𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒆. || ❝ your best friend ❞

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disclaimer !!
a small bit of violence and threatening children in this one, although nothing graphic?? it's flowey, so ...

(also once again, this has not been proof read.)

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Keil should've known this would happen.

Everyone else at school thought they were all idiots for a reason, after all.

"Hey." She poked at the girl that was currently passed out on her stomach, Ally, gently. "Hey, Ally, I need ya to wake up, yeah?"

With but a couple more pokes to her face, Ally was groaning and returning to consciousness.

"What . . .?" The girl in purple groaned again and fixed her glasses, her vision already blury enough from the sudden awakening. "Where . . . am I?"

Turning her head to look around, Ally was instead met with the sight of Keil staring down at her with a cheeky grin.

"Hey," the brunette greeted with a teasing tone. "Rest well?" she jokingly asked.

Ally blinked once. Twice.

And then she was suddenly sitting on the other side of the flower bed, face disturbingly blank despite her last position.

"Yes. Thank you for asking," she replied with little to no emotion in her voice and a shine reflecting off of her glasses in a way that momentarily concealed her eyes. "Where are we?" she asked.

Keil blinked, surprised by the change in tone, but still continued to grin either way, albeit with less cheekiness and more of a nervous manner.

"Eh . . . Well . . ." The girl chuckled awkwardly and stood up before pointing upward, grin wavering slightly. "Why not see for yourself?" she suggested.

Raising a brow at her strange demeanor, Ally stood up as well and dusted herself off before letting her gaze wander up to see what exactly Keil had been pointing to.

Needless to say, Ally felt a lot more disappointed than horrified.

"Oh," she deadpanned.

Keil laughed. "Yeah," she agreed. "Oh."

Sighing loudly at herself, Ally shook her head before burying it in her hands miserably. "We're idiots," she stated matter-of-factly.

Keil nodded. "Indeed, we are," she affirmed. "Now." She looked down at the rest of their friends, hands on her hips. "You wanna help me wake everyone else up?" she asked.

Ally only managed a nod, far too done with herself and everyone else's shit to say anything else.

With that, the two girls got to work with brining the others out of their slumber and dealing with their varying reactions.

"So Ally landed on you, specifically, huh?" Keil's little sister, Izzy, had said with a shit-eating grin. "I think that's the universe trying to tell you something, sis," she teased.

Keil had stared at her blankly for a moment and then smacked her upside the head soon after, even despite the small flush that had threatened to overtake her face.

The next one to be woken up was Ally's own sister, Sam.

"We're going to die down here," she said as though she were already mourning their deaths.

Ally did nothing to reassure her by simply responding: "Yes."




Next came Jules and Zaru, which, in short, went:

"You're both grounded."

"What the hell."

Then, last but not least, there came Makara and Jade.

"I am going to kill all of you if this mountain doesn't," Makara told, not an ounce of hesitance or doubt in her voice.

Jade, on the other hand, went straight into the first stage of grief: denial.

"We're not here. This is a dream," she said, smiling with a false sense of happiness around her.

"I don't think you're gonna be helping yourself by pretending this isn't real, Jade," Sam admitted with a worried look for the older girl.

"No, you don't understand." Jade giggled. "I'm gaslighting myself right now. If I do it for long enough, I'm sure it'll work and every ounce of patience that I've lost with myself will return," she explained.

Everyone shared looks to eachother that edged on concern and slight fear.

". . . Okay, then." Keil cleared her throat. "Since we're all awake now, any ideas?" she asked, looking to her friends expectantly.

Ally hummed and looked up to the hole they had fallen into this mess from. "Well, those vines up there aren't long enough for us to reach, so those are obviously a no," she noted with a frustrated huff.

Makara clicked her tongue. "I don't see any other exits out of here, anyway, other than . . . there." She cringed.

Following her line of sight, the group was met with a pathway that led over to what looked to be . . .

"A door?" Jules quirked a brow. "Why would one of those be down here?" she questioned, puzzled.

Nobody answered, the party feeling just as baffled by the oddly placed entranceway that was for some reason down here in some . . . cave.

Silence, though, wouldn't be getting them anywhere anytime soon, so-

"I'm gonna check it out," Keil decided, albeit a bit nervously. "You guys stay here if you want, but I don't really see any other options available for us right now, so . . ."

"No need to try convincing us," Ally deadpanned, already walking ahead of the brunette. "Let's go."

With a nod and a perky grin, Keil followed after the girl clad in purple, as did the others.

Along the way, however, the group swore they could hear something. Something like a . . . a melody?

Narrowing her eyes out of suspicion, Ally stopped in front of the door and then held her arm out: a gesture to tell the others to stop as well before going any further.

"I don't like this," told the bespectacled girl. "We should be careful."

"Don't need to tell us twice," Izzy replied jokingly in an attempt to lighten the mood.

No one laughed, but the effort was appreciated.

Ally looked to Keil. Keil looked back.

The two nodded to eachother, and then the door was being pushed open, and-

"Did I forget to take my medicine today, or does that flower actually have a face," Jade blinked.

"Actually, I think those flowers we were laying in must've been poisonous, and now we're all just hallucinating," Makara responded, eyes wide.

Everyone else kept silent, too stunned to speak.

The flower in question giggled, making the eight children jump back, clearly put off.

Undeterred, the flower merely smiled and tilted its 'head'(?) before beginning to introduce itself.

"Hi, my name's Flowey! I'm your new best friend! Welcome undergroooouund!

"Looks like you're new! Well, lucky for you, kids, I can show you all around!"

The eight only frowned, hesitant to trust. The younger ones of the group, though, seemed interested and even took a couple of steps closer, curious.

The flower's smile grew wider.

"Lots to do, so much to see! Spread the LOVE, be friends with me!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the entire room seemed to darken, and before any of the kids could question it, their Souls appeared before them, making them all gasp.

"Friends are made with love: LOVE's spread through pellets - here, I've got a few~!"

Around the flower appeared an array of white, seed-like pellets. With that curious spark still in their eyes, Zaru, Jules, and Izzy all stepped forward once again, earning frantic looks from the others - Keil and Makara, specifically.

"Catch them, why dont'cha?" Flowey winked. "Catch all that you can! Run into them-"

Unable to stand by anymore, Keil, Makara, and Ally all ran forward and grabbed Zaru, Jules, and Izzy before pulling them away to stand behind them protectively - and right when Flowey's pellets were about to hit them, too.

The flower's smile twitched.

"- y o u  f o o l s."

Once again, Flowey sent some pellets forward. This time, though, they were faster than they were before and undoubtedly heading straight for the kids' souls. Unprepared, the group all jumped out of the way in different directions: successfully separating them from one another.

Flowey giggled again.

"F e e l i n g  w o o z y ? G o o d ! Y o u ' r e  d u m b !

"Y o u  a l l  f e l l  d o w n , n o w  I ' l l  h a v e  f u n !"

Even more unsettled than before, the kids all began looking over to the door they had come in through, now desperate to escape the danger they had just unknowingly walked into.

Unfortunately though, their current opponent was observant, and as soon as one of them had inched closer to the door, a wall of pellets appeared to block their way.

The tension rose just as Flowey's once friendly smile transformed into that of a dark grin.

"D o w n  h e r e  t h e r e ' s  o n e  r u l e - kill or you'll be killed - a lesson you'll soon learn!

"Levels of Violence: that's my kind of love, spread when I slash and burn~"

Knowing they had nowhere to run now, Flowey summoned another wall of pellets. Except this time, the wall was formed in a large circle that surrounded the kids in a way that they couldn't escape from unless they were willing to risk death and lose.

Terrified and believing that this would be the end, the eight all gathered together once more in a group hug, eyes wide and breaths coming out fast and heavy.

Flowey's dark grin didn't waver.

"Take heart, kids, you've all met your end.

"Falling to your t r u e  b e s t  f r i e n d.

"I will not bow down.

"I will not suffer.

"I will not ever cry!

"This is the end of your very short path~

"Toodle-oo, kiddos!


Flowey burst into a fit of maniacal laughter and the pellets began drawing closer, making the children all cry out in terror and hold eachother tighter: their eyes closed and threatening to overflow with tears as they waited for their (supposedly) inevitable demise.

But it never came.

Although hesitantly, the kids slowly opened their eyes once again and looked around, surprised to see the pellets no longer there.

Looking over to Flowey, the flower himself was clearly confused over this sudden turn of events as well, and looked just about ready to make a second attempt on his victims' lives, when-


A ball of fire came in and knocked him away.

* * * * *
the characters featured in this musical story belong to me, allythesimp, Coffee_Child21, -S0FTPETALS, arozz_, Yazgash, MakaraDragon, and Plzjustcallme_N! feel free to check em all out if you'd like :]

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