Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 2

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Here we go.

Once again: Art and Videos in this story is not mine. All belong to their respective creators and are found on Pinterest, YouTube, Google...you get the picture.

There will be some mature themes such as sexual themes, cursing and the like.


And Raiden Shogun now has a name.



"Morning, Motherfuckers!"

Zero cheerfully shouted.

Surprising many people at how different he was from before when he had brought them into the theater.

"And how was everybody sleep?"

"Good" Not bad" "Best sleep I've ever gotten." "10/10 would recommend."

Various people said.

"All right then."

Zero clapped his hands.

"Time for some breakfast and then we'll get back to our show!"

"But before I do that."

'Here we go again.'

Various people thought, because when he said that. It usually meant that he was bringing in some more people to watch the multiverse.


(Crackle! Pop! -God damn it Deadpool!)

Two massive portals opened dropping in two groups of people.


Came the expected and oh so eloquence response to suddenly being dragged here.


And then hitting the ground.


And the expected response to hitting the ground.

The group of limbs untangled themselves as they got up.

The new groups were: Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

"What the hell!?" "Who dares!?" "Who are you people!?"


A black-haired, green-eyed teen shouted in shock and surprised. Quickly hugging a tired looking (not Remus) man.


Sirius Black shouted in surprise.

"What's wrong pup?"

Sirius asked.

"You're okay!"

Blinking, Sirius was confused.

"Um, pup." He started. "I was just tending to Buckbeak injury before we got to...wherever we are right now. And Buckbeak trusts me enough to not attack me."

What was going on here? He wondered.


Harry was confused.

"No, no that can't be right! You were being tortured by Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries!"

He tried to correct.

(That should tell you what timeline they came from)


The Order of the Phoenix shouted in shock and fear.

What in Merlin name was he talking about?!

"Harry, what led you to that conclusion!?"

Remus Lupin, alarmed, asked the young boy.

...Harry was suddenly quiet.

Knowing they were not going to like his answer.


Lupin gave his former a student the Teacher Stare. Causing the teen to talk.

"I saw a vision of Voldemort (que shudders/winces from the bitches) torturing you to grab something for him."


This time Sirius and Remus both yelled, much to the others' confusion.

"Harry!" Sirius shouted. "Didn't I tell you that it was important to continue your Occlumency lessons!?"

"You know why I didn't go back!"

Harry argued with his Godfather.

"Harry, it doesn't matter."

Lupin said.

"I know he was furious at what you found out, but it was essential that you continued your lessons! Why did you think Voldemort had Sirius? He's been inside Grimmauld Place for months!"

It took a lot to get Lupin mad. That little stunt Sirius pulled back in their Hogwarts years concerning Snape learning his secret was one of the few times the werewolf genuinely got mad.

He wasn't mad-mad. But more than that he was UNHAPPY that Harry did not continue his lessons.

Okay, maybe he didn't have to go back to Severus. But he should have continued trying to learn Occlumency!

"That's why I thought he was kidnapped!" Harry shouted, ignoring the scrutinizing looks his friends (especially Hermione) gave him for lying about why his lessons were canceled. "I thought that the stress of being stuck in that house had finally gotten to him! And that he decided to go out for a breath of air!"

"This is why it was important to guard your mind!" Nymphadora Tonks shouted. "So, that you wouldn't get these visions anymore!"

"But it helped save Mr. Weasley though!"

Harry tried to argue.

A weak argument as proven.

"That was before Voldemort knew about the connection Potter. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"

Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody shouted, startling the majority of the group in the theater at his sudden shout. Destroying his flimsy argument with cold facts and logic.

Oh. And common sense which the Wizarding World seems to lack in spades.

"The moment he found out that the two of you were connected, was the moment he realized that he could use that connection against you!"

THAT somehow got it through the teen angry state and slap some sense of realization into him.

"He...he was trying to lure me with a false vision?"

Harry realized as a cold feeling formed in his guts.

"That is the most likely conclusion, yes."

A wizened, old voice spoke out. Startling the HP group and causing them to turn to see.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

They shouted, seeing the old Headmaster safe and sound.

Smiling softly, he spoke: "My friends, it's been a while."

Before sighing: "And I must apologize, it seems that my absence has caused you all more grief than I expected it to."

For a moment, no one said anything.


"I told you!"

Hermione Granger shouted.

"I told you it was impossible that You-Know-Who could have taken Sirius! But you didn't believe me or any of us!"

Here, Harry winced. He knew he had a tendency to act before he thinks, and most of the time it wasn't bad. But this time, he could have caused the deaths of his friends and himself with his impulsiveness!

...And he could never forgive himself for that if it had happened.


He weakly said.

"Mate" Ron Weasley began. "It's okay, you were just worried."

"But I shouldn't have reacted so badly!"

Harry argued.

"I let my emotions get the better of me and refused to accept the possibility of the vision being fake."

"On that, we can argue on Potter."

Came the silky, cold voice of Severus Snape. Who looked emotionlessly at him.

"Just out of curiosity, Mr. Potter." Snape began. "Just how were you going to figure out whether or not Black was safe?"

Here, Harry and the others (Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville) shuffled nervously.


He raised an eyebrow.

"We're waiting."


"We were going to create a diversion and use Umbridge fireplace to floo Grimmauld Place."

Hermione uneasily answered.

Their reaction?

"Of all the foolhardy-Miss Granger!"

Snape shouted.

"Have you lost your mind?!"

"Hey!" Ron shouted at his most hated teacher (second only to Umbridge). "Don't go picking on her! Harry said she told him it was the most secured Floo Network in the school!"

"It was obviously an attempt to bait and trap him, Mr. Weasley!"

Snape coldly replied, shutting him up.

(I'm going to be honest here. But I really, really don't like Ron. Or to be more exact, I started disliking him after Book 3. Sure, he was a jerk to Hermione because of Crookshanks. But that was because Crookshanks knew that Scabbers was not what he seemed. And we all know what happened there.)

(But after Book 3, he started becoming unlikeable to me and sort of a brat. Though in some ways its explained why he acts like that, but that still doesn't excused him from how he acted.)

(And in all honesty, I never liked the ending canon couples. Especially since Harry barely had an attraction to Ginny until Book 6 and even then, that was weird. You're suddenly thinking of dating your best mate sister? Bro, really?)

"Mr. Potter was told countless times that the Ministry is watching him. Trying to get him to slip up, so that they can send him to Azkaban!"

"Breaking into a Ministry Official office would have given them the perfect excuse to expel and jail him."

Snape coldly explained.

"For Merlin sakes, use your heads!"

...The students had the decency to bow their heads in shame.

"Harry, kids."

Sirius spoke up.

"While it greatly pains me to admit it, but Snape is right."

...And wasn't that a shocker? Sirius admitting that his hated enemy was right.

"There was a reason we wanted you to continue your Occlumency lessons, Harry. And it was to prevent this scenario from happening."

"I'm grateful, really, I am, that you were willing to risk incurring the Ministry wrath. But you must learn to trust that we know what we are doing, even if it seems to you that we're not."

...Harry couldn't say anything, because if he did. He would be revealing things he did NOT want to revisit again.


A cough startled them out of their conversation, drawing their attention to a, rather imposing, group of beings staring at them.

"As much as we hate to interrupt your heart-to-heart conversation."

A pale, ominous figure spoke out. Sending chills down their spines.

"But do you know where we are?"

He asked.

As amusing as this real life drama soap was. They still needed to figure out where they are.

That question quickly brought them back to their current situation.

"Now that you mention it, where are we?"

Kingsley Shacklebolt questioned.

"You don't know either?"

A boy with wild Jet Black hair, and Sea Green eyes asked.


Luna said in her usual, dreamlike state.

"Perhaps the Nargles brought us here."

"Seriously, Luna?"

Ginny shook her head in fond amusement at her friend's answer.


A woman whose hair seemed to change from black to blond, and eyes from Green to Black asked.

"They're – I know what they are." The woman cut off Hermione attempt to explain the nonexistent existence of the creatures. "I just thought I exterminated those pests after the havoc they caused in my house and running off with my clothes."


"They're REAL!?"

Came the shouts of shock, disbelief, happiness, and many other emotions at the existence of the supposedly imaginary creatures.

"They should be real, I created them."

The woman shortly explained.


Neville asked.

"Who are you, exactly?"

The timid boy asked.

The woman chuckled, before saying: "I am the Goddess of Magic! All magic came from me."

"What?" Sirius was gaping, he was sure. "...Are you saying you are!?"

"Yes." The woman nodded. "I am Hecate! The Greek Goddess of Magic!"


The HPverse group shouted in shock!

The Goddess of Magic was here?!

"Yes, and the majority of the people you see here." She pointed to the Olympians. "Are the Gods of Olympus!"


The group found themselves bowing/kneeling to the Greek Pantheon.

"Forgive us for our impertinence my Lords and Ladies!"

The more well versed in magic and traditions spoke up.

The Gods chuckling, as the campers just watched in plain amusement at that.

Though, a certain huntress notices something.

'Strange.' Artemis Lieutenant thought to herself, as she realized that they were not alone. 'Only these guys in front of us are bowing, the others are not even shocked one bit.'

'In fact...some of them look ready to kill the moment Hecate revealed themselves.'

She noted, uneasily eyeing Caenis who clenched her spear as she glared at the Gods in hatred.


She blinked.

Was she going crazy or was she seriously seeing Disney version of the Greek Gods?!

"Raise my children." Hecate smiled. "There is no need to lower yourselves like that."

Nodding, they obeyed and got up.

"But Lady Hecate." Dumbledore cautiously asked. "Judging from yours and your fellow Gods expression, this was not your doing?"

Here, the Gods grumbled and conversed with each other.

"No, it wasn't."

A certain bearded God spoke up.

"Then who?"

Was the still unanswered question.

"Maybe if you turn around and say hi to us, you will know."

Beerus deadpanned.


Startled, both groups turned to see the rest of the audience staring at them.

"Hello." "Hey" "About time you guys notice." "Yo."

Were the greetings sent to them.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" Zeus roared, as thunder and lightning crackled, the winds howling scaring some of the theater guests. Most were unfazed though. "AND WHY HAVE YOU BROUGHT US HERE!?"

"Indeed" Artermis (PJO) growled. Staring to her annoyance at the group of males here, growling as she noticed some were giving her and her huntresses, as well as fellow goddesses and other females, a perverted look.

"Why have you kidnapped us?"

"You've got a lot of nerve!"

Clarissa, Daughter of Ares, growled as she held her weapon tight in her hand.

"Oh, calm down maggot."

Albel and Mr. Popo voices broke through their shouting.

"Excuse me!?"

Clarissa shouted at the man (Since he was the only one in their sight).

"You're excused."

Albel simply said, not caring about her reaction. Nor that Artemis now had an arrow pointed at his head for the disrespect.

"And put that silly toy away before you hurt yourself."

He said to the Moon Goddess.

...Hear that? That was the sound of Artemis releasing an arrow full of divine energy hurling towards Albel as punishment.


Only for Albel to effortless slice the arrow into pieces, with speeds that even the Gods had a hard time following.


'How did he do that!?'

The Gods thought to themselves.

Their weapons should not be countered so easily by a mortal blade!


An amused voice brought them out of their thoughts as they turned to Zero direction.

"I'm the one who brought you guys here, nice to meet you."

"...And who are you?"

Poseidon asked cautiously, whoever this being...no this god, was. He was not your average deity, that much the Greek God of the Sea could tell you that.

And his instincts were screaming at him, not to pick a fight with him!

"My name is Zero." The God introduced himself. "And as to why I brought you guys here?"

"Simple!" He smiled.

"We're here to watch the life of a certain somebody who's made impacts in the universes he exists in."

"A one (M/N) (L/N) to be exact."

"(M/N) (L/N)?"

The new groups asked in confusion.

It was not a name they recognized but felt a strange connection to it.

"Heh" Zero chuckled. "I'll tell you more, but first let's eat!"

-Timeskip to everyone eating, Zero explaining why they were here, Artemis and her group shooting arrows at the Union bullies/perverts-

"So, the Multiverse Theory is real."

A blonde hair, grey eyed girl surmised.


"You brought these people here to watch this guy, (M/N) I believe his name is, in the many versions of the ones they know."

She pointed at the groups that were already there.

Fascinated, like many others, at the fact that the Multiverse Theory is true.

It would be quite the novel experience to see how she and the others were in other universes!

Zero had to school his features knowing that they would be in complete shock if they knew how their counterparts acted in those worlds.

(Let's hope you never have to see the universes where you are a bitch and a cheater. Seriously, while I don't like the Percabeth pairing for some reason, I'm more of a Perlia shipper, couldn't they just have them break up instead of having Annabeth cheat?)

(If you don't want to have the canon pairing be in your story and be a different pairing then that's fine. But you don't need to butcher/murder Annabeth character or make her out to be some shallow shameless bitch when she's not.)

(Same for others. Don't like the pairing, then don't make one part of the couple a horrible person just to break them up and pair the other one with someone else.)

(True, one dying is rather cliché but I would rather that than the cheating/betrayal tropes)

"Got it, Ms. Chase."

"Please call me Annabeth." Annabeth quickly said. "Ms. Chase makes me feel old, my Lord."

"Only if you and everyone else here drops the whole Lord thing."

Zero compromised.

"I don't really like to put on airs, unless you're the type of person that needs to be taught a lesson in humility."

"Eh, sure." "Okay" "Fine with me." "Are all multiverse gods this chill?"

Percy Jackson rhetorically asked.

"Not everyone, young Jackson."

Zero stated.

"I think I speak for everyone that you don't have to address by our last names as well."

Percy got some nods from that.

"Okay, Percy." Zero agreed. "Like I was saying, not all the Gods from the Multiverse are this chill with formalities. There are some like Lord Beerus over there."

Here he pointed to the humanoid cat like figure, who was watching them calculatedly.

"Who places a lot of emphasis on stations. And don't think about being sassy with him, like you are with the Gods."

Zero warned.

"Unless you're a God of equal or higher standing, or if you are one of his friends. Then it is best NOT to agitate him."

"He is known as a God of Destruction. A being whose existence is to destroy worlds, while his counterpart, the Supreme Kai, purpose is to create worlds and fill them with life."


They were confused on why he was explaining this.

"This is important, because their work helps keep the Balance in check. Too much life could cause an unpleasant reaction to balance it out. Likewise, too much destruction and death of too many planets could cause the universe to become violently unstable."

"And no one wants to deal with finding a solution to THAT problem."

Here many people shuddered as they remembered the tale of what the Destruction of Unicron had almost done to the multiverse.

The newcomers were understandably confused. But those that understood the importance of balance had an inkling of what he meant and understood his words.

"And unfortunately, this boy has been through some harsh and painful hells that not even Tartarus could accomplish in a good deal of these many universes."

Zeus calmly said, bringing them back to the subject at hand.

While he was NOT happy about being dragged from his home and into some random world. Even he was not stupid enough to dare to try to pick a fight with this strange being, He could feel it in his bones that Zero was not a person to be trifled with.

And Zeus had a tendency to TRY to eliminate all threats to his power!

The fact that even HE wasn't going to try anything said something.

Something that the Gods and Demigods quickly understood.

If the King of Paranoia wasn't doing anything it's best not to try it.


Zero sadly said.

"Unfortunately, for whatever reason he has faced numerous hardships in these many universes that ultimately shape his future and decide the fate of the future of others. Be it good or bad, it depends on how deep the scars run deep."

"Both mentally and physically."

Here some of the Gods eyes softened at that, even Artemis could not help but feel sorry for the poor boy ordeal.

Contrary to popular belief. She was not a man hating Goddess as people seemed to think she was.

I mean come on! She's had male hunters in her Hunt before!

...They just wounded up suffering from unfortunate fates.

Orion was killed by the monster Scorpius that Apollo had secretly orchestrated out of jealously for how affectionate Artemis was with him.

Actually, the truth was that Apollo took a look into the future to see how their relationship was going to go and saw that Artemis was going to turn into what the future would call a 'Yandere' (albeit more of her being VERY affectionate with Orion) should Artemis and Orion relationship continue to flourish.

He decided to spare Orion the traumatizing horror of Artemis becoming a Yandere for him. He did not deserve that fate. And so, had him die in a way befitting a demigod.

Such a nice guy.

And no, that wasn't sarcasm.

Actaeon, while not a member of Artemis Hunt, accidentally stumbled upon Artemis bathing and was turned into a stag by the embarrassed Goddess and killed by his dogs.

Hippolytus, was one of the other few males that joined her Hunt, was killed by an enraged Aphrodite because he had no romantic interest in females or males. Aka he was Asexual.

Aphrodite had him killed out of rage.

Basically, males and any connection to Artemis and her Hunt generally did not get good endings.

...She was still confused on why people think she hated men. Sure some are really the lowest of the low. But that did not mean the same for the rest of the male population.

...Oh. She suddenly realized something. It's probably because of how standoffish she tended to act and how her Hunt had the bad habit of emulating her.


'In some ways, it's just as bad as a Demi child life.'

The Moon Goddess sadly thought to herself.

"Of course." Zero crossed his arms, as he decided to also reveal another secret of the Multiverse. "It's not just him that has suffered."


"Many versions of certain people, like Deku, Ruby Rose, Jaune, Percy Jackson (here Percy and the others started in shock. Even him?), Harry Potter (Looks of alarm was on their faces), Naruto, family members that you don't have in your own world, they too have suffered horribly from events they had no control over."

"They too have changed so much and, in the end, are the key to determining the fate of the world."

"So, be careful of who you hurt. You never know, they might end up being the one to change the world."

...Yeah, that was not scary. Not at all.

(The sarcasm is strong in this one)

"And this universe we're currently watching is actually your universe version of (M/N)?"

Athena calmly asked.

Trying to shake off the ominous feeling Zero words had on them.


"And in this universe, our origins are very different."

Hera said, remembering what they were told when he explained the reason why he had brought them and others to his home.

'Mechanical beings from another world? Only becoming the Gods of legends after losing our bodies in a fight? Embodying the humans' concepts of how they perceive us?'

"And I thought being stuck in father stomach was bad."

Hades deadpanned, as he and his wife Persephone sat down.

"It can take a little using too."

Ei sympathetically said.

"I was kind of the same way when we first met."


Aphrodite asked in curiosity.

"How did you two meet?"

Here, Ei blushed while Zero crossed his arms in amusement.

"When we have time, I'll show you guys how we met."

"For now, let's get on with the show."

"Hell, yeah!"

Ares gleefully shouted, the God of War eager to see some fighting.

His children were eager as well.

"You, how, HOW?" Aphrodite screeched as she stared at Beast II cold, unflinching eyes as they stared down the Love goddess as if she was an insignificant speck of dust. "How are you able to summon one of the Seven Evil of Humanity!?"

"My" Aphrodite chimed. "My counterpart is not a happy camper."

This could not be happening! This cannot be happening! How can they be losing!? After all the precautionary measures they had taken, they were still on the losing side?!

"I get that they're gods and all."

Katsuragi (SK) said.

"But are they really that arrogant that the thought of being outsmarted by a mortal is so shocking?"


Percy said, with no remorse.


The Gods yelled at that.


"I will not let that happen!"

"This sounds like Zamasu all over again."

Bulma groaned.

She roared in anger as she started charging her weapons, she will not accept defeat at the hands of these accursed humans and traitors!

"You know." Aphrodite said, staring at her counterpart with disgust. "I would have expected my mechanical form to at least symbolize my status as the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Not something this...tacky."

Leo Valdez on the other hand, was practically salivating at the art of advanced technology.

The Guda twins shivered not from the Goddess imminent attack, but by Tiamat presence. They remember the hard-fought battles they had against her, and that they barely won by the skin of their teeth.

"Is Tiamat really that scary?"

Percy turned to Ritsuka at that.

"She is the Primordial Mother of Ancient Sumerian Mythology."

Mash explained.

"She has been called the Goddess of Beginning, and from her body was Heaven and Earth creation. The ritual of the World of Man."

"However, due to the violent events surrounding this ritual she eventually became one of the Seven Beasts of Humanity. Intent on destroying Humanity should she ever be awakened. In the Seventh Singularity, she was awoken and nearly succeeded in destroying all of humanity history."

"One of her abilities made her invincible and if it wasn't for the Grand Assassin, we would be dead."

...For once, Percy and the others could not make any kinds of quips about that.

Not even they had faced an enemy that they couldn't beat.

"So, WHAT!?"

A loud voice startled them out of their thoughts as Bakugou shouted angrily.

"I could beat that bitch no problem with just my hands!"

"You guys are making it out like she's some big baddie."

Union Yang scoffed.

"We could take her down ourselves."

"Hell, yeah!"

Union Issei shouted.

"And when I beat her into submission, I'll add her to my harem!"

His fellow bullies and perverts shouted words of agreement at that.

'These people represent the worst of humanity!'

Artemis (PJO) thought in disgust to herself.

Seriously, contrary to what people believe, she was not blind nor naïve to think it was just girls that were abused and that man were the ultimate evil.

No, she knew that the same could be said the other way around. Where women were the abusers and males were the abused.

'And it seems Zero was right when he told us to beware of Union.' She thought to herself.

'At least the other Union is far more different and tolerable then them.'



Ei shouted.

Blasting them with lightning along with the others joining in.

"You seem to have conveniently forgot how that went for in their world."

She pointed at the RODK cast.

"What makes you think you can do any better?"

"Because I'm the Harem King, baby!"

Union Issei arrogantly shouted.

"And when I prove my power, you will most definitely want to be mine!"

The newcomers sweatdropped.

Talk about hot air.

"Keep dreaming."

Ei coldly refuted him.

"Or better yet, stop dreaming a dream you will never get."

'I like her.'

Artemis thought to herself.

Adele and Macarios shivered clinging onto (M/N) as they stared in fear of the goddess retribution.

"Do not worry."

(M/N) calmly rang out, showing no fear at Aphrodite wrath.

"We will not lose."

"Kid's confident, I'll give him that."

Ares whistled at the boy unflinching stare.

"Well, he's not the same as he was before he was sent flying to another universe."

"Such arrogance!" Aphrodite cackled, "Well then, let's see how confident you are with this!"

With that said she launched an all-out attack on the group causing everyone but (M/N) to close their eyes at the oncoming attack.

"(M/N)!" "Look out!"

"Yes! Die you bastard!" "Give me the hotties!"



Several people shouted in shock.


The bullies shouted in victory.

"...These guys are idiots."

Thalia Grace deadpanned at the cheering bullies.

As if things were going to be that easy for them!

Was the sound that could be heard as the attacks hit, but strangely there was no pain?


The bullies' face turned to anger.

Opening their eyes, the four could see the shield blocking the attacks once again.


"Hmph! You truly are as arrogant as Ignika says" Tahu Nuva scoffed as he blocked the attacks with the Hau Nuva (Great Mask of Shielding) standing next to (M/N).

"What kind of power is that?"

TeriTeri stared, intrigued.

'Great, now I have to explain that.'

Zero sighed as he stopped the show.

"His Mask of Power."

He began explaining.

"The Toa have abilities that are not linked to their elemental powers. They also have Masks of Powers that grant them abilities that only they can use. The Toa you see here are unique in that they have the ability to use Masks of their fellow members beside their own original masks. And after a certain event, they were immersed in a substance known as Energized Protodermis. A special, yet dangerous substance that can either change or kill you, depending on if it was your Destiny to become even more powerful."

"After their transformation from being the Toa Mata to the Toa Nuva, their Masks of Powers also changed. Making the Toa Nuva even unique because unlike other Toa teams, their Masks of Powers could be shared among their allies."

"Normal Toa teams can't do that?"

Hestia calmly asked.

"No." Zero said. "This form of power is unique only to the Toa Nuva due to their Destiny of waking Mata Nui from his slumber."

"Tahu possesses the Hau Nuva: The Great Mask of Shielding that can block extremely powerful attacks from foes."

'Such power!'

Union Ironwood thought to himself.

'If I could get my hands this Energized Protodermis, I can make my soldiers invincible!'


"I would advise you to stop what you're thinking right now."

Anakin shifted back into Darth Vader as his chilling voice sent chills down even the Gods Spines at his order.

The crimson red lightsaber in hand.

"Lest you face your long awaited retribution."

He coldly warned.

"Like hell I will." Union Ironwood snarled. "You have all this special resources that could be used for the benefit of Union and yet you just leave it in the hands of a bunch of fools who don't understand its value!"

"Like you do?"

Ibuki Gojo deadpanned as she looked at the idiot in front of her.

"Of course we do!"

Union Issei butt in.

"With that kind of power, villains would be nothing but stepping stones bowing to our greatness! We would be unstoppable!"

The villains bristled at that arrogant claim.

"And we are most definitely worthy for that power if that loser friends survived that!"

Union Bakugou shouted.

"Keep dreaming, bitch."

Scaramouche scoffed.

"What did you say!?"



Zero furiously shouted as he slammed the idiots to the wall.

'When did he get here?!' Aphrodite thought to herself, he should have been too far to do anything!

(Of course, she does not know of the Toa's abilities, especially the Toa Nuva. One being that they possess items known as the Kanohi masks of power, that they can switch between masks when needed)

Snarling she replied, "Very well, you might have gotten lucky this time but next ti-"


Was Tiamat lament as she bombarded the mechanical Love Goddess with her attack.


The Last Master and his friends that were in that battle shivered.

"That's gotta hurt."

"AAhhhh!" Aphrodite screamed in pain as the attack wreaked havoc on her systems. Unbeknownst to her, the brainwashed servants were finally freed from her control (as well as causing something to unknowingly reawaken within her).

"Ugh my head!" Musashi moaned, "What in the Buddha name happened!?"

"Seriously, that was annoying."

Some of the servants grumbled.

"It would seem we had fallen under Aphrodite control once more" Groaning Holmes steady himself, holding his head in pain from that unwanted experience. "Miss Kyrielight are you okay?"

He asked, concerned that he might have severely wounded her while under the goddess control.

"Yes, I'm fine!" Mash confirmed.

"Somehow I'm still alive after that."

"Fucking hell!" Caenis roared, "I am going to tear that damn bitch of a goddess apart for this transgression!"

"You have a lot of anger issues, don't you?"

Shirou Emiya stated the obvious.

"I'll never forgive the Gods for what they've done to me!"

Caenis roared in anger.

"Especially what Poseidon did to me!"

"What I- Caenis!?"

Poseiden shouted as he finally realized why the girl felt so familiar to him.

"Remember me, asshole!?"

Caenis snarled hatefully at him.

"Dad?" Percy uneasily asked. "Is this one of your exes?"

"One of his – NO you seaweed shit spawn!"

Caenis roared in anger at the Son of Poseidon, scaring the poor boy.

"I'm one of his victims since he refused to take no for an answer!"


Percy yelled, shocked at what she said.

"What, surprised?"

Caenis mockingly said.

"You shouldn't be, if you had done your homework concerning the Gods! They are well known for committing such atrocious acts you know. Zeus isn't the only one who has done that!"

Percy shook, he knew that his father being a god and all would have a reputation. But, even so, perhaps it was because of his mom's stories that gave him a biased view and refused to believe that all the stories about him were true.

...Though to be far, he never asked, and Poseidon was not all that eager to talk about it.


Poseidon tried to speak.

"Save it!" Caenis said. "No number of pretty words or apologies will ever make it okay!"

With that said, she turned to the screen.

"You will have to wait your turn for that to happen, if ever" Came the calm (ironic) voice of Caligula. Causing the servants to look at him in confusion.

"What are you going on about bastard?" Caenis asked.

"It would seem that while you were under Aphrodite enthrall you were unaware of our new allies."

The Berserker class servant explained as he pointed to the said allies with the final Masters and the Olympian twins.

"Who are they – WAIT that's Tiamat!!" Mash screamed, how did she not realize she was here!? "How is this possible!?!?"

She said with pure fear in her voice.

'The trauma is real in this one!'

A majority thought to themselves.

"It would seem Adele and Macarios did not explain everything about themselves. That male that looks like them is apparently their older brother who died in the Olympiamachia, or at least was supposed to have died but lived (Did you think I would die? Just because I was killed?)."

"And Tiamat" Caligula paused "Is his contracted servant."

"...You think Tiamat is the first Kaiju to ever existed?"

Godzilla asked.

"Really Goji?"

Mothra deadpanned.

"Well, I mean she looks like a Kaiju."

Godzilla defended.

The other Kaiju Girls had to admit she did have a point.

'Just wait until you see Kingprotea'

Palpatine chuckled, freaking out his fellow seatmates at the, seemingly out of nowhere, action.

"WHAT!?" Everyone (including Holmes in a rare moment of shock) exclaimed. How was that possible? Beasts could not just be summoned as servants in their full capacity. If they can be summoned, they would have to been severely weakened to work, like Grand Servants (and yet, Daybit has a Grand servant as his partner).

"Yeeeaaah, this version of (M/N) is OP like that."

The Great Being sweatdrop.

Even he is amazed at the limitless potential this particular (M/N) has.

'This type of potential is rare; I've only seen it in very few versions of (M/N) throughout the entire multiverse.

Though, one thing he could say is that this version was somewhat sane, in comparison to his other versions.

...Somewhat sane.

"This is no lie; I have been listening to their conversations while fighting the enemies with our new allies." Caligula stated, "I trust them because Adele and Macarios have confirmed him as their brother, and Aphrodite herself has said that he should be dead."

"Is it really that hard for people to just stay dead?"

Ginny asked.

"Oh yeah." Scaramouche confirmed. "Just when you think you got them...BOOM! They come back with a vengeance."

"Hmph!" Caenis scoffed, "While rather convenient timing, they did help us break free so I guess we should repay the favor."

"Hmph! I don't like being in people debts."

Caenis scoffed.

Clenching her spear she ran it right through an Olympian soldier, permanently killing them.

"OHhh, brutal."

Ares smirked.

"Love it"

"And I always repay my debts."

"Indeed" Holmes agreed, a frightening look appearing on his face. "I feel that I should repay our dear friends (the enemies not the allies) with a little bit of a gentlemanly welcome."

"...Remind me not to get on your bad side, Holmes."

Goredolf shakingly said.

What? Holmes face was rather scary after having his pride damaged!

"Is he one of yours, Hades?"

PJO Zeus asked his gloomy brother.

"Oh, haha!"

Hades sarcastically laughed.

"That was so funny, I forgot to laugh."

"I think he's being serious, brother."

Poseidon added.

"Just because he wants to make them pay doesn't mean he's one of mine!" Hades shouted. "Humans are more than capable of holding a grudge without being a child of a God!"

With that said they once more leapt into the fray.

*Sizzle Crackle Hiss*

Was all that could be heard as Aphrodite mechanical groaned in protest, trying to utilize the recovery systems to heal the damage Tiamat attack inflicted upon her.

"Even cutting edge technology falls."

Hermione softly said, as she and her friends continued watching.

The wizards absolutely fascinated by the advanced technology.

"Dad would so love this."

Ron breathed in amazement.


Ginny nodded.

"Really makes you wonder what we are missing out on."

"I.I. I can.. not...not lose" Aphrodite voice started cracking and breaking from the brutal damage, she once again began charging her cannons.

"Bloody hell!" Ron shouted. "She just won't give up!"

'Why the hell do I suddenly feel like shouting: 'Never gonna give you up?'"

Harry thought weirdly to himself.

"Die Chaldeans"

"No, you."

Mikoto held up an Uno card she got from...somewhere.

"Where did you get that?"

Hera blinked.


"Aahh!?" Aphrodite screamed in pain as a powerful slammed into her body, leaving a massive dent on her. This caused her recovery systems to fail as small explosions covered her entire body.


Present Mic shouted.

"Bitch just got Saitama'id!"



"Shut up, Mic."

Eraserhead deadpanned.

Looking down she saw the cause or causes flying away.

"Sorry not happening!" Pohatu Nuva said with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Better luck next time!" Onua Nuva waved at her.

"There's probably not going to be a next time."

Tsunade snorted, looking at the destruction they left behind with interest.

-A little while ago-

"Hhmm, it would seem that our allies are back to their old selves again."

Onua commented, seeing the effects of the song wearing off on them.

"Now then, we should deal with her"

He spoke once again pointing at the damaged mechanical goddess.

"Send her flying to the moon?"

Green Lantern (Hal) suggested.

"Don't torture me!"

Artemis shouted.

"You do realize this version of me would probably more to your liking, right?"

Aphrodite asked.

"Something tells me that you would be a lot more tolerable than your counterpart."



Piper Mclean trailed off.

"No, not really."

Zero deadpanned.

"Hm, hey big guy how about a lift?" Pohatu suggested to Heracles.

"Wait...that's Heracles!?"

Many demigods and gods shouted in shock at one of the most well known heroes of Ancient Greece very different appearance.

He was a lot different than what some of them remembered!

"Yeah, we told you about the whole Throne of Heroes thing remember?"

They nodded.

"Heracles here is summoned as a Berserker due to his legends."

"Particularly one with legend of Hera cursing him with madness and forcing him to kill his family!"

Here, Zero and the others glared at Hera who flinched at their anger.

"So...that's the legend that is true in that world."

Jason Grace said under his breath.

Thalia glaring at Hera.

"Because of that incident, he was driven to madness in his quest to redeem himself. And eventually was inscribed to the Throne of Heroes with that particular trait dominating him."

"Surprisingly, he has some level of sanity left in him. Though, it is not shown frequently due to his Madness Enhancement.

"GGGrrraahh!" Was the powerful Berserker response as he lifted them.

"To add a little extra power" Onua markings began glowing activating the Pakari nuva (Great Mask of Strength) giving a boost to the Berserker already immense power as he began to spin around gaining momentum.

"GGOOOOO Berserker!"

Illya Von Eizenbern (FSN) shouted.

"Let's make this quick" Pohatu's markings glowed activating the Kakama nuva (Great Mask of Speed) causing Heracles to spin even faster before launched them into the sky and at Aphrodite.

"And he sends it right out of the ballpark!"

Percy shouted like announcer in baseball games.

His friends shaking their heads at their friend's silliness.

Onua raised back his fist and Pohatu prepared a roundhouse kick. With their immense strengths (I believe that physically they are the strongest on the team) and masks still active. They landed a critical, devastating blow (of Saitama proportions) on the Goddess mechanical form.

"I wonder how devastating their attacks are separately."

Tsunade said in keen interest.

-back to the present-

"Gudao, Gudako do it now!" (M/N) yelled at the Final Masters

"Oh?" Kadoc (FGO) said. So, we're going to see the God killing weapon you used to kill the Olympians."

That got the Greek Gods attention and turned their focus to the screen,

As Mash began chanting:

"Hu-huh? Right! Mash!" The Masters yelled calling the Shielder demi-servant forth.

"Right!" Mash said as she prepared the Black Barrel (God Buster) cannon.

Emergency Barrel Replica connection – complete (This dialogue is from the game)

Firing position – clear! Releasing Paradox Effector, countdown has begun.

Initiating Accomplishments Measure

Ascertaining Aphrodite's life scale (38,000)

Beginning Black Barrel transformation

Preparing to burn Dead Counter into barrel

Connection in place

Aphrodite destiny measured. Turning Dead Counter speculation into reality.

Bunker bolt limit maxed! Gun barrel is fully stabilized!

Immediate synchronization with Barrel Replica complete.

Ortinax Synchronization – "Let me help with that" (M/N) put a hand on her shoulder, transferring power from the Ignika into the barrel"

"Ah?! Ortinax Synchronization bursting through 100% and rising! Masters, the command spell."

"Woah!" Ritsuka shouted. "What on earth did he do?"

"Gave a 'small' power boost for extra effect."

Zero said.

'Yeah, small' Ivan Ooze deadpanned. 'We all know that your definition of small is different than theirs.'

After all, he got his ass kicked by Zero using a 'small' (*cough* tiny *cough*) portion of his power.

'Good thing these Multiversal Gods are content to let things play out or we would be dead if they decided to intervene.'

...It also did not help that he somehow wound up as a God therapist of all things! From Galactic Overlord that nearly conquered the Universe, to his, somewhat, friend therapist.

(Snort! I don't know why, but the image of Ivan Ooze sitting on a therapist chair while we spill our issues out with his leg over his other leg writing on a notebook makes me laugh)

How did that happen?

"Loading Command Spell into Spiritron Chamber" Gudao and Gudako chanted as they used up another command spell to end the goddess once and for all.

Command Spell locked. Spiritron chamber has reached critical mass.

Selecting explosive round firing mode. Barrel Replica – Full trance.

Preparing to fire in 3, 2, 1 ,0

At zero the blast left the gun and shot straight through Aphrodite.


Was the only thing that could be said.

"Girl got penetrated on a whole other level!"

"LEO (PJO)!"


"Man, that's gotta hurt."

Some winced at that.

"Big deal!"

Union Dumbasses shouted.

"I can beat that mecha bitch with my Dragon Shot!"

Shitssei boasted.

(I'm starting to see why people call this version that)

"Yeah!" Bakugou shouted. "This isn't even the least bit impressive!"



The two idiots screamed in pain as their nuts were suddenly filled to the brim with arrows.

Curtesy of the Moon Goddess and her Hunters.

"How in Mother name can you put up with this bullshit?"

Artemis looked at Zero and others with respect.

Anyone that can even manage to stay sane after hearing their mouths go off were worthy of respect.

"Lots and lots of patience."

Amagi deadpanned.

"Besides, we beat them up to release stress."

...Artemis and the others weren't sure if the pros outweighed the cons considering how annoying these people were.

Was all the Goddess could say as she felt her life fading, but in these final moments she was free from Zeus reprogramming. She remembered her true self, what she stood for, and most importantly she remembered him.

"So, in her final moments she remembered."

Luna Lovegood said.

'Oh Hephaestus, if only I could see you one more time. To let you know how sorry I am and that I never truly hated you. To let you know that I truly did care and love you.'

"I'm guessing my relationship with Hephaestus was different here."

Aphrodite said.

"Oh Aphrodite." Zero sighed. "It wasn't that you hated Hephaestus because of his deformity that you constantly cheated on him. It was because you were forced into a relationship that wasn't out of love. Sure, Hephaestus also fell for you because of your beauty and aura but he accepted that you probably wouldn't look his way because he was 'ugly' by the standards of the Gods."

"And yet, before you two were married you never had a negative thought about his looks. You were neutral."

"It was only after Hera forced you two to married that you truly began to despise him. If only because he was the son of the woman who forced this marriage."

"It was to keep Olympus turning into a bloodbath and preserving the peace!"

Hera shouted, defending her actions.

"Acceptable." Zero said. "But you forget that Gods don't like to be bounded by force, and that caused quite the friction between the two. Because interestingly enough, Love is like the Sea. Endless, boundless, refused to be chain down through forceful means."

"Had you given them the time, they would have eventually fallen in love and have a more harmonious relationship. And there wouldn't be such conflict between everyone."

"True Love is something that must come naturally and be able to withstand the test of Time itself. Forcing it upon unwilling participants only invites disaster."

The Gods were silent from that lecture.

Sighing, Zero continued: "Look, I'm not going to go into what could have been done better. It's past too late now after several millennia have passed. So, try to fix your relationships before they crumble to dust."

These final thoughts were all that left as she stared into the starry night sky. Chuckling at the irony that this is what she will see in her final moments.

'Perhaps my other self from Proper Human History will join them on their journey to bring back their lost world. And to aid the Olympians who would defy the Gods to carve their own destinies and live to be free.'

'Oh, the irony.'

Several people thought.

With that the Goddess of Love and Beauty finally shut down for the last time as her body was utterly destroyed.

Staring at the night sky (M/N) merely said, "Kopaka?"

Saying nothing the Toa of Ice activated the Akaku nuva (Great mask of X-Ray Vision) scanning the sky.

"No trace of the Goddess can be found."

"And thank the Root for that."

'The Root wants a piece of that ass though.'

Zero sweatdropped, knowing that (M/N) and a few other alternate versions of him seem to have the ability to attract world ending beings to them.

"Yes, I can confirm that Aphrodite has been destroyed." Mash added.

"WE DID IT!" Gudako shouted.

"Alright, that's two done, and one more to go!"

"I can't believe they actually had the strength to take down a goddess of that caliber!"

Rin shouted in shock, the others agreeing with her.

'...Are they a threat to us?'

The Olympians thought uneasily to themselves.

For mere mortals to take down a God was no easy feat.

Would they turn their blades on them?

"Remember." Queen Theresa spoke. "Alternate realities. These guys don't exist in your world."

...Well, that was some comfort.


She continued.

"Be better Gods and stop using your children as pawns and they will not have reasons to hate and betray you."


"Can you believe it brother? We just might pull this off."

"Indeed sister, our goal is close to being complete."

Smiling at the blatant happiness on the sets of twins faces, (M/N) turned to his team.

"All Good?"

"You had doubts?" – Tahu

"Kind of arrogant, but in a tempered way."

Illustrious of Azur Lane noticed.

"Countless battles had tempered his temper and rashness."

The Great Being explained.

"It was a good workout" – Gali

"She seems to be the more stable one of the group."

Lorem said out loud, causing Zero and Ivan Ooze to laugh at that.

"Ohh, my dear!" Ivan Ooze laughed. "Don't let her seemingly gentle, pacifist like nature fool you. If push comes to shove, she won't hesitate to fight."

"She once flooded Karzahni – A place that can be considered the realm of nightmares in the Bionicle Universe – its ruler who name is the same was a nightmarish being who enslaved the Matoran sent to him!"

"What do you mean?"

RODK Yang asked.

"Originally Karzahni and his brother Artakha were some of the Great Beings creations."

Zero spoke up, remembering the Great Beings introducing them to the rest of the Great Beings.

"Karzahni realm was originally meant to repair damaged Matorans and then return them back to their lands. But due to lousy repair work Karzahni never sent them back in shame of his meager repair skills. Opting instead to send them to other regions that they did not originally belong to, of course this had the negative effect of Matorans no longer being sent because they never returned."

"Perhaps out of loneliness, or maybe out of spite once Matorans stop coming he kept the ones that were still there and subjugated them to a life of misery. Until one day a group of Matoran showed him the truth that he had never been aware, thus sending him on a power-hungry journey to rule the universe."

"Due to an event after he left, the Toa Nuva had to journey into Karzhani and during the fight with Icarax. Gali flooded the entire realm, destroying everything in her path with only her team and her surviving."

...Water was scary.

"Might have traumatized them" – Kopaka

"He has no shame in what he's done."

RODK Winter shook her head in amusement for some reason.

"Greatfun!" – Lewa (Treespeak is such a pain)

"Why does he speak like that?"

Union Rias asked.

"It's the Le-Matoran slang."

Zero shrugged.

"They have a tendency to speak fast and sometimes mix their words together. Eventually, it became a language that they call Treespeak. It works at confusing your enemies, but it has the tendency to confuse your friends. Though it can also be use as sort of like Morse Code if you can understand the hidden meanings."


"Feel like I can go for another couple of rounds!" – Pohatu

"With those muscles, I can believe it."

Tsunade deadpanned.


Mei Terumi snickered.

"Not like that, you horn dog!"

"Feels nice to be back in action" – Onua

"Were they in retirement or something?"

Stark asked.

"Well, one of their greatest threats had finally been vanquished."

Zero said.

"That's good to hear. What about you Takua?"

Turning to the Toa of Light

"What happened to the Dioscuri twins?"

"They fled when Aphrodite was struck down. A shame it was quite the fight" – Takanuva


Natasha Romanoff muttered.

"For real."

Ares muttered under his breath.

"Got away huh? Oh well, we'll get them eventually" – (M/N)

"Dear" (M/N) turned to face Tiamat, "We should get somewhere safe before reinforcements arrive."


Many shouted at that.

This statement brought an end to all conversations as they realized the truth in the Primordial Mother words.

"Before that we have to know- " "All questions will be answered as soon as we get to a safe location."

"Really, Holmes?"

James Moriarty deadpanned.

"You're not of the woods yet and you think now is a good time for questions?"

Holmes just smoked his pipe.

(M/N) interrupted Holmes as he placed Adele and Macarios on his shoulders, causing his siblings to protest (which he ignored).


Bronya said in her monotone voice.

"Come on let's get to safety."

With that said the group ran to the Dark Zone.

Beep Beep

"Finally! Communications are back on" – Goredolf Musik

"Oh, so now we meet."

Goredolf realized.

"Status report! ...I say aren't there more of you than before?" The Director questioned as he realized that the group seemed to have double from the last time they talked.

"That would probably be a confusing situation for anybody."

Raven Branwen noted.

"Right let us explain" – Mash started explaining.

"That's going to be a mind bomb."

With that the group from Chaldea and the God Destroyer Alliance started updating the team aboard the Nautilus as the Toa and Tiamat looked around as the base was returning to Hephaestus liar.


"And that's what happened Director. Aphrodite was destroyed, and we unexpectedly gained new allies." Mash finished.

"R-right." Director Goredolf complexion paling at the report, especially about the part about Tiamat. How was it possible to summon a Beast class servant!?

"I'm still having trouble believing that myself."

Goredolf said.

"Well, it's not every day that a Beast of Humanity is on your side."

Sion simply said.

...Even though she too is still stunned at this revelation.

"You get use to it."

RODK Sion shrugged.

After all, the (M/N) back in their world had this weird magnetic attraction to sexy monster girls.

"We-Well regardless of the unexpected, yet not unwanted, aid on behalf of Chaldea I thank you for lending us your aid" Goredolf managed to regain his composure speaking to the new members who were sitting around the base.

"I'm impressed that you were able to regain your composure so quickly Mr. Goresolf."

Cain complimented the male.

"Thank you for your kind words, sir."

Goredolf was able to calmly say.


They had just found out that Cain (L/N) was part of a dangerous gang and quite the amount of blood on his hands!

Well...somebody got to take out the lowest of the low scumbags that had committed horrendous atrocities.

...And the scumbag heroes who abused their powers and others.

"You're very much welcome" Gali responded "But the decision to help came from the one who was once bounded to this Lostbetlt."

"Right, (M/N)?"

Gali finished, causing everyone to turn to the male in question.

"She did that on purpose."

(Mom/N) smirked, having done that kind of thing before on her husband.

...And then end up on the end of it as well.

Macarios and Adele trying their best not to lose their composure.

"They really are very close."

Hera murmured softly.

'If only our family could that close as well.'

Sighing, (M/N) simply smiled as he turned to face everybody, but his eyes only focused on two specific individuals.


(Birth by Sleep – Destiny's Union)

"Macarios, Adele. Long time no to see."

He greeted them.

"Please forgive your foolish older brother for being so late."

"So, instead of foolish little brother it's foolish older brother now."

RODK Sasuke teased his older brother.

Itachi simply jabbed his younger brother on the side.

"Foolish little brother."

Itachi said in an amused tone of voice.

That did it, the emotions they tried to bury for so long came bursting through the surface.

"Big Brother!"

Adele and Macarios shouted as they ran to him and held in a tight hug, tears running down their faces.

Here the Kingdom Hearts started at the very familiar scene.

'It's just like when Master Eraqus apologized to us!'

Aqua, Terra, and Ventus thought to themselves.

Even though Eraqus apologized to Ventus and Aqua only at the end, much to the confusion of others when he only asked Terra to watch over them for him.

Of course, what they didn't know, at the time, was that Master Eraqus HAD apologized to Terra. Way before the events of Kingdom Hearts 3, when Eraqus went berserk and tried to imprison Ventus. After Terra unleashing the Darkness in his heart to fight Master Eraqus Light, the fight had caused Eraqus to realize some truths that he never came to the conclusions of.

He realized that HE was the cause of Terra Darkness, because he unintentionally gave him reasons to fear. Especially, when he raised his Keyblade against Terra and Ventus, his own students.

"I'm so sorry, I left you two alone to shoulder such a heavy burden all by yourselves." (M/N) said staring at Macarios as he cried louder at his words tightening his grip on his older brother.


No one said anything at the personal reunion. The bullies were silenced to keep them from making any rude/insensitive remarks.

"But rest assured, I'm back and I won't leave you two or let anything happen to the both of you." He continued with a steely resolve in his voice turning to Adele, who cried softly as she felt the warmth and protection from him and his promise.

"Well, one thing that can be said is that he kept his promise."

Zeke crossed his arms, smiling at the heartwarming reunion.

Silence filled the room, only broken by the sounds of crying and tears falling onto the ground. (M/N) soon joining as finally, finally he could embrace his beloved siblings again after being separated for so long.

"Even he is crying."

Harry noted.

"Even the strong deserve to cry every now and then."

Professor Dumbledore said.

The Toa Nuva (this includes Takanuva) simply smiled at the sight of their friend reuniting with the people he cared for so much and endured so many burdens to return to.

"We should leave them to their reunion" Came the gentle, motherly words of Tiamat as she stared at the Chaldeans startling them. "I can tell you have questions for me."

"Like a ton of them!"

Ishtar shouted, some rolling their eyes but secretly agreeing with her.

Moving to a far corner the Chaldeans and Toa sat down as Tiamat waited for them to speak.

Musashi started "As I understand you are one of the Seven Evils of Humanity. And that Gudao and Gudako defeated you in the Seventh Singularity."


Ritsuka muttered, to which Mash and the others stared at him concerned.

To which Tiamat nodded, which cause Caenis to speak,

"So then why are you fighting to save Humanity even though you should be destroying them now that you are free?"

The Lancer class servant asked softly, she might be a brash, loudmouth tyrant but even she knew not to break a long overdue reunion (she honestly felt a little jealous at the love (M/N) gave his little siblings).

...The Caenis here was also feeling the same emotions as well.

'If I met a counterpart of him when I was alive, or if Poseidon was more like him in personality. Would I have been happier?'

She thought to herself.

'Oh, Caenis.' Zero mentally chuckled. 'Your counterpart fell for him HARD.'

"Yes" Tiamat began, "That is true. But a chance encounter with Abzu – (M/N)" She clarified to the confused group before continuing.

"...Say what now?"

The Chaldeans asked, confused. Even Sion did not know what to make of that.

"Changed everything."


*Floop, floop*

Was the sound of bubbles rising and popping as at the center lies the Primordial Mother sleeping the eternal sleep. How long has it been since she had last awoken and fought against the two young masters? Days, months, years?

"Is that where she went after we defeated her?"

Ritsuka asked, after all. It wasn't like he knew where she would go after they won.

Time has no meaning in this place, all that remains is a peaceful sleep knowing that her children are strong enough to move forward without her.

And yet, why did she feel as though that wasn't completely true?


Several people wondered about that as well.

Doesn't matter, she was vanquished and returned to slumber for Eternity.

"What a sad existence."

Kal'tsit softly said.

However, just before she drifted away her eyes suddenly opened at the sudden presence in her domain.

Foreign, yet familiar, she could only say one thing.


Thor blinked.

"In what way?"



"Aahhhhhhh!" Bam! Was the sound that could be heard as a certain (H/C) haired, (E/C) eyed, male made contact with the ground.

"Ouch! Dammit Brutaka!" (M/N) shouted at the guardian even though he wasn't there.


Some said out loud.

"I'm going to guess being in the Bionicle Universe?"

Hephaestus guessed.


Zero confirmed.

"He possess the Olmak: Mask of Dimension Gates that lets him open gateways to other universes."

"Again...due to certain events, Brutaka mask was stolen, destroyed, and a new one was created for him. He's still in the process of regaining control over it, so it has a bad habit of having its travelers fall from the sky."


Here Ritsuka, Mash, and several other people flinched at the memories of being dropped from the sky.

Grumbling, he got up he and started to look around

"...Where the hell am I?" He said looking around at what could be described as a void of water that he somehow could breathe without the Kaukau nuva (Great Mask of Water Breathing).

"Talk about being a void."

"...I like it."

RODK/Union Ophis said in union.

"Perhaps we should look into getting our own voids like that."

...Oi vey.


"Huh?" (M/N) said startled at the unexpected voice turning left to right to locate the source.

"Find me Abzu."

"Wait." FSN Gilgamesh said. "(M/N) is Abzu!?"

"You got it!"

Zero confirmed.

"As well as being the Toa of Life, he's also the reincarnation of Abzu: The Primeval Father of Sumerian Legends and Tiamat husband!"


The Fate casts were going crazy over that revelation.

"So, besides being some powerful being he's also our dad!?"

Ishtar and Ereshkigal shouted in shock.

While Ritsuka and the rest of Novum Chaldea were dumbfounded.

'Can't say I say this coming.'

"So what!"

...Do they ever shut up?

"What does it matter that he's the reincarnation of some insignificant being!? I can kick his ass any day!"

Bakugou arrogantly shouted.

"I bet I could beat him with my eyes closed!"

Union Issei boasted, trying to impress Bucho.

Who stared at him in disgust and annoyance, turning her head away from him.

'I'm becoming more and more convince that I should have just went with my instincts and ask (M/N) if he wanted to join my peerage.'

'No amount of power is worth having to deal with such an arrogant insect!'

'...Who the hell is Abzu?' Was the thought running through the young (Lol 'young' the irony) male as he started walking towards the direction of the voice.

"He doesn't know?"

Shinji Matou asked.

"Thinking about it. It kind of makes sense that he's asking."

FSN Caster tapped her chin with a finger.

"After all, Abzu doesn't necessarily mean the Primeval Father. It could be anyone who was given that name."

"Good point."

"You are almost there Abzu." The mysterious, alluring voice called out to him. Sending chills down his spine at the siren like voice (but why was she calling him Abzu?) as he finally reached his destination.

"...I don't know why, but I feel mad."

Kiana grumbled.

"Is she part siren?"

Percy asked, looking to Poseidon for answers.

Giving him a WTF stare, he answered.

"Percy, this is a being that predates us. How would WE know what she is?"

"...Good point."

Percy sheepishly replied as Thalia whacked him on the back of his head.

"Kelp head."

His friends just sighed in amusement.

How could Percy be so silly yet smart?

"...What the fuck?" (M/N) swore as he stared at the rather enormous source of the voice face to face, so to speak.

(Tiamat, The One MILF to Rule Them All)

"Man! Look at those titties!"

Union Issei stared pervertedly at Tiamat boobs.


"I know what I'm fapping to tonight!"

"Gonna NTR that loser and steal his girl!"

"A loser like him with a girl like that? Puh-lease! She's obviously out of the f****t league!"

"Yeah! She needs a real man to teach her, her place!"

Were some of the vulgar comments being thrown at.


Zero more, primordial side started leaking out at the sheer disrespect and disgusting comments towards Tiamat and towards (M/N).

*Shick, strum, stretch, hum, pull*

Other people were of the same opinion as even those like Zeus (who's well known to sleep with anything that moves and has a questionable reputation) were staring at them with pure disgust and revulsion.


Artemis (PJO) snarled, ready to kill them.

But before anyone could do anything.



The perverts and bullies were brutally assaulted by the elements that had appeared out of nowhere. The endless barrage of attacks brutally ripping them apart and tearing out their insides causing massive amounts of blood to be spilled.

Everyone could only watch in shock and horror as the bullies screamed in pure pain and agony as they were violently torn to shreds.


Until a massive stone (Geo, Zero and Ei recognized) boulder smashed them into paste.

Blood leaking out as the boulder disappeared.

(While Ignika (M/N) might not be aware of their existence just yet. He KNOWS when someone is talking shit about him and making disgusting, unwanted comments towards his wives. And he is very protective of Tiamat, being her husband and all, that he will not hesitate to send his wrath across the dimensions)

"Issei!" "Bakubro!" "Yang" "Guys!"

The other idiots of Union screamed as they're friends very slowly regenerated.

"Don't worry, Issei!" Union Asia screamed. "I'll-"

"Stand down."

Union Rias voice commanded, startling the ORC.

"But Rias!"


She coldly said.

"Rias!" Union Akeno shouted in anger and hurt. "Issei is badly injured and needs-!"

"He brought this upon himself." Union Rias coldly stated, scaring them even more with how cold she was becoming. "I warned him that if he continues this, I will not hesitate to administer even harsher punishments."

"He is to heal himself without our help, and that's final."

The ORC protested: "But Rias!"

"I said that is FINAL!"

She snarled, silencing them out of fear.

"*Whistle!* Remind me never to get on her bad side."

Jason Grace whispered.

"Abzu" The colossal behemoth said with pure love in her voice as she stared down at (M/N).

"How's he going to fuck that?"

Leo Valdez accidentally said.



A Hunter bonked him on the head.


"Wait WHAT!?" (M/N) shouted in shock. He was Abzu!? How, why, where in the world did, she get that idea from that he was Abzu (Who he still didn't know who that person is)!!?

"Not yet, huh?"

Gilgamesh (FGO) Archer smirked in amusement.

"He'll get there."

Hawkeye shrugged.

Smiling, Tiamat shrank to a human height (still taller than him tho) as she wrapped her arms around him. Burying her face into his neck, purring as she basked in his scent.

"Ara, ara."

Blushing, (M/N) tried to get out of her grip stammering, "M-Miss! I-I do-don't know who you are t-talking about, b-but I am not Abzu!"

"Oh, wow!"

Boruto choked out a laugh at the male reaction.

"For someone who is badass, he sure has problems dealing with women."



"I think it has more to do with a beautiful woman with bountiful assets and is nearly naked hugging him that is the actual problem."

Sarada deadpanned.

While trying NOT to suffer breast envy from looking at Tiamat impressive assets.

By the Great Spirit, he has dealt with some pretty ridiculous situations (some that wounded up with him married, getting new girlfriends, (fun fact he has a harem, why? Because it's funny since that was never his intention when he befriended them.) being royalty, and so many more) but he never been in a situation like this where he was confused for someone else.

"...Exactly what happened during his journey?"

Demeter asked.

"We'd be here all eternity if I try to even get to a fraction of the list."

Zero deadpanned.


...And from what he could sense, this being was a deity of some sort. Which meant that this Abzu was also a deity.

Last he checked; he wasn't a god.

"Not yet, you're not."

Palpatine and Ivan Ooze laughed maniacally, along with several other villains.

Pouting, Tiamat hugged him tighter. This caused the poor boy to blush harder at the soft feelings of the, admittingly hot, sexy, and nearly naked woman massive boobs pressing and rubbing against his muscular chest.

"Oh, my!"

Aphrodite blushed at the rather intimate, yet wholesome scene.

She was always a sucker for such cute romance.

Groaning at the pleasurable sensation he suddenly thought to himself.


Some where confused.

'Dick, don't you dare do it."

"Oh boy."

A certain hero said.

The tent has already been forming.

"Not even he can resist."

Minato laughed.

'I'm warning you.'

"How does one warn their own dick?"

RODK Shoto asked.

Getting harder

"...How hard?"

Kirishima snickered.

'Don't you even think about it!"

"Too late."

Wonder Woman laughed.

Boner: I have been summoned (awakened)!

"Boner 2: Return of the Why Boner!"

RODK Denki dramatically said.

Causing the Theater to collapse in laughter.

"AAhhhhhh" Tiamat moaned, as she felt his monster pressing against her covered entrance.

"Damn! He's huge!"

Drew Tanaka shouted in shock!

While the you know whos were crying once more.

"OOhhhhh" Was her next response as she began rubbing her entrance sensually against his covered member causing him to groan in pleasure at the sensual seduction.

"And she's horny!"

"Well, what did you expect?"

RODK Izumi asked rhetorically.

"She hasn't been laid in who knows how long. Of course, she's going to be sexually frustrated!"


Here, the Bat Family turned their heads to a snickering Nightwing.


He said.

"I had nothing to do with this!"

Just because his name could be shorten to Dick didn't mean it had to do anything with him!

Was all he could think before he finally managed to break free from the woman before his lust got the better of him.

"Well, at least he has good self-control."

Artemis (PJO) admitted, impressed that he was able to resist banging an, in his eyes, unknown woman who just started a passionate make out session with him.


Tiamat pouted but stopped her actions.

"Who are you!?" (M/N) asked as he furiously tried to calm down from what just happened.

"I don't think his heart has ever beaten that fast."

Zero laughed.

"My name is Tiamat, Abzu...no that's not your name in this life, isn't it?"

"So, Mother recognizes him despite looking different than his True Form?"

Ereshkigal murmured in wonder.

"Seems like it."

Ishtar said as she stared at the male.

'Is Zero doing some kind of magic on the screen that is letting us feel their auras of power?"

She thought to herself.

'Because I can feel Father aura and power radiating all the way to here!'

...And it might that Ereshkigal was too shocked at the revelation to realize that little tidbit.

"One I am not Abzu! Two my name is (M/N)!"

"Three! ...Where are we?" Calming down, he asked the most important question that was on his mind at the moment.

"Ah, yes." Moody said. "Asking the real important questions here."

"We are in my domain, my prison for all of time."

"What! Why!?" (M/N) asked in shock, sure the little intimate session was very unexpected, and unwanted, but why she was sealed up?

"Man, his mood swings are wilder than a woman on her period!"

Union Mineta shouted.

...Then got beaten up by the females that could reach him.

"Kid cares."

Dionysus drunkenly said, as he drank his wine.

Zeus glared at his son.

'Didn't I limit his drinking?'

"I am known as one of the Seven Evils of Humanity, Beast II: the Beast of Regression, The Primordial Mother of Life in Ancient Babylon."

(M/N) paled, this woman was from Proper Human History! And one of its greatest threats that the former Lostbelt citizen was now standing in front of (thanks a fucking lot Brutaka!). And Abzu if he remembered correctly, was her husband.

"He finally gets it."

The group of Gilgamesh shook their heads at the human reincarnation of the Primeval Father slowness.

"What are you planning to do with me?" The Toa of Life asked, tensing as he prepared himself for a hard fight. For once, ever since donning the Mask of Life, unsure of his chances as he was possibly in the worst situation possible.

"Mask of Life?"

"An extremely dangerous mask that kills all who uses it power." Zero simplified. "Only (M/N) can wield its ancient, primordial powers without risk of death since it is his Destiny to wield it."

'Is it just me, or did he put empathize on Destiny?'

The Ozpins, Union (M/N) parents thought to themselves.

"Abzu (I'm not Abzu!) Dear, I'm not going to fight you. I waited so long for you to return to me to allow that to happen."

"...She's been waiting for his return?"

Ritsuka softly said, feeling sorry for the Primordial Mother sorrow.

'But we had to do it, otherwise humanity couldn't be saved.'

Was what he kept trying to tell himself.

'Seems like he hasn't lost his innocence despite the heavy sacrifices he has made.'

Zero thought to himself.

'...I'm going to make Shirou adopt him and he has no say in it!'

Shirou Emiya and Ritsuka Fujimaru shivered for some reason.

"...But you can't stay, can you?"

"He's still has a job to do."

Sheffield emotionlessly said.

"...No, I can't. My little brother and sister are waiting for me. I must return, no matter what the cost."

"Then I will go with you."


"What!?" Did he hear her correctly? She was coming with him!?

"A Beast I maybe, but I can also be summoned as a servant. And you, my dear, can summon me at my full strength."


Ritsuka asked in confusion.

She could be summoned. But how?"

"The ritual to summon her is a somewhat difficult one."

Zero explained.

"Not to mention, that because of her status as a Beast there will have to be some changes to be able to use her in combat. She would be in a 'larval' state due to the limitations of the Summoning system."


"You can still summon the Tiamat of your world; she'll still retain her memories. She just won't be in her normal form."

Turning his head to Sion and the group, they all nodded.

Agreeing on what they were going to do when they got back.

She deserved to see the world and how it has changed.

...Was this also part of the Price, Yuuko? Was the mental thought to himself. As much as he wanted to say no (in order to save his sanity) he hesitated.

"Stuck between a rock and a hard place." Apollo mused. "This has the makings of a good Haiku."

Groans could be heard, as Artemis pleaded:

"Brother no."

"Brother yes."

Apollo smirked, but before he could.

"Old man that I am loathed to call father, shut up."

Apollo did shut up as his eyes widened.

"That voice!"

Turning, he saw to his shock.

Asclepius, his son from so long ago.


"And stop talking you annoying pest."

He grumbled.

"Doctors require patients to be silent, if you refuse to listen to doctor order then prepare to face a very intense treatment."

His younger siblings were shocked and appalled at how cold and resentful the older son of Apollo was to their father.

Of course, considering that they probably don't know what really happened when Asclepius was alive. They don't really understand his aloofness with Apollo.

Tiamat has been here for countless eons, alone, that word stirred something in him. Before he opened his hearts to his friends, he had always been alone. Afraid, because of his immortality and his resolve to save his siblings no matter what he must do, what means he will use, those that he must trample upon, that he kept his himself distant from everybody.

"What does he mean by that?"

Batman asked in curiosity.

"And who is Yuuko?"

RODK Ironwood asked in confusion, having caught that name that was just mentioned.

"Clow friend that was supposed to have died so long ago."

Zero said.

"She would help to pave the way for (M/N) to find the means to save his siblings...and to also put an End to the Dream."

That ominous tone silences all other questions.

Tiamat was like him in that sense, alone, feared for her power and her desire to be loved once again as a mother no matter the cost.

The appearance and glowing of the Ignika was his answer.

"Such a warm and inviting glow."

Hestia murmured.

"You won't just be my contracted servant" He stated, "You will also be free."

"Is that safe, though?"

FSN Archer asked worriedly.

"Wouldn't Alaya or Gaia have something to say about it?"

"The Mask of Life isn't something that you can just mess around with."

Zero warned.

"Even for us, the Great Beings who created that Mask in the first place, dare not mess with it lightly. It is sentient, and one Great Being was accidentally driven to madness because the Ignika: The Mask of Life was just born and did not know how to control its powers."

"The Earth and the Counter Force already learned this lesson when they tried to kill him. They almost found themselves wiped out!"


The Fate Series group shivered at that.

"Besides, (M/N) is the only one who can keep her in check. If that's all it takes, then they are content to leave sleeping dragons be."

He finished, turning back to the screen.

And the bullies and perverts you may ask?

Still slowly regenerating, but also being Force choke because they tried to add their two cents in. Everyone ignoring them out of spite, and out of fear.

Smiling, Tiamat leaned to him and pressed her lips against his.


Seele screamed as she cover her red face.

"This is too much!"


Wendy (HI3) blinked.

"She had a make out session with him earlier and this is what embarrasses you?"

This time, (M/N) returned the kiss and asserted his dominance over her as they were enveloped in a golden light.

"(M/N) really is a ladies man, eh Ava?"

Cain nudged his wife on the side.

"*Chuckles* It seems so." She agreed. "No matter what the universe is, or how this (M/N) is like. It seems he has talent at attracting lovers like his father."

"Hey!" Cain protested. "Why are making it sound like I have a harem of woman? I think that's going to be our son not me."

"Really?" She flirted. "If I remember correctly, weren't you the delinquent that had a poly-?"

"Enough with the flirting!"

The teens in the audience shouted, faces red as the two reminiscences about their younger days.

-Flashback Ends-

"And that's how we met and how I am here now" Tiamat finished, staring at her captive audience.

(And that kids is how I met your dad!)

"...WOW" Gudao said in shock.

"That has got to be the weirdest shit I have ever heard, and I heard some wacky things" – Gudako

"I just realized that she is talking human speech." Mash said. "She knows how to say something besides songs?"


Lewa burst out laughing "No quickwonder he never talkfessed about how he got a new wife."

"That would be embarrassing to admit."

Annabeth chuckled.

"Annabeth, don't be like that."

Chiron (PJO) admonished, even though he was trying to not laugh himself.

"That poor soul."

Kallen shook her head.


Asajj Ventress nodded, even though this was hilarious.

"Hahaha- OW!" Was Lewa next response as Kopaka slammed his fist on the Toa Nuva of Air head (I kept thinking Airhead when I wrote that) shutting him up.

"Had that coming."

Artemis and her hunters simultaneously said.

'...Is he God?' Was the thought running through Goredolf, the Chaldea staff, Servants at the incredulous, yet true, story of how they met (Foreshadowing? Who knows).


"God damn it!"

"Well now you know."

(M/N) voice rang out startling them as they turn around to see him and siblings standing behind them. Noticing that he was holding Adele and Macarios's hands, but saying nothing as they stood over them.


The mothers squealed at the sight.

How cute!

"But now" He stated gaining their attention "I think it's time I told you a little about me. Why I'm still alive, where I've been, and the power that I possess."


RODK Iida raised an eyebrow.

"This should be good."

"After all I know the base is moving slower than usual so you could hear Tiamat story."

(M/N) Smirked at the guilty looks on their faces.

"Caught in 4K!"

Joker laughed.

Causing several others to laugh because of how true it was.

Letting go of his siblings' hands, he, along with them, sat down. Tiamat snuggling up to him as he starting reliving memories of that fateful day. The day his Destiny (and the destinies of many others) changed.

"Let me tell you of a destined meeting with a Witch and a group of travelers looking for feathers."


Was the thought running through many people's minds.

What did he mean by that.

"And that ends that little segment for now."

Zero stretched his back.


Even Gods can get back aches!

Why do you think he went to the Orc dimension?

"...We have so many questions."

Sirius Black said, unsure of where to start.

"Let's start with this one."

RODK Ironwood spoke up.

There was a question that had been nagging at him for a while.

"Are you going to tell us what you meant by how exactly the rules were changed?"

"Why it is now possible to bring the dead back to life?"


The new groups were filled thus far on what had been happening and were confused as well on what he meant by that.

"If they couldn't be changed."

This time RODK Ozpin spoke up.

"Then what caused them to change then? You mentioned that Fei Wang Reed partially succeeded, but even then, that wasn't enough. So, how did they change? And how could it have possibly affected all the universes in your jurisdiction to be able to change each universe rules as well."


Zero said nothing as a heavy aura wrapped itself around him.

All was silent, until he spoke.

"Because this world."

He spoke with full seriousness in his voice, and his face bore no hints of playfulness as he gave an emotionless look in the eye.

Scaring even the most unflappable of veterans.

"This universe to be clear, is not a normal universe like others are. This universe is far more unique than what you'd expect."

"It is a universe whose actions can affect other universes and change them to better follow its path."

"There is a Universe called Universe Prime. Where it is said that our first world was created and where if anything is affected there. Then the universes link to it are also affected."

"This universe is similar to that, but it affects all universes and not certain ones like Prime."

"This Universe we live in."

"It is known as the CORE UNIVERSE."


Here's a couple of pics of the day.

Now, we have reunited (unlike a certain pair of twins may I add) Ignika/(M/N) and the siblings for a long overdue reunion.

Gave a tiny bit of lore.

Have a good day/night!

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