him go free?"

"Not his fault."

Cain shook his head.

"He's not actively seeking out trouble."

"If anything." Ava snickered. "Trouble is finding him."

"Just like Harry."

Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville all said in union.


Harry shouted at the betrayal.

"That smells like the government favoring him. Corruption at its worst."

"Doubt." Christina deadpanned. "The government wants him under their thumb."

"Something I now realize."

Naofumi sheepishly said.

"Fools, the lot of them." Aku shook his head. "They know not of the powers of the Dragoon and how they were vital to the liberation of humanity from the Winglies."


Were they ever going to learn about that?

(Wrong again, Naofumi. If anything, the government favors the arrogant)

"And now he has the Queen of the Monsters herself as his ally? What kind of lies did he feed her?"

"I think we all know what he's feeding her with."

Angel Dust smirked.


Many screamed as Godzilla blushed at that innuendo.

After all, she did witnessed an alternate version of her mating with him!

Mothra twitched as she remembered something slightly different.

"Probably the same lies that you feed yourself."

Malty cold voice rang out, causing the bullies to turn to her direction. Naofumi eyes hardening in hate at her.

"What do you want Princess Bitch?"

"Yes, I'm a bitch." Malty sighed dramatically. "Can we move it along with better insults?"

"...Yeah that is a rather lame insult when it's overused."

He coldly called her by the name she was supposed to be given. But, unfortunately due to her change of heart, it was heavily rejected. Not even the Queen could get it approved.

(They kind of lost support from the people once they realized Malty change was genuine)

"And wasn't that a shock?" Raphtalia said.

Change of heart, hah! The day Naofumi believes that is the day pigs fly.

"...You do realize that it's completely possible, right?"

RODK Sirzechs asked.


"It's Malty, you edgy buffoon."

The Crown Princess of Melromarc said, eyes narrowing in cool disgust at the Shield Hero.

Thanks to her interactions with (M/N), she began to understand just how horrendous her actions truly were. She did not know how (M/N) was able to change her, only that she was eternally grateful to him for that.

"Still wondering what voodoo magic he used."

Malty said.

"Honey, that's not Voodoo." Christina smiled. "It's just getting a real best friend who's not afraid to call you out."

"Wouldn't that still be considered magic because she wasn't a good person, auntie?"

Luke asked.

"Don't ask questions or I'll ask Zero to bring Uncle here."

"...I said nothing."

Luke decided.

He didn't want to experience the infamous two finger strike!

"Besides the obvious answer is chocolate."


They all turn to see Malty munching on some chocolate.

"Get your own."

Malty said.

"I ain't sharing."

"Just because you see only what you want to see doesn't mean that it's true. And do you honestly think (M/N) can pull the wool over the Kaiju Queen herself? And her enemies too?"

"That's a good point."

Prinz Eugen mused.

"One would have to be extraordinary skilled to be able to fool the Queen of the Monsters herself. And be able to keep it going when it could unravel itself easily."

"And the Ghidorah in our universe is no fool." Serizawa said. "She's incredibly intelligent, and dangerously cunning. (M/N) never said how he met them or how he got them to get along in the beginning."

"If I had to guess." Lucifer smiled. "Perhaps Ghidorah noticed Godzilla spending time with a human and got jealous at how close they were."

Ghidorah grumbled to herself.

'What does that human have that I don't?'

She thought to herself.

"Maybe we'll find out later."

Raven (TT) said.

"If you think that, you are truly more arrogant than I could have ever believed possible."

(Sorry, for those that like Naofumi. I don't know why at times I'm 50/50 with him. Perhaps it's because if Malty ever did have a change of heart he probably wouldn't believe her.)

"Shut up you bitch!"

Raphtalia shouted, as she and her fellow team members stood up.

"Don't act like your innocent, when you accused Naofumi sama of rape!"

"And how nobody saw the flaws in her story, I'll never know."

Sarada deadpanned.

Even the students in the Ninja Academy could spot the lies with little knowledge!

"That's because I'm not innocent." Malty retorted "I'm well aware now, that my actions were horrible, but I am trying my best to atone for my sins."

"Something that took forever with you guys."

Malty sighed.

But she couldn't blame them. They all had circumstances that made them stubborn and blind to the truth.

"Besides, it's not just my fault that the accusation happened. It's also partly your fault Naofumi, and the fault of the other heroes as well."


VI Motoyasu shouted out.

"Because you're all idiots."

Loki deadpanned.

Said heroes flinched, as they remembered how easily they fell for the false accusation and that they never noticed the small details in that farce of a trial.

"Seriously, talk about a major plot hole."

Shifter Sans deadpanned.

"Really annoying."

Alice growled.

"(M/N) pointed it out to me when I told him the truth of what really happened. The main one being I showed no real signs of it ever happening. If it wasn't for the fact that apparently everyone is so gullible, it probably wouldn't work."

"That is true."

Sherlock Holmes rubbed his chin as he smoked his pipe.

"That would have been the most damning evidence to prove her case. The fact that she showed no physical signs of being raped should have made it suspicious from the beginning."

Motoyasu, Ren, and Itsuka flinched at that.

Back then, they had still saw it as a game and assumed that the reason she didn't show signs was to keep it kid friendly.

'Though with the accusation being what it was, I don't think it would have been kid friendly.'

Motoyasu thought to himself.

"And what about the mental and emotional trauma?" Roxy asked. "She just 'cried' the whole time and did not show any signs of fear after seeing her supposed 'rapist'."

Another point.

"Just how gullible were they?"

Rachel blinked.

"I don't think we want to know how gullible they were back then."

Black Widow said.

"After all, if it truly did happen. Then that would have been the most damning evidence to prove your guilt."


Tempest agreed.

"And you" She pointed at a stunned Naofumi, "After everyone telling you how useless the Shield Hero is, you were so eager to let me join you. Not even taking a second to wonder: "Is this girl up to something to join a hero like me?"

"...I guess I was desperate for someone to join me." Naofumi embarrassingly said. "And I didn't think that you actually were planning on backstabbing me."

"How innocent you were."

Olga Marie Animusphere sighed.

"No, you simply accepted me like I was an old friend of yours. I will accept my sins and atone for them with my head up high. Working to move past them and put it all behind me."

"I'm willing to work for the rest of my life making up for my actions."

"Are you?"

"And that is the biggest question for you."

Zero looked at them.

"Are you willing to fix your mistakes?"


The bullies said nothing.

With that said, she went to the table that sat (M/N) friends. Leaving behind a shellshocked Shield Hero and friends.

"Why that" Naofumi snarled at the blatant insult to his face. "She and (M/N) really are two peas in a pod with how they treat other people."

"Your hate is making me look cute."

Sasuke just shook his head.

And he thought he was an edgy psycho as a teen!

"Damn racist bastards."

Blake snarled in anger.

"Okay!" Irene (KR) shouted. "How does that make (M/N) a racist?"

She seriously could not figure it out for the life of herself.

How was that version of (M/N) a racist?

"Who knows?"

Diego (PR) shrugs.

"Probably because of he acts towards the Faunus."

"How did he act?" Talia Al Ghul asked. "From what I've seen of him, he doesn't strike me as the type to be a racist. Or to let himself be consumed by racism and treat others poorly.

"Someone who was sick of other people nonsense."

RODK Nora said.

"That sums it up about right."

RODK Lie Ren nodded.

"And just how is (M/N) racist?"

The new voice startled them as they turned to look at

(Velvet Scarlatina, Coco Adel, Fox Alistair, Yatsuhashi Daichi. Art by NaitouRSE on DeviantArt)

"You finally make your appearance."

Saratoga said.

"What do you mean about "How is (M/N) a racist?" Blake asked, "He's friends with Malty, who is well known for her treatment of the demi humans in her kingdom!"

"That's yesterday's news!" Deadpool shouted. "Take a hike!"

VI Blake: "Hey!"

"That's old news" Coco replied, glancing down at them with her glasses slightly pushed down.

"How could you defend someone like that?"

VI Blake stared at them in shock.

Did they forget that Velvet is a Faunus too?!

Coco rolled her eyes.

"Stop being a whiny bitch baby and see the bigger picture."

She said.

"You seem to not get the memo that she has been working hard to better the lives of the demi humans living in the kingdoms over there."

Fox 'stared' at them, his blind eyes unsettling the bullies.

"And again" Yatsuhashi (I'm just going to call him Yatsu for short) spoke: "How is he a racist?"

"How is he- Did you forget how he treated Velvet that one time!?"


"That wasn't even racist!" Velvet shouted, her ears twitching in annoyance. "That was a reality check!!"


"What is that even about?"

Blaze asked her fellow Ancients (I think that's what they are called in Arknights).

"You got me."

Elysium shrugged.

Ignika snickered.

Remembering his time on Terra.

Blake shouted incredulously at their apparent memory loss.

"Which part are you talking about?" Velvet questioned with one eyebrow raised. "Because it seems we remembered two different things."


Velvet sighed.

-Flashback starts-

"OW! That hurts!"

Velvet voice could be heard in the cafeteria, causing (M/N) to turn his head to see what was the commotion about.

Only to see Cardin pulling on her ears. Laughing alongside his team.

"Isn't that the person who's also a Dragoon?"

Cleveland asked.

"Yeah." Zero sweatdropped. "Let's just say that (M/N) has a talent in setting people straight."


"Any sexual comments will result in an ass kicking."

...They said nothing.

While VI Union was getting their asses kicked regardless.

"See, I told you they were real!"

"Why wouldn't they be real?"

Velvet asked, that always confused her.

If they were fake they would have fallen already from all the movement she made.

"Please let go, it hurts!"

The rabbit Faunus begged as Cardin continued pulling them.

'Ugh, bullies. Truly the worst.'

(M/N) thought to himself, returning to eating his meal.


"He's...ignoring them?!"

Henry Lazarus shouted out in shock!


Taeho admitted.

"Well..." Zero trailed off.

"He doesn't like fighting other people battles."

Ei explained.

"It's fine to lend your support, but ultimately he believes that only you yourself must do it."

"He doesn't like getting involved in things that are too much trouble."

Athena surmised.


He was not getting involved in something that could easily be solved by the people involved.


"Ugh, Cardin is really the worst!"

"And there's us!"

RODK Weiss groans in embarrassment.

That was one of their most embarrassing moments.

They talked the talk but didn't walk the walk and had someone else deal with the problem instead of themselves.


Turning his head, he saw the table where certain bullies and future bullies were sitting at.


Lily asked.

"At this point, he wasn't being bullied." Scaramouche answered. "It was after this incident; did they start trying to bully him."


Lily said.

Luke just chuckled at that.

"Someone should go up there and teach them a lesson."

Naofumi said, quietly.

(This is before we associate ourselves with Malty. So, Naofumi isn't in his full on angsty state yet.)

"You look normal."

Grace (CH) said.

"You really don't strike me as the type to be a bully."

"I was being paranoid."

Naofumi said.

"I regret what I did back then now."

"Yeah! We should go break his legs!"

Nora shouted eagerly.

"Come on guys, this is Cardin we're talking about. He's just your typical bully."

Jaune placated his teammate.

(There is irony in that statement)

"Truly despicable, can't believe he was allowed in."

Weiss spoke up.


"I wonder how he would feel if that happened to him."

Blake emotionlessly said, though her grip on her book said otherwise.


"Ugh! I can't stand people like him."

Yang angrily said, as she and everyone else looked at the scene before them.





"Are you fucking kidding me?"

(M/N) (HH) frowns at their lack of action.

...Why weren't they doing anything?

"You know...that is a good point."

Percy Jackson gave the former bullies and their counterparts a look.

"For all your talk, you just sit there and let it happened."


"Words are meaningless if you are not willing to back them up."

Prince of Wales spoke up.

"Please don't remind me."

Weiss said.

"It's embarrassing to remember that we talked about doing something but did nothing."

"I'll say."

(M/N) (HH) frowned.

"You guys couldn't even a simple thing like stopping someone from bullying someone else. So much for being future heroes."

They winced at that. Knowing that he held a grudge against his version of Union for what they did to him.

"Take it easy, (M/N)." Charlie nervously said. "It's in the past and besides, they got their well deserved karma in the end."


Was all (M/N) said as everyone returned to the screen.

(M/N) frowned as he realized that. For all their talk about Cardin bullying they did nothing and let him continue harassing Velvet.

"Ugh!" Evolto shook his head. "One of the things I hate when dealing with a majority of your counterparts! You talk the talk, but don't walk the walk!"

"Always needing some knight in shining armor to save you."

"This isn't a fairy tale!"

Shifter Sans added.

Ignika and HoFi Kiana quietly snickered.

Remembering a certain event with knight in shining armor comment.

Adam sweatdropped.

Deciding he was better off not knowing what his parents got up to in their 'younger' years.

(Seriously, why didn't they do anything? I think they did nothing in Canon and let him continue pulling her ears. In fanon the MC is the one who has to be the White Knight in Shining Armor and save her sorry ass. And they still did nothing, just saying that they were about to take matters into their own hands. Her team probably weren't there at the time, or were forced to promise Velvet not to interfere with the bullying)

Growling in frustration, he got up annoyed that he couldn't enjoy his lunch in peace.

"Never interrupt someone meal."

Monty said.

"You'll regret it."

"Yeah." Sun (Daycare Attendant. I think I'll call him Sundrop to avoid confusion with RWBY Sun). "And never try to steal someone's food. Right, Monty?"

"Shut up!"

Monty shouted at the Sun themed animatronic.


"You deserve it."

Chica glared at him, while chuckling.




Zero snapped his fingers and the screen changed.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


"Why didn't I know about that!?"

Evolto shouted.

"You didn't ask."

Zero deadpanned.

"And I honestly did not see a reason to mention it anyways. You don't need to know everything about my universe. I don't ask you about the Pandora Box functions or capabilities, do I?"

"But I tell you it!"

He said.

"Did I ask?"

Zero rhetorically asked.


Umbra sweatdropped.

Zero was vicious when he wanted to be.

"...Is that why you were so beaten up?"

Vanessa asked after turning to Monty.

"It looked like Gregory wrecked you again, but a hundred times worse."

"That's what happens if you steal my pizza."

Chica smiled ominously.


Luke shivered as did several others.

They weren't going to be looking at chicken the same way again!

'Fine! I'll do it myself!'

"...Why did I get Thanos vibes from that?"

Tony asked.

'Because it was intentional.'

Zero mused to himself.

He angrily thought to himself. If no one had the balls to deal with Cardin and his team, then for the sake of his lunch he would!

"For food!"

Natsumi (Fem Natsu. Just to remind you.) shouted out loud.

No one interrupts their mealtime and gets away with it!

Zeref sweatdropped.

'I think her gluttonous appetite got worse over time.'

How (M/N) was able to handle her, he'll never know.

"Oi, Cardin!"

(M/N) shout got the taller male attention.

The bully smile widens at the sight of an 'easy' target approaching him.

"Easy target, my ass!"

Sky shouted.

Dove and Russel nodded in agreement.

That dude was anything but an easy target!

"Well, look who we have here." He said, "The loser!"

"What? Are you this little freak boyfriend?"

Cardin and his team laughed loudly at that little (bad) joke.

"Oh, please!" RODK Weiss scoffed. "The good joke is what's about to happen!"

The RODK cast snickered.

Confusing the rest.

What was going to happen?

Unamused, (M/N) spoke: "Look, I get that you guys have urges. But can you save it for your dorm."



"Did he just...?"

Vaggie spoke up.

"He did."

Joshua nodded.

...There was the (M/N) that many knew.

That shut them up rather quickly.


Cardin asked, confused at what the punk had just said.

"I get it, you guys have kinks. But aren't you embarrassed to display them in public?"


Cherri Bomb shouted.

"He got you guys good!"

Team CRDL stared at him with mouths agape like a fish at the comment.

"I mean, everyone has some sort of kinky side to them. Yours obviously being that you get a hard on by pulling on her ears and hearing her pained filled voice begging you to stop."


"This kid's a riot!"

Hawks shouted out!

"I honestly never expected you to be into that kind of thing."

"I bet you like it and you would like if she called you daddy."


That got the audience laughing.

Velvet blushed at that.

The cafeteria, once silent, erupted into murmurs at that.

"You know, he has a point."

"He does seem to get a kick out those he bullies."

"Who knew he was just horny."

"That was probably the most embarrassing day of our lives."

Sky covered his face to hide how red he was. His other teammates doing the same.

"We'll never be able to live it down."


"So kinky"

Cardin and his team faces were so red it could put the Gremory and the Uzumaki red hair to shame.

"It really is putting our hair to shame."

Quickly letting go of Velvet, they ran out of the cafeteria. Swearing vengeance against (M/N) for ruining their reputations.


Clap, clap, clap

Suddenly, a thunderous roar of applause erupted into the cafeteria as (M/N) helped her up.

'Maybe, not everyone is bad.' Blake thought to herself. Only to be startled by (M/N) next move as Velvet got up.



"What the fuck!?"

VI Blake, and the others shouted in shock and anger!

How dare he!?

"OW!" Velvet held her head as a big goosebump started forming on the area where (M/N) fist made contact.

(Cue the angry Velvet fans)


"What is the matter with you, huh!?"

"What's the matter with you!?"

(M/N) yelled at her, as the cafeteria grew silent.

"Why did you let a brat like him bully you like that!?"

"We all know why."

Coco smugly said.




"I what?" (M/N) growled, "Are you some sort of masochist?"


"A what!?"

Many people yelled out in shock at that.

"A masochist!?"

"...You know that actually might make some sense."


"No, no he's right!"

(M/N) (HH) said.

"It makes sense now. Why you always let him bully you! You like it!"


Velvet gave the incubus the middle finger.

"Pretty sure you got Cardin for that."

*Train whistle!!*


Velvet screamed, as her face turned red at the accusation.

"I've read up on some of the Huntsman division and you are our senior because you were here a year longer. So, what are you doing? Letting your junior bully you like that?"

"For shame, for shame."

Tempest tsked.

"Go to Hell!"

"Do you get a kick out of being defenseless?"

"Ara, ara." RODK Akeno said. "I know I would."

"...Can't tell if it's because your half Fallen Angel, or if it's just you."

"For crying out loud, you are no weakling! I've seen your battle records and you are a beast on the field with your semblance! And yet, you are letting a greenhorn like Cardin and his team take advantage of you?"

"That's semblance of yours is OP."

Izumi Midoriya nodded her head.


That question held heavily in the air, as Velvet tried to come up with an answer.

Unknown to everybody, Blake hands were shaking with rage at (M/N) actions.

How dare he act like that to Velvet!?

"Because it's the truth."

Zero gave VI Blake a look.

"Velvet no weakling. She shouldn't need anyone to fight her battles for her. It makes him mad that she's not standing up for herself."

"Because she's a Faunus!" VI Blake tried to defend past Velvet actions. "If she fought back it would prove that people were right about us! That we are animals!"

"Considering the current situation. You're animals regardless."

Ignika scoffed.


"Hey! You can't talk to Blake like that!"

VI Sun shouted out in anger.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

Sophia Esteed raised an eyebrow.

"You'd be dead before you can even mount an attack."

"Why you!!"

"Lightning Strike!"

Sophia cast her Symbology attack.


Zapping VI Sun brutally.

"It's because I'm a faunus." Velvet admitted: "If I fought back, then it would prove the anti-faunus supporters right that we are nothing but animals."


VI Blake shouted as though it was proving her point.

"That, while understandable, is the most pathetic excuse ever."


"You're excused."


"Do you honestly think that by being defenseless and letting assholes like Cardin bully you, that you are actually making a difference?"


Many people shouted, infuriating the ones who believed that they were right no matter how wrong they were.

"All you are doing is letting people think that it's okay to walk all over you. Right now, it might be bullying. But it could possibly escalate into something far worse than pulling your ears."

"Why people never realized, I have no idea."

Evolto muttered to himself.

"Because they are idiots."

Raph said.

"Besides that, why should it matter what people think? You're just one person, if you think they are going to see you as the shining example of faunus everywhere...YOU'RE DEAD WRONG."

"That's for sure."

Shifter Sans deadpanned.

The last three words were said, ominously.

"After all, despite passing the exam and attending Union, one of the most prestigious academies in the world, people still look down on me being powerless."

Those that didn't know were shocked. (M/N) was powerless?


"They didn't know?"

Rachel and Blair asked.

"At that point in time, no." Ei stated. "They believed his power lied in his martial arts. That it strengthened his body, or enhanced his senses. Finding out that wasn't the case."

"It made people jealous (Jaune flinched) or angry and petty at the fact that they lost to a powerless nobody."

"...Wow." Ritsuka shook his head. "What a bunch of sore losers."

That's for sure.

"But I learned an important thing in the short time I've been here."

"Why should I care about what other people think?"

"Doesn't matter what you do, what you say, or what you believe in."

Zero stared at them.

"There will always be someone unhappy with the choices you make. That's why you shouldn't bother trying to please or make everyone happy. It'll never work."

"Because at the end of it all." Itachi spoke up. "There will always be those unhappy with your decisions."


His words seem to have an effect on her, as she adopted a pondering expression.

"What the faunus need is not a pushover advocating for them. But someone who is willing to fight for what's right."

"It really did throw things into perspective." Velvet agreed. "I was a fool to accept it as is and force my teammates not to interfere."

"I didn't realize how much it was actually hurting them to not be able to intervene."

Said team said nothing as they turned away.

Turning to leave, he said one last thing.

"Oh, and let your teammates help you. I know you made them promise not to interfere if you're being bullied. But teammates are supposed to look for each other backs. By forcing them to keep a promise like that, you are also hurting them because they can't do anything because of that promise."

Now Velvet had a look of guilt on her face. She knows, she knows that Coco, Fox, and Yatsu hated having to watch her suffer.

'Am I really being that selfish?'


Velvet team and others talked loudly over VI Blake.

Causing her to fume.

The rabbit Faunus thought to herself.

...Maybe she had been looking at this situation wrong all along.

"Why is it that somebody else has to be the voice of reason?"

Oracle sighed.

"I wonder that everyday Miss. Barbara."

Alfred sighed.

"*Sigh* Just think about it."

With that said, he left a quiet Velvet and headed back to his table.

Ignoring the stares and an angry cat.

"You got butthurt over something as insignificant as that?"

Cassie gave her a disbelieving look.

"For crying out loud, my goduncle has more reason to be angry with my dad than you do!"

She shouted.

"Shut up, you stupid child!" VI Blake yelled at her. "You don't know our suffering!"

"Yeah!" "Butt out!" "Go back to playing with Barbie Dolls!"

"At least Barbie isn't as plastic as you bitches are!"

Cassie shouted back.


Roxy: "CASSIE!!"

"No one in this family or extended family is normal."

Clara Afton shook her head in exasperation.

How is she not normal you may ask?

She married William for Gods sakes!

And Grace (FNAF) married Michael for crying out loud considering he terrified her when they were younger!

(Remember Mike was a bully/bad boy back then. So, he was scary as hell)

-Flashback Ends-

"He wasn't being racist; he was spitting facts."

Coco coolly stated, unimpressed by the cat Faunus glare.

"Indeed he was." Fox nodded. "And I'm glad he did. Helped Velvet to realize that she didn't need to take this bullshit from anyone."

"Quite frankly, it sounds to us that you want him to act like a knight in shining armor and praise her for being so strong from being bullied."

"And I still stand by what I said."

Yatsu firmly stated.

"She's strong to be willing to endure, (M/N) admitted to us. But he didn't like that she was willing to let them walk all over her like a doormat."

Yatsu said, staring down on them (Snort) disappointed in them.

"Honestly, I can see why he called you the "Misguided Queen/Queen of the Misguided." It suits you to a T."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Fox added his two cents in.

"Excuse me!?"

Blake shouted.

"Blake, enough!"

Velvet shouted, angrily glaring at her fellow Faunus.

"Look, maybe he could have gone another way to make his point. But the fact is he did. And quite frankly, I don't need you being angry on my behalf."

"What's done is done!" Velvet firmly stated, looking SC Blake in the eye. "I don't need you fighting my battles for me!"


"No BUTTS!!"

"Especially when your deluded mind makes up all these false accusations towards him!"

"And looking back on it now...I'm so ashamed of myself."

RODK Blake sighed.

"Look on the bright side." Tempest smiled. "You understand what you did was wrong and are slowly becoming a better person for it."

"Yeah." Shifter Sans nodded. "I'm pretty you already know, but not every version of you is given the chance to redeem herself after finally realizing and accepting the truth."

'Well...ignoring the harem worlds.' Zero, Evo, Tempest, and Shifter Sans thought to themselves. 'Though those don't count since she only reforms to be pounded into submission by the MC,'

"False-!? He showed his true colors that day when he raised a hand against you! How can you defend someone like that!?"

"Because he did what no one else would." RODK Issei answered. "He snapped her back to reality and helped her understand the cold, hard truth."

"And what would that be!?"

VI Weiss cockily asked.

"That the world isn't all sunshine and roses." Mrs. Mayberry coldly answered, remembering the events that led her to Hell. "That people don't care or no longer hold true to their words. That people will use you to further their own agendas. That only you can take the first step make a change."

"There are so many hidden truths in his words that it is hard to understand for plebians such as yourselves."

"You're only allowing what your eyes want to see!" Velvet yelled "Cause if you haven't noticed, he's been doing more good than you have in the short time he's been here."

"Yeah!" Yuki (fem Itadori just to remind you) nodded her head in agreement. "You attack based on your bias and ego."

"You couldn't take that his method of helping did not fit in with your criteria."

Megumi Fushiguro coldly said.

"He reformed Cardin and his team, changed Malty from being an evil manipulative (Velvet: No offense Malt. Malty: None taken) witch, has helped other students with exploring the versatilities of their powers."

"Amazing that he could do what the school cannot seem to be able to do."

Nobara scoffed.

Triggering some of the teachers, but who had to admit that (M/N) methods of helping were very effective.


The headmasters even asked him for an outline of his methods so that they could apply to the school curriculum!

"He has done so much for this school, and what have you done?"

"We've done a lot more!"

VI Ruby protested.

She might not be a bully like her team, but even she had to point out that they have done just as much as (M/N) has!


"We've stopped White Fang raids and caught Roman Torchwick!" Ruby defended, her team and friends nodding their heads.

"Yeah!" VI Ruby nodded. "Like that!"

"And what did it cost?"

Gamora asked.


(Thanos: Everything)

"And caused mass destruction in doing so." Motoyasu added.

Here, the more destructive teams flinched.

That was a good point.

"Causing the loss of millions of dollars/yens to repair the destroyed area." Itsuki Kawasumi spoke.

Another strike.


Rin Tohsaka asked.

"Caused innocent civilians to wind up at the hospital for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Ren Amaki then added. "Also, probably causing loss of life or loss of limbs from said innocent bystanders."

"You have got to be kidding me." Godzilla deadpanned. "How can you humans cause so much destruction?!"

"What about you, you damn bitch!?"

VI Issei and the other bullies shouted at her. The perverts leering at her body.

"You destroy things all the time, you fucking hypocrite!"

"I'm a Kaiju." Godzilla glared at them. "Why should I care about your stupid cities and the humans? If you're stupid enough to stay there instead of trying to run to safety then that's your problem."

"I'm aware that not everyone can get out in time." She continued. "But I'm more concerned about making my fellow Kaiju don't destroy everything in sight."

"I mean, unless you want to be extinct like in that one world. Then okay, I'll kill you all the same."


"The point is, is that you make Fairy Tail look like child play in terms of destruction." Issei deadpanned, having been watching this trainwreck in silence.

"Is that a challenge?"

Natsumi smiled.



Erza said, having hit Natsumi over the head.


"So what?" Weiss said, "At the very least criminals like Torchwick are locked up in prison where he belongs."

"And you wonder why the Heroes reputation is plummeting downward."

Poison Ivy shook her head.

"You don't need us villains to do it for you when you do it all too easily to yourself."

"Shut up, villain!"

Homelander yelled.



Homelander gasped as he started grasping for air as powerful, thick vines wrapped around him and started tightening their grip on him.

"What a fucking idiot."

Cassidy gave the dumbass a look.

"Oh, hon" Pepe Scandinavia, one of the seven Crypters of Chaldea, said. "That still doesn't excuse what you have done. And attempting to defend your actions instead of realizing the truth is a far sign of you maturing into a responsible hero."

"How dare you!?" Weiss shouted, insulted that some nobody criticized her and her team actions.

"Can't take the truth?"

Loki evilly said.

"Put a sock in it."

The Guda twins spoke in unision.

"Your obsession with the White Fang and Torchwick is unhealthy, leave the White Fang to the heroes. They'll take care of it."

"Please do."

FT Wendy sighed.

'...I feel like this referencing something, I just don't know what.'

Evo and the others thought to themselves.

Wodime spoke.

"Leave it to the- are you crazy!?" Blake shouted, "They won't sympathize with the pain they've been suffering through! They'll just lock them away!"

"Considering they are a danger to not only society but to themselves." Homura stared at VI Blake who was about to speak. "They are safer in solitary confinement."

(From somewhere, a scream of terror is heard at the words "Soliary Confinemet")

"They need to reflect on their actions" Ophelia countered. "Perhaps in prison, can they finally realize that their actions are wrong."

"And if what Adam Taurus said is true, then they'll be lucky if prison is what they get."

"Trust me, they were lucky."

Minato shook his head.

"In comparison to their fellow White Fang members who committed such vile acts, they got off lightly."

"Adam is the reason the White Fang acts like that!" Blade protested, trying to defend the members of the White Fang actions. "If he wasn't allowed to run rampant, they would never do that!"

"Idiot!" Kushina yelled. "When people are hurt and angry, they will look for ways to get back at those that hurt them! Even hurting innocent people who have done nothing to them just because they are angry!"

"You don't need someone to influence you in that way if the anger and hate is already there! And they don't need a reason to do it!"

"They'll only say 'they deserve it' or that 'we are justified in our anger' or make some stupid excuse."

Grace (FNAF) shook her head.

"They only care about their own feelings that they feel that they are justified in treating others like that."

Anguirus spoke up.

"Adam, was simply a means to an end for them to freely hurt others in such evil ways."

"Too bad for them that Adam abhors those kinds of vile acts."

Gavial smiled evilly.

"They got what was coming to them."

"And yet Sienna Khan is unaware of what her subordinates are doing behind her back. While Adam deals with them personally."

Pepe countered, amused at the cat's pathetic response.


VI Blake roared in anger.

As did some of the simps in the VI verse.

"It's all Adam fault!" Blake shouted, "He ran away just because he didn't to face the truth of what he's done!"

"And you didn't?"

Sesshōmaru scoffed at the pathetic weakling response.

(And you didn't?)

"Adam is not what the White Fang needs! The White Fang needs someone who understands them, who can show them how to gain equality, who can show them the right way to achieve recognition!"

"And you think that you are the one to do that?"

Gohan gave her a disappointed look.

"Of course, I am!" VI Blake shouted. "Who else but I who can understand them!?"

Scoffs were heard at that.

Arrogant little shit.

"And who are you to decide what the White Fang needs?"


A deep voice broke through the crowd. Silencing everyone with its commanding tone.

'Th-That voice!'

Blake thought to herself as she and everybody else turned to see a massive portal at the cafeteria entrance.

"That's a big portal."

And out came:

(Summer 'I Live!' Rose, Taiyang 'Why does everyone write me as an abusive father in fanfics?' Xiao Long, Raven 'I abandoned my family, but hey at least I'm hot' Branwen, Qrow 'I'm an alcoholic drunk that punched a kid because I'm a little bitch, but I'm a badass uncle so I get a pass' Branwen)

(Qrow is someone that I'm 50/50 with as well. Some days he's awesome, other days he needs to stop being so cocky when it concerns Atlas tech and Ironwood)

(Ghira 'Done with your BS' Belladonna)

(Kali 'Everyone favorite Cougar mom' Belladonna. Art by NachocoBana on DeviantArt)

(Winter 'You are so dead' Schnee. Art by 21as on DeviantArt)

"WH-Why are they there!?"

An VI bully shouted.

And Juane family, though since only Saphron is seen with the rest of his sisters shown on a photo (Though that was when they were kids, so I don't know how they look like), I don't have a picture of his siblings along with his mother and father who are also there.

"Mom!?" "Dad!?" "Sister!?" "What are you doing here!?"

"To set things right."

Taiyang coldly said, shutting them up.

"Hello kids."

Taiyang spoke, silencing the outbursts from the kids.

"It's time we've had a talk about your behavior here in Union."


"Why are they interfering with our school lives!?"

VI Weiss shouted out.

"YEAH!" "Why are they there!?" "What's going on?!"

"Karma at its finest."

Tempest answered.

"You guys are so fucked."

Blitzo said.

"And not in a good way."

Alastor chuckled.


"Oh, shut up."

Zero pulled a lever.







"NOOO!! My body is for Issei!!"


Zero shouted as the screams continued.


Omake: If Adam joined Beacon. Bonus: Picture

(Poor Adam. Only sane person there is Blake. And there is irony in that last panel)

And for the Blake simps (*Cough* Tempest *Cough*)

(Artist: KiyomiKun4 on DeviantArt)


Have a good day/night.

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