RWBY Part 2

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Don't own the art. They belong to their respective creators.


"Here we go."

Zero hit the screen.

-Before (M/N) vicious entrance-


Spyro said.

*BEEP* *BEEP* *Flat tone*


"Okay?" Sora blinked. "Is he in a hospital or something?"

"Doubt it."

Donald crossed his arms.

"That doesn't sound like a hospital monitor."


(M/N) grumbled.

"What the fuck is wrong with this thing now?" He asked to himself. "It keeps sending me all over the place."

"Try not to let it send you into the puppet dimension."

Eris said.


The device started beeping, signifying that the male was going in the right direction.

"Took long enough."


(M/N) muttered as the 'Find your sibling ol' detector 9000' started to lead him in the right direction.


"The fuck?!"

Cu laughed.

"Sibling ol' dectoter 9000!?"

"It's over 9,000!"

Vegeta crushed his conveniently placed scouter once more.

"What!?" Nappa yelled. "9,000!? There's no way!!"

Wait...aren't you dead, Nappa Valley?

"Damn it, Oscar." He muttered under his breath. "Where the hell did you go?"

"On a magical journey to get some bitches."

Angel Dust waved his hands in the air.


And got hit for it.


"Stop making everything sexual, you idiot!"

Vaggie yelled at him.

"And he can do better than those bitches."


To say that he was shocked when he finally returned to his aunt's farm after going on a training trip only to learn that his baby brother had disappeared without warning, or a note was an understatement.

He was beyond shock once it sank in that Oscar really did leave the farm without telling anyone. He was fucking pissed and furious!

"Well..." Ben (FL) sweatdropped. "He's pissed and someone dead."

Though he did understand him on that point.

If Oscar went and did that, Ben would not have been a happy camper.

And it was worse here since the (M/N) they're seeing here is actually Oscar older brother!

"What was the first clue, genius?"

RODK Yang sarcastically asked.

"Oh, I don't know!" Ben sarcastically said. "Maybe because the (M/N) in that world is his older brother and a protective one at that."

"Got anything to make it better?"

He rhetorically asked.

"Glad you asked."

RODK Yang beamed.

"Oi, ugly!" She yelled at VI Issei. "Get over here!"


VI Issei and VI ORC yelled.

"How dare you call your harem king ugly?!"

He yelled, stomping towards her.


VI Issei gave off a high pitched screamed as RODK Yang...

...Smashed his nuts.

Causing the poor fool to collapse onto the ground in pain.


Came the shout of the ORC as RODK Yang turned to Ben with a smile.

"I'm no longer afraid to play dirty." RODK Yang smiled. "Though I only do that to scumbags and the like."

"And to people that manage to severely piss me off nowadays."


Ben smiled.

"You're right that did make me feel better."

He said as everyone laughed and pointed at VI Issei demolished nuts.

What the hell!?

Their aunt did not know what to do. This was the first time Oscar ever left by himself. Usually, if he left the farm, it was to go into town and get any supplies they needed. The only times he went beyond their town was only when (M/N) was there.

"It's dangerous to go alone!"

He would never venture too far unless (M/N) was there to keep an eye on the rambunctious kid.

"Gave the poor guy so much headache with how energetic he was."

For him to suddenly leave like that...

It was worrying.

"Especially, since he's never done that before."

Nico Di Angelo shook his head.

'This is not how I expected my return back home to be like.' He mentally groaned. 'Especially with what happened in Beacon.'



Apollo slowly said.

"Exactly HOW did Beacon fall?"

The Fall of Beacon.

It was still a much talked about subject.

About how criminals managed to pull one over the Atlas army and Huntsman. Hacking into Atlas military machines and pitting them against the civilian population in order to attract the Grimm and sow distrust and fear among the people.

"HAH!!" Arthur Watts laughed. "In your face, Ironwood!! Sweet, sweet revenge!!"

"Too bad it's never going to happen back in our world."

RODK Ironwood deadpanned, shutting up the arrogant male and causing him to grumble incoherently.


Cocolia deadpanned.

And it worked all too well. Remnant seemed to be on lockdown and possibly on the verge of war.


Salem intertwined her fingers and tried to look menacing.

...Mr. Burns was better at being intimidating.

'I knew I should have listened to my instincts and gone to Vale at the beginning of the festival.'

"What does he mean by that?"

Seele tilted her head in confusion.

The male thought to himself.

'We could have stopped them.'



VI Issei started laughing like a maniac as did others!

"This weakling believed that he could have stopped them!?"

"What a riot!!"

VI Xenovia grabbed her sides in laughter.

"How could a freak like him make a difference at all?!"

VI Mineta hollowed like a dying animal.

"...You guys are idiots."

Mirko deadpanned.

Shutting them up instantly.

"What did you say!?"

To a random person, it might have sound arrogant in saying that he and his friends could have made a difference. But to those that actually knew him, his friends, and their powers.


"Who are his friends?"

Izuku asked.

"And how would they and (M/N) have made all the difference?"

Izumi asked.

After seeing the worlds, they had seen, they knew that (M/N) had the power to change fate in ways that they could never imagine.

So, then...who are his friends that were capable as well?

Salem and her group were also curious as well.

Who were they, that they could pose a threat to her in that world?

They knew that they would have made all the difference.

'Speaking of which.' He thought to himself. 'If I remember correctly, we are to regroup at that creepy, abandoned farm once I find Oscar.'


Why did that send a shiver down Ben spine?

'Why am I getting a bad feeling about this?'

He thought to himself.

That boy was so grounded when he got his hands on him. Both for worrying their aunt, and for nearly giving him a heart attack.

"...I guess we know who has more authority when it comes to Oscar."

Naofumi sweatdropped.

"Oscar looks up to his brother a lot." Zero explained. "So, if (M/N) grounds him, you can bet the non existence bitches Shitsei."


VI Issei yelled.

"...Has, that Oscar will listen to him more than to their aunt."

Zero finished, not caring that he roasted VI Issei.

Bitch wasn't worth his time.

"And to think..." (M/N) growled. "I was going to train him in something cool."

"Oh?" Ben blinked. "Wonder what he was going to teach him."

Tempest snickered.

"Something that you will teach him in the future.

He said evilly.


Ben asked but got no response.

Little punk was going to get a firsthand taste of what (M/N) was going to teach him.

"He's dead."

Shuri chuckled.

"Deader than dead."

Peter agreed.

"Wonder what would look good on his tombstone."

Evo wondered out loud.

*BEEP!!* *BEEP!!*

The Sibling detector started going wild as (M/N) got closer and closer to his target.

"Finally!" (M/N) muttered. "After having to go through Haven, the White Fang, nearly running into our old man. I finally found him!"


"Old man?"

Thalia blinked.

"Who's their old man?" She asked. "And why doesn't (M/N) want to see him?"


Should Zero spoil a bit of the not yet in his RWBY story book?

'Eh.' Zero shrugged. 'Why not? Don't know when I will get to that part yet.'

"Bit of spoiler to the viewers."

Zero shrugged.

"Again with the-!?"

"But long story short."

Zero interrupted Momo...again!

"Oh, come on!"

The normally composed girl shouted.

"Their father in that universe joined Salem."



Neville asked/shouted.

That was unexpected.

Salem and the rest of her inner circle were interested now.

"Because he's a little bitch."

Ei smirked.

...Why did that hurt?

One of them thought to himself.


"Can you explain it a little bit more?"

Kal'tsit asked.

"Basically, it's like this."

Zero sighed.

"Sister goes to Beacon, dies on mission, (M/N) and Oscar father throws a tantrum because in his mind, it's all Ozpin fault for letting them take that mission."


'It can't be!!'

A certain someone thought.

"Decides to eventually abandon the family he made for himself because he was easily swayed by the pale face there."

Theresa pointed to Salem.

Who squawked.

"Because he could not accept the fact that his dear twin sister chose to be a Huntress against his wishes because she was too 'young'."

Amagi smirked.



Cinder screamed.

"Are you saying that-!?"

"Yes." Zero smirked. "Hazel, you are the father!!"

(This is based off that little RWBY theory that Hazel was Oscar father. I think I can see some resemblance between the two and we don't know what happened to Oscar parents for him to live with his aunt)

"Huh!?" "What the!?" "That was unexpected!"

Salem and her inner circle, along with a good number of people reacted to that hilariously.

While Hazel:



Exploded at that.


"I'm...a father?"

Hazel asked.


Zero popped his lips.

"And of course, you still join Salem because you still act like a bitch."


He deadpanned.

"Why don't I know this?!"

Evo shouted out in shock.

"You never asked."

Lappy answered.

" knew about this?!"

Evo asked his wife in shock.

"Not like I have responsibilities as big as yours, dear." Lappy said. "I do get curious and take a look at the worlds in this multiverse."

"Aw, man!"

"...But why in a snowy field?"

"To better hide the evidence."

Charlie answered.


"Charlie?" Vaggie shakingly asked. "Why do you know that?"

Was the more concerning thought.


"Don't tell me he's-!!"

"No, he's not dead."

Will shook his head at that.

"Drama King."

"You're one to talk, dear."

Echo deadpanned at him.


But his fears were washed away as he saw Oscar alive and...

"...Who the hell are these people?"

(M/N) blinked as he stared at the strange group of people.

"I'd be confused too if my little brother was with people I didn't know."

Michael nodded his head at that.

As did Henry Lazarus and several others.

A dude that reminded him of a bird with his bird hair.

"...Does my hair really look like a bird?"

Qrow asked.


An old lady that screams 'badass'.

"Wonder who she is."

A colorful group of girls.


"Well...he's not wrong."

RODK Weiss admitted.

They did seem to lean a little bit on the color coded spectrum.

His eyes went to the cat faunus and the blonde.


"Okay?" Spoiler blinked. "Did he suddenly gain a crush or something?"

'Don't tell he went and got himself some sugar mommas!?'


Many people spat out their drinks at that thought!

"HAHAHAHAH!!" Ben laughed as he clutched his stomach. "Oh, my Oum!! I can't believe he called them sugar mommas!!"

Just because they were a little bit older, didn't mean they were going to be sugar mommas!

Boy, was he in for a surprise when he sees the adult versions in Independence Day.

"Oh, come on!"

VI Issei whined.

"Why does the brat get the hotties!?!?"

"Because they have standards, as hard as it is to believe."

Mace Windu deadpanned.


The people in questioned yell that backhanded compliment.

Fear courses through (M/N) veins at that thought!


They definitely fit the 'Ara Ara Oneesan' bill to the T.

"Eh..." Ben shrugged. "They're mid, I can at least give them that."

"Are you kidding me!?"


Oscar voice begged them.


'That doesn't sound like Oscar voice.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'It sounds like another voice is added to him.'

"He's good."

Batman said.

"He quickly realized that there was something wrong with his voice."

"What..." The girl that reminded him of Little Red Riding Hood spoke up. "Is Ozpin hiding from us?"


"Red Riding Hood?!"

Roman coughed out his drink.

"I mean, it fits."

Ned shrugged.

True that.


'Wasn't that the former headmaster of Beacon?'

(M/N) thought to himself.

What does he have to do with this...!?!?

"You'd be surprised."

Acnologia gruffly said.

Startling the cast.

They had completely forgotten he was there!

'I'm sensing another soul inside Oscar!'



Bix asked.

"It's because he is Enkidu in this world."

Gilgamesh answered.

"He has his powers, and they are many."

The King of Heroes stated.

Remembering their bouts whenever they fought.

(And please shut up about the other type of fighting their legends hint at. You know what I mean)

He realized.

Was that Ozpin soul!?


"Should have been more Darth Vaderish when I deceived him about Padme death."

Palpatine cackled.

Vader twitched.

"Fuck you, old man."

He shot the Emperor the middle finger.

Palpatine cackled.

Ozpin yelled as he ran at them.

Only for everyone to seemingly disappear.

"And here we go again."

Jellal groaned.


"What the..."

(M/N) muttered to himself as he found himself in a white landscape, filled with nothing.


"Shouldn't you be dead, Xemnas!?"

Sora and Riku shouted at the Nobody that just randomly appeared.

"Ask Zero."

Xemnas said as he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

"...We're doomed."

He's troll them!!

"Once upon a time..."

The blue-skinned lady began speaking.

"The stood a tower that sheltered a lonely girl..."

-Timeskip because it was already talked about in the previous chapter-

"Thank God for the timeskip!"

Gajeel shouted happily.

After Jinn finished explaining.

"I'm curious as to what (M/N) reaction will be."

Nezu sipped his cup of joe.


"...What." (M/N) mind shut down. "The. Actual. Fuck?"

"The normal response of someone who has no clue on what is happening."

Hanzo (SK) simply stated.

That's for sure.

What the actual fuck just happened?!

Brother Gods?! Humanity second time!? Salem immortal and forever alone!?

Salems in the theater: "GACK!!"


Many people could not hold it in.

They fell to the floor rolling in laughter!

-Meanwhile in Salem Castle of Solitude-


Superman just said.

Salem: "GACK!!"

"That's brutal."

Seraphim just chuckled.

Salem felt extreme pain for some unknown reason, causing her minions to look at her in concern.


Boruto shouted.

"Not even the old hag is immune to emotional damage!!"

"OLD HAG!?!?"

Salem screamed at the young ninja.

"Well, it's true."

Kawaki simply said.

"You are old as hell."


-Back to our protagonist-

Ozpin is a reincarnation of the hero Ozma!? His little brother is the next reincarnation!?

"That's gonna be a fun experience if this happens back in my world."

Ben deadpanned.

Not looking forward to that possibility.

The God of Darkness killed humanity and shattered the Moon!?

"What did the Moon ever do to you?!"

Artemis shouted at that.

"Probably looked at him funny."

Apollo smirked.

"He thought the Moon was making his ass look fat."

Tempest answered.

The God of Light bending the rules in his favor!?

"Don't you just hate it when a God does that despite what they said earlier?"

Kabuto just chuckled evilly.

'What the FUCK!?' (M/N) thought angrily to himself as he started to organize his thoughts. 'What the fucking HELL is wrong with those asshole GODS!?'


A lot of people shouted.

Maybe it was because he was a human that he couldn't understand how Gods work and how they perceive things on a grander scale than humans ever could.

"Even for us Gods, we should still take into possibility of how shorter life species will see it."

Will frowned.

He could not understand where these Gods got it in their heads to do what they did here.

But what he could NOT understand is WHY the God of Light did not give Salem some trial of some sort that would compensate for the price of bringing Ozma back to life!

He could have handled that in so many ways and yet he chose the lazy path and refused to even give her the opportunity to reunite with her lover!

"He was seriously an idiot."

Scaramouche deadpanned.

'Balance my ass!'

"His ass is quite nice though."

Nifty pointed out.



Charlie and Vaggie shouted.

"What?" Angel Dust spoke up for her. "She has a point! This (M/N) ass is just as fine as our (M/N) ass!"


(M/N) (HH) looks at him.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that for my sanity."

He deadpanned.

Probably for the best.

RODK (M/N) and RWBY (M/N): "ACHOO!!"

(M/N) thought angrily to himself.

'Does that idiot God not realize that Salem had been locked in a tower for the majority of her life? That even though it wasn't intentional, she and Ozma found themselves falling in love? That without Ozma she was lost and alone just like when she was trapped in the tower?'


Sakura shook her head.

"Otherwise, the idiot would have been more understanding of her plight."


"...Yeah, that's probably wasn't going to happened EVER."

'Of course, she wasn't going to stop until she got Ozma back! He was her light in a world of darkness and strife!'

"It might have looked peaceful." Ozpin spoke up. "But it was a time of wars, fairy tales, and legends."

"And generally, when you have any of those thrown into the mix." Ignika scratched his head. "That's when you know the world isn't as peaceful as you think it is."

"Isn't that the truth?"

Chloe deadpanned.

She had been trapped and alone for so long that she didn't know how to let go. In (M/N) eyes, it wasn't that she didn't respect the balance of life and death. But she didn't want to be alone again.

"Some people might like being alone." Olga Discordia shook her head. "But not everyone can handle such an isolated world.

'And there is the God of Darkness.'

While not as bad as the God of Light, he was just as petty.

"That's for sure."

Ben twitched.

He just had the weirdest feeling that the God of Darkness was connected to him.

'But how?' He thought to himself. 'They left after destroying all of humanity. They have never returned after that!'


'He could have gone about it in different ways.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'He could have demanded Salem and Ozma loyalty in exchange for the deception. Could have had their family serve him as his apostles for all eternity.'


" actually a good point." Mikasa (AZ) admitted. "While not preferable, at the very least Salem could have Ozma back even though they would have to serve the God of Darkness."


Salem and Ozpin were in disbelief at how things could have been different.

'But NOOOOOO!' He thought angrily to himself. 'The bastard just had to be like his brother and then the both of them cursing Salem with immortality!'

"Some gods they are."

Alice acidly said.

"You're telling me."

Macarios deadpanned.

"Even the Gods back home were more benelovent than them."

Adele frowned.

"Just goes to show you how arrogant and self absorbed some deities are."

Ignika scoffed.

'Of course.' He thought to himself. 'This wouldn't have happened if the fucking God of Light had just kept his nose out of their business. Him and his stupid accursed balance!'

"The Balance can't be looked after all the time." Zero groaned. Facepalming himself. "There will always be disturbances and threats to the Balance."

"Which is way we try to mitigate the damage instead of outright taking extreme measures."

Tempest sighed.

"Fucking idiots those two 'Gods' were."

Shifter groaned.

'Fuck those Gods and fuck their precious balance!!'

"Careful what you wish for."

Omni sweatdropped.

"There might just be a God of Balance and might be a female. She would probably love to be fucked by you."


"How the hell would you know that?"

Raven Branwen asked.


Was all the Oni teen said.

"...Son of a bitch..."

And then...

And then when Salem leads a rebellion against them, the GoD kills humanity before he and the GoL proceed to leave.

'And then the GoL subtly manipulates Ozma into reincarnating, does not tell the full details, and even threatens to wipe out Humanity for a second time if Ozma can't reunite them by the time the Brother Gods are summoned by the Relics.'

"Are they really Gods?"

Shoukaku asked.

"Or are they just a bunch of powerful children throwing a tantrum when things don't go right?"


Evo opened his mouth.

"Don't answer that." Shoukaku flat toned. "It was rhetorical."


That incensed him even more.

How dare they!?

What gives them the right to act like that!?

"They had no right to screw with everyone lives like that!"

Not to mention, if the GoL had just let him reincarnate without being given that stupid mission. Then maybe Salem and Ozma could be happy and maybe the world wouldn't facing cataclysm at the hands of a mad (wo)man.


"Was that a Spectrobe: Origins reference inside there?"

Omni blinked.

"Glad someone knows of it."

Zero simply nodded.

"Not bad."

Omni smirked.

"Ah, yes." Ignika nodded his head in fond amusement. "The Spectrobe universe. Filled with Krawl, their version of the Heartless and all that."

"And psychopaths."

"Didn't you bang that purple Krawl chick?"

HoFi Kiana snickered.


"...We don't talk about Maja."

Ignika deadpanned.


"It's only adding credence to the fact that you seem to have a thing for unique girls."

Chloe snickered.


Henry Lazarus said.

"Maja is a humanoid Krawl with purple hair, purple eyes, and light purple skin."

Adam answered.

"...She your sister, William?"

Henry Emily asked his old frenemy.

"Just because I'm called the Purple Guy doesn't mean that everyone that is purple in some way is related to me."

William deadpanned.

"Oh, please!!"

VI Bakugou scoffed.

"I doubt she's hot if the loser got her!"

"Yeah!" "That's right!" "Only we can get the hot chicks!"

VI perverts shouted out in agreement.

...Forgetting the fact that Ignika does get the ladies.


"Challenge accepted."

Zero showed Maja appearance on screen.

(Maja from the game Spectrobes. One of my favorites really.)


They screamed in rage and fury!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "Impossible!" "She belongs to me!"

The perverts cried as they were defeated once more.

"...Bunch of idiots."

Gigan deadpanned.

"How can this loser get all the hot chicks!?"

VI Mineta cried.

"It's not fair!" He whined. "What about us!?"

"Considering your disgusting behavior." Alice scoffed. "It'll be a holiday celebration when you die and can't reproduce in time. Let your bloodline die with you."


'Ozma and his reincarnations have been forced to carry a heavy burden.' (M/N) thought sadly to himself. 'And now Oscar has been forced to carry such a painful burden.'

"Seriously." Diego (PV) frowned. "Those Gods really are a bunch of assholes. And I thought dealing with Kismet god like ego was bad enough."


Kismet shouted at him.

"Well it's true!"

Diego (PV) argued.

"At least I can back it up!"

"I...good point."

He conceded that point.

That made his heart heavy.

His precious younger brother, forced to carry a burden that should not have existed in the first place.

"Stupid Gods."

Aka grumbled to himself.



Many people jumped at that sound!

"Wait..." Elysia eyes widened. "Oh, crap!"

She let an unladylike shout.

"I forgot that this is now showing from his perspective!"



Griselo asked.

"Meaning that Qrow had hit Oscar and (M/N) reaction isn't going to be pretty."

Mothra shook her head.

The sound of someone hitting something caught his attention, looking back to the field. He saw to his horror.

That the bird man had dared to hit his younger brother.

"You should be lucky that's all he did in retaliation, Qrow."

Summer growled at him.

Qrow shuffled because he knew that if he had done that back in their world, Summer would have ripped him a new one.

Will and the others had downright psychopathic smiles on their faces.

Some sharpening their weapons.

The Qrows in the theater were mentally cursing their counterparts because now THEY have to suffer the consequences of his actions!

(M/N).exe has shut down.


"Might as well."

FSN Illya shrugged.

Should probably get it over with.

His body trembling with rage as everyone seemed to be yelling and insulting him just because of them learning the truth.

"At least he keeps his cool."

Luke and Christina glared at the versions of Qrow in the theater.

Who flinched at that.

Mentally cursing their counterpart's asshole actions because they were getting the brunt of it.


"No one hurts family and gets away with it."

Dom coldly stated.

Terrifying everyone with his stare.

(M/N) angrily thought to himself.

He didn't care if it was Ozpin in control right now, he didn't care if their anger was justifiable.

"Then why...?"

That was still his little brother, and no one had the right to hit him!


And then the alcoholic bird said the trigger word.

"You should probably cut back on your alcohol consumption."

Pyrrha suggested.


"Then perish for your stupidity."


(M/N) roared as he launched his attack.

-Now to the present-


Team RWBY yelled in pure shock.

"Oscar!" Ruby shouted in surprise. "You have an older brother??"

"Since when!?"

Yang shouted out in shock!

"How do you think, genius?"

Ben deadpanned.

"Yeah." Minato shook his head in disappointment. "She's giving us blonds a bad rep."

"Really proving the stereotype about blonds being airheads true."

Tsunade deadpanned.

"Is this really me?"

VI Yang deadpanned.

"And I thought the Dobe was the living embodiment of that stereotype."

Sasuke shook his head.


Naruto shouted at his friend.

Before Oscar could say anything.

"That's none of your business."

(M/N) coldly glared at them.

"Well...nice knowing them."

Ritsuka sweatdropped.

"Is it, though?"

Gudao asked his counterpart.



"You fuckers have a lot of nerve to attack my baby brother."

"You don't understand." Blake softly said, trying to figure out a way to explain. "You don't understand the full situation."

"If you did, you wouldn't be lashing out like this."

"...You really are the Queen of Misguidance."

Ethan gave the Blakes an unforgiving look.

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

VI Blake shouted.

"I mean that you think you reserve the right to decide what's best for others." He growled. "You guys didn't like that Ozpin was trying what was best for you. And yet, here you are, trying to act like you know what is best for (M/N)."

"Do you honestly think he would stand to the side and let you hurt his little brother?" VI Irene asked. "It wouldn't matter to him about Ozpin being inside his head. All that matters, is that, that is his brother you're attacking."


"Even if he had gone to Beacon and forged relationships with you guys." Zero interrupted VI Blake. "He would not hesitate to cut ties with you if had dared to hurt his little brother."

"There are always bigger fishes in the sea, you know."

He said coolly.

"You're not that special to be the center of his universe."


The looks of the insulted would be forever burned into the minds of those that hated them.

"You mean that Ozpin is inside his head?"

(M/N) rhetorically asked, stunning the group at that.

"How do you know that!?"

"Because he knows everything!"

Evo said in an eerie voice.

(Think Woody when he and the toys confronted Sid)

Weiss asked in shock!

"I've been on the hunt for my little brother ever since I came back from my little training expedition." (M/N) answered. "Imagine my surprise when I come back home to find our aunt in distress and a little brother of mine missing."

Oscar winced.

He knew he should have left a note before he left. Heck, even Ozpin told him to leave some sort of letter behind.

"That kid."

Vernal just shook her head.


"...Why do you even care?" RODK Ruby sweatdropped. "Aren't you a bandit?"

"I buy food from his and his aunt farm."

Vernal said.


He just didn't know what to write in it, which was why he left without a word.

Not like he could say/write.

Hey! I'm leaving for Haven to go save the world from a psycho witch with the aid of Beacon former headmaster who's residing in my head. Oh, and apparently, I'm a reincarnation of a dead man!

"Yeeeeah..." Beast Boy sweatdropped. "That would go so well."

"Like oil and water."

Cyborg nodded.

Meaning, it wasn't going to go so well.

Yeeeeeaaah...his aunt would have sent him to the coocoo house when she got her hands on him.

"Or send him to therapy."

Rachel said.

"And just when I finally catch up to him." (M/N) continued. "What do I find? I find a blue ass genie talking about Gods and the end of the world and psycho witches and the like."

"Just need her to start singing 'Friend Like Me!'"

Aladdin smirked.

"Watch it, Al."

Genie 'warned'.

"I can still turn Agrabah into a permanent winter wonderland."


"Then why are you getting in our way!?"

"Guess big boobs does not equal to him suddenly turning into a simp."

Kevin deadpanned.

Yang shouted.

"I have to agree." Qrow groaned as he held his side. "If you know what's going on, then why did you attack us?"

"Because you're an idiot."

Winter deadpanned.

"Shouldn't you be mad that Ozpin lied to us and is now going to use your brother as the next reincarnation and continue lying?"

"Whose fault is that?"

Raven Branwen groaned.

She may not like Ozpin, but even she knew better now that he never wanted it to be like this.

Was it really his fault when he was being used by those so-called Gods?

"That's surprising." Taiyang blinked. "You coming to his defense."

"Even I know now that there really are some things best left alone."

Plus...even she felt bad learning the WHOLE truth. Which now she realized it was better off left buried.


The male quietness seemed to silence the cold winds.

"...Why should I be mad at him?" (M/N) asked. "As far as I'm aware, he hasn't done anything to warrant my anger."

"That's going to trigger them."


"Hasn't done-are you an idiot!?" Weiss shouted; did they watch two separate things entirely!? "He has no plan, he lied to us about being able to defeat Salem, he just left us!!"

"Because he's not into whiny brats."

Su shook his head.


Burned by the cool guy!

"And who's fault is that?"

(M/N) coldly asked.

"Quite frankly, with your attitudes I would not want to be around you myself."

"Jesus!" Lucifer shouted. "That's a burn if I've ever seen one!"

...That's a new one. The Devil/King of Hell using Jesus' name as an expression.


"Excuse me!?"

She shouted, losing her cool once more.

"You're excuse."

(M/N) scoffed as he helped Oscar get up.

"You guys are so conceited and arrogant that you only think about yourselves."

"Ain't that the truth."

Vanguardians, Luke, and Ben all said in unison.

He stated.

"Wha-that's not true!"

Ruby shook her head in denial.

"I would think otherwise."

Scar scoffed at them.

"Isn't it?" (M/N) gave her a look. "Let me guess, you guys wanted to know the truth. But Ozpin refused with half-truths and you wanted to know more."

"And look where it got them."

Roxy scoffed.

"Did it ever occur to you, that maybe there was a reason he kept it hidden?"

"Yeah!" Yang shouted. "Because he didn't want anyone to know that he's a liar, that he married the one person who seeks to destroy all of Remnant, that he tried to become a God to the people, and that he used us all in his stupid game!"

"Oh, boohoo!" Monty mockingly said. "Cry me a river!"

"They're not Juvia." Grey said. "They would dry up and die before making a puddle."

"Why you!"

"Hah!" (M/N) laughed. "Don't delude yourself. You don't even make it to the chessboard. You guys are just a bunch of idiots that couldn't even qualify as pawns."



The Author Gods/Immortals all shouted out in shock and awe!

"He just roasted in like, 10 universes!"

Shifter Sans laughed like a maniac.

"They deserve it!"

Taeho and Dystopian laughed their asses off!


Sukuna laughed the biggest laugh she ever had.

"Hah! Comedy!"

Alastor laughed as the audience laughter broadcast could be heard.

The VI versions of them felt like their souls were leaving them.


"You are out of line!"

Qrow pointed at him.

"Ohhhhh, how scary."

Jr. mockingly said.

"Yamcha is far more scarier than you will ever be."

"And you're a dead man walking."

(M/N) glared at him in anger and disgust.

"Indeed." Mace Windu nodded, even he could not control his expression and had a murderous look on his face. "To lash out on a child like that, is out of bounds no matter how good the reason is."

"Do you honestly think you guys are special?" He rhetorically asked. "Let me tell you this, NO. You are not special. You never were, not even with your fancy abilities are you remotely special. had a purpose."

"They never were."

Embera scoffed.


"Did you not swore to protect all of Remnant from the Grimm as part of your duty?"

He asked.


"Did you not swore to fight the Grimm to your dying breath so that the future generations could have something to look up to?"

"...Why bother?" Blake looked down; her cat ears flattened. "It's all lies, anyways. What purpose does it matter if we become famous huntsmen that fight to destroy the Grimm?"

"Really!?" Ethan gave her a murderous look. "You're telling me that just because Salem is immortal that it's all meaningless!?"

"Well, of course it is!" VI Blake shouted at him. "What's the point of fighting if the mastermind cannot be killed?!"

"Fucking idiot!"

Mirko shouted at her.

"At the very least you'll be fighting to keep a world safe for future generations!"


Her team looked at her in sadness.

"There is a saying." (M/N) got their attention. "That there are some things that are better left unsaid."

"That the truth is crueler than fiction."

"That it is better that the truth remain hidden."

"You could not handle the truth, because your hearts are weak."

"Yeah." Macarios nodded. "No doubt about that."

"They are weak."


"...Because YOU are weak."

"Oh, come on!"

"Sorry." Adele unapologetically said. "But that's just how it is."


"That's not-!!"

Ruby couldn't get the words out.

Try as she might, did she or the others really have the right when they lashed out just like that?


Seraphim shut them up as they tried to talk.

"That's not true?" (M/N) stared at her in pity. "Face it, accept it, open your eyes to the truth. That the world is cruel, that justice is easily exploited and manipulated to serves one's own purpose."

"This isn't a game." Morgan glared at them. "The world will not fall to your knees just because you want it to. You can and will die."

"You know the thing about Fairy Tales?" (M/N) suddenly said. "Is that there is always a darker element to them that people turn a blind eye to. The darker, more horrible truths concealed in them."

"That's for sure."

Hans Anderson nodded in agreement.

The Heroic Spirit understanding (M/N) words. Which wasn't a surprise considering the stories he wrote while he was alive.


They gritted their teeth as he coldly and unsympathetically tore them down.

"Besides..." He added. "My anger is to those accursed BROTHER GODS!!"


That outburst was most unexpected.

His voice, calm until now, suddenly exploded into anger startling everybody else.


"This whole mess is their fault!"

(M/N) interrupted Maria.

"It's because of them that we're in this situation. All because they had to act high and mighty and had to screw us all over with their pettiness!!"

The anger in his voice terrified them.

"They could have gone about it in so many different ways to ensure that the balance wasn't disturbed!! But NOOO!! That stupid GoL just had to be a bitch about it and make life difficult for them!"

"For real!"

"Then the GoD just had to avenge his damaged pride and make things worse!"

"And to add the cherry on top, the GoL sends Ozma back to the world of the living with incomplete information!!"

"So, NO!" He shouted. "I don't blame Ozpin/Ozma, and to an extent, I don't blame Salem. They are the biggest victims in this because of the Gods twisted game and machinations."

"At least, he has a brain."

"And can you truly blame Salem?" He asked. "She was alone for a very long time and when she and Ozma met and fell in love she didn't want to lose it. She didn't know how to cope with it after being alone for so long."

"She was afraid of being alone again. Yet, that 'God' could not even summon a small amount of compassion inside him."

"...Ironic." He suddenly said. "That the GoD showed more mercy and compassion than the GoL."

"And that's probably the best compliment you'll get out of him regarding the Brother Gods."

"I can't forgive him for his actions but had that stupid GoL not interfered. Then perhaps things would have been different."

"Even though it might end with us not existing?"

VI Yang asked.

"Better than to be forced into a eons long battle that should have never happened."

Blake (68) crossed her arms.

"Good point."

(M/N) sighed, mentally exhausted.

Everyone was in shock at what the male had just said.

But perhaps none more than Ozpin himself who had sensed the powerful male appearance and has been listening all this time.

"So, he came back after sensing his presence?"

Luke blinked.

"(M/N) powers Is not normal."

Zero simply said.

'Is that how it is?' Ozpin thought to himself.

"Besides." He decided to finish off with something important. "Just because Ozpin doesn't have a plan, doesn't mean he's been sitting around and doing nothing."

"He's been doing something for millennia that no one else has. Trying to fight Salem and trying to stop her."

"Who cares if he's not the one destined to defeat Salem. He's done something that is incredibly important to the world. Something that he's been giving them all this time."

"Oh, really?"

Homelander scoffed.

"Like what?"

"Like you shutting up."

Homura deadpanned.

"Yeah?" Yang sarcastically asked. "Like what?"

(M/N) frowned at her.


He calmly said.



Qrow shouted.

"You call this situation we're in now, hope!?"

"Because he's still fighting her even though he has no plan!"

Himeko slammed her fist onto the table, scaring them.

"Use your brains you idiots!" She shouted. "If Ozpin had given up, then you guys would be dead!"


"Without him pressing forward and continuing to fight a inescapable fate, he still tried to give Remnant a fighting chance!"

"And how do you guys repay him?" TeriTeri glared at them. "By spitting his hard work and sacrifices in his face."

"Yes." (M/N) coolly said unfazed. "Because it is that hope he's been giving them that has given them the strength to continue moving forward. To continue bettering their lives. To have a reason to live. To protect."

"Maybe Salem can't be defeated." (M/N) shrugged. "But at the very least, we can ensure that she will never have the world."

Salem grumbled.

"You say this cause is pointless since Salem can't die."

He shook his head.

"Well, I would have to correct you on that." He smirked, crossing his arms. "There is a point. And that point is to see the smiles on everyone faces as we fight the never-ending war between good and evil."

"How cliché."

Ben smirked.

"As cliché as that sounds."

"But he does have a good point."

Ben added.

"Even though Salem can't die, we still have a reason to fight."

"And I for one, will not let some ancient old hag destroy everything I know and love for her stupid vendetta."

"Quit calling me old!"

He added.

Before going to pick up the Relic.

"And also." He gave them a glare. "You were so caught up in your 'woe is me' self pity parties that you missed an extremely vital piece of information on how to defeat Salem."



They shouted out in shock.


"What are you talking about!?"

Yang yelled.

"She can't be defeated!!"

"That's true." "She can't die." "You are delusional."

"...Oh!" Ben realized. "Of course, it was so freaking obvious!"


"What do you mean, Mr. Taurus?"

Ozpin asked.

"You'll see eventually."

Tempest smirked, interrupting the male from answering.

The others, sans Ruby, agreed.

"Well, at least ONE of you can keep her head on straight."

Christina scoffed at the teen's idiocy.

"...And that's why you'll never amount to anything."

"And he keeps on laying it down on them."

(M/N) said.

"Go home."


He told them as he turned his back to them.

"You have proven yourselves to be unworthy of being Huntsmen and are nothing more than a bunch of disgraces to the rest of us."


Otto and Sparx shouted out in shock, taken aback by his cold, harsh words.

Even if they did ring truth.

"Perhaps when you have the time to cool down, you will be able to find the important phrase that I'm referring to."


Leo (TMNT) shook his head.

"They seem the type to rush into things and only ask questions after destroying everything."


"Wait!" Ruby yelled as (M/N) proceeded to leave with Oscar and the Relic in tow. "The Relic is dangerous! It'll attract the Grimm!"

"Nothing that he can't handle."


(M/N) stopped.

"Oh, boy."

*Turn* *BAM!!*

And punched Ruby in the face.


"How dare he!?"

VI Yang roared as her hair burst into flames!

Different that Ruby may be, but she was still her sister!



Only to be doused with water, leaving the girl wet.

"Are you calm now?"

Taeho asked as smoke sizzled from her.

"...Fuck you."

VI Yang said.



"Don't even think about it."

VI Yang said.

Taeho zips back up.

"...He is definitely your grandson."

Grace (PV) deadpans at Dystopian who chuckles in pride.



Her team and Qrow shouted out in shock.

"Your uncle hit my brother." (M/N) clenched his fist as he stared down at the shocked girl. "Consider this payback."

"He's just vindictive, isn't he?"

Raiden Mei asked.

"She kind of had it coming." Ei shrugged. "If she hadn't asked that question, then they wouldn't be in this situation."


"...Earlier wasn't payback?"

Ruby sweatdrop as she rubbed her cheek in pain.

"That was retaliation."

(M/N) smirked.

"Nah!" Malzeraoth shook his head. "He just likes beating people up."


Shifter nodded in agreement.


She nodded.

"Well..." Ruby said. "At least my counterpart understands."


Yang shouted in anger as her aura exploded and her eyes turned red.

"Her...not so much."

"You fucking bastard!!" She lunged at him. "How dare you hit my sister!!"



(M/N) scoffed as he made to move.


Only to stop as he sensed a familiar presence rapidly approaching.


"Oh, great." VI Yang groaned, slightly worried for what might happen. "Who now?"

"Yang!!" Ruby shouted. "NO!!"

But Yang was too caught up in her anger to stop or listen.

Until it was too late.

"Disappear among the sea of butterflies!"


'Why does that voice sound familiar/that voice?!'

The audience thought to themselves.

A new voice suddenly shouted, startling them.

As multiple afterimages suddenly appeared around Yang.


"Don't those look like?"

Spyro question was cut off as the screen continued playing.

"Illusions of the past!"



Yang screamed in pain as she was violently assaulted on all sides. Her body was covered in wounds as blood poured out.


Was the sentiment shared as they witnessed Yang being brutally taken down with no effort.


"A sharp scythe needs targets."

The woman coolly stated as she glared down at them.




"That's Seele!?"

Certain people said.

"Oh, yeah." Seele blinked, seeing her counterpart on screen. "It's me from another universe!!"

"...Say what!?"

Luke accidentally shouted.

"Yeah!" Seele nodded. "We met her in the other theater!"


"Other theater?"

Cain blinked.

"What other theater?"

Ava asked, confused.

"I have multiple theaters that I attend to." Zero explained. "I simply freeze time here to attend to them and vice versa."


Was the appropriate reaction.


VI Issei screamed!

"How dare you hide more sexy ladies from the harem king!!"

He screamed at an uncaring Zero.

"Yeah!" VI Mineta shouted. "Give us the sexy ladies and boobies!"

AS more and more idiots shouted at him.

The response?



Was for the theater to violently attack them and the other perverts/bullies.

(M/N) stared at one of his old traveling partners...and one of the people he was going to meet later on.

"So, we're friends here."

Seele blinked.

Not noticing the amused look on Zero face.

'Ohhh, you're more than friends.'

He quietly snickered.

"What are you doing here?"

HE asked in confusion.

"Oh, hey (M/N)!" Seele saluted him. "You were taking so long that I decided to come help you!"

"...You were bored, weren't you?"

He deadpanned.

Seele giggled.

"Very carefree, is she not?"

Cocolia blinked as she stared at the older version of Seele carefree nature.

"Don't let her attitude fool you."

Ei smirked.

"She's very dangerous and can be serious when she has to."

"(M/N)?" Oscar asked shyly. "Who's she?"


"OHhh!" Seele looked at him. "So, your Oscar! (M/N) cute little brother! Guess he wasn't lying about that part!"



Oscar faced turned red at being called cute!

The audience snickered at the poor boy flustered expression.

Seele giggled, before turning to (M/N) with a serious expression.

"What's going on?" She asked. "Why did that blonde chick attack you?"

"Because she's an idiot that gets no bitches."

Bronya deadpanned.


"I'll tell you on the way."

(M/N) said, wanting to get a move on anyways.

"I grow weary of all but one."

He said pointing to the only one that hasn't pissed him off.

Maria Calavera of course.

"The only sane one around."

Unlike them, she has a brain and can use it.

"Do you want to come with us?"

He asked.

"Pass, dearie." Maria waved him off. "It's best that I make sure these idjits don't get themselves killed."


"Good one."

Klein told her.

"I try."

The retired Huntress said.


"Hey!" Yang managed to get out. "Why are you butting in on this?! You don't know what's going on!?"

"Don't need to." The lady retorted. "I understand more than you do anyways."

"Oh, shut up." Maria scoffed at the girl's foolishness. "Unlike you, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this is humanity second time around. And quite frankly, the boy's right."

"You lot need to take some time to calm down and decide where you truly stand in this."

"Useless." Skeleton King shook his head. "All of them."

"Why you!"

She said as she walked.

"And honestly, it is best that everyone takes some time to cool down."

She finished.

"The world was never a forgiving place."

"It never was."

Caroline Cordovin agreed, for once, with her old frenemy.

"The world is harsh." She said. "Beautiful, yet cruel."

She said her piece.






(M/N) interrupted Ruby.

"Besides, our elderly friend here. You are the next person that seems to be able to keep her emotions in check." He said. "If you didn't, the blow would have been much worse."

"And we all know quite well, just how aggressive he can get when it comes to his family."


Ruby said nothing as (M/N) started walking away with Oscar, Seele, and the Relic in tow.

Soon, they disappeared into the woods.

Leaving a sullen group to wallow in despair and self-pity.

"Well!" Zero clapped his hands. "Hope you guys like it!"

"Hell, yeah we did!" Diego (VI) shouted. "Those bitches finally get what they deserve!"

"YEAH!" "That's for sure!" "For real!"

Many people shouted much to the mentioned people irritation.

"But what was it that I missed?"

Ozpin asked.

"Can Salem truly be defeated?"

He pressed on.

"You'll see in the next viewing."

Zero smirked.

"It should prove quite interesting."


Took longer than I wanted to, but here it is.

Have a good day/night!

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