Chapter 1

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In Yamato High School, during their last day of school, 10th Grade, Class 1-A was sitting in class before the bell rung for them to go home. Once it rung, the students were up out of their seats. Hoshiko goes to her locker and said, "Finally, we're juniors." "I sure am happy to be a junior," Kenji says. Hoshiko tells him, "Never surprise me like that again dear." "I'm your boyfriend now Hoshiko," Kenji said, "so get used to it," and teases her. Akemi says, "Don't get to excited about summer in the hall." "I agree," Suzume said, "Akari-sensei would be surprised to help out with a teen pregnancy."

"SHUT UP!" Hoshiko and Kenji exclaimed. Kenji said, "There is no way I will ever do that to Hoshiko!" "Besides!" Hoshiko exclaims, "We just started dating!" "Alright," said Akemi, Suzume, and Mayu. They soon left the school, and Hoshiko and Mayu went to her place to garden.

"Thanks for helping us Hoshiko," Kazuna said, watering flowers. Hoshiko says, "No problem." "Do you want us to plant the vegetables Mother?" asked Mayu. "Sure," says Kazuna, "The seeds are in the kitchen." Mayu goes into the house to get the seeds.

She then asks, "Hoshiko, can you find the handle garden spade, and start digging some holes for the seeds?" "Sure Mayu," Hoshiko said. She got the shovel, and started digging. When she got a little deeper, Hoshiko saw a purple light shining in the ground.

"That's odd," said Hoshiko, "What's a light doing in the ground?" She brushes the dirt away, and discovers a shiny stone. "When did that get there?" Hoshiko asked. Mayu has the seeds and asks, "Did you start digging holes Hoshiko?" She discovers the stone Hoshiko is holding.

"What is that?" Mayu asked. Hoshiko says, "Beats me, but I bet it has something to do with the Music Kingdom." "How's everything going over there girls?" Kazuna asks. Mayu giggles and says, "Just fine Mother."

"We're just beginning to garden," says Hoshiko, she then whispers, "Let's get done here, and then go to my aunt to see what type of stone this is." "Alright," Mayu whispered back. Meanwhile, Hotaru was brewing some tea, and making dango in her house with Yukinari and Mizuki visiting.

"I see she discovered her true power," Hotaru said, "and the truth to Nii-chan's death." "She still has a lot of other things to do as both a Music Guardian, and a Music Princess," Yukinari said. Mizuki sips some tea and says, "You may never know Yukinari. Princess Hoshiko may stumble across something wonderful."

Hoshiko and Mayu come in breathless. "*pant* Aunt Hotaru," Hoshiko said, "me and Mayu stumbled across something wonderful." "You were saying Mizuki," Hotaru said. Hoshiko places the stone in her hands, and says, "Me and Mayu were gardening, and all of a sudden, we found this stone." "We have no idea what kind of stone it is either," Mayu said.

Hotaru takes a sharp look at it, and then grabs a book about sacred Music Kingdom artifacts. She gasps and says, "This can't be!" "Let me see," Mizuki said, and looks at both the book, and the stone, "There's no doubt. This is the Heaven Stone; one of the five sacred Music Stones." "Music Stones?" Mayu and Hoshiko asked.

Yukinari explained, "A Music Stone has a certain kind of power in it. The former king of the Music Kingdom put these powers into five stones. And the reason is in case a new heir has his wife's abilities, then he puts different power into the other stones from a sample of their future teammates."

"In other words," Hotaru said, "this is a stone that can increase Hoshiko's music energy. And the four other stones; the Dragon Stone, the Lion Stone, the Mermaid Stone, and the Crane Stone; are used by you and the others Mayu." "You guys seemed familiar with this," said Mayu.

"Well, Yukinari discovered it when we were just young Music Guardians. I didn't believe that a stone that hard to find would be somewhere around here," Hotaru said, and began to think back to when she first heard about that.


Young Hotaru and young Yukinari were arguging with each other about the Music Stones. Hotaru said, "Ha! That's so stupid Yukinari! A stone like that can't be that easy to find!" "I know where it is Hotaru!" Yukinari told her, "I hacked into the Music Kingdom files, and discovered one of the Music Stones is hidden at the warehouse."

"How can a Music Guardian easily find a stone as old like that, which is difficult to find?" asked Mizuki. Inu said, "Well, that's Yukinari for you. The oldest son and child of a Music Guardian hacker." Hotaru told Hidehida, "Onii-chan! Are you really gonna believe something like that?!" Hidehida thinks for a while, and says, "I think I have to agree with Yukinari on this one sis."

"Huh?" Hotaru said. Yukinari said, "How about if I don't find the stone where I say I found it, then I'll do anything you say for a week? Or if I find it, you have to pay for our lunch for a week?" "Fine by me," Hotaru said, "because I think it's a total hoax." "Hoax or no hoax, I'm going with him," says Hidehida.

Hotaru exclaims, "Onii-chan!" "If it's real," says Hidehida, "then I might be able to touch it. Yukinari may have made an amazing discovery." "Looks like I have a supporter," Yukinari says. Hotaru says, "Well happy hunting for something unreal! You can make your own dinner tonight Onii-chan!" "Alright then!" Yukinari and Hidehida said.

(end of flashback)

"Since the cafe is where the warehouse use to be," Yukinari said, "looks like I win the bet Hotaru." Hotaru grabs her purse, and says, "Man you're such a gambler Yukinari," and give him some money. "I'm just good at betting people, except for drinking against Inu," Yukinari says.

Hoshiko and Mayu say, "Stop betting with each other and start helping us out!" "Go get the others," Mizuki says, "and tell them our next mission is to find the other four Music Stones!" "Yes!" Hoshiko and Mayu say. Yukinari said, "I still win." Hotaru then hits him in the head with her purse, saying, "You sure don't change, don't you Yukinari?"

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