Chapter 7

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The police force entered the house and was greeted by Suneeta. Abhijeet asked her to assemble everyone in the living room and moved towards it along with the force and the guest he had brought. One by one the family members, along with Ramesh and Suneeta entered the room. The last one to enter was Jwala. She looked around the room and went pale. Abhijeet smiled and gestured everyone to sit.

"Mr Yakshit, why didn't you tell us about the outhouse?" asked Abhijeet. Yakshit looked surprised, "I thought it was not important. It has been locked for ages. I don't even remember where the keys are." "Your mother was killed in the outhouse," said Abhijeet. Everyone looked shocked.

Abhijeet smiled and gestured towards the guest he had brought. "This is Hritvik Kumar. He was the one who had called you to threaten about Mr Jatin. But why did he do so? Yes Miss Jheel, do you recognize him?" Abhijeet asked. Jheel spoke uncertainly, "He is Jwala di's friend." Dinesh spoke, "Not just friend, her boyfriend. Am I right, Miss Jwala?" Jwala remained quiet.

Abhijeet spoke, "Indali. Meaning powerful. Mrs Indali Verma held the position of power in the family. She had authority over everyone. Almost everyone in the family held a grievance against her. There could be many reasons for her murder. Someone got tired of her controlling behaviour. Her property. To harm her son. Anything."

He continued, "The forensic reports told us that two people were involved in the crime. Mrs Indali had been hit on her head, making her unconscious and then she was stabbed. But she had fought. She was weak, yet she managed to scratch her murderer. Tissues have been found in her nails. So we conducted the blood test. And I asked my officers to keep a watch on all of you."

"Yesterday, we found a family member going and meeting Mr Hritvik Kumar. When Mr Jatin disappeared, they thought to throw the blame on Vishal Singh and Ajeet Rathore. But Mr Jatin came back, spoiling their plans. Today, the reports of the blood test came and the same person's tissues were found in Mrs Indali's nails," said Dinesh.

Abhijeet looked at Jwala and spoke sternly, "Miss Jwala, how about you tell us why you killed your grandmother?" Jwala stood up in anger and spoke, "How dare you? I have not killed her, she was my grandmother." Abhijeet moved forward and stared into her eyes. His eyes had anger and authority. And out of sudden, she broke down. "Yes. She was so much against my relationship with Hritvik. She wanted me to leave him. I love him." She sobbed and continued, "So we planned. And that day, somehow I brought her to the outhouse. The key was with me. Hritvik was waiting for us and......"

Yakshit screamed, "She was my mother. How could you do this?" Abhijeet looked at him and said, "Control your emotions, Mr Verma. The law will punish her."

_________________THE END_________________

So, how is it? The chapter and the story?

Thank you twinkling_girl for your superb support.

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