Chapter 2

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But I can shake it, shake it,
Like I'm supposed to do!
Cause I gat that bumbum that all the boys chase,
In all the right junk, in all the right places.
I see you in the magazine,
Working that Photoshop,
We know that shit ain't real...

Chioma sang out loud from the bathroom, her hands high up in the air as she shaked her buttocks side to side. Meghan Trainor's "All about that Bass" was the right song she needed to raise her spirit up.

"Chioma!" Kachi shouted, from where she stood, just outside the bathroom door, knocking hard on the door.

"Yes?" Chioma answered and reached forward to reduce the volume of the music which was blasting from the speaker to hear Kachi better.

"A guy named Michael is here, he said it is about work, hurry up," Kachi said and Chioma heard her retreating steps as she walked away, followed by a door shutting.

Of course, Michael.

Chioma gave a small hiss and turned the speaker off, her high spirit had gone down and even Meghan Trainor couldn't help this time. She reached for her towel, wrapping it round her body, wearing her bathroom slippers and stepping out.


"So are you going to talk to me or we are just going to keep riding in silence?" Michael asked. After Chioma had shown up, she had first called him a mumu person and walked to his car, got in and sat there in silence.

"Your friend, Kachi? She is really pretty. Maybe you could hook us up," He said glancing at her then back at the road, that got Chioma's attention.

"If I see you close to my friend, I burst your balls, I am serious Michael. She will not be one of your playthings. And don't speak to me, we are not friends."

Michael gave her a side glance and smirk. "Wow, that really breaks my heart, I thought we were friends." She shot him a look but he continued. "Who said I wanted her as a plaything? And also you wouldn't burst my balls."

"Ha! What makes you think that?" Chioma inquired, turning to look at the handsome demon driving.

"Because, one day, when you finally accept the fact that you don't hate me, you will need my balls darling." He told her with a satisfied smile on his face.

"In your dreams, that would never ever happen, get that? Ever!" She huffed and looked out the window, she noticed the car slowing down in front of what she would call a mansion. The Edward's house, where the murder took place.

"Keep saying that darling." Michael parked his car at the roadside. "Let's do this shall we."


"This is Evelyn's room, where the murder took place." The maid said showing Chioma and Michael in. She turned around and walked away quickly, like she was afraid that if she stayed there longer, Evelyn's ghost will come and attack her.

"Michael, hey!" A man who was already inside with about two other people called him, they were the CSI units, their job was to process the evidence and send back results.

Michael walked in with Chioma by his side. "Hey, Martins. You remember Chioma."

"Yeah, how could I forget her, your assistant right?" Martins said eyeing Chioma up with a look that irked her.

"Actually, it's partner now." She told him, while flashing a smile his direction. Martins raised an eyebrow and looked at Michael, who gave a nod.

"Tell us your findings Martins."

"Well, as was in the file, the victim was stabbed in the throat. Weapon unknown, but we suspect it to be a Sai piercing knife, due to the small puncture holes on her skin. Seems like the victim saw her attacker before she died. There were minor injuries on her body which I suspect was gotten from the fight between her and the murderer. If you look there," He said pointing to the bed. "That is were the victim finally died. It seems the murderer finally succeeded in pinning her down and stabbing her in the throat. You could see the blood that sprayed against the headboard," He said, and started walking towards a table where some items were kept, they followed him.

"This is the item that we found, a cellphone which seemed to be the victim's own. Others are things such as the engagement ring, a necklace, earrings. We are going to take this back to our lab and run over it. We suspect the victim to be female, because of the scratch mark on the victims body. That is all we know for now. We will let you know when we find more. Here-" he turned around and got some photographs. "Those are the murder scene pics." He handed them over to Chioma.

"Hey Martins!" One of the CSI unit member called.

"Thanks Martins, we will go talk to the family now," Michael said. Chioma shot Martins a smile and turned to follow Michael. She still didn't like the way Martins was looking at her, in her attempt to get away from Martin, she didn't realize that she had gotten so close to Michael.

"Oh darling, I never knew you were drawn to me so bad." He raised an arm and was about to put it around Chioma, who moved away from him quickly as she saw the hand approaching.

"What the hell were you about to do?" She demanded, looking around to see if anyone saw that, but the CSI units were minding their own business.

"Well since you wanted to be so close to me, I was only trying to make you-"

"Just shush, I don't want to know again," She said and quickened her steps.

"You know, women can be very confusing, they say one thing when they mean the other," Michael said to himself with a shake of his head and walked up to meet with Chioma's fast steps.


Alex, the victim's fiancé sat in front of them. He looked like he applied some efforts to look nice for the detectives, probably someone that doesn't want to attract pity.

"Good morning, Mr. Edwards. I am Michael Onah and this is my partner Miss Jerome." Michael told Alex.

"Hi," Chioma said giving him a nod and small wave.

"Nice to meet you." Alex told them after clearing his throat.

"So Mr Edward, tell us everything you know during the time of the murder." Michael said after they had settled down. Chioma brought out a record to get everything.

"Well, we were uhmm... My parents had just sent me to go look for Evelyn, they wanted to talk to the both of us. But I looked around and Evelyn was nowhere to be seen..."

"Sorry Mr Edward around what time will you say this happened?" Chioma asked.

"Around 9, maybe some minute after. Anyways, I couldn't find Evelyn. Then I sighted Funmi, she is my secretary and a friend. I asked her if she had seen Evelyn and she said Evelyn had just gone upstairs. Probably headed to her room I guessed and I was about to go there, when Funmi offered to go herself. Just then I was called by my friends, and I went to meet them. Funmi headed up to go get Evelyn, and I was with my friends, we were just discussing normal guy talk. Minutes later we heard a scream coming from upstairs, it was Funmi, and she announced to us that Evelyn was dead." The tears were welling up in his eyes now "I ran upstairs with my family and friends following behind and there she was, dead, on her bed." He gave a loud sigh and sniffed. "It's just, who would want to do this. Evelyn didn't have the best character, but she tried, she was nice to everyone, why would someone want to kill her?"

"We don't know that yet, but we will find out." Michael told him and Alex nodded.

"You said earlier, this Funmi, she was the one that offered to go upstairs, correct?" Chioma asked to which Alex gave a nod. "And she was also the one who found Evelyn's body?"

"Yes, that's right, but she was only trying to help me."

"We understand. Mr Edward, can you tell us where we can find Funmi," Micheal asked.

"Yeah, wait a minute, I will be back with it." He got up and walked out of the room.

"So, tell me what you think," Chioma said turning slightly to look at Michael. Michael no longer had the mischievous annoying look on his face, rahter it was replaced with the serious detective look. It was sexy.

What the hell!

Chioma slapped herself mentally.

"Well, I think Evelyn must have gone upstairs to a room just before Alex started to look for her. He met Funmi who went up to check on Evelyn." He stopped and stared at his watch.


"And nothing, that is all I know. We need to speak to Funmi and gather more-"

"Here is her number and house address," Alex said as he walked back into the room. Michael got up and collected the number. They offered their condolences and left the house.

"Ok partner, let's go speak with Funmi," Michael said and drove off, Chioma looked at the Edward mansion again before it went out of view.


That is it for this chapter, I don't really know much about how some of this things go, but I will try my best.

Drop a vote and a comment, thanks.

Stay safe

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