SCP Universe

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We open to a clear sky. We pan down and see a base of some sort. Inside a control room, people were observing there monitors until one beeped

Controller: strange, notify command we got something.

On the outside the worm hole opens and you came out rushing followed by a giant snake with a horn, two hollow sails, fins and medium holes on its side

The worm hole closes behind. It swims through the air Snapping at your box. The bad part it was right next to the base. A squad of cars and trucks follow. One truck stops and out came a woman with dark hair, glasses and the most notable thing was a red amulet 

B: interesting 

She says adjusting her glasses seeing the strange box zigzagging across the sky followed by the dragon which snaps out trying to catch you. The ship lands skidding to a Holt in front of the army of men with guns. You step out with a blue hand cannon

You aim it at the creature which was crawling at you screeching. Then a blue aura at the cannon powers up. But before you can shoot the woman with the medallion pops from below and in front of you 

B: hi there

You scream and lift the cannon out of the way and the creature head butts the ground sinking into it. You push the woman out of the way seeing the dust clear revealing the hole.

You: dammit

The woman leans in

B: so you speak English and look human. Hmmm what are you

You: someone who's going hunting

Before you could leave and gloved hand grabs yours

Guard: your not going anywhere.

You: okay um, hold that thoughts 

You take out the charger and absorb the Traveler surprising the guards

You: so you going to stand there and gawk or are you going to help me kill it

B: well can't we just contain it

You: containing it will be dangerous and difficult. Killing it is the only option 

You then run to the hole and jumped in running after the giant snake. You look through the tunnels aiming the cannon straight ahead. Then a rumbling happens bellow you. 

Up above the squad was going over the plan on how to capture you and the snake. The plan was being explained by a man with dark hair and the most notable thing about him was his eyes

L: alright if he comes out the beast will follow him up. When it does we shoot rounds and rounds of casings into it and he does the final blow killing it

Then a woman with tanned skin, glasses and dark hair comes next to him

M: why can't we contain it

B: , if he says we can't contain it. He knows this thing better

L: how do we know if he brought that thing, Dr. 

Molly: well we did just see it try to eat him

They then felt the ground rumble. Then with an explosion you came bursting from the ground in between the jaws of the monster.

L: well come on shoot!

The men started to fire making holes. It noticed and fires out pointed spears which were alive. They opened there eyes and pierced the guards through but some blew up in mid air. The monster starts opening its split bottom jaw making you slip a little but held on.

You then aim the cannon down its throat and blasted high pressure water down the throat. On the other end it's tail tip exploded with water coming out.

The beast gives one last roar and finally dies.

Molly: okay get a sample and we'll start-

C: umm Molly.

They look to see the body disintegrating right before them. You landed in front of them and disbanded the cannon then looked at the men who aim there guns at you.

You: usually a thank you would be good

Soldier: by the scp foundation your coming with us

A soldier behind you puts a needle in your neck and everything went black.


You open your eyes everything fuzzy. You look around seeing yourself in a dark room with a one sided window and your handcuffed to a table.

You: oh come on.

You look down seeing your in an orange jump suit.

You: at least have the decency 

You glow and it turns into an orange suit

You look to the handcuffs and think.

You: I'll just keep these on just for the fun of it.

Then a woman with platinum blond hair, scientist uniform walks in

She looks over on a clipboard and looks up noticing the uniform. She turns to the guard who's on the other side

B: I told you to put him in the jump suit.

Guard: I thought we did.

A guard looks through and gets surprised.

Guard: I swear Dr. Buck it was in a jump suit when we put it in their

You get a little offended when he called you "it". Dr. Buck writes on the clipboard while saying.

Dr. Buck: reality warping abilities and ability to make objects appear in hand.

You: well, sort of true

Dr. Buck: now to the interview.

She sits down on the other end of the table, she then places a tape recorder and plays it.

Dr. Buck: subject m372. Unknown SCP. Is a male humanoid with the hight of seventy inches and weight of ninety-nine kilogrammes. Which unusual for a person of his size.

You: okay a little hurt by that.

Dr. Buck: subject was found outside of 31 base after coming out of anomalous warp way followed by another anomaly that was killed later. We labeled them M372b and M372c. We'll now be having an interview with humanoid now.

She takes out a small microphone and plugs it in and pushes it to you.

Dr. Buck: speak into the mic and give your name.

You(rolls eyes): my name is y/n l/n. I'm a multiverse lord and I have a few questions of my own if that's fair.

She raises an eyebrow and waves her hand.

You: okay, so where am I.

Dr. Buck: you are in the SCP foundation.

You: and you wanna know who I am right.

She mearly huffs and gives a glare but nods.

You: right. I'm y/n, a being of infinite power and from a different universe. I am the last of my kind and I was given a duty of exploration find artifacts of my planet and protect the multiverse.

Dr. Buck: protection from what.

You: from beings who want total domination or destruction of the Multiverse.

Dr. Buck: and what-

You: up, bup. My turn. So what is it that you do.

Clearly her face shows she was getting annoyed by you but she sighs and answers your question.

Dr. Buck: we find anomalies and study them to see what they can do.

You: so you find things that don't fit on this world and lock them away.

Dr. Buck: true, we do that.

You: well lucky for me and you, in a couple days or months. When my machine will be fully charged I'll be-

You check your pockets to find that the charger along with the map was gone. You then start to panic a little.

You: where's my machine.

Dr.Buck: your Machine has been taken for study we designated m372-Alpha. You will have it back in-

You: you don't understand I need it back on my person now.

Dr. Buck: well I'm afraid you can't have it back now, if your worried about it I can-

You: I'm not worried about that I'm worried about you and your facility

She was about say something about that but was cut short when one of the guards walkie talkies goes.

Guard: what is it.

On the line: *M372-Alpha. is now active it is making a straight line through the facility! Repeat M372-Alpha is loose is making a bee-

The guard on the radio was cut short and only garble can be heard. The guard raises his weapon at you.

Guard: what the hell is happening, what did you do!?

You: I didn't do anything. That was the machine's defences. If it leaves my person and is saprate for too long it activates a hover mode and flies to me and if any obstacles are in the way it will simply beam it out or melt through.

Then an explosion is felt rocking your room. Then the door exploded of its hinges revealing the charger glowing red and instead of a sphere it was dodecahedron. It floats to you and scans you with a red beam.

Charger: identity confirmed. Y/n l/n

It shifts back into a sphere and floats back into your hand. You then look to your captors who look at you in shock. Then the same woman from earlier pokes her head from the broken door.

B: um, hi.


You had a displeased look as you were sitting on a bed with white walls something like asylum room only not padded, with a single bed and desk with chair and bathroom just in the next room. Then the woman with the amulet comes in through the locked door.

You: can I help you. Mrs...

B: I'm Dr. Jackie Bright part of the SCP foundation and I was interested in what you meant by the multiverse.

You mearly huff and face away, she however sits next to you with a broad smile.

Bright: we could make your stay more comfortable

You: can you get me scientific equipment.

Bright: sure.

You: and database on all anomalies.

Bright: umm, might want to ask the higher ups for that.

You: I'll be sure to send a letter. So what do you want learn first.

Bright smiles more and gets out a notepad and pen.

Bright: so what is a multiverse lord.

You: ultimate beings that govern and keep universes and others safe. We were warriors great fighter. but they were now stuffy council men. Well once.

Bright: once?

You: a great battle took to see if we were to leave or take over the multiverse. So those who wanted to dominate the multiverse banded together and created leaders.

Bright: leaders.

You: powerful leaders that led many of the battles on our planet. During one skirmish the B.H generator shields deactivated.

Bright: what is a B.H Generator 

You: a machine that allows us to harvest power from a black hole.

Bright: wait, you can create power from a force so powerful that it could bend light.

You: yep, anyway during a battle someone deactivated the shields that kept the black hole contained causing it to suck in our planet. During our final days. One ship escaped the pull carrying our most powerful and mystical relics that if brought back to the planets orbital ring it would resurrect it back to life.

Bright writes it down in the note pad taking every detail.

You: though the bad part was, the bad guys thought of the same plan and the two rockets that contained our relics collided causing an explosion and scattered, good and bad relics across the multiverse 

Bright: how many are their

You: well I don't know the number but alot. The artifacts also have a special energy so I could tell what's ours and what's not.

Bright: so they'res even artifacts that we're original to the universe

You: yeah, I do have a specialised scanner that could tell the difference.

You look down to see her necklace before looking at her then back at it you then grab it making her gasp

Bright: hey! And don't...hold it

You scan it for a second before seeing the readings

You: hmm, original.

Bright: wait?

She feels her own body and perks her breasts.

Bright: strange. Usually when someone touches this they're mind is wiped and I'm placed in the mind of the person

You look to one ring on your finger that flashes green for a moment.

You: must be one of the artifacts. The ring of cancellation. has the ability of canceling any known curse, magic and ability.

Bright: so that means your immune.

You: yeah.

She writes in the notepad still gobsmacked.

You: what are you really doing here doc.

Bright: to see what classification and um, what capabilities you have.

You: now that I love to do.

The door opens and two guards walk in with big guns.

Bright: lets see.

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