Welcome to Murder Park Class!

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"Aye, Eyren! Get up!" A soft british voice demanded and gave a girl a soft shove.

The girl was a short gothic girl who was sleeping in her assigned seat in class D128. The other girl, however, wore a very formal choice of clothing, and a very bright one at that.

"Eyren!" The girl yelled and shoved her again.

"Wake me up when school's over." Eyren told her.

"We have a field trip so it practically is over!" The girl told her. "Come on!"

Eyren lifted her head up and glared at her with her dark blue eyes. "Field trips suck."

"Yet you're the reason your mum payed for the trip. Now get up." The girl scoffed as she walked off.

Eyren stood up and stretched. She looked over at a young boy sitting in the neighbouring seat from hers. "Jackie? You aren't going?"

"Too expensive. I'll be fine though, just a little more school work is all. Have fun." The boy responded.

Eyren turned away and walked out the door, heading to the transit bus waiting outside. She looked around before hopping in and sitting next to the girl from before. "Hey, Ella? What does Doghill Park have to offer?"

The girl gasped. "You've never been?! Doghill is the biggest park in the country!" She exclaimed and covered her mouth with both hands. "Sorry. That was rude of me to yell that. It's a very gorgeous place with so many fun rides! You'll love it! Even the arcade is amazing!"

"An arcade? Kids still play those things? This isn't the 1980's." Eyren said in an uninterested tone of voice.

"You know what'll be so romantic? Riding the ferris wheel!"

"Hell no!" Eyren yelled. "If you think I'm gonna ride that thing with you, you're crazy! Those things are terrifying!" She sighed. "Nothing but the ferris wheel. Please..."

Eyren giggled softly.

The teacher looked around before looking at his notepad. "So Eyren is here. Where's Nickolas and Tyler?"

"They're changing in the male's bathroom." A tall male told him.

"Why exactly?"

"Beats me."

About a minute later, a short but well built kid and a tall nerdy kid walked to the bus wearing a Hawaiian shirt and khakis. "Alright! Let's go!" The nerdy kid yelled.

"You do know we're going to a theme park, right?" Eyren asked.

"Really?! You told me we were heading to the beach!" The buff kid yelled at the other in anger.

"Tyler Cook and Nickolas Bolt. Just on time." The teacher said. "How's Football been going, Tyler?"

"Not too shabby I'd say. We almost won last game." The short kid answered.

"Fancy. Getting better then I see." The teacher said and wrote a P next to their names. "We'll be heading off in two minutes."


A tall red haired boy with a white mask stitched to his face sat on a chair and fiddled with a knife. Bodies were scattered around him. "So a class is coming here on a field trip? How exciting~! I can have so much fun with these pupils. Anything else I need sister?" He asked in a very disturbing voice.

"Some other people are here too, brother, but we don't know how to dispose of them." A small girl with long red hair and the same mask as him, just not stitched, told him. Her voice had a soft robotic tone.

"We'll find a way." He told the girl. "Oh, Elizabeth. What would I do without you?" He asked her.

The girl giggled. "I'm just here to help you big brother. Dad would be so proud of you!"

Two hours later

The class was scattered about, riding rides, playing games, etc, but not Eyren and Ella. They were busy conversation with the young boy he worked at the arcade room. "That sucks. You seem to be such a good guy though." Ella said.

"Depends on the time." He said laughing. "People just look at me and claim I'm a perv and walk away. That stupid dick head who staged it all is such a bastard. Ruined my life, got me kicked out, and now look at me. I wish a girl wouldn't think of me as the person who quote on quote 'raped' someone when I didn't."

"I never thought of you as that. I was the one witness to the truth." Eyren told him. "I tried to help, but no one would believe a friend of the suspect over a full school."

"And that's why I won't have sex until I'm married." Ella said.

"Bet you you'll change your mind." Eyren told her and looked down at the boy.

"Eyren. Thanks for what you did in Year 6. It means a lot, and it's great to see you again and meet your new girlfriend. I need to get back to work before my boss yells at me."

"Alright, Ethan. Have a good one. Hopefully you find someone who notices the truth." Eyren said and waved as her and Ella went to the cotton candy stand.

"Where are all the workers exactly? Normally this place is packed with workers. There are normally people who walk around and keep a check on things. They aren't here today."

"Never noticed there were." Eyren said and shrugged. "It kinda feels dead here though. Hardly anyone else but us and the workers at the rides and stands are here. Kinda abnormal for a theme park. Plus this place is supposed to be the most popular theme park in England."

The speakers surrounding the park buzzed and came on. "Hello everybody! Can everyone at the park head to the building to the left of the arcade please? Thank you all." A voice came from the speakers, sounding like some awful Joker impression. The Mark Hamill one, not the Heath Ledger.

"Wonder what it is." Ella said and looked at Eyren, noticing she was stiff. "Eyren? Are you alright?"

"That voice. Anthony..? No..."

Ella shoved her softly. "Eyren? Are you alright? What's wrong? And who's Anthony?"

"We need to leave now!" Eyren suddenly snapped at her. "Right now! Please!"

"Eyren! Calm down! What's gotten into you?!"

"We are going to die if we stay here! That voice-" She stopped and noticed that the place was almost empty. Almost everyone went to the building they were told to go.

"Eyren. Let's just go with them. Calm down." Ella said and began walking a near-motionless Eyren along to the building with the rest of the students.

"What's wrong with her? Has she fallen asleep again?" Tyler asked Ella.

"Not sure. She's just acting strange." Ella answered him as they entered the building.

Everyone was gathered around the red haired boy from before. His mask was now off and his stitches were all pulled. "Welcome all to the Grand opening of our new attraction. This little machine here will put you into an scary adventure that feels so real you'll shiver!" He said. "Anyone wanna come up and try it out?"

The machine he stood next to was a chair and a helmet attached to the head. The eyes of the helmet were a VR headset. "And don't worry about the shackles we put on you. It's required for the protection of your surroundings."

The nerdy girl of the class walked up. "Sure. I'll try it. Because I'm not a pussy like ol' Eyren over there!" She said in a preppy tone as the majority of the class laughed.

"Shut the hell up Melanie! Stupid bitch!" A dark skinned boy yelled at her.

"Shut your fucking mouth, prick!" Nickolas yelled.

Tyler sighed. "Everyday. Melanie says something about Eyren, Trey yells at her, Nickolas yells back."

"You're only defending her because you're her cousin! You wouldn't if you weren't related to her!" Melanie yelled and sat in the seat.

The stitched boy was staring at Melanie with malice in his eyes. He slowly lowered the helmet onto her head and wrapped and locked the shackles around her arms and legs.

Melanie giggled as a video began playing through her headset that no one else could see. The video was of a teenage girl playing a game of Blue Whale. (Blue Whale was a suicide challenge that went viral for a short time where teens would do tasks for their messenger before ending the game by ending their lives. The people in charge for this are now behind bars.) Melanie began to shake when she it got to the final challenge. "Kill Yourself," said the text the girl received. "Jump out the window of your apartment." The girl in the video would then do as told; her body hitting the ground in a brutal way. Melanie jerked when she saw it. The death began to get replayed endlessly for her. This made her shake more. Her breathing began to pick up and become audible. Her eyes darting around. She was losing her mind from the video.

"Who's a pussy now, Melanie?" Trey laughed at her, the rest of the class laughing too, but not Eyren.

"Cut it out." The teacher demanded them all, so they did as told.

Suddenly, small needles began to slowly leave the inside of the helmet and force it's way through her lips, closing them tight. As more needles began to pierce different parts of her skull, muffled screams became audible, echoing from her helmet. The tiny needles punctured her jaw and brain, but not enough to kill her. Blood began travelling down her neck.

Nickolas noticed the blood. "What's happening to her? Why's she bleeding?!" He asked the boy. The boy just laughed hysterically.

"It's a part of the act. To make the horror of what she's seeing affect us. It's not real blood." Another student told him.

Small needles made their way right underneath her eye balls and pierced her central arteries. The needles forced a form of gas into her veins and into her eyes as well. The other needles releasing gas into her body as well. Finally, another needle forced it's way through her throat before the helmet and the shackles came off. Everybody but Eyren stared at Melanie in shock. Melanie began limping around, making gurgling sounds. Her eyes were a light green and so were the veins that were visible through the skin. She suddenly fell to the ground; her face slamming roughly against it, causing the needles in her face to go deeper. One of the needles pulled on her jaw a bit and snapped it, forcing her mouth open which shot out the gas that was previously forced into her body. The gas covered the room.

Tyler coughed and ran to the door, pushing the handle. "It's locked from the other side!" He yelled and coughed more. Eventually, the class passed out from the gas other than Eyren, who was already out of it.

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