Expensive Headphones

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It's a cute ship okay?

How they met: 

-So Rich had a baby crush on Michael in fifth grade.

-He was really confused because he liked a girl before that and before that as well.

-But then suddenly he was noticing little things about Michael, like how cute he looked when he got excited and talked about video games, or how his eyes sparkled and they were so beautiful and deep brown and he could spend hours staring off into them.

-So after one recess Rich decides to act on his feelings and kiss Michael.

-Both boys are blushing messes and it's awkward and quick.

-Michael is shookth while Rich has tears in his eyes. When he sees that Michael looked almost horrified he runs away crying.

-After that Michael runs over to Jeremy and gushes about his first kiss and how romantic it was and Rich is super cute and-yeah he has it bad.

-Then Rich doesn't talk to Michael till Highschool.

-Their interactions were mostly awkward hellos in the hallway. Rich would get flustered and rush past, leaving Michael very confused.

-Theb Rich starts to become Michael and Jeremy's tormentor and Michael is like 'Crush status: dead'.

-But then after the SQUIPCIDENT when Michael goes to visit Jeremy in the hospital he and Rich start talking.

-Rich apologizes for being such a fucking asshole and explains that he's had a crush on Michael since fifth grade and he's totally bi now.

-Although Michael doesn't immediately reciprocate the feelings over hospital visits they start talking more and more. And Michael realizes Rich is actually a really cool guy, and kinda cute.

-Michael gets Rich a huge bouquet of red roses when he's able to leave the hospital.

-In the roses is a notecard that reads 'Blood is red, John Lauren's jacket is blue, I'm running out of rhymes, Please go out with me?'

-Rich has never cried so much in-front of others.

-He of course says yes and they kiss

-It's really awkward since Michael is like a kissing virgin and Rich is a kissing expert but still extremely nervous.

-They start dating soon after. 

-Random headcannons:

-They skip school all the time to get slushees. Michael orders cherry while Rich orders coke.

-Michael is big spoon cause he just engulfs Rich with his leg.

-They get matching heart piercings!

-Rich sits on Michael's lap when they play videogames.

-Yes it's very inconvenient for both boys but let them be it's a cute moment.

-Whenever Rich sees Michael he'll just throw himself onto him.

-Michael catches him every time.

-Whenever Rich has trouble falling asleep Michael sings to him.

-Michael always reminds Rich he's beautiful and kisses his burn scars.

-He just really loves his freckles, and his lisp, and the patch of red in his hair and-

-Rich will fuck people up if they dare mess with his boyfriend.

-Also this is random but Jeremy and Jake always spy on their dates to make sure that everything is going okay.

-Rich and Michael only found out cause they heard them fighting in a bush.

-Rich loves Michael's hoodie! He always asks for it even if it isn't cold. And it just engulfs him.

-Michael loves this and cuddles Rich all the freaking time.

-Rich has some creative nicknames for his boyf: Rainbow boy, Tallass, Dork, Headphones, Glasses and Antisocial Headphones kid

-Michael has some, he doesn't use them as often as Rich, his favourite one is Ass Midget.

-Rich can lift Michael up bridal style.

-They're very open at school, constantly holding and kissing each other.

-They got to pride together and Rich dyes Michael's hair rainbow.

-Michael in turn does his nails the colours of the bi flag.

-They've been kicked out of a bunch of places for suddenly deciding to have a makeout session.

-Rich loves reptiles and is freaking obsessed with Michael's snakes and axolotl.  

-They always use punny and corny pickup lines on each other 

-It's like a competition to see who comes up with the corniest


-Everyone always teases Rich for never making the first move so for prom he decides to ask.

-At lunch Rich get's Michael a heart shaped box of chocolates and a slushee then holds up a sign.

-It's nothing special just a huge sign that says 'Can I eat your ass @ prom?'

-But Michael begins to tear up and says that of course yes.

-Rich wears a black vest with a long long sleeved red shirt which he pulled up to his elbows  and Michael wears a red vest with a long sleeved white shirt.

-They spend the entire night dancing and kissing and they have a blast.

-After prom they go to McDonald's at like 3 am and have their mini-after party prom date.

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