Notes {Evan x Jared}

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So, I was roleplaying with this person on the Be More Chill Amino, their user is Heere is here, and we're roleplaying the Connor x Michael ship(and incorporates some of the headcanons we have), but this one shot is based off one of the side stories of that particular roleplay. AndalsomademeshipKleinsenabitbutwhatever.

Jared's POV

I slipped the note telling Evan to go to the science lab into his locker, I could practically feel myself blushing. I then went to the science lab myself and placed down the potted tree on a desk before exiting. Alana met me outside in the hallway. "Jared, you seem flustered, what's up?"

"I may have put a note in a certain someone's locker..." I admitted, feeling myself blush. Alana smiled, and there was no malice in it. If it'd been my cousin, then there would be malice in it. As soon as he found out about what I felt, Michael would not let up on it. But I could tease him about his obvious feelings for Connor as well, so there's that. Michael didn't want to admit his feelings but they're clearly there. Connor liked him back, I could tell. They're dating now, I remember how that conversation went down. Michael told me over text, and he seemed really excited.

"Jared, that's adorable," Alana's voice broke me from my thoughts. This only made my blush worse as I was now embarrassed as well. The man of the hour himself walked by us, Evan was clearly on his way toward the science lab. Alana and I followed him quietly, and then we poked our heads into the classroom. Evan noticed the tree immediately. He walked over to it and lifted it gently, as if it could break any second. He stroked a finger through its leaves, smiling sweetly.

"You had to be from my secret admirer, didn't you?" He asked it. He turned his head looking at it. "I think I'll name you Chris.." He gently placed Chris back on the desk he'd found it on and took off his backpack. He placed Chris into his backpack and slowly picked up his backpack. I felt myself smile, Evan was really cute.

"You better leave now, before he catches you!" Alana warned suddenly. I nodded, walking away. She followed me. "I can't believe you did that," she commented. I took a breath, falling back against the wall.

"I can't believe it either," I said, gazing at her. Alana smiled.

"I'm proud of you, Jared." She had placed a hand on my shoulder. I merely chuckled. "Though I can't say I expected you to act this way when you had a crush..."

"Well I do," I commented, feeling a smirk form. Alana grinned.

"I guess I just never thought Jared Kleinman would be shy when it came to this..." I felt myself blush.

"Alana..." I groaned, she was merely smiling. My phone pinged and I took it out. It was a message from Evan.

Hey, Jared! You said I should update you when it comes to my secret admirer, well, they got me a tree! They must really be going all out!

I smiled, blushing, though Evan couldn't see it.

That's great Ev!

And what's more? It's my favourite species!

Wow. They must really know you well then.

Alana smiled slyly. I waved her off. "So what's our next course of action?" She asked. I looked at her.

"I don't know?"

"How about we get to class?" She suggested. "We're gonna be tardy if we don't go now." I nodded.

"Good idea." We walked to our respective classes. Once that was over, I received another message.

I wonder what is it about me they like exactly?

Idk, maybe tomorrow you'll find out?

F**k, now I had to say why exactly I liked him. That shouldn't be too difficult right? I walked off.


I looked over the note before I delivered it. I talked about how I loved how his eyes shone when he was passionate about something, and other cheesy sh*t like that. Then I looked at how I ended it.

Just so you know, I'm a guy.
Love, J.

That wasn't giving too much away was it? 'J' could be multitude of boys in this school. Sighing, I slid it in. Then I walked to my own locker, to feign innocence. I saw Michael and Connor by the latter's locker, they always seemed to meet there. I assumed it was where 'it all started' for them. Then, Connor gave Michael a quick kiss on the cheek. I smirked through the jealousy that Michael was dating his crush and I wasn't dating mine. Connor wished to keep their relationship a secret, but if  you asked me, they were as obvious as Jake pining after Rich for years. They're also dating, by the way. Evan walked up to his locker and I watched. He noticed the note immediately.

Evan blushed as he read the contents of the note, and I was reading it over his shoulder. "That is so sweet..." he murmured. "But I don't know who you are..." he then noticed the ending statement. "Well, J, you could be anyone in this school! Justin, Jake..." Evan paused, blushing and causing my pulse rate quicken before he mumbled my name "..jared...ANYWAY. That really isn't a great clue."

"You do know, that they wouldn't reveal their name all at once?" I chirped in, causing Evan's blush to darken. No ways was I gonna make myself come under suspicion.

"Jared! What are- Where did- have you been here the whole time?!" I nodded, and Evan blinked. "Were you reading it over my shoulder or something?!" I didn't answer. "Uh- um... imsorryifimadeitweirdijustfounditreallycute!" I laughed.

"It's cool Evan! Really!" I said. Evan went silent, entire face red. "Evan?" He didn't answer. Then, in a unconscious moment, I kissed his cheek. Evan blushed again, before running off. I blinked realizing what I'd done and blushed. "Well F**k!" I cursed. I quickly wrote another note. "I have to explain myself now..." I sighed. I wrote the note:

I love you
From, Jared.

I slipped it in and decided to forget about it.

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