Chapter 13

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Everything had ended, Angela had been taken to prison and was awaiting trail. It had come as a shock to everyone who had heard the news, no one saw it coming. Angela was the quiet and trustworthy person everyone felt they could rely on. But just like the saying– the quiet ones.

Funmi had been given two weeks break from the office, after all that she had gone through. She needed time to bring herself to the state of mind it once was and try to get over Alex. She was tired of being hung up on him and she feared that she might one day turn to Angela.

Michael had wanted to keep the secret of Evelyn cheating on Alex to himself, he felt since she was dead no need in bringing it up. But Chioma had them tell Alex the truth, with the photos as proof, she felt he deserved to know the truth about Evelyn, maybe knowing the fact that Evelyn wasn't faithful would help him move on. Two weeks after the burial of Evelyn, he seemed to be getting back to his self.

Nneka and Chima shenanigans were finally brought out in the open, turns out the office wasn't really bothered about it. But then the relationship ended almost as quickly, when Nneka found Chima kissing another girl, she soon got back at him as she started a rumour concerning the size of Chima's penis.


"How about this?" Kachi held up a blue dress. It was tight from the bosom area to the waist side, but went flay below. "It's really pretty, I love the beads adorned by the neckline."

"Good, then you can have it. I don't want blue, I am going black," She said. They stood in the same boutique they had gone to three weeks ago, the day of Chioma's mother dinner party.

"Of course, it's always black," Kachi mumbled under her breathe. "Well, I will take this gown then, I have a date with this guy I met in the hospital last week."

Chioma looked at her, a knowing smile on her face. "Is it that cute Hausa guy that I saw when I came visiting."

Kachi giggled before nodding, "Yes, you know usually I only date Igbo guys and I don't look at other tribe because my mum and her issues with other tribes. But we talked and he is really sweet, and funny." She held a fond look on her face, her lips were thin and wide, spread out in a smile.

"Awww, well I am happy for you dear. But if he ever hurts you, just let me know and I will burst his balls." Kachi doubled over in laughter.

"What's with you and bursting men balls?"

"I don't know really," she scratched the back of her head. "One day I had this dream where my punching bag was in the sharp of a huge man balls and I just kept punching it and punching it and-"

"Please do not tell me the ball burst, I do not want to hear that."

"Well, it exploded, but instead of... Well, whatever balls contained, it was ice cream, of different flavours, there was strawberry and vanilla and..." She stopped when she noticed the look Kachi was giving her. "What happen?"

"Nothing, just wondering the kind of dreams you get." Chioma shrugged and they walked away to look for a dress for Chioma.


Chioma took a deep breathe when Kachi was done with the light makeup she had applied on her face. She walked towards the mirror to see herself, staring back at her was a Chioma you won't see on a normal day.

"Wow!" She said to herself quietly, then turned to Kachi who was laying on her bed. "You did a good job."

"I know right." She gave a small laugh.

Her hair was packed beautifully in a design Kachi had learnt from YouTube videos. She had pinned it to the side, making some strands of Chioma hair to fall just beside the corner of her right eyes. It really brought out the beauty of her catlike eye which had its eyelashes brushed with mascara. A little eyeshadow had been applied too, and Kachi gave it that smokey look. That was all Chioma wanted, she was never one for the heavy makeup or lipsticks, she preferred lip balm.

She wasn't wearing a gown but rather a black jumpsuit. It hugged tight around her, showing the fine curve at her hips and fitting of her butt. The neckline went low in 'V' showing her cleavage a bit and a black necklace with it's black pendant rested in between. With a black heel and her black bag Chioma was ready to go. "Do you think this is too much?" She asked Kachi, looking at her from the mirror.

"Nonsense, there is nothing like too much." Kachi scoffed with a brush of her hand.

"OK good, because I want to look good for him to see that I look good, but I don't want to look good for him to see that I tried to look good," Chioma said rubbing her fingers together nervously.

"OK, I am just going to nod my head and pretend I understood that," Kachi told her, standing up from her position, she walked over to Chioma, together they looked at Chioma attire through the mirror. "You look amazing, just push other thoughts aside and go have fun. Wait! I have something for you." She ran out of Chioma's room. "Just wait for me, I am coming!"

"Sure, I'll be right here, but be quick, it's already a minute after seven." She walked towards her bed and sat down, waiting for Kachi.

Soon, Kachi ran back to the room holding a red hair pin in her hand. "All you need is a touch of red." She walked towards Chioma and pinned it to the side, being careful not to mess the hairdo she had done earlier.

Chioma smiled, she guessed a little more colour wouldn't kill. Just at that moment, the door bell rang. Chioma jumped on her feets quickly, alarmed. "Oh! That's him, he is the one Kachi!" She faced Kachi. "Ok, this is it, my first date in a really long time."

"I know! I am so excited! It's like prepping my daughter up for her very own first date." She gave a squeal with a jump. "Ok, what are you still doing here? Don't keep him waiting, get your fine ass to the front door woman!" She said the last part forming the voice of an old soldier man.

"Yes sir!" Chioma gave a salute before rushing out of her room. She walked towards the front door and then leaned forward to look at him through the peep hole, but she couldn't see his face well because he had his back to the door. "Ok, play it cool, don't say anything weird or embarrassing." She told herself then opened the door.

Michael turned around slowly a smile on his face. The minute his eyes landed on Chioma he froze. His gaze laid on her face, then slowly it went down and stopped at her boobs, his eyes widened and he took a loud gulp, eyes still trained there.


"Oh, umm, I am sorry," He said quickly, looking up at her. "I just..." He cleared his throat. "Well, you- you're really beautiful."

She sent him a dazzling smile. "Thanks." She stepped out of her apartment turning around to close the door, she sighted Kachi by the steps wiping a fake tear. Rolling her eyes at her, she shut the door and faced Michael. "Ready?"

"Y- Yeah, just uhmm, I would very much like to kiss you right now." Chioma eyes widened at his words, and not knowing what to do she smacked him on the head. "Ow!"

She winced, "Sorry, I panicked. Did that hurt?" She asked grabbing him by the face and staring intently at his forehead.

"You could kiss it better?" He suggested eyes going to her lips.

"Will kissing it help?" She asked an eyebrow raised

"Yes, Just like how a hug helps to reduce stress and stuff, this kiss would help with the pain." He said nodding his head.

"Ok, but you will have to close your eyes first." Chioma spoke slowly in a voice that drove Michael crazy. He closed his eyes immediately, but just as Chioma started to proceed forward he opened one eye.

"You're kissing me on my lips, right? Not my forehead."

"Close your eyes Michael or I will change my mind." His eyes went back shut.

Taking a deep breathe she lifted her head a bit, bringing it close to him, she brushed her lips against him teasingly, smirking as Michael moved closer, eager for more. She then moved in again and placed her lips on his, and immediately he responded kissing back with the same intensity. His hands wounded around her waist and slowly they rode up to cup her face, cupping her cheeks in both palms, while her hands found a resting place around his neck.

Chioma moved even closer grinding against him making Michael to throw his head back in frustrated desire. With a wild groan escaping his lips, he grabbed her by the waist he moved her to the wall, trapping her there, he pressed his lower area into her and she threw her head, biting her lips to stiffle the moans that were to escape. His mouth flew to attack her nape, his teeth teasing the sweet spot over there, her hands scratched against his back begging for more, then suddenly she pushed him away

"Didn't you keep a dinner reservation for 7:30?" She asked trying hard to catch her breathe.

Michael's stared at her confused. "Why are you thinking of dinner reservation when we are making out?"

"Don't make me smack you again Michael Onah, let's go." She grabbed his arm ignoring Michael's groans of protest.

"You should know I don't intend to ever make you a plaything. I can be stupid at times but you and I would be different," He told her after they had settled in the car.

"Oh I know, if you tried that I would-"

"Burst my balls." He completed for her, laughing. "Well, my balls are safe then," He said while starting up the car.

The figure inside the house laughed to herself, she had been watching them through the window, like a creep, as they made out.

Kachi closed the window and pulling the curtains back. Chioma had a lot to tell her when she gets back.


😐😐 that's it, the end. O my!! the tears are welling up already 😂😂😂

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