Ch. 14: Planning Ahead

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Back at the Doorman home, Khan opened a door filled with stuff Uzi has never seen.

Old files, strange drawing, and other items that belonged to the robotic woman he loved and the mother of his child.

Nori Doorman.

"Mr. Doorman...what is all of this stuff?" N asked with a pause.

"This is the stuff my wife tried to warn me about. Stuff that I should've listened to." He said.

Khan moved aside and allowed Uzi, Doll, N, and V to enter the room and see everything Nori had left behind.

Seeing all of this, Uzi suddenly had so many questions running through her head.

How much did Nori know all of this?

How LONG did she know about this?

Was there anyone else besides bed dad that knew too?

"Hey, what's this?" N asked, picking up a strange collar with the numbers 002 on it.

"That was Nori's identification collar. She always wore it, even before we meet." Khan said as he took it from N. "Said it was to help protect her or something."

"From what?" V asked.

"...From the sky demons. I can to understand it meant you murder drones." Khan said as he turned to his daughter, giving her the collar. "And something called "the singularity.""

Uzi looked at it, very confused.

"Singularity?" Uzi muttered as Doll was looking over some stuff herself.

She then looked at different photo of the one that was in her file at her home, but now she could see there was a sign for the facility her mother and Nori were at.

"Лагерь 98.7. (Camp 98.7.)" She said out loud, making everyone look at her.

Uzi didn't know why but she had a feeling that place, wherever it was, had the answered they were looking.

"We have to go there." Uzi said firmly.

"But how do we get there? Depending on how far it is, we might not be able to make it there and back before the sun comes up." N said.

"There has to be a way." Uzi said, rubbing her chin.

"Like what? We take a bus?" V asked, sarcastic.

Doll and Uzi glanced at each other, both coming up with the same idea at the same time.

"School field trip./Школьная экскурсия.." They said to everyone.

"... Great." V said, rolling her eyes. "That won't cause problems."

"Если тебе это не понравится, я всегда могу тебя убить (If you don't like it I can always kill you)." Doll said.

That resulted in Uzi sending her tail at Doll, just barely stopping before she stabbed her.

"Don't." Uzi warned, having enough after this night.

Doll and Uzi stared at each other, the former looking blank while the latter had a tied glare.

"Hmmm." Doll let out, pushing the tail away and nodding.

"Come on, let's go back to the spire." Uzi said, pulling her tail back.

"Even Doll?" N asked.

"INCLUDING her. Like I said, until we get some answers, she's not leaving my sight." Uzi said as she glared at Doll. "So pack what little shit you have, you're moving in with us."

"...Хоробно, но, по крайней мере, возьмите меня на несколько свиданий, прежде чем просить меня переехать в следующий раз. (...Fine but at least take me on a few dates before asking me to move in next time.)" Doll said, putting a hand on her hip.

Lashing out again, Uzi slammed her tail into the wall next to Doll's head.

"DO. NOT. SAY THAT." Uzi said with a glare and a blush.

'Why is she blushing?' N and V thought.

Doll giggled at her reaction, finding Uzi fun to tease. Even after becoming a deadly machine.

"Let's just go." Uzi said as she turned to leave.

"Wait. Before you go, I need so say something." Khan said, making everyone gaze at him. "I know....I know I've been a terrible father. I should've listened to you more and tried harder to understand you. And when you felt like I lost Nori all over again."

Khan walked towards Uzi and wrapped her in a hug, surprising her.

"Please, be safe and be careful, kiddo. I don't wanna lose you again." He said as tears appeared in his screen/eyes.

"I... uh... What do I do in this situation?" Uzi asked, looking at N and V.

"Hug him back!" N whispered, making a hugging gesture with his arms.

Still a bit nervous, Uzi slowly hugged her father back as she placed her head on her father's shoulder.

'This... feels nice.' Uzi thought, gaining a tiny smile.

It dawned on them both that this was the first time they hugged each other in a long time. TOO long, in fact.

"You three, take care of my daughter. Please." Khan said, looking at the others .

"Don't worry, sir. As her new brother and sister, we'll protect her with our lives!" N said with a salute.

"Please stop saying that." Uzi said as the hug ended.

"Never." V said with a soft grin. "But seriously, we will protect her."

Khan smiled at them, actually thankful for the murder drones for once, before he turned to Doll.

"Yeva was a friend and I know you don't have to, but I hope you'll protect Uzi as well." Khan said to her.

"...Мы разделяем одно и то же проклятие, поэтому у нас нет другого выбора, кроме как держаться вместе. (We share the same curse, so we have no choice but to stick together.)" Doll said with a nod.

'Even after trying to kill us not even an hour ago? My life has gotten so weird.' Uzi thought.

Gazing at her mother's collar in her hand, Uzi decided to put it around her neck as everyone but Khan left her old home.

He watched her leave... he was sad... but at least he knew she was alive, and he knew it was for a reason now.

'Nori, watch over her. Uzi just might be the one to stop whatever you predicted is coming.' Khan thought.

It was the only thing he could think to do.

-One hour later-

After a quick stop at Doll's house to get her things, as well as somehow "bottle up" all of the oil and all the limbs from the various drones she killed, the new group of four arrived back at the spire outside of the colony bunker.

"Welcome to your new home!" N shouted, gesturing to the inside of the spire. "Pretty great, right?"

Behind Doll, Uzi and V had their guns pointed at her. They didn't trust her still, she was JUST trying to kill them less than two hours ago.

"Я не знаю, чего я ожидал, но я все еще удивлен. (I don't know what I expected but I'm still surprised.)" Doll said, looking around the spire.

"Like you're one to judge by how your house was." V comments.

Doll turned and glared at V for that. Her flames of vengeance were not burned out yet, the only thing in the way of letting them be satisfied was Uzi.

"Hmph!" Doll scoffed before looking around. "Где я буду спать? (Where will I sleep?)"

"Maybe yourself a little house next to the rocket." Uzi ordered her, pointing to the murder drone's rocket pod using her tail. "V, N, go rest, I'll keep watch over Doll. I'll come get you when I need to rest."

"You sure?" N asked.

"Positive." Uzi said as she walked to Doll and nudged her back with her gun hand. "Move it. Let's get that house built."

Even if they "shared the same curse" as Doll puts it, Uzi wasn't willing to take her eyes off her until she completely trusted her.

"Hmm." Doll hummed as she slowly raised her hand and used her AbsoluteSolver.

This time in the name of construction instead of destruction as she created a nice little house/room for herself out of miscellaneous junk inside of the spire.

"Cool." Uzi muttered in awe.

"Ревнуешь? (Jealous?)" Doll asked with a grin.

"No, I'm not. I can do that with enough practice." Uzi said, crossing her arm with her tail to keep her gun on Doll.

"Конечно. (Sure.)" Doll said, still grinning.

Annoyed by her and grunting as she felt her core heat up, Uzi slowly back away a bit, while keeping her eyes on Doll.

'I'm going to overheat soon, I need some oil.' Uzi thought.

That fight at the dance took more out of her than she thought.

Doll saw the signs and scoffed, rolling her eyes before reaching into one of her bags and pulling a metal bottle of worker drone oil she made.

"Здесь. Выпей. (Here. Drink up.)" Doll said, tossing it to Uzi.

Uzi caught it, surprised by the gesture as she slowly undid her gun hand.

"Uh, Thanks." She said.

Doll nodded as she walked into her new home and began creating furniture.

'I guess, since I didn't kill them for this oil, it's okay to drink it....right?' Uzi thought, still not fully liking that she had to drink oil to survive.

But with how little oil is left from the surrounding buildings from when humans ruled the planet, Uzi didn't have much choice but to drink it.

She knew beggars can't be choosers, so she just opened the bottle and gave a silent prayer.

'Whoever you were, I'm sorry.' Uzi thought as she drank it like soda.

And she HATED it. She hated just how GOOD it tasted!

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