002. chapter two

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"Ready?" Harry started as he fastened his seatbelt with a 'click'.

"Yeah." Doris nodded with a smile, Stefanie annoyedly glancing out of the window as she remained silent, Alma glancing at her parents in the front seats.

Before Harry could start the car, he stopped, the man widening his eyes as his brain suddenly filled with various ideas for his story.

"Honey, you okay?"


Stefanie just glanced at her father, the girl knowing the pills had started to take effect.

"Holy shit." Harry breathed.

"What?" Doris frowned in confusion.

Harry let out a laugh as he glanced between the girls, Stefanie raising her eyebrows at him as he spoke. "Where's my computer?"

"It's in the back, I think, what the hell are you doing?" Doris frowned as Harry unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door.

"I'm finding my computer, I need to write." Harry quickly replied, Doris' frown deepening at the words.

"Right now?"

"I can see it." Harry laughed. "I see it all. The whole thing, it's finally clear in my head."

With that, Harry ran towards the house, Doris calling after him.

Grinning, Stefanie got out of the car, the girl beginning to run towards The Muse, Doris calling out after her oldest daughter as she ran, Stefanie ignoring her calls.

"Austin! Belle!" Stefanie exclaimed as she burst through the door of The Muse, some of the patrons frowning at her in confusion.

Austin and Belle glanced at her from their table in surprise, Austin widening his eyes slightly at her excitement, a small smirk appearing on his face.

Stefanie noticed them, the girl running to their table and sitting down in a seat across from them. "I'm not leaving after all."

"We can see that." Austin huffed a chuckle. "And hey, that's great!"

Stefanie beamed as she glanced between the two. "Right?"

"We're very glad you're staying, Stefanie." Belle sent her a smile, Stefanie sending her one in return.

Stefanie walked inside the house, only to be met with Harry telling Doris and Alma to leave, the man sitting by the desk, writing on his laptop.

Irritatedly walking out of the room, Doris threw away the sandwich she made for Harry, and took Alma with her, the two making their way upstairs, while Stefanie walked towards her father, the girl sitting on the edge of the desk and catching her father's attention.

"Those pills are staring to affect you, huh?" Stefanie started with raised eyebrows, Harry scoffing as he shook his head.

"Just because I don't like turkey anymore doesn't mean I've taken those pills." Harry's gaze returned to the laptop in front of him as he continued typing, his fingers moving quickly. "And where were you today?"

"Like you care." Stefanie scoffed, the girl crossing her arms. "You were working on your book anyway, it's not like you noticed."

"You're my daughter, of course I noticed." Harry replied absentmindedly, the man continuing to write his story. "But you're right, at this point, I don't really care anymore."

Stefanie raised her eyebrows in surprise at his blunt response.

She always knew her parents didn't love her as much as they loved Alma, but it still hurt hearing the words directly come from her father's mouth. "Ouch."

Harry, realising what he had just said, widened his eyes, the man glancing at Stefanie, who had stood up and moved away from the desk. "Stef, no, I didn't mean it-"

"Yeah, you did." Stefanie cut him off, the girl huffing a chuckle as she glanced at the ground. "I mean, at least you're honest."

"Stefanie..." Harry sighed, Stefanie beginning to walk towards the stairs. "Stef, I'm sorry!"

"I hope you finish your new bestseller." Stefanie bitterly responded as she walked up the stairs, the girl slamming her room door shut, Doris and Alma frowning at the sound, while Harry just sighed, the man running his hands through his hair in regret.

He didn't know why he was being such an asshole to his family, and honestly, he hated himself for it.

Of course he didn't mean what he said, he loves Stefanie. He was just focused on his story, and just wanted some time alone to finish it.

Doris walked towards Stefanie's room, the woman gently knocking on the door three times.

"Go away." Stefanie called from inside, the girl sitting on her bed with her legs crossed.

"Honey, it's me." Doris responded from the other end. "Can I come in?"

Stefanie, releasing a breath, nodded, the girl speaking up. "Sure."

Closing the door behind her once she walked in, Doris made her way to Stefanie's bed, the woman sitting on the edge of it. "Are you okay, hon?"

"Just peachy." Stefanie sarcastically responded as she crossed her arms.

"He doesn't mean it." Doris raised her eyebrows. "He's just stressed at the moment, that's all."

"Trust me, with all the awards he's gonna get, I'm sure stress is the least of his problems." Stefanie snapped, Doris sighing as she shuffled closer to her daughter.

"Sweetheart, we all love you. Harry, more than anyone. This is just a phase, he'll move past it soon, and then we can go." Doris gently placed her hand on Stefanie's leg. "Get a whole new start."

"I don't want a new start." Stefanie blew out a breath. "I actually like it here."

Doris raised her eyebrows at her daughter's words. "You...like it here?"

"Yeah. The beach isn't too far from here, the town's small and cozy, and I have some friends. What's not to like?" Stefanie replied simply, Doris furrowing her eyebrows.

"A man chased us, honey. Alma and I don't feel safe here." Doris tried. "I'll discuss it with Harry in the morning, but if and when we go, you're coming."

Stefanie, forcing herself not to scoff, nodded, Doris sending her a smile before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

"Stef, for the hundredth time, I'm sorry." Harry sighed as he followed Stefanie outside, the man shrugging on his jacket.

"And for the hundredth time, I don't care anymore." Stefanie responded, the girl speaking in the same tone as her father as she began to walk down the street, Harry following.

"Well, it seems like you do care, Stef." Harry frowned, Stefanie stopping abruptly and turning around on her heels to face him.

"Dad, I don't know how much clearer I can be about this." Stefanie annoyedly started, her eyebrows raising as she continued. "I'm over it, okay?"

Harry released a sigh, the man nodding after a moment. "Where are you going?"

"To Austin's." Stefanie replied simply.

"Great, because I need to see him too. Come on." Harry spoke, the man turning around and walking towards the car, Stefanie blowing out a breath as she approached the car and sat in the passenger's seat.

"What did you give me?!" Harry yelled at Austin, Stefanie crossing her arms as she glanced up at her friend, the man standing on his deck with a shotgun in his hands. "What is in those pills?"

"No one knows, except The Chemist." Austin responded from his position. "Hey, Stevie, come on up here and shoot some quails with me!"

"I don't kill animals, Austin, but I'll come up for a drink or two." Stefanie called back.

"Who's The Chemist?" Harry frowned, interrupting their conversation.

"I need a drink. Gin martini, to be specific. You want one? Come on!" Austin changed the subject, Stefanie smirking as she walked towards the front door, the girl calling out as she did so.

"Now you're speaking my language!"

Austin had finally finished explaining who 'The Chemist' was, and why they created the pills, Harry and Stefanie both left utterly confused.

Stefanie took a sip of her gin martini as Austin then explained that the creatures around town were essentially failed experiments—people who didn't have talent.

"So, you'd probably be better off not taking it anyway Stevie, no offence." Austin added, the man glancing at Stefanie.

"Honestly, none taken." Stefanie raised her eyebrows as she took another sip of her drink.

"And who knows where talent comes from, no one!" Austin exclaimed after a moment.

"But now I'm draining packages of raw steak to drink the juices, and- and sucking the blood out of my wife's finger!" Harry yelled angrily, Austin slightly narrowing his eyes at him, while Stefanie blew out an awkward breath.

"Hmm." Austin hummed.

"Why?" Harry frowned.

Austin inhaled a deep breath before exhaling it, the man plopping down in the seat next to Stefanie. "Metaphorically...I don't know. Maybe something about, uh, artists stealing people's life blood to inspire our work. Scientifically, the drugs severely depletes the four major minerals in our blood."

The man then continued after a moment. "See, Harry...you can't survive on the pill without replacing those minerals in heroic doses. And cartons of cow meat ain't gonna cut it, champ."

Stefanie widened her eyes at the words. "Yeah, now I'm definitely not taking it."

"You're gonna need that fresh, warm stuff from something that has opposable thumbs." Austin continued, Harry standing up in surprise at the words.

"Wait a sec, you're telling me he has to eat someone?" Stefanie questioned with raised eyebrows. "No fucking way."

"Fuck that, I'm not doing that." Harry incredulously frowned at Austin.

"Hey, no problem." Austin shrugged casually. "Just, uh, stop taking the pill. But good luck ever writing anything ever again. It's like trying to screw with a dick full of Novocaine. Once you take the pill, you can't get hard without it!"

Harry ran his hands through his hair in anger as he began to make his way to Austin's door. "I don't care, this is insanity!"

"Oh, name one successful person that isn't a little fucking insane." Austin scoffed as Stefanie stood up and followed her father.

"Fuck you!" Harry yelled as he stormed down the stairs.

"Fuck you!" Austin yelled back. "I hope they like your script back in Hollyweird land!"

Sending Austin a final glance, Stefanie followed her father out, the girl closing the door behind her as she caught up to him.

"Ah, Stevie, Harry, you're back!" Austin grinned as Stefanie and Harry entered his home and approached him.

"How ya doin'?" Austin smirked as he stood up and approached the two, the man gently patting Stefanie's shoulder.

Belle Noir offered Harry and Stefanie her half-smoked cigarette, Harry shaking his head, while Stefanie nodded and took it from her hand.

Harry frowned at his daughter as he took the cigarette from her hand and handed it back to Belle Noir, Stefanie rolling her eyes at the action as she crossed her arms.

"It's legal now in Massachusetts Bay." Belle started with raised eyebrows.

"He's not here for the grass." Austin scoffed. "He's here for the Muse. He's going through withdrawals. Come on, Stevie, sit down, get comfy."

Smirking, Stefanie sat on his couch, Austin making her a drink.

"I just need one more to finish my series." Harry responded, Belle huffing a chuckle at the words as she paced around Harry slowly, Austin handing Stefanie the drink he just made, the girl gladly taking it.

"That's what they all say. Just one more book, one more movie, one more hip play, and then I will stop for good. Doesn't work that way, pretty. There's nothing more addictive than success." Belle smirked. "You've tasted it now, and you're never going to be able to live without it."

Harry sighed as he sat down in a chair, the man running his hands through his hair as he whispered. "I know, I know. So tell me what I have to do."

"First, enough with the pity party." Belle began as she sat next to him.

"Second, take this." Austin added, the man offering him one of the pills, Harry standing up and taking it.

Stefanie furrowed her eyebrows as she glanced between her father and Austin and Belle.

"Good. Keep your coat on. We're going out to eat." Belle flashed her teeth, all of them being sharpened.

Austin laughed as he did the same, Harry and Stefanie frowning at the sight.

"I know honey, I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you soon. And Stef's with me anyway, she's okay." Harry sighed as he talked to Doris over the phone, Stefanie glancing at him briefly from her seat next to him, Austin driving and Belle in the passengers seat. "I've just been invited to a writer's group with Belle Noir and Austin Sommers, when will I get another chance like that? I love you."

"She's pissed." Belle started as soon as Harry hung up the phone.

"Clearly." Stefanie blew out a breath as she glanced outside the window.

"She's gonna leave me." Harry added quietly.

"Things will settle down, Harry. She'll be plenty forgiving when you thank her in your Oscar's speech." Austin replied optimistically.

"Is that what you tell yourself?" Stefanie responded exhaustedly, Austin raising his eyebrows at the words.

Noticing his reaction, Stefanie blew out a breath. "Sorry, I didn't mean that. I'm just tired and confused..."

"I've heard worse, it's okay." Austin glanced at her briefly, the man sending her a small smile, letting her know that he accepted her apology.

"How many of us are there?" Harry changed the subject. "How many people have taken those pills?"

"A few." Belle answered as she briefly met Harry's gaze. "More, lately."

"Why the increase?" Stefanie questioned with a small frown.

"Streamers."  Austin replied annoyedly.

"Just so you know, we don't do them all here." Belle added as she gently shook her head. "Just a few months in the winter. We come up here where it's quiet, pop some pills, and crack up some brilliance, and then take the summer's off."

Harry frowned, the man letting his voice trail off. "How often do we have to..."

"Eight...or once a week if you get a good feed." Belle answered, Stefanie raising her eyebrows at the words. "I like to snack between meals, but I've got regulars who are happy to oblige for some shackles."

"And what constitutes a good feed?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Belle and I usually split the amount of blood in a human body." Austin replied simply, the man sharing a brief glance with Belle.

"Oh my god." Harry groaned, the man tilting his head back in despair.

"I know." Belle chuckled. "It sounds awful."

"Murdering human beings to drink their blood, yes, it sounds fucking terrible!" Harry exclaimed angrily, Stefanie just relieved she didn't take the pill at all.

"We're not dining on gardener's, or eating up engineers, or snacking on scientists, we find the ones who won't be missed." Belle replied simply. "The ones who drain society, it's basically a community service."

Stefanie raised her eyebrows at the words, the girl growing more overwhelmed by the second. Harry just glanced around exasperatedly, the man trying to comprehend his current situation.

"It used to be harder to find the right types, but since the opioid epidemic hit the Cape, it's been a breeze." Austin added with a small smirk, the man sharing a brief glance with Belle as he continued driving.

"So you just eat worthless people?" Stefanie furrowed her eyebrows, Austin nodding at the words.

"Essentially, yes." Belle answered as she then held up a piece of paper and glanced between Stefanie and Harry. "Craigslist. Gotta know what to look for. A guy who's selling lots of random items—a bicycle, a guitar, a radio, some watches."

"You gotta ask yourself—what kind of person sells that combinations of items?" Austin scoffed as he glanced at Stefanie and Harry.

"One that just broke into a house and stole them." Stefanie furrowed her eyebrows, the girl making the connection.

"Addicts, and losers, and criminals." Austin nodded, Harry groaning a little in hopelessness.

"Just remember, there are two rules." Belle spoke up. "Don't ever feed off anyone in P-Town. The old sheriff used to look the other way, but this new gal is a nosy bitch who has no appreciation for the artist's struggle."

As Belle continued, she handed Harry a pair of gloves with a smirk. "And never take your gloves off."

Belle Noir slit the stranger's neck, Austin grinning as both him and Belle began to feed off his blood, Stefanie widening her eyes as she stumbled back, the girl holding her hands over her mouth to prevent herself from screaming.

Harry's eyebrows raised as he tried resisting the smell of the blood, although, he couldn't hold it back for too long, the man feeding off him as he joined Belle and Austin.

Stefanie froze, the girl not being able to look away as her wide eyes remained on the horrific sight in front of her.

If she ran, Belle and Austin would probably kill her, or force her to take the pill.

Either way, Stefanie didn't want to take that chance.

Briefly sending her a bloody grin, Austin soon went back to feeding on the man's blood, Stefanie remaining where she was in utter shock.

Stefanie was completely numb as she was sat in her seat, the image of what had just occurred replaying in her head over and over.

Harry was next to her, his hand anxiously rubbing his own thigh as he came down from the high he had just experienced.

"How are you feeling, handsome?" Belle started as Austin threw him a packet of the black pills.

"Better. Like I wanna kill myself from the guilt and shame, but better." Harry released a panicked breath, as he was still in shock himself.

"What you put into the world is going to inspire, you just gave that knucklehead the chance to be apart of that." Belle replied simply. "Which is more than he was ever going to give to humanity if he didn't meet us tonight."

Harry scoffed. "Is that my future, a life full of rationalisation?"

"A life of consequence." Austin corrected with a smirk.

"Stef?" Harry quietly asked, the man glancing at his daughter, who's gaze was set on the back of Belle's car seat, her expression blank.

His voice was muffled to Stefanie, the girl still reeling from the sight.

"Eh, she'll get over it." Austin shrugged. "Give her a day."

"Stef, please say something." Harry frowned, his gaze still on his daughter.

Her eyes set on the car seat in front of her, Stefanie managed to whisper. "Holy shit."

"Don't worry darling, you'll be fine by tomorrow." Belle responded simply.

After a moment, Austin spoke up. "If you feel buzzy, it's because of the crystal meth in his blood."

Harry groaned. "That's what this feeling is, oh my god..."

"That was a sloppy feed. We're gonna have to get you to Doctor Feldman to fix up those teeth." Belle turned to face Harry, the woman then laughing as she turned to face the front again, Austin joining in as he laughed too.

"Hey, Austin." Stefanie blew out a breath as she approached her friend, who was walking down the street.

"Hey, Stevie. Gotten over the initial shock yet?" Austin raised his eyebrows as he glanced at her.

"Yeah. I mean, I couldn't sleep at all last night, and I can finally look my dad in the eye again, but yeah, I'm over it." Stefanie nodded at the words.

Austin smirked. "Good, I'm glad."

A comfortable silence fell between the pair as a brief moment passed, the two slowly walking side-by-side.

"Hey, so about those fangs..." Stefanie spoke up as she glanced at Austin.

"Hmm?" Austin hummed as he met her gaze, the two stopping.

"I'm still definitely not taking that pill, but can I at least get my corner teeth sharpened?" Stefanie questioned, Austin raising his eyebrows at the words.

He huffed a chuckle as he responded. "Like the god-awful vampires in those terrible movies?"

Stefanie nodded. "Yeah. They're kinda cool."

Austin smirked as he held his arm out. "I think I can arrange that."

Stefanie grinned as she linked her arm with his, the two walking towards a tattoo shop on the end of the street they were on.

"A tattoo shop?" Stefanie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yep." Austin smirked as the two walked in, the man sending the woman at the register a friendly grin. "Hey, Lark. This is my friend, Stefanie. She hasn't taken the pill, but she wants her teeth sharpened. Oh, but just the corners..."

"Like the shitty vampires in those bad movies?" Lark raised her eyebrows, Stefanie huffing a chuckle at the words.

"Exactly." Austin smirked. "So, what do you think? Can you do me a favour?"

Lark smirked as she glanced at Stefanie. "Any friend of Austin and Belle Noir is a friend of mine. Of course I can, follow me."

Stefanie grinned in excitement as she sent Austin a brief glance before following Lark into the back room, Austin raising his eyebrows as he smiled. "I'll be waiting out here!"


this is what I meant for stef's teeth 🤠

( also, the still is from a movie adelaide's in lmao — the faceclaim for stefanie )

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