Crush? That's Ridiculous. {Connor x Michael}

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Another thing from Amino. I wrote this last night.

Connor's POV

I was by my locker, and so was Michael. I felt myself turn to gaze at him, completely un... whatever the fuck. After a while, I realized I was actually staring. I felt my cheeks warm considerably and I looked away. Again, with this out-of-fucking-nowhere blushing. Seriously, what the fuck has changed in the weeks since we first met?! I wasn't acting like this when we did first meet. Am I ill? Maybe. I don't fucking know. Michael then left with his books without even realizing I'd been staring at him at all. Which is weird. The staring, not him getting his books out, that's normal. "Ohohohoho, what have we here?" The sound of Kleinman's voice made me scowl.

"What do you want, Jared?" I asked, my tone clearly a bit pissed off. I did not like that tone he was using. At all. Jared didn't react to the tone of my voice at all, wearing a fairly large smirk.

"I think, well, I believe, SOMEONE here has a... oh, what is it called..?" That tone in Jared's voice made me a bit more angry. He was taunting me. I didn't like Jared at all, and this conversation didn't make me like him anymore. I stood back against my locker, waiting for whatever shit was gonna come out of his mouth. I honestly didn't give a fuck, but I decided to humour the asshole.

"Spit it out already," I said, cooly, narrowing my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest. Jared's smirk grew in size.

"A crush. You have a crush, Connor Murphy," he said, matter-of-factly. My anger was immediately replaced with confusion. A crush? What? I know what that is, I'm not a fucking moron, but... I have a crush? No. That's not possible.

"What." That was all I managed to get out, blinking quickly. It didn't even come out as question. I've just been accused of having a crush and my only fucking answer is 'what'? The fuck? Jared burst out laughing, and I was suddenly reminded of the fact I was currently in a conversation with him of the people in the fucking world.

"Oh m-my god!" He laughed. "Connor! You very c-clearly have a crush on M-Michael!" Because the asshole was laughing so hard, there were pauses between his words. My eyes narrowed after that, despite the fact I felt my cheeks heat up considerably, again.

"Oh don't be fucking ridiculous, we're just friends," I said in reply. "I don't like him in that way, we're just friends." I was having a hard time believing this bullshit claim. It had come from Jared's mouth so why should I trust his word? Jared stifled more laughter. Ugh, why couldn't I be in a conversation with Jeremy Heere or Evan Hansen instead? Or even Michael himself! But, NOOOO, I'm stuck in a conversation with Jar Jar Slinks in front of me.

"Keep t-telling yourself t-that," Jared sniggered. Okay, maybe not a conversation with Jeremy, that's who abandoned Michael in the first place. That wouldn't be good... cause y'know.. the whole abandonment thing. Jared seemed to notice my lapse in concentration. "Oooh~ are you thinking about him right now~?"

"Fuck off." I then flipped him off and got a few books from my locker. Jared hadn't left however. "Hey. Go away."

"You can keep denying it," he said. "It won't change how you truly feel."

"How about you just leave me the fuck alone? Michael and I are just FRIENDS. I don't like him like that." Jared shrugged and then turned around.

"Whatever, tsundere," he said before walking off. I watched the asshole leave, going over how fucking ridiculous that claim was in my head. I didn't even know the use of the term he referred to me as. Not that I cared but what Kleinman called me. I walked off to my next class, happy to be free of that horrible conversation.


"Con, are you good?" Michael asked. We were sitting outside of his house on the front lawn. I hadn't yet taken Michael to my house, but I didn't really want him to deal with the fucking mess that my family is. I gazed at him, Asshole Kleinman's and my conversation still fresh in my memory. I definitely didn't have a fucking crush on him. Though... the way his glasses sit on his face is kinda cute.. "Con." His eyes are a pretty shade of brown... "Connor Murphy."

"Uh, what?" I blinked and felt my face flush with embarrassment. Michael giggled a bit in amusement. "Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts there. What were you saying?" Michael gazed at me for a few moments.

"I was asking if you're okay, you've been quiet for a while," he shrugged. I looked at him again, noticing how the sun shone on his dark brown, nearly black hair. I shook myself. I do not have a fucking crush. How did Jared even come to that bullshit conclusion?

"Oh, it's just... I had a conversation with Jared fucking Kleinman today," I groaned out, my frustration clear. Michael gave me a sympathetic look, and rubbed my arm slightly. I felt myself smile as I looked at him. I decided to not bring up what exactly the conversation was about, which was about the cute boy currently rubbing my arm and how I definitely don't have a crush on him.

"Really?" He said. "That sucks." I'd told Michael about my dislike of him. "I bet you were happy to get outta there, right? It must've felt like a boss battle."

"Well, if we're going down that path... it wasn't a boss battle, it was more like: going into Zubat Cave or whatever fucking bat cave. You constantly get bombarded by them, and they keep using fucking Supersonic. It was more of an annoyance then anything else," I shrugged. Michael seemed impressed by my reference.

"I have taught you well," he said, imitating that sort of 'I am an old, proud master' voice. I chuckled and looked at him. "But there is always more to teach!"

"Oh, shut the fuck up," I laughed. Michael smiled and laughed a bit himself. "Pokémon isn't that hard to understand." Michael looked at me.

"I am the one to have even introduced you to it in the first place," he stated with a shrug, before smirking a bit. "Wait, hmm... you mentioned Zubats and other bats. And there's no specific cave wherein Zubats have a high spawn rate in the game I taught you." I shrugged myself.

"I was bored so I watched some videos on YouTube," I stated simply. Michael went onto his knees and faced me head on. He playfully poked me in my arm.

"Oh my god, you like Pokémon!" He seemed proud with himself. I felt myself blush at our closeness, my mouth was mere inches from his. I don't have a fucking crush on him though, so it's probably embarrassment. I would've denied Michael's claim but it was true. I found the art style kinda cute.

"Yeah so? Why the fuck is that hard to comprehend?" I asked.

"No, it's not hard, I'm just surprised you actually like a game." Michael smiled. He then sat back where he had been. "If you had Pokémon games we could trade Pokémon with each other."

"Probably." I stated with a shrug. We continued to sit on the front lawn for a while before Michael spoke up.

"Hey, let's go inside."

"What for?" I asked.

"I want to show you more Pokémon games, since ya know, you like franchise."

"I don't see why the fuck not." I shrugged and Michael grinned. He took my hand and led me towards his room. I ignored the fact I was blushing. I knew from experience that that was just usual for Michael, the holding hands thing. We descended into the basement where I sat on a chair. We spent the rest of the afternoon by Michael telling me about all the fucking spin-offs the franchise had. Fucking hell, there's a lot. Michael's voice soon faded to nothing as I found myself get lost in his eyes. I shook myself and looked away. The rest of the afternoon went by without a hitch, and I could definitely tell that what Jared had said was utter bullshit. I don't have a crush, that's fucking ridiculous.

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