Marinette (Present Day)

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Institute Psychiatry And Neuroscience De Paris. Also known as IPNP.

I'm in room 264.

A mental home.

I'm in this home for something I didn't do. I don't even belong here, I'm perfectly sane.

It doesn't matter how many times I tell them, they don't listen.

Now, I'm standing in a cold room. I'm wearing hospital socks, protecting my bare feet from the cold floor. My hair a few inches below my shoulder. I'm wearing nothing but a hospital gown.

I can't wear hair ties.

The people fear that I'm violent enough to strangle myself or others with a it.

I have a few extra minutes before they collect to go to the main office. The head mistress wants to speak with me.

I tip-toe towards the window. I watch as the snow falls down the Eiffel Tower. Some day, I'm going to go there. I'm going to ride the elavator to the summit, and watch the sun set.

I hear my door creak open. The nurse flinches as I turn towards her.

"W-we're ready for you, M-Ms. Dupain Cheng." She holds her clipboard as a barrier between us.

I smile and nod as I follow her down the hall.

I walk in to see Mrs. Dupont talking to someone on the phone, she sees me enter and quickly hangs up. "Hello Ms. Dupain Cheng. Have a seat, please." She points her head in the direction of a chair directly across from her. I have a seat and give her a small smile.

She grabs a stack of paper and straightens them out. "So as you know your time here is coming to an end." I nod. I know how this goes, I leave this home and go to another one for a few months. The cycle continues.

"But unfortunately, you can't leave completely. You still have something wrong with you and we're not completely sure what to do with... it."

I jump out of my chair and slam my hands on her desk. "I'm tired of this. You tell me that something's wrong with me and not telling me what I need to do to fix it? Obviously your people aren't doing what they should so tell me what I need to do to fix it."

"That's the problem, Ms. Dupain Cheng. You don't know what's going on. Which isn't helping us at all. Now sit down so I can finish explaining." I sit back down in the cold, faded leather seat.

She takes a deep breath to regain her composure. "As I was saying. You're time here is coming to and end. As soon as the nurses get all the paperwork they need you'll be out of this home."

I run a hand through my hair and groan. "This home. That doesn't mean I won't be going to another one."

Mrs. Dupont slams her papers on the table, causing me to jump. "You aren't listening. Interrupt me again Marinette and so help me, I will have you thrown in a worse home than this one." I knew she was mad. The only time she calls me by my first name is when she'

"No more speaking until given permission to. Now listen. You will not be put into any more mental homes. Instead you will be put in a home ran by the government. You're 18 now, meaning that you're old enough to have responsibilities. You have been granted the accessibility to a penthouse that Mayor Bourgeois will be letting you stay in. With actual rooms, living areas, etcetera. I would take this as good news if I were you."

A huge smile is plastered on my face. I'm finally getting out of this place, I'm finally getting out of the system. I refrain myself from hugging Mrs. Dupont. "Wait, like an actual home?" I grin from ear to ear.

"Yes but only with one exception." I feel my smile slowly fades. "You have to have a . . . roommate."

I chuckle. "Why'd you say it like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like having a roommate is the worst thing in the world." I don't think she understands. Any sort of company would be amazing from my perspective. I'm tired of sitting alone in cells.

"Well this roommate is only temporary. They should only be around for a month or less. In and out as quick as possible."

I shake my head and speak without thinking. "No, no. Tell them to stay as long as possible. I'd enjoy their company." I slump down in my chair a bit from embarrassment. "N-not trying to sound weird or anything."

Mrs. Dupont lets out a loud laugh. "Oh no dear. Don't be ashamed. I would want company if I were in your position as well."

I raise my eyebrow. Was that supposed to sound as offensive as it did?

"Anyways darling, we should have more information for you by the end day. And you should be ready to move into your new home by this weekend." She reads over her papers a few times and smiles. "You're dismissed."

I open the door and a nurse is already standing there waiting. She practically jumps when she sees me.

Once I make it to my room I flop on my bed and squeal. "I'm finally getting out of here!" I run over to the window and continue to watch the snow fall as I focus my gaze on the Eiffel Tower. "I can't wait." I whisper.

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