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How they met:

-So I have this AU//headcananon that Connor came just a few seconds after Evan printed the letter. He didn't get to read it and therefore was never pushed to the edge.

-Anyways, when Connor signs Evan's cast he also gives him his email.

-They start exchanging emails and become....sorta friends??

-Connor and Evan start to open up to each other and they bitch about anxiety, talk about their lives, problems, fears, etc.

-Evan realizes Connor isn't as scary as he seems.

-At school they start talking and hanging out more and more.

-Connor finds out about Evan's crush on Zoe and he's able to arrange for him to come to dinner with them.

-Evan's so happy he almost tackles Connor in a hug. And when Connor sees Evan smile he's like 'Shit I'm gay'.

-Anyways so Jared is over helping Evan get ready for his date and starts teasing him about Connor.

-And Evan realizes he's fallen for the wrong Murphy.

-So Connor and Zoe come to pick up Evan bc Heidi's working the night shift.

-The car ride isn't awkward since Evan and Connor spend the entire time talking and Zoe's just third wheeling in the drivers seat like-

-'Isn't he supposed to be my date?'

-Anyways they get to the restaurant, Evan meets Larry and Cynthia and then sits down at a table alone with Zoe. Cynthia and Larry sit on the other side of the restaurant and Connor sits five feet away.

-And he's just giving them death glares the whole night.

-Evan is all dressed up and panicking that his hands are sweaty or his breath smells bad or his jacket is wrinkled or everything is going to go wrong.

-Also Connor looks so frigging handsome and he's a blushing mess.

-Zoe catches on pretty quickly and makes it her mission to hook 👏🏽 them 👏🏽 up 👏🏽.

-"I'm gonna go to the bathroom-Connor!Save my seat!"

-The date soon turns into Connor and Evan's.

-Zoe never comes back from the bathroom and but they don't mind.

-They go out for a walk in the park and everything is going fine till Evan decides to try and kiss Connor.

-Basically they both freak out and run away.

-Connor is currently freaking out in his room when Zoe suddenly comes in and she's like "There there you flaming homosexual"

-Then she convinces him to ask Evan out on an ACTUAL DATE they both enjoy.

-So he does and after Evan apologizes like a million times over they go out for ice cream at 'A La Moe'.

-Then Connor takes him to the old apple orchard

-"Connor didn't-isn't this-is this illegal?"

-"No, we're just getting in without asking"

-And Evan freaks out because there's so many trees.

-So they talk and take in the view.

-They just talk and take in the view.


-Sorry, sorry, but ya'll get the gist.

-Then they actually kiss and get together.

-Random headcannons:

-Evan is afraid of the dark so he always had to hold Connor's hand when it's dark outside.

-Connor is extremely protective of Evan and will pulverize anyone who dares hurt of bully him.

-Connor let's Evan wear his hoodie after an anxiety attack since it calms him down.

-Evan LOVES braiding Connor's hair and putting flowers in it.

-Once they start dating Connor purposely avoids planning dates at movies or fancy restaurants cause they make Evan too nervous. Usually they settle for a movie night at either at their houses with takeout.

-Evan gets very passionate when talking about trees and Connor freaking loves it.

-They'll watch forest documentaries and Evan gets so excited when his favorite trees get on screen.

-Evan loves going to Connor's shows and hasn't missed one. Usually the one to start a standing ovation.

-Cuddles  for days!

-Like Evan could be feeling sad, crying, having an anxiety attack or just generally feeling bad and the MINUTE Connor sees him he engulfs him in a hug and tries to encourage him.

-As for when Connor's feeling bad or having a depression attack Evan will hug him and give him tons of kisses.

-If they're watching a movie and one of them falls asleep they'll cuddle against the other.

-When Evan ((or Connor, really it applies to both)) gets a nightmare Connor will come running in and hug Evan, kiss him and whisper soft and soothing things in his ear till they fell asleep.

-They'd be in the same position the next morning.

-Connor's nicknames for Evan include: Ev, Evvy, Treeboy, Cinnamon roll, Acorn, Blue, Sweetie, and any others he can come up with.

-As for Evan he has Connie, Con-Con, and Emo Prince.

-Evan gets really flustered when Connor uses nicknames so Connor doesn't often ((in public anyways))

-Evan is surprisingly smooth at flirting.

-Sometimes Jared will give him...suggestive pickup lines which he uses on Connor.

-These are one of the only times Connor will turn into a blushing mess.

-They're always partners in class projects.

-Hold hands under the library table when reading books together.

-Kiss and cuddle all the time.

-Have probably made out behind a tree.

-They're  regulars at A La Moe so when the waiters see them come in it's like 'Fuck, not these loverbirds again'

-Long hikes through the forest and climbing trees.

-Girls think Evan is real cute and try to flirt with him.

-Ev is too nervous and flustered to tell them he's taken.

-So Connor will just come over and kiss Evan while flipping off the girls.

-If anyone flirts with Connor Evan would probably lock himself in the men's bathroom while having a panic attack.

-Connor ((after possibly breaking the person's nose)) will rush into the bathroom and assure Evan that everything is alright.

-When Connor's sick Evan will wrap him in blankets like a taco and spoon feed him.

-When Evan's sick Connor will surround him with plushies.

-If Connor's been in a fight Evan freaks the fuck out and always wraps him up in bandages and put stickers over them ((Hello kitty, Disney, Spongebob, MLP, etc))

-Also when Evan's sick Connor will make him homemade soup and meals instead of takeout.

-Lot's  and lot's of ice cream when either of them are sick.

-If anyone even DARES to hurt Evan Connor will FUCK. THEM. UP.

-Also for Prom Evan asked the promposal.

-Like imagine him blindfolding Connor, taking him to the orchard, and then revealing a sign that says "PROM?" Hanging in a tree.

-Connor shrieks out a yes and tackles Evan in hugs and kisses.

-For their outfits Connor wants them to wear dresses

-But Evan nearly passed out dress shopping because of all the options

-So they both wear tuxes.

-It's surprisingly romantic and they spend the whole night dancing and kissing. 

-"There's nowhere else I'd rather be-"

-"Me too!"

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