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🌼NOTE: These are all for a Connor Lives//Main storyline never happens AU. 🌼

-Her full name is Zoella Jennifer Murphy

-Pansexual trans girl

-Tol girl at 5'9

-Her birthname was Zachariah Samuel Murphy.

-Transitioned sometime in eighth grade.

-She loves space and stars and astrology.

-Her roof is painted like the Milky Way.

-She can name almost every constellation.

-Got a telescope for her eleventh birthday and she takes it out to the roof to go star seeing.

-If you see blotches of purple ink on her jean cuffs she's had a mini break down while doodling stars.

-Can't dance for shit.

-Used to take ballet with Connor but was always casted as a background tree.

-She draws on herself to keep from hurting herself.

-So if you see galaxies on her arms and legs that's why.

-Her favourite colour is dark purple.

-She wants to be an astronaut or work at NASA.

-One of her most precious items is a teddy bear Connor gave her for her birthday one year.

-He gave it to her when she got out of the hospital from her top surgery so it has a bandaid on it's head and over it's heart.

-She yells at it and throws it around her room when she's angry. But then immediately picks it back up and kisses it and says sorry and just cuddles with it.

-She and Connor got matching hair streaks.

-She's a whiz at nail art!

-She did the trans flag with Pansexual stars for pride.

-Also did the gay flag for Connor.

-Her nails are always different every week.

-She loves dogs! But doesn't have any.

-Volunteers at the shelter with Alana and absolutely loves all the dogs.

-She swore that when she's older she'll adopt enough dogs to fill the cast of Hamilton. ((EX: She'll have a Pomeranian named Thomas Flufferton))

-Deep down she really loves Connor and kisses the connection they used to have when they were kids.

-She always feels that she has to prove herself to get attention. Connor gets validation from their Mother for doing virtually nothing and she has to work her butt off to get attention.

-Yeah in a messed up way she's jealous of Connor.

-Blasts hard rock in her room when she's in a bad mood.

-She'll count the stars on her roof to calm herself down.

-Loves skiing and winter sports.

-Like Connor she carries around a notebook everywhere, but instead of drawing she writes poems.

-Her username is Stargirl

-And her favourite ice cream flavour is Mocha.

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