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A lot of people were saying they were left confused reading this, so here's a little explanation.

Explanation: This book may get a 2nd part that's why it has ended in a cliffhanger. This story has more to it. That's why it feels confusing.

Jungkook somehow found out that the police were coming and he left the place with his victim. No one knows the reason cause he always murders his victims but this time it was different. He took her with him.

It could be because he didn't want her to reveal anything about him to the police. But nobody is sure.

Her getting missing became one of the biggest history of South Korea. She got kidnapped by a famous and wanted serial killer. The news spreads like fire because again, he never kidnaps his victims but this time he did.

If someone becomes his victim it's guaranteed that the person may never come out alive.

Police assumed this must be the same for her case but then again they weren't sure and they searched for her a lot. But there were no traces of her left behind. So her disappearance became a mystery.

If I ever publish a 2nd book then it'll probably show a picture of South Korea in a few years after the incident and what happened to her. Is she alive or dead? If she's alive then where is she? If she is with Jungkook then why? And why didn't he kill her?

A lot comes out on the 2nd part. Haha

- Thank you -

Well, the book is complete. FINALLY!

I know that the plot is a bit cliche and simple. But I actually tried my best.

Not to mention that through the process of writing this book my language skills have improved. Kinda glad that I did lol. Because it sounds professional when I read it~

So about the plot, we mostly read about how a person is murdered by a serial killer but we don't really get to know what happened in the scene. At least for me, I've never read something like this.

So I just wanted to put my thoughts about behind the murder scene from my perspective in the form of a book if that makes sense. Like what a mentally unstable wanted serial killer would do before the actual murder.

It was fun to write this book not gonna lie but I'm kinda upset as to how underrated I am.

Trust me I don't like putting myself in the 'Underrated' post cause I feel like I'm trying to gain attention in that way.

But what my point is that there are many authors who started with me or even started a year later than me yet their books still get attention while mine doesn't.

I truly want to know what could be the reason for it and if I should do something that can solve this problem. If you know what it could be can you please tell me? I'd love to know your opinion.

I honestly don't care about the reads but I just want to make sure that I'm not wasting my time. After all, if this continues I'll start to think I'm not a good writer or my books are just boring.

Anyway, I won't keep it longer than already I did. I'll see you in my next book which is 'Not Your Sugar Baby'!

Till then stay Shy stay reader! Bye~

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