Musical Harmony, Epilouge, Part 4

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Akemi, Maho, Mihoshi, and Yuuzu were finding everyone. Tsubame asks, "Hinata is kidnapped?" "But why?" Nori asks. Yuuzu says, "They want Hoshiko's unborn child." "Where does she need us to meet up at?" Neji asks. "At the Music Kingdom," she says, "and be prepared. This fight will be personal!" Suzume says, "We'll be there!" Maho told her parents. Mayu says, "I'll get Onii-chan to watch over the cafe."

"Why would they take Hinata when she's not the target?" Akirato asks. Maho says, "They wanted to take Hitomi, but got Hinata. The Dark Musicians threatened to kill her if Mrs. Nakamoto doesn't give her baby up." "We can't just sit around when the baby's life is at stake," says Mayu, "we gotta help!" Afterwards, Akemi got Takara and Takeru along with Mihoshi. They soon went to the Music Kingdom with everyone.

At the Music Kingdom, Hoshiko says to everyone, "Alright you guys. Everyone knows that our mission is to save Hinata, and protect the unborn heir. The people who will be staying are Kenji, Mari, Hikaru, Otoya, Kirito, Niku, and Hikari! Everyone else, you need to try to save Hinata!" The people who were going left for the mission.

Hoshiko gets onto the palace bed. Hikaru comes by and asks, "Are you okay?" "Yah," Hoshiko says, grabbing her stomach, "I just felt a rough contraction with the baby." "That's all it is then, it will start hurting worse if it kicks, which means it's time," he explains. Kenji says, "Just be strong, Little Star. Our baby is also saying that to you."

"I am being strong," says Hoshiko, "for me, you, Hitomi, Hinata, and the baby." She also thinks, I can't let them take my baby away. This will be bad. Meanwhile, Hinata was stuck on a spider web in the cocoon. Akuma says, "We're gonna ask you again Guardian Hinata. Either give up, and surrender your aunt's unborn child, or it's your death."

Yomi holds the sword to her throat. "I don't care if you kill me," Hinata says, "but leave my baby cousin alone!" "Are you still saying that, or are you just trying to feed my bloodthirsty sword?" Yomi asks. Myou whips Hinata once more, saying, "Give the child up!" "Never!" Hinata says. This made Myou whip Hinata really hard, leaving bruises on her face. The cocoon was about to break too.

Everyone was rushing to the Dark Music Kingdom. Yuuzu said, "I sure hope we can rescue Hinata Senpai." "Me too," says Minamaru, "Hinata Senpai has always been there for us." "We'll save her," says Takara. "Auntie Takara is right, Minamarun," Hitomi says, "Hina-nee will be rescued, and no one will take my unborn sibling from Mommy and Daddy."

"I hope Onee-chan isn't getting hurt really bad," Mihoshi said. "Hinata is a strong Music Guardian Mihoshi," says Sakurako, "Even if she is, she can still handle whatever she's getting from the Dark Musicians." "I sure would like to pound those punks who are hurting Hinata Nee-tan!" Kimika exclaimed. Tenma see the Music Guardians' trackers, and says, "We have some uninvitited guests."

"You're gonna regret it when my friends arrive to save me!" Hinata exclaimed, struggling to form a blade on her yoyo. Akuma said, "We're not scared of you, or your stupid friends and family." "Kill me if you want," said Hinata, "but the last thing you're ever gonna do is kidnap Uncle Kenji and Auntie Hoshi's baby!"

Yomi slices Hinata's cheek and wipes her blood with her finger, saying, "You're lucky it was not your throat Guardian Hinata. I'm sure the demon dogs will be hungry for you once they smell your blood." Astar brings her demon dogs out, and forms them into wolves, saying, "One move, and it's lunch time for the dogs."

Cutting the back of the cocoon with the yoyo, Hinata said, "Actually, it's gonna be the end of you once I escape," she then tosses the yoyo, "BUTTERFLIES' SPITTING PIXIE BLADES!" The pixie yoyo releases small blades into the demon dogs, and Hinata broke the cocoon, snatching her yoyo back, "Sorry, but I'm in a hurry!" She soon tried to leave.

"DEMON'S GRASPING WHIP!" Myou yells, trying to make the whip grab Hinata. Instead, Mihoshi yelled, "SHOOTING STAR BOMBS!" making the stars cut the part that nearly grabbed Hinata, "Leave my sister alone!" "And you are not gonna hurt my baby brother or sister!" Hitomi yells.

Astar makes demon dogs of everyone, and says, "We are gonna get him or her! And we will stop at nothing to do it either!" Everyone tried to leave, but Akuma yells, "DEMON'S GIANT SPIDER WEB!" and covers the door with an oversized spider web. "No one leaves until we get a fight!" Hidou says.

"If it's a fight you want!" Katrinna Mae says. Kumahi then says, "Then it's a fight you'll get!" Kenji was at the Music Kingdom, looking at what Otoya and Kirito found so far. "Thank goodness," Kenji said, "Hinata is freed!" "Yeah, but there's a fight coming up," Kirito says.

Otoya explains, "They can handle the fight Kirito. Besides, this is for Hoshiko's baby." In the palace bedroom, Mari was helping Hoshiko. Hoshiko grabbed her stomach and was reading a book, saying, "I hope everyone is okay at the Dark Music Kingdom."

"I know it will be Ko-tan," Mari said, "I know everyone is saving Hi-chan. They're also doing it for the baby. Just put your hope and faith into them." "Alright Mari," Hoshiko said, cramping a little, "go get me some water. I felt a small cramp."

"Right away," says Mari. Once Mari left, Hoshiko felt something wet underneath her. She sees a small puddle on the bed, although she didn't have to use the bathroom, and panicked as she said, "It can't be time can it?! Am I in labor?!" Hoshiko saw a big wet spot on her dress on the skirt. She thought, Oh no! My water just broke!

As Hoshiko trembles with fear, Mari brings the water and asks, "Ko-tan? What's wrong?" "Nothing Mari," Hoshiko painfully says, "I need to find my husband." Hoshiko limps out of the bed. Mari sees the wet spot and thought, Did that come from Ko-tan? Did she go into labor?

Hoshiko breathes painfully, and falls to her knees. Mari rushes to where she is and says, "Ko-tan! Are you okay? I saw that wet spot in your bed. Did your water break?"

"I think it did," Hoshiko says, grunting. Mari says, "Breath Ko-tan. Breath," and breathes with Hoshiko, who thinks, Man! This hurts so badly!

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