First date HC's!

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-Boyf Riends:

-For the boyfs first date they both agreed that they wanted it to be fancy.

-Like as fancy as two 17 year olds with minimal allowance and a PT cruiser can make it.

-They actually postpone it for like two weeks cause they can't decide on what to do.

-Finally they settle on going to the zoo, there is an exhibit on sea creatures and Jeremy freaking loves sea creatures.

-Michael loves the zoo cause of all the cool reptiles and big cats.

-Each boy is slightly freaking out because this is their first date DATE as boyf-riends.

-Michael picks up Jeremy at like one in the afternoon.

-Jeremy just wears his usual dark blue cardigan and striped shirt. Michael wears the signature red hoodie. It's nothing fancy but both boys are terrified.

-And to make matters worse Ligaya and Camilla are all like,

-"Vaz al zoológico? Con quien vas?!"


-"Es una cita?!! Finalmente lo invitaste a salir! Yo quiero ir!"

-"No jodas Ligaya! Será SOLO Jeremy y yo!"

-Michael is already flustered when he picks up Jeremy. Their car ride is devoid of conversation, it's just the two of them blasting Beyoncé and singing wildly.

-When they get to the zoo Michael pays for the tickets, despite Jeremy's attempts to hand him the entrance fee.

-"Michael you just have to loop the band around-"

-"I'm trying Jeremy! I have really fat wrists! This goddamn bracelet won't fit!!"

-The ticketer stares awkwardly wondering is she should tell them there's a bigger size.

-They head over to the sea exhibit first and the room is just a wall to wall tank filled with exotic fish and sharks.

-Jeremy is so fascinating he literally slams his face into the glass to get a closer look at the fishies.

-"Michael look! LOOK IT'S NEMO!!"

-Michael doesn't even try to quiet down Jeremy and just lets his boyf be excited.

-Then they go to the dolphin//killer whale exhibit which is outside.

-They arrive really really late cause they got lost trying to find the show so they sit in the very front in the 'Sit here to get Splashed!' section.

-Jeremy is mesmerized by the dolphins and all their tricks and how cool their look and he just loves it.

-He gets scared when the orcas come out and cuddles really close to Michael and grabs his hand.

-Michael cuddles back with Jeremy and keeps him safe.

-They get splashed at the very end.

-Jeremy doesn't get a drop on him.

-Michale gets SOAKED TO THE BONE.

-That kinda puts a bummer on the date, since Michael is just annoyedly grabbing Jeremy's hand as he walks leaving a puddle everywhere he goes.

-Jeremy offers to take his hoodie in exchange for his cardigan. Michael doesn't take the cardigan but he does take off the hoodie and wears it around his waist the rest of the date.

-They go to the lion exhibit next and Michael. Is. In. LOVE.

-He loves his floofy big cat babies and wants to cuddle with them so bad.

-Then they go to the reptiles exhibit and Jeremy is terrified of all the snakes and iguanas.

-"MichAEL-they're-they're following me-"

-"They're coming for youuu~"


-They have a boa constrictor for pictures.

-In the picture Michael is amazed and holding the snake and Jeremy is curled into a little ball at his feet.

-At the exit there's a gift shop so they get each other gifts.

-Michael gets Jeremy a light blue dolphin plushie and Jeremy gets him a lion plushie and a dolphin patch for his hoodie.

-After the zoo they go to the 7/11 and get slushees.

-Many kisses and cuddles were shared.


-Jake wanted to be classy on their first date, but also make it memorable and like really sentimental. Both he and Rich had had girlfriends and been on dates before but he wanted this one to be special.

-He wanted it to MEAN something.

-Jake isn't exactly the best when coming up with ideas so Rich takes hold.

-He blindfolds Jake and takes him to the park before unveiling a quaint little bakery.

-"I know you love baking, and my Mom used to take us here all the time, it's really good! They even make the cakes in front of you!!"

-Jake just goes along with Rich and the bakery is actually really cute.

-It has fairy lights strung along the walls and a bunch of love quotes painted in cursive. Like Pinterest just vomited all over the bakery.

-They order something called a 'couple's cupcake' which is a giant red velvet cupcake filled with cream cheese icing, decorating with vanilla frosting and little candy hearts. You know the ones with little cheesy messages.

-They make the cupcake from scratch and Jake is A M A Z E D.

-"Rich-RICH!-look at how much icing the make! Look at all that sugar-Rich are you seeing this?! This is fucking amazing!"

-Rich is just amusedly staring as his boyfriend's eyes sparkle.

-The cupcake takes an hour and a half to bake but both boys don't really care. They talk and flirt and have a blast.

-It's just so peaceful and nice and they're so happy together.

-When they finally get the cupcake Rich stabs his fork into it and it gets stuck.

-So now he's on a mission to unstuck the fork.

-Rich ends up slamming headfirst into the cupcake and getting icing all over his face.

-Jake bursts out laughing since for the rest of the date Rich is trying to lick icing off his face.

-"You look like a clown"

-"I'm a fucking killer clown!"

-*boops nose* "You're adorable"

-When they finish there they spend the rest of the afternoon just walking around the park and enjoying themselves. They stay out till it's dark and then go firefly hunting.

-"Why are we sitting on a bench?"

-"Because it's romantic Jake"

-"It's the middle of the night in an empty park in New Jersey. This is much more dangerous than romantic"

-But Jake shuts up cause Rich is cuddling next to him for body warmth because it's fucking cold and poor guy's wearing a tank top. They sit under the stars and name constellations. The names start off as really serious but then turn into memes.

-Rich falls asleep wearing Jake's jacket so Jake piggy backs him all the way back to his house.


-These two have been planning their first official date since they were eight.

-Originally they'd planned to go to Paris and try French Pinkberry.

-For their actual first date they decide to go to the state fair that was in town.

-It's very casual and unlike the other two they aren't all that nervous.

-There's a guess the weight of pigs competition with the prize being a baby piglet.

-Brooke lost the competition and is really bummed out.

-So to make up for it Chloe goes to one of those 'Test Your Strength!' and blows all the other competitors out of the water.

-She surprised Brooke with a bunny plushee and Brooke freaking loves it.

-She names it Jeremy.

-Then there's a eating competition sponsored by Pinkberry. Brooke wins by a long shot and gets a raccoon plushee.

-Chloe loves it too and names it Michael just for fun.

-After the competition Brooke starts feeling sick so they go back to her place.

-"Brooke you have one of these china tea sets?!"

-"Yeah I was obsessed with them when I was ten"

-They have a tea party in the garden with all of Brooke's plushees.

-The tea is apple juice and they use actual cookies. They spend hours just playing pretend.

-People walk by them on the sidewalk but Chloe gives them death stares if they give them nasty looks.

-Brooke makes flower crowns for all the plushies and one for Chloe.


-Jenna goes all out for their first date.

-It's Christine's FIRST first date so she wants to make sure it's extra special.

-Her Mom knows a guy working with 'Phantom of the Opera' so she's able to pull some strings and get them cheaper-ish tickets.

-Christine pays for the ride over to New York and both girls spend the weekend there.

-They have a blast because A. It's Christine's second time in New York (her first was when she was seven and saw Mary Poppins on broadway) and B. It's New York? What's not to love.

-They go to Madam Toussands wax museum and Jenna posts an insta spam of meeting celebrities. Also they take a ferry to Ellis Island and go see the Statue of Liberty.

-And on the subway Christine always walks around singing 


-And then Jenna does backup vocals.

-"Youre....alone. You're friends...they're YOU'RE ALONE! Your friends..

-Then on the night of the show they're actually sitting in box six six five so Christine is freaking out.

-They're both mesmerized by the play and to their luck the actours did stagedoor. Jenna bought them both phantom masks that they get signed by the cast.

-Then after the show it's like eleven they have a flight to leave at six and they decide to go to Times Square and take a ton of pictures.

-It's the best time of their lives. 

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