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(Place: Abandon Fox Den)

[IceFlower looked around, waiting for her friends..]

???: IceFlower!

[IceFlower's ears pricked hearing a familiar voices, It was.....Sonic, Tails, Fireheart, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, SquirrelFlight, Yacker, and Jade. She smell their scent closer, when They got to her,They started at her with gentle and welcoming gaze]

Tails: Long time no see, IceFlower....Why weren't you in the gathering 2 months? (He said curiously and questioning.)

1st Pov

[IceFlower felt her fur prickly with fear that everyone will or will not know that she was mates with a ThunderClan cat named StormFlood. IceFlower was about to say something, but her friend Fireheart cut her off.]

Fireheart: She's been having kits only 2 moons in the nursery in RiverClan. (He said honestly.)

[Sonic, Tails, Yacker, Jade, and SquirrelFlight were shocked that their friend has kits, but Tails already know who was the father until they heard noises in IceFlower's Belly then

revealing her kits. SquirrelFlight was widely shocked that her friend has kits for 2 moons, but how?]

SquirrelFlight: Your..a..Mother! (She Said Shockley.)

IceFlower: yes.. SquirrelFlight..... (She said in a tiring meow.)

SquirrelFlight: but, How did you have kits without a mate? (She said still in shocked and questioning tone.)

[IceFlower explain everything that she was mates with StormFlood, a ThunderClan Tom and they loved each other and they knew it was breaking the Warrior code,

but They couldn't stop loving each other until she wanted to show her kits to him, but StormFlood was injured by TigerClaw, so She decided to go someplace else to stay that her mate can come see them.

When the kits were born, She named Breezekit, Lakekit, Squallkit, Hurricanekit, Cloudkit, Icekit, and Riverkit....and When Snowkit was born, she was having lot of trouble breathing

and opening her eyes and few quarters later, The Medicine cats cures Snowkit that she was 99% that she was going to died, but The medicine cats cure her just in time.]

IceFlower: and I want y'all to take care of my kits for me please. (She said tiring and exhausting.)

Fireheart: What about you and StormFlood ... (He said worryingly about his friend.)

[IceFlower dipped her head realizing that she and StormFlood were mates then promise that they'll ll stay with each other forever, but when her friend mentioned her mate...She has a Idea]

IceFlower: I was going to ask him right now since you mentioned that, but the dogs will track me and my kits If I do... (She said worrying about her kits and herself killed by the dogs.)

Sonic: so where do we meet you? (He said as he crossed his arms.)

IceFlower: I think, A cave will be good place for me, StormFlood, and my Wonderful kits.... (She said as she looked at the entrance worrying about her mate and her kits.)

Tails: *snaps* I think I know a cat in ThunderClan can help you, StormFlood, and your kits hidden from the dogs and the others. (He said bursting with a smile.)

IceFlower: Oh thank StarClan! thank you, who is it? (She said happily that Tails knows a cat in her mate's clan can help her.)

[Before he could say anything else, IceFlower's ears and her fur prick, panicky and in fear.]

IceFlower: Oh No! I smell a RiverClan patrol! Y'all should go, They won't be too happy If they see you talking to me or Graystripe, so go!. (She snarled panicky.)

Sonic: Okay, We meet to the caves, right? (He said as he's ready to runs before the RiverClan Patrol catches them.)

IceFlower: Correct, Now hurry! (She snapped afraidly.)

[As Sonic and Tails, Yacker and Jade were gone while IceFlower looked at her friends, telling her that she needed help and luckily, They did.]

(Later that Sunset)

[IceFlower looked at her kits, worrying about the secret she just told until she needed to get to the cave as fast she can, so her friends can meet her there. IceFlower gently shook her kits to wake up]

IceFlower: Get up, kits.... (As she shook her kits' heads with her muzzle gently, waking them up.)

[Breezekit opened her eyes, tiredly]

Breezekit: Huh? What is it Mom? (She said still tired and sleepy.)

[Lakekit, Squallkit, Hurricanekit, Cloudkit, Icekit, and Riverkit opened their eyes too, but not Snowkit. IceFlower looked at the Snowkit, cornered that she was not waking up until she spoken]

IceFlower: Lakekit, can you wake up your sister? (She said bit anxious and scared about Snowkit.)

Lakekit: Okay, Wake up Sis! (She said cheerfully.)

[Lakekit started to put her paws on her sister's shoulder until Snowkit started to wake up bit, making IceFlower breath in relief that she thought that she had lost another one.]

Snowkit: (groans tiredly) Huh? What's wrong mom? (She said very sleepy.)

IceFlower: Come on, we have to go to the caves, my precious kits. (As she stood up, Breezekit looked at her mother confusedly.)

Breezekit: (Titles her head.) Why? were we supposed to not to be out of camp? (She said confusedly.)

[IceFlower's heart felt like of it was ached that her daughter was right. Kits were not supposed to be out of camp until they are apprentices, but she knew that her friends are waiting for her in the caves and she needed to tell her mate, StormFlood to come with her.]

IceFlower: (licks Breezekit's head gently.) I know Breezekit, but we to go to the caves so no dogs can come after us. (She said softly.)

[CloudKit's eyes was wide of fear and horror]

Cloudkit: D-Dogs! (He said in horror.)

IceFlower: Yes, my Gorgeous....The dogs been after me, your father and- (gets cut off from her daughter, Riverkit in fear.)

Riverkit: I don't want to be Crowfood! (She said in fear.)

[IceFlower can see fear of her daughter's eyes and she resting her tail on Riverkit's shoulder to calm her down]

IceFlower: I know, that's why I'm taking y'all to the cave to meet some of my friends, but your going to see your father first... (She said gently to calm her kits down.)

[IceFlower grips Breezekit, Icekit,and Riverkit on her back then She grip Squallkit, Hurricanekit, and Cloudkit on her shoulders and She finally grips Snowkit's scruff.

She sniff the air for any patrol that she wouldn't be caught, luckily there was none anywhere near so she started to walk towards the elders' den until she made her way out of camp and started to swim

carefully to not make her kits to loss balance so they won't drowned and started to head towards Riverclan's Territory. She sniff the air once again and started to smell StormFlood's scent near Sunningrocks]

IceFlower: My love! (She said happily to see her mate again for two moons.)

[StormFlood looked at his side revealing his mate and his kits then he started to walk towards IceFlower]

StormFlood: My dear, Are feeling okay and is that our kits? (He said as he licked his mate's cheek then looked his kits.)

IceFlower: Yes, they are our kits..There names are Lakekit, Squallkit, Hurricanekit, Cloudkit, Icekit, Riverkit and Snowkit. (She said calmly to her mate then shows her kits to StormFlood.)

Lakekit, Squallkit, Hurricanekit, Cloudkit, Icekit, Riverkit and Snowkit, This is your Father, StormFlood. (She said showing her kits to their Father.)

[Riverkit and Icekit pounds to their father's paws playfully]

StormFlood: They have wonderful names, IceFlower. (He said as he lifts his paw, making Riverkit and Icekit fell to their belly, squeaking playfully.)

IceFlower: Of course They do, I named them after me and you. (She said softly as she walked towards her mate's shoulder.)

StormFlood: That's kinda Sweet, so why are you here since you bring the kits to me? (He said confusedly.)

IceFlower: I'm here, because I want you to come with me and my kits to the caves, where my friends are. (She said bit scared that she'll be rejected.'

StormFlood: Sure, My dear...but why? (He said as his eyes darkened bit with confusion.)

[IceFlower felt her chest tightened of pain and fear that her mate will be angry or alarm that he might choose to stay in ThunderClan]

IceFlower: Because, The dogs been after me and our kits then trying to kill one of my kits, so I was going to ask you, would you like to come with me and my kits?

[He licked her cheek lovingly]

StormFlood: Of course, I'll come with you and our kits

[The RiverClan She-Cat and ThunderClan Tom were walking though the ferns and IceFlower sniff the air then caught her friends' Scents and when IceFlower, StormFlood and the kits enter the caves revealing Her friends]

Fireheart: Oh, you here and Your StormFlood?

StormFlood: That's right.

SquirrelFlight: Well-

[Everyone heard a loud barking outside, which's made the kits panic in fear and IceFlower and SquirrelFlight were able to calm them down]

SquirrelFlight: It's alright, They're tied up

[IceFlower sniff the air and looked at the cave entrances, revealing a Zebra with a purple dress and a hat with feathers, a Wolf with black jacket, a pony wearing a orange Shirt with a Jacket and a orange ginger cat with a Gray shirt and hat]

SquirrelFlight: Let me introduce to our friends, This is Zizzy, Willow, Pony, and Kitty. Me and my father met them few moons ago when the infected were trying to surround them.

[IceFlower dipped her head polity while StormFlood looked at them bit overprotective]

IceFlower: It's very nice to meet y'all.

Zizzy: Well, I never knew that RiverClan has a very sweet and Polite cat.

Kitty: I know, right?

[Sonic decided to change up the subject]

Sonic: So, Since you bring your mate. What's the kits names by way?

IceFlower: Oh right! My kits are Breezekit, Lakekit, Squallkit, Hurricanekit, Cloudkit, Icekit, Riverkit and Snowkit

[Yacker started to talk and Tails looked at his then started to read his translation]

Tails: Yacker says "so you named the kits after you and StormFlood, I'm guessing?"

StormFlood: That's right, Uhh Yacker.

[Kitty looked at the kits, who are sleeping with their mother, but Snowkit was very still]

Kitty: IceFlower, is Snowkit okay?

[IceFlower nuzzles gently to make sure that Snowkit was alright and she moved a bit, IceFlower sighed of relief]

IceFlower: She is, Thank Starclan....I thought I would lost another.....

[StormFlood narrowed his eyes of shocked that his mate lost a her kit while Kitty looked into IceFlower's eyes showing pain and lost]

Kitty: you...lost..your..kit..


[Willow felt heartbroken about IceFlower, Losing a very kit. Willow felt like of She reminded of her friend,

Rash, who was infected that made her heartbroken and this time....she won't let that happen to IceFlower's kits until they heard dogs barking closer]

Pony: Oh no, We need to go now! Kitty, Zizzy and Willow, help IceFlower and her kits.

Kitty, Zizzy, and Willow : Got it!

[Everyone did what Pony told and started to head out of the forest. They were now in the Thunderpath, Everyone has across and it was just IceFlower and Snowkit turn before She could go, a monster came towards them]

StormFlood: IceFlower! Look Out!

[IceFlower heard the warning just in time then duck under the monster and she quickly runs across road while hold Snowkit on her scruff, then met with the others]

Graystripe: That was a close one, IceFlower! We thought it you were going to crowfood.

StormFlood: Are you alright?

IceFlower: Yes, My love...I'm alright...

[StormFlood licks IceFlower's cheek to calm her down and making sure that Snowkit was alright]

Ravenpaw: we must be careful with the Thunderpath, Those monster are dangerous to across to the other side.

Willow: Yeah, Those idiots almost killed IceFlower and Snowkit!

[Graystripe looked into Willow's eyes show that she was fill of hatred and anger while Fireheart sniff the air to make sure that the dogs were not around]

Fireheart: Come on guys, The dogs aren't around!

SquirrelFlight: are you feeling alright, IceFlower?

[IceFlower nodded to SquirrelFlight, Kindly]

Lakekit: Mom! I'm tired of walking...

Hurricanekit: Me too!

[Yacker and Jade came down to put the two kits on top of their head then Lakekit and Hurricanekit started to sleep]

(Few hours later, Place: City)

Pony: Well, This is our safe base.

Zizzy: They will go nuts that we find some Clans cats.

[Everyone got down of the building and started to head towards to the base. Kitty looked at IceFlower,

StormFlood, SquirrelFlight, Fireheart, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, and the kits]

Kitty: so, what made you run away from your clans by way?

Fireheart: The dogs been trying to kill one of our Clanmates and IceFlower too for 10 moons, ever since IceFlower's kits were born.

[StormFlood screeches and yawns then and started to speak]

StormFlood: Well, we better get some rest after getting here.

Ravenpaw: I got a huge bunch of moss for us to sleep.

Graystripe: Great job Buddy!

Willow: Why do you need moss like do you sleep on it or something?

SquirrelFlight: Yup!

[Everyone got inside until two young Zebras like Zizzy tackle her of joy. Zizzy started to laugh of happiness]

Zuzy: Zizzy's Back!

Zizzy: Zee and Zuzy! What did I say to not tackle me, but how can I get mad you too!

Zuzy: Who are there's cats Sis?

Zizzy: Right, Everyone, This is Fireheart, and his friends and his daughter SquirrelFlight, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, StormFlood and his mate, IceFlower

Mimi: All of you should been thought lot to get here and for IceFlower, you should get some, including your little kittens

IceFlower: Thanks Mimi, Me and StormFlood, my friends, and my kits should get lots of sleep for 2 days and StormFlood,

could you check the forest tomorrow If the territories are safe from the dogs, so we can go back to our clans?

StormFlood: sure, My dear...

Tails: Well Come on, we have a extra room that we kept for visitors.

[Tails led Fireheart and the group to the room]

GrayStripe: Why thank you so much, Tails.

Tails: your welcome, you'll stay here until you get all your strength ready.

[Tails looked at Yacker and Jade, who is holding Lakekit and Hurricanekit then give them to IceFlower]

IceFlower: Why Thank you, you two!

[Yacker and Jade started to patted her head and left the door]

Tails: They say "Your welcome!" And also Ravenpaw

Ravenpaw: yes?

Tails: can you tell me about the clans and more?

Ravenpaw: Oh sure, I'll be appreciate it!

[The kits were playing with Sonic while Ravenpaw was talking to Tails about the clans, Mimi, Pony and Giraffy talking to Fireheart and Graystripe, and Zizzy, Willow and Kitty was talking to the She-Cat Queen]

Kitty: So what's your kits gender then?

IceFlower: Snowkit, Breezekit, Riverkit, Lakekit and Floodkit are She-Cats meaning they're females and Squallkit, Hurricanekit, Cloudkit, Icekit are Toms meaning they're are males

[Willow felt her tail touched and when she looked at her tail and it was Breezekit playing Willow's tail making her giggle and picking her up]

Willow: why aren't you the playful kit?

Zizzy: Well, Goodnight everyone, Come on Willow and Kitty!

Willow: Alright, Goodbye Breezekit...

Breezekit: Bye-Bye! (giggles)

[The group has already sleeping, but IceFlower smiled at Kitty then looked at Snowkit]

Kitty: So, what warrior names for the kits are going to have when they grow up?

IceFlower:  I was thinking Breezekit as BreezeFrost, Lakekit as LakeWatcher, Squallkit as SquallStorm, Hurricanekit as HurricaneWise, Cloudkit as CloudSight, Icekit as IceStrike, Riverkit as RiverSpirit and Snowkit as SnowStream...

Kitty: Well, Night IceFlower....

IceFlower: You too...

[IceFlower looked at the window to look at the night sky, thinking about her clan and her kits]

(IceFlower's thoughts: I hope my kits are going to be safe with me and StormFlood with my friends including Kitty...)

[IceFlower looked at her kits then started to lay her head next to StormFlood until she closes her eyes to sleep and hopping her kits with be safe....]

Okay, If you don't what's happening? This is the before when Snow's story arc starts

And what happened to her parents? well, StormFlood was by a badger (and no It's not badgy), because he was protecting his mate and his kits after the Badger was trying to her and the kits and after a few moons IceFlower was killed by Monster (Car) then Kitty decided to take care of Snowkit and her siblings

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