Fighting V and J...

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As V and J were killing some of the Worker Drones and before V could kill Thad.

???: "Hey!"

As V and Thad turned their heads around to see Uzi, N waving at V and J, and Snow was now standing.

Uzi: "Put that conventionally attractive male down!" Uzi said as Snow's tail started to flick with happiness to see J and V while N was waving to J and V friendly. Uzi looked at N, and Snow nudged N gently.

N: "Oh. uh. J, you're sometimes kind of mean to me, and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism."

Uzi: "Nice." She said as she and N fist bump. Snow put her paw to them, wanting to have a fist bump then Uzi and N smiled and fist bumped her paw.

J growls and V throws Thad as J speaks.

J: "Well then, traitor. We'll circle back after I right-size your existence."

Uzi looked at Snow and N, thinking of help. Then before she could say something, Snow started to tell Uzi and N about her plan.

Snow: "I think I have an Idea! Uzi, you'll fight J, and N will fight V until the two are defeated while I keep the other Worker Drones safe."

Uzi: "Good Idea!" then clicks the pen and throws it at J's eyes as she yells in pain. Leaving Snow and N alone, Snow puts her paw on N's back.

Snow: "Good luck, N...I hope you'll be okay, fighting V."

N: "Don't worry, Snow. I'll be okay. Now go protect the Worker Drones..."

Snow nodded and ran to where the other worker drones were hiding, then Snow started to organize them.

Uzi ran to the side and tried to shoot J, but before she could do it. J turns her hand to a gun and then tries to shoot Uzi,

making her fall back and letting go of her RailGun. J got the pen off of her.

Uzi: "Snow! Get Down!" She warned. Snow looked behind at her shoulder and saw a J shooting, then ducks.

Uzi: "You're okay, Snow?" She asked Snow, worriedly.

Snow: "Yeah! You got this, Uzi, and You too, N!" She cheered, encouraging N and Uzi.

J: "Damn the well-made quality-assured durability of JCJenson Products! Huh?" She said and saw Uzi jump and kick the pen in J's eye, making J scream in pain. Uzi landed on the ground and grabbed her RailGun, which made Snow want to jump in Excitement. Then saw a laser.

Snow: "Uzi, Duck!" She called. Uzi dropped her railgun and ducked from the laser, then saw N hit the box. Then, she Ducked down when the laser cut the box and fell on the slide; Snow ran to check on N.

Snow: "N! Are you okay?" She said as she ran to N's side. Fear pricked her shoulders to her tail until her fluffy fur was smooth and flat by N's hand.

N: "I'm okay, Snow! Just go keep the Worker drones safe." He said.

Snow: "I'm not going to let you or Uzi get hurt by anyone, N!" She protested, and N was shocked that somebody cared about him.

N: "All right, Just stay with me and Uzi, okay, Snow?" He said. Snow nodded then he turned his hand to a blast, but his blaster didn't blast yellow instead.

It shot out pink hearts from N's blaster, which made Snow confused and surprised, then looked at N, while trying not to blush.

Snow: "Uhhh, N?"

N: "AAAH, MY MIND'S IN A WEIRD PLACE, DON'T READ INTO THIS!" He said, panickily. Then V shot a missile between Snow and N.

Snow's body was frozen in fear, and then N pushed her and screamed out of pain.

Snow: "N!" She yowled, then saw that J finally took the pen off her and crushed it, then looked at Uzi. J started laughing evilly and charged her shock gun, J raised her shock gun and shot it,

making Uzi shut down. Snow was very extremely paralyzed and her heart stabbed like a fox bite on her chest. Her eyes and her tail started to turn yellow, then go in front of Uzi, protecting her.

Snow: "No one hurt Uzi or N, and you...have to fight me, J.." she said, snarled threateningly, and J chuckled.

J: "Very well...SnOw!!!" She said as she went into Combat mode and opened her wings then charged at Snow. Snow grabbed Uzi on the box

then placed her in the boxes and looked at J, who was flying, then dashed towards them until Snow unsheathed her claws and her teeth; J used her missiles on Snow until She used her robotic tentacles as a shield and then didn't see J anywhere.

J: "I got to say, I'm very.... Impressed. Me and V should have used you as on our team, cutie.~" she growled, and before Snow could turn around, J shot her missile at her, making her knock out.

While N was fighting, V, then He saw Uzi and Snow knocked out as J was towards Uzi.

N: "Uzi! Snow! I'm so so sorry, have fun repressing this." He said as he licked V's blades, making her disgusted.

V: "Ow, What the Hell!?" she said in disgust, then look him until N flew up and kicked V to the ground while Uzi tried to grab her railgun, but J kicked it away.

J: "You've got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster." She said as Snow growled quietly and then sneaked behind J

that Uzi noticed her, then Snow gave Uzi a signal about J's tail. Uzi understood her and looked at J.

J: "I've had prey by fact before, but your edgy spirit is......Painful?" She said as she looked down to see her tail stabbed her leg by Snow.

Snow used her tail to trip and went on top of J with Uzi and her railgun and made a smirk.

Uzi: "One more buzzword, and we'll do it?" She said smirking at J as Snow started to fire up her blaster on her tail.

J: "Equity partners-" Before she could say her final words, Snow accidentally blasted her tail with Uzi's Railgun at the same time, making J knocked out for 24 hours.

After It was finally over, Uzi looked at J's body and spit on it, then looked at Snow with a smile as the other worker drones came out, cheering. Uzi and Snow looked at everyone

until Uzi started to buff, then dropped her railgun and fell back until N grabbed Uzi, giving her a piggyback ride while Snow was next to V, who was tied up by her tail. Thad goes up to them while holding his wound.

Thad: "Holy hell Uzi, that was insane! And you two uhh.." He asked N and Snow Until N spoke.

N: "Uh, huh? Oh N, I'm an angsty, rebellious disassembly drone now, and This is Snow!"

Snow stands up and waves at Everyone and they start to whisper about Snow and how fluffy and adorable she is until she hears someone clear his throat as everyone moves away, revealing Uzi's father, Khan, who looks guilty for not saving his daughter; she throws the wreck to the ground in Khan's shoes.

Uzi: "I brought the Murder Drones here accidentally; you chose to leave me dead instead of just freaking believing in me; that's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week!" She said angrily at her father, who had a guilty expression. Uzi was about to cry, but she slapped herself to reboot herself and then continued.

Uzi: "I'll save you the trouble, Dad. I banished myself!" She said angrily, Snow's ears twitched in shock.

Snow: "Did..Uzi said that...she banished herself...?" She thought. Khan wanted to say something to his daughter, but Snow glared at saying that she didn't want to hear a single word from him after he left Uzi, so he didn't. Uzi looked at Snow and wanted to smile at her, but not around everyone in public.

Uzi: "Let's go, N and Snow; everyone here can bite me!" She said as N turned around and grabbed V's head while Snow used her robotic tentacle to grab J's shoulder and dragged her, then looked at N and Uzi, seeing them smiling at her.

N: "Nice to meet you, Mr.Uzi!" He said as he was slapped in the head by Uzi.

Uzi: "Shut it!" She said to N as He and Snow unfolded their and flew up to the ceiling.

A few minutes later

Snow started to repair J and checked on N, who was standing beside the wall. Snow felt her paw freezing, but she didn't care and went up to N.

Snow: "N, are you alright?" She asked as N looked down at her with...a sad expression and looked down.

N: "Yeah.... I-I'm fine," he said as his voice was sad and low, making Snow heartbroken. Then Snow stood up and put her robotic paw on his shoulder as her eyes and her tail changed to Pink and Blue.

Snow: "N....You can tell me... I can help you..." She said warmly that N took a deep breath and looked at Snow.

N: "Well... When I told V that I love her.... she...she...didn't like me back...." He said saddened until feeling Snow pressing her fur on his shoulder as comfort.

Snow: "I'm very sorry for you, N....I knew that V was going to eject you, but If there's anything I could do to help you..." She said as she saw N smiling at her Snow smiled warmly back.

N: "Thank you, also Snow...could you check on Uzi for a bit? I need a minute." He asked Snow, hoping that she would say yes so He could ask me what the weird feeling he was having. She nodded.

Snow: "Sure, I will." N sighed with relief and watched Snow leave. Then N went to the room, and he started to blush.

N: "W-What is this feeling?" He asked himself then put his hand on his chest until he realized that.... he loves Snow, but...does Uzi have a crush on her too?

While with Uzi

Uzi was outside, sitting on top of the car, looking at the sunset after beating J and V until hearing something like footsteps. Then Uzi sighed.

Uzi: "I know you're there, Snow." She said as Snow tripped from the Worker Drone's hand, got up, then jumped to the car to sit next to Uzi.

Uzi: "Why did you come to see me, Snow?" She asked as she continued to look at the sunset.

Snow: "N told me to check on you since he told me that he needs a minute." She told Uzi and felt Uzi grabbing Snow close to her side.

Uzi: "Don't worry, N can always be awkward sometimes." She said as Snow got out of the car and then looked at Uzi.

Snow: "I'm going to take a walk if you don't mind." She told Uzi, hope twisted her belly so that Uzi would let go and

can look for any supplies and oil for her, N, V, and J until memories flow into her, but this time, she sees a familiar yellow and brown otter and a purple and blue fox that she always hangs out with and were.... Rose the Otter and Olivia the Fox! Maybe she can look for them. Uzi nodded.

Uzi: "Sure, just come back before the sun is fully up." She told Snow, who nodded and walked away to the entrance. Uzi felt her body disappointed and worried about Snow leaving.

Uzi: "Why do I have this feeling that Snow will come She'll come back, hopefully." She whispers to herself so Snow doesn't hear her and sees Snow gone, then continues to watch the sunset and hear N.

N: "I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me; hope you're having Important character growth or something, though!" He said, Uzi stood up from the car and looked at him.

Uzi: "Just can't wait to murder all humans, classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty on earth......because We're coming for them!" She said and started to laugh so evil that it echoed through the planet...


A/N: Don't worry, I'm going to put extra chapters for Murder Drones before Season 1 comes out. If you did or didn't know, Information for Snow is now an Animal Drone since I made it up yesterday, and I'll explain about Animal Drones when I finish the next chapter.

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