Weed Slushies - Short Stories

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Short stories-

Genre; Fluff, angst
Ship; Michael x JD x Connor
Warnings; self harm, abuse mentions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Michael and Connor; *chilling and about to get stoned in Michaels basement👌*

*Michael's phone starts ringing*

Michael; Ah, Connie, hold up its JD.

Michael; *answers*

JD; ....

Michael; .. Hello? JD?

Connor; ...? *looking at Michael questioningly*

JD; .. Hi, Michael, uh.. C-Can I come over? M-maybe for the night...?

Michael; Of course! Connors here, but I don't think he'll mind.

JD; *smol sniffle* okay, i-ill be right there..

Michael; we'll be waiting.

-lil laters-

Michael; waiting in the living room with Connor

*smol knock*

Michael; *opens the door*

Michael; Hey J- holy shit are you okay?

Connor; *looks over the couch, worried*

Connor; JD?

JD; *legit about to cry at any second*

Michael; *let's him in then closes the door* hey hey hey, JD, c'mere...

Michael; *holds out his arms*

JD; *goes over to him, and just starts crying into his shoulder*

Michael; *pets his hair, slowly* shhh.... It's okay..

Connor; *walks over, and hugs the two*

~about 15 minutes later~

Connor; *pulls away*

Connor; JD, what happened?

JD; i-I uh... M-My dad said s-something homophobic, a-and I defended myself out o-of reflex a-and..

Michael; shh... Shh... JD, it's okay..

JD; i-im sorry, aha...

Connor; hey, it's okay..

JD; but n-now my dad h-hates me! A-and he's gonna h-hurt me more than he already doe-.... Shit.

Michael; ...

Connor; ...

Michael; JD...

JD; I uh..

Michael; JD, it's... It's okay.

Connor; yeah.. *grabs the two bois hands*

Michael; *grabs JDs hand*

JD; *smol blush*

Michael; you want my hoodie?

JD; *nod*

Michael; *takes off his hoodie*

Michael; here.

JD; *smiles and slips it on*

Connor; heh, cute..

JD; that- no- *pouts and blushes* stop.

Michael; *smiles and ruffles JDs hair*

Michael; cutie.


JD; *chilling with Connor at the park*

JD; *sipping that good slushie shit*

Connor; *sudden realization*

Connor; ... Michael usually checks on us by now, right?

JD; he knows we're spending time together though

JD; maybe he's just... Letting us be?

Connor; babe, you know how he is.

JD; yeah, he worries sometimes...

Connor; we should check on him.

JD; probably, cmon.

Connor; *grabs his hand, and starts running to their house*

*they finally get there*

Connor; *unlocks the door, heading in*

Connor; Micah, babe..?

JD; Connie.. *grabs his hand tightly*

Connor; *walks up the stairs to the bathroom*

Connor; *knocks*

Connor; Michael...?

*JD and Connor hear crying from the bathroom*

JD; *worried af* Michael, please.

Connor; Michael, if you don't open this door, I'm breaking it down! And you know I will!


JD; Connie, break it down-

Connor; *lowkey kicks the fukin door down*

Michael; *is on the ground, bLeEdiNg-*

Connor; Shit! Michael! *goes over to him, grabbing his bleeding ars*

Connor; JD, go get some bandages!

JD; *runs off to go get bandages*

Michael; *shaking and crying* (poor bby ;'(  )

JD; *comes back with the bandages*

JD; here!

Connor; *takes them, and starts to bandage Michaels arms*

JD; babe.. You need to talk to us when you're upset..

Michael; *sniffles* i-I didn't want to bother you two...

Michael; you two were d-doing something special...

JD; Micah, it's fine... We love you to death, and we'll always be here for you.. (No auto correct, they will not be heterosexual--)

Connor; Yeah..

Connor; Don't ever, ever, be afraid to talk to us or interrupt if we're out.

Connor; if your upset, we're gonna want to help.

Michael; w- well then.. Same for you guys...

JD; *gives Michael a smol kiss*

Connor; we love you Michael.

JD; don't forget it.


Michael; You've been acting shady ever since... Since...


Michael; it worked.. Didn't it?

Jeremy; *nod*

Michael; Jeremy!! That's Amazing!!

Michael; we gotta test it out- no, we gotta celebrate!

Michael; we gotta- get stoned in my BASEMENT!

~insert Upgrade~

Michael; Jeremy! Are you coming?

Jeremy; Optic Nerve Blocking, on.

Michael; what... What did you say?

Michael; ... Jeremy?

Jeremy; *walks off*

JD; *watching from the shadows like a JD*

Michael; ... Jeremy...

JD; *walks out, and places a hand on Michaels shoulder*

Michael; *smol yelp*

JD; hey, Michael right?

Michael; oh... Uh.. Yeah. JD?

JD; yeah.

JD; you don't look so good... Wanna talk about whatever just happened?

Michael; *nods*

~One explanation later*

JD; what a dick.

Michael; *snorts a bit*

Michael; I guess.

JD; hey. He was your friend of 12 years, if he's just gonna up and leave because of a girl, he doesn't deserve you.

JD; a true friend wouldn't leave for anything.

Michael; *smile*

JD; wanna chill? We can... Get slushies?

Michael; ... I'd love that.

JD; *smiles, taking his hand*

JD; let's go.


Das all I got ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hope the angst didn't hurt to bad.

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