Heathers Headcannons!

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Requested by @-Dyanu_Doodles-


-Her full name is Veronica Elphaba Sawyer

-Bisexual cis girl

-Semi short bean at 5'5

-She gets night terrors after high school and still has to go to therapy.

-After she graduates university she goes on to become a therapist and a psychologist.

-*cough* She's also the advanced English teacher at Middle Borough *cough*

-Still haunted by Heather, Ram and Kurt. Though it's mostly Heather now, she's learned to ignore them in public.

-Breaks down crying after being haunted because she's constantly reminded of the murders she did.

-Has constantly thought of self harm and suicide just to get rid of the ghosts. Heather and Martha have always been there and they comfort each other when they need it.

-She doesn't interact with JD's ghost.

-On the first anniversary of their death she laid on JD's grave a slushee and a new trench coat, a new red scrunchie and a change of clothes for Heather and a football signed by their fathers and a change of clothes  for Ram and Kurt. Happy to report all the ghosts received these gifts.

-She's happily married to Heather McNamara and they have an adopted daughter named Alana.

-Veronica and Martha still remain best friends and have movie nights even way into their fifties.

-Secretly really into anime and in her notebook she used to draw her favourite characters.

-Her favourite anime is Ranma 1/2 but she enjoys many others.

-After high school she cannot stand to watch bloody shows or movies.

-Her favourite colour is navy blue.

-Her favourite ice cream flavour is chocolate.


-His full name is Jason Covey Dean

-Biromantic-demisexual cis boy

-His favourite Disney Princess was Ariel because he saw 'The Little Mermaid' with his Mom at the theatre.

-He was allergic to avocados and he used to call Heather Duke 'Avocado'

-He's extremely pale but for some reason has light freckles.

-He wears a black trench coats because they cover his arms and legs.

-He hates ice cream his favourite slushee flavour is blue raspberry.

-His favourite colour is white.

-He often forgets to eat actual food so he just drinks slushees and frozen coffee.

-After he dies he tries to interact with Veronica but she doesn't want an inter species relationship.

-He does receive her slushee and trench coat and they're his most precious objects in the universe.

Heather Mac:

-Her full name is Heather Gretchen McNamara

-Lesbian cis girl

-Tollest Hather at 6'1 

-She happily obliged to be Kurt's beard to cover up him and Ram.

-She loves to play piano and she does it at wedding and funeral ceremonies. She's really shy about this though and the only people who really ever heard her was Veronica and the Heathers.

-She did the piano at Heather Chandler's funeral.

-She might've had a teensy little crush on Chandler and that's why she decided to follow the Heathers. Though she enjoyed the making fun of people more than she should've.

-After Heather Chandler died her real personality started to come out. She's actually really socially awkward and doesn't know how to react or relate to other people.

-After spending years as a psychologist along with her wife she is now a kindergarten teacher.

-She is now happily married to Veronica and they have a daughter named Alana.

-After high school she got a service dog. It's a Pembroke Welsh Corgi she named Pachelbel.

-She also enjoys doing gymnastics alongside cheerleading.

-After the Heather thing was over she, Martha and Veronica start hanging out and Martha gets her obsessed with the 'Princess Bride'.

-Her favourite colour is Lemon Yellow

-Her favourite ice cream flavour is Rainbow Sorbet

Heather C:

-Her full name is Heather Regina Chandler

-Bisexual Transgirl

-Tol girl at 5'7 

-She was bullied and abused for her looks. Some people (specifically Ram and Kurt) pressured her to do a lot of things as a person she deeply regrets.

-She's also only 16. Let that sink in. 

-Her birthname was Alan 

-She was really dorky and unpopular all through primary and middle school, then when Heather D. took her under her wing she gained self confidence and became the bitchiest most popular girl in school. 

-She loves corn nuts, specifically the barbecue ones in the red packaging. 

-After dying she's pretty much stuck haunting Veronica. Kurt and Ram are off disco dancing so she just likes tormenting Veronica. 

-When JD comes she gangs up on him and together the ghosts beat THE SHIT out of him. 

-When she received Veronica's parcel she was so happy she could finally get her hair out of her face and wear something comfortable. 

-After dying she actually also haunts another little girl, Martha's six year old adopted daughter named Heather after her. 

-The OG Heather teaches baby Heather how to be popular by being nice, and to have self confidence in herself. 

-Basically she steers her away from leading the life she led when she was alive. 

-Her favourite colour is Red. 

-Her favourite ice cream is Cheery. 

Heather D:

-Her full name is Heather Eleanor Duke

-Aromantic Asexual cis girl

-The shortest Heather at 5'3. 

-She got implants because she wanted to look like Heather C. 

-She changed her diet, her friends, force herself to find new interests and getting a new fashion sense just to be like Heather Chandler. She envied how self confident and beautiful she was, how she towered above everyone with her glory, yet Heather Duke was pushed aside. 

-All she ever did was try to appease Heather, yet all she got was 'Shut Up Heather!' and being pushed aside. She didn't want to drive Heather Mac to suicide, she just wanted to give people a taste of Heather's 'medicine'. 

-On the inside she was just as confused and as scared as Mac. Heather D didn't know how to handle these emotions and resulted to violence as the answer. 

-In Middle School she got along really well with Martha, but then she saw that being with Martha wouldn't get her any new friends or popular, she ditched her for Heather Mac. 

-The OG creator of the Heathers group after Heather C came out. 

- Her favourite colour is mint.

-Her favourite ice cream flavour is mint-chocolate chip. 


-Her full name is Martha Katherine Dunstock

-Pansexual cis girl

-She's actually taller than Veronica at 5'6

-She never worried about people being mean because she was never teased in primary or middle school. 

-Since she was 'dating' Ram in Kindergarten no one bothered her, then in first grade 'put their relationship on pause'

-Even through the tormenting Martha waited and waited but their relationship never hit play again. 

-She loves unicorns and ponies and rainbows and sunshine and happiness.

-She tries to stay very positive despite anything that happens, she likes seeing other people happy even if she herself isn't. 

-She breaks down sobbing because her dreams are crushed or because she doesn't think she's pretty, just a waste of space that should disappear. 

-After Ram and Kurt's death she left her locket in Ram's casket. 

-When she learned that Veronica could talk to the dead ghosts she asked whether or not Ram was actually gay. When she learned that he and Kurt were living happily in the afterlife she gifted Veronica the wedding rings to give to them.

-She opens an orphanage and treats all the kids there like if they were her own, though she's only legally adopted three. 

-She has two duaghters named Heather and Janice and a son named Kurt. 

-"All 220 kids in the orphanage are my children!" 

-She, Veronica and Heather Mac, marathon fairy tale movies together. 

-Her favourite colour is THE RAINBOW

-Her favourite ice cream flavour in oreo


-His full name is Ram Douglas Sweeney

-Bisexual cis boy

-He 'dated' Martha ,the sweet and cute girl with unicorn sweaters, in kindergarten. He even went as far as kissing her on the kickball field. He genuinely liked Martha, but then came Kurt.

-Ram found out he liked Kurt, he liked Kurt A LOT.

-But of course being the 80's and having his extremely homophobic father Ram repressed most of these feelings. Didn't stop him from being confused as fuck. 

-He put his and Martha's relationship on pause because he was too confused over his feelings for his best friend. 

-He's a surprisingly good cook and he loves to make weed brownies. But he also makes the best cupcakes. 

-He and Kurt started 'experimenting' at the start of Junior Year. 

-They started 'going out' at the start of Senior Year. 

-After being killed he was pissed when he was dead, and he made SURE that JD knew when he came up. 

-He and Kurt were ecstatic when they were finally able to wear something that wasn't underwear and even more happy when they saw the wedding rings Martha left them. 

-He was a lot more closeted about the relationship than Kurt was. 


-His full name is Kurt Blaxey Kelly

-Bisexual cis boy

-He actually loved to dance! His Mom put him in dance lessons when he was little and he stuck with them all the way till Senior Year!

-He mostly did ballet and jazz, and when people asked WHY he'd respond that it gave him good balance for football. 

-He always liked Ram, he always REALLY liked Ram. When he was little he was pretty positive that, that it only meant they were really good friends. 

-When he and Ram started 'experimenting' it felt right. It felt so fucking right. 

-He would have to stand on his tiptoes to actually kiss Ram's cheek but he'd always do it at school. 

-They'd go to the janitors closet in between classes and have makeout sessions. 

-He and Mac started dating because A. His Dad was starting to pick up on something and B. She accidentally walked in on them kissing behind the bleachers. 

-He was actually pretty happy to be dead because it meant that he and Ram could finally love each other in peace.

-So now they're up in the afterlife disco dancing to the thump of angel wings and they live a playful afterlife that's fancy, free and reckless. 

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