Chapter 9

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At the studio, Takeshi froze everyone there, and helped Wakana and Astar tie up the unconscious backup dancers. "So far, this plan is actually working," Wakana says. Astar says, "No backup dancers. No BTS. No live concert. So we can get what we came for."

Rikiya says, "I'll guard the door." "Me too," Kage says. They went to the front entrance to make sure no one came.

"Once the princess comes back with those 7 Korean singers," Takeshi says, "we can get them, and take them to the Dark Music Kingdom."

"Then we'll get the Angel's Halo Technique all to ourselves!" Wakana says. Astar says, "It's the perfect plan."

(Haruyuki household)

Hoshiko lines every BTS member up so they can get music energy for battling the Dark Musicians. "Where's Rap Mon Hyung?" Jimin asks. V asks, "You don't think we left him at that clinic, do you?"

"If we did, and he's alone with Dr. Akari, who is also Akemi's sister," Suga says, "then he's in for it!" Rap Monster comes back with a big pink bump on the top of his head and a black eye.

Jungkook asks, "Hyung, what happened?" Niku says, "According to my psychic powers, Jungkook, I believe Rap Monster was going to say that he accidentally touched Akari's butt as he was walking out of the clinic, which everyone knows he's lying. Then Akari beat the crap out of him, and he was even thinking about making a song about her."

"It's Hikaru all over again," Akemi says, "but it's a South Korean singer trying to hit on my sister." The other members of BTS were laughing at their leader. "Alright enough jokes. We need to give BTS power so they can fight," Hoshiko says.

The guys nod to her as she gets ready to seal powers into each member, one by one. "ANGEL'S HALO SEMI-SEALING POWERS!" The power goes into each and every member of BTS. After Hoshiko is done, Jimin looks at himself and says, "I didn't feel anything." "Same here," Jin says.

"Mom and Dad are out of town on a date," Suzume says, "Let's go to my house and test your powers. Me and my dad train everyday in the backyard." "Good idea Suzume," V tells her. Katrinna Mae says, "Let's go then." They exit the house.

On her way to the studio with Lil' Chris, Hajime says, "Chrissy. Are you excited to see BTS after being in the American Hustle Life show with them again." Lil' Chris says, "Yeah. It's been almost a year. I heard your baby cousin is keeping them in her place for their time here."

"Hotaru did tell me that the other day she was letting celebrities stay at her house," says Hajime, "I'm going to be modeling in Korea soon for a month." As they were talking, Kage exclaims, "DEMON'S SHADOW LASH!" and makes Lil' Chris crash into a car.

"CHRISSY!" Hajime says, "You two! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Rikiya says, "Isn't it obvious Princess Hajime. We're here with Astar and my precious older siblings so we can take BTS' energy and get the Angel's Halo powers from Princess Hoshiko."

Kage says, "So far we only have their backup dancers' energy. How about you show us to those 7 Koreans and the princess, and there will be no trouble."

Hajime grabs her microphone and says, "I will never do that to Hoshiko! You might of gotten her father, but you will never get her! The only thing you'll be getting is an asskicking!"

(Suzume's house)

Suzume, Niku, and Hoshiko get ready to train BTS. "Are you sure we can practice on you instead of dummies?" Jungkook asks. Jimin says, "We don't want to hurt you."

"As a princess, I must observe your strength," Hoshiko says. Niku says, "Since I'm an angel dog, I can't die or lose my body parts. When I get wounds, they heal themselves." "I've practice fighting with my dad since I was two," says Suzume, "so I can handle what's coming."

Hotaru says, "Rap Monster! Suzume! Go!" Suzume charges towards Rap Monster and yells, "LIOM'S ROARING MAGMA RUSH!" As hot lava goes towards Rap Monster, he yells, "SHURUKEN TREE MONSTER!"

Rap Monster turned a tree into a monster, and had it spit its leaves, making them shuruken, into the lava, cutting it so it doesn't reach him.

"MORPHING OCTOPUS TENTACLES!" Niku yells, forming her arms into tentacles, and making them reach Jimin. As re runs towards Niku, he yells, "SONIC SMASH TUMBLE!" and does a tumble to break off Niku's tentacles.

Niku then makes her arms grow back. Hoshiko yells, "ANGEL'S HALO TRAP!" J-Hope yells, "BEAT BOX DISINTEGRATION!" and then beatboxes to make then halo disappear.

Hoshiko yells, "ANGEL'S MULTI-HALO TRAP!" throwing two halos towards V and Jungkook. V sings a note and yells, "EARTH JAGUAR POUNCE!" "CENTAUR FIRE BOW!" Jungkook yells. V's jaguar pounces onto one halo, as Jungkook's centaur shoots the other with an arrow that's is on fire.

Both the flaming arrow and jaguar stop the halos from attacking V and Jungkook. Suzume yells, "LION'S ROARING ROCK CRUSHER!" smashing her fists into the Earth's surfasurface, making rocks come out of the ground. Jin yells, "GIANT MUSHROOM SHEILD!" making an oversized mushroom protect him and Suga from the rocks.

Niku yells, "MORPHING DRAGON FIR BREATH!" and breathes fire towards Suga. "WATER DRAGON BREATH!" Suga yells, making a dragon made out of water breath water into Niku's fire, putting it out.

Looking at how BTS did, Neji says, "Mom. I think they're ready." "I think so, too, son," says Hotaru, "Hoshiko?" With a smirk, Hoshiko says, "These 7 Korean boys are ready to kick some demon butt!"

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