Chapter 3

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After they sat out for the mission, the girls went to find the stones. Wakana and Astar were trying to find a hideout in a cave to talk about their plan to stop the girls. Amaterasu yelled, "Hey! You are not going to take the stones!"

"Keep your magic little mouth shut!" Wakana said. Amaterasu said, "The last thing you will ever do is hurt the Music Guardians, and the rest of my fairy friends."

"Which is why I made demon dogs to entertain them. I'm sure they'll have, fun," Astar says. Akemi found a secret passage way on the side of the volcano.

"Wow!" Akemi said, "For a volcano over 2,000 years old, this is something new to Mount Fuji." She starts searching for the Dragon Stone. Akemi says, "Stupid stone! Where are you at? Man this is a hard mission."

"You're journey will not be hard once I help you Guardian Akemi," said a little creature. "Whose there?" Akemi says, getting her keytar ready, "I'm not scared to fight." Soon, a fairy glowing in lime green music energy.

She said, "Don't be silly. I'm not here to fight. I am here to help. My name is Hisa, the guardian of the Dragon Stone." "You must be that fairy Yukinari told me about," Akemi said.

Hisa said, "I know you're here to take the Dragon Stone to Princess Hoshiko. I'm willing to help. This could also save my friend Amaterasu, the guardian of the Heaven Stone."

"She must be the kidnapped fairy," said Akemi, "I'll help you if you help me." "That's what I'm here for," said Hisa. Soon, a demon dog appeared from behind a rock.

Akemi was like, "A demon dog!" "I saw Astar put that nasty thing in here while hiding from her!" Hisa said. It then formed into a dragon, and it roared. Akemi and Hisa screamed and ran inside the volcano.

"What do we do now?!" Akemi asks. Hisa said, "We go to the mouth of the volcano. The Dragon Stone is in there!" They head there, but the dragon demon dog stopped them. Akemi yelled, "SAKURA DRAGON INFERNO!" and made her music energy and sakura petals spin around the dragon, but nothing happened to it.

Akemi asks, "What the-? I thought that would work?" "Your moves don't work on a demon dog in the form of your spiritual creature," Hisa said, "Because you use Sakura Dragon, the dragon here is not affected by it."

"Any other plans?" Akemi asked, running from the Dragon as it breathed fire. Hisa said, "The dragon demon dog can only be affected by Music Guardian fairies like me. So if I give you my music energy, then we can take it on together."

"Do it!" Akemi exclaims. Hisa glows and starts to fly around Akemi. Hisa yells, "DANCING FIRE DRAGON!" After Hisa yells this, she has Akemi form dragon wings that match hers on her back, and Akemi starts to fight the dragon.

The dragon demon dog hits Akemi, and sends her flying into a rock. However, this doesn't stop her. Akemi then breathes lime green sound waves and sakura petals like fire, and it defeats the dragon, turning it back into a demon dog.

"Yay! We defeated him!" Hisa exclaims, high fiving Akemi. Akemi says, "Let's get the stone." They see the lime green stone in the mouth of the volcano. Akemi and Hisa pull the stone out, and Akemi says, "Two stones down, three more to go." "Let's get out of here, Akemi," said Hisa.

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