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How they met:

-Do I really have to mention how they met?


-So in Pre-K Jeremy was his shy, anxious self and talked to no one for like the first three days.

-Then this one day he saw a group of kids picking on a little girl playing with Pokémon action figures. To Jeremy's own surprise he stepped in to stop the bullies and helped the little girl up.

-After they met (her name was Isabella) they spent the entire day sitting under the slide talking about their favorite games and bonding. 

-When they end of the day came Jeremy begged his Dad to let his new friend sleep over.

-And they've been inseparable ever since.

-Jeremy was one of the most supportive of Michael's transition and that was also around the time he started to get a crush on him (Michael not Jeremy).

-Then came Christine, and Jeremy fell hard.

-But then Christine didn't work out and Jeremy suddenly realized that he had feelings for Michael.

-Jeremy asked Michael out by following the same advice he was given in 'Voices in my head' it worked. Sorta.

Random headcannons: 

-When they got together the SQUAD was all like "Finally!"

-Their first date was at the Zoo when they had a marine life exhibit.

-Jeremy got Michael a dolphin patch as a remembrance.

-No one really tops or bottoms, they're like Nintendo and switch.

-But Jeremy Heere is a twink and usually bottoms.

-Jeremy loves Michael's chub, so he's constantly kissing it and reminding Michael how beautiful he is.

-Mostly is stomach because it's soft and his thighs because they're nice.

-Michael gives the best best hugs which just completely engulf Jeremy.

-Jeremy literally melts in them.

-They see each other just about every day to play video games, do schoolwork, get high, or just talk.

-When they don't see each other they will panic and text the other a million times until they answer that everything is okay.

-Michael has the 'Mell Home Remedy' and Jeremy has the 'It's an emergency Michael is suffering without me kit'

-Sneak kisses all the time.

-Have a little competition with Chloe and Brooke as to who can get the most touchy in class without getting caught.

-These two dressed up as Mario and Peach for Halloween.

-Jeremy started to learn Tagalog and Spanish to understand what the heck Michael was shouting. So they will have long conversations that no one can understand but them.

-The fanciest dates they go on are sleepovers, movie dates or going to the arcade.

-Also they share slushees, they usually get the bottom blue raspberry and the top cherry.-So their tongues are almost always purple.

-And once they both came to school with hickeys all over their necks. The SQUAD wouldn't stop pestering them to give details. Jeremy would squirm and act all embarrassed. While Michael just flat out says stuff.

-"We were cuddling and-"

-"I was giving him a blowjob behind the 7/11"


-They have movie dates every other Saturday.

-Michael is stronk and will give Jeremy piggy back rides.

-Jeremy is forever grateful.

-They always remind the other about how much they love them so they can have a better day.

-Michael helps Jeremy put on scar cream for electrocution scars after the SQUIP.

-At sleepovers Jeremy usually wakes up earlier (or doesn't sleep at all) and just stares at Michael's sleeping figure.

-He says it calms him down to see his boyfriend at peace.

-Jeremy loves wearing crop tops and thigh highs and skirts and Michale loves seeing him in them.

Da future:

-They Skype each other nearly every day and keep dating even when it's long distance.

-When Jeremy has enough gas he will drive over and surprise visit Michael.

-But yeah these two are the coolest dudes on campus.

-On Jeremy's senior year they decide to find an apartment together ((and save money by sharing a beddddd-)).

-So they live together for about three years and Jeremy decides to ask the question.

-Jerm takes Michael on a fancy dinner and just sorta asks (but of course the SQUIP has to come but it doesn't ruin anything).

-Michael of course says yes and they kiss and spend the rest of the night dancing.

-The next day they're hitting up all their friends and relatives saying that they're engaged.

-They decide to get married a year later.

-Their rings are simple gold bands with the words 'Press start' engraved inside.

-Jeremy measured Michael's finger when he was sleeping DON'T ASK.

-For their wedding they invite all of Michael's relatives so the ceremony is PACKED.

-The wedding is simple but beautiful.

-As a wedding gift they're giving their very own house to live in. It's broken down af but they're able to fix it.

-Jeremy is now a doctor and Michael works as a video game developer.

-They own these shirts Rich have them as a wedding gifts that say 'Husb-' 'ands'.

-Also they didn't know whether to go with Mell-Heere or Heere-Mell, or just do Hell but they -went with Heere-Mell because it sounded funnier.

-Two years into their marriage they decide to start a family.

-Michael ends up carrying the child and it's eight and a half months of utter torture.

-They name their first child Christine Amelie Apocalypse  Heere-Mell.

-Jeremy and Michael are now protective dads :tm: and will do anything to ensure their child is happy

-After around eleven years of just being the three of them they decide to adopt a son ((because a) Michael got bottom surgery and b) he ain't never going to go through child birth again)) Their son is named Connor Bob-Marley Heere-Mell.

-Also they own a Golden Retriever named Starlight Sparkle.

-When their kids grow up they're the friendly neighbourhood couple who you see in the park feeding pigeons and growing old together. 

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