The Interview {Connor x Michael}

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This is for the roleplay again, whoops. Also they're older in this

Michael's POV

I was seated beside my husband at the table where the interviewer was, but neither of them, the interviewer and my fans, that is, knew of that. I sat back my seat, awaiting the interviewer's questions. "Mr. Mell." I didn't correct him, but Connor and I had joined our surnames. And plus they didn't know... yet. "I'm sure you're aware of the overnight success of your debut title, Apocalypse of The Damned 2, the anticipated sequel to the predecessor."

"Believe me," I answered. "I know, I've read the reviews." I glanced over to Connor, he was smiling at me.

"It says here that it really does resemble the original game and could be considered a sequel if made by the same developer not a different one as you are.  So, if you have time, would you like to answer some of the fans' burning questions?" He asked me and I nodded. "Perfect. Okay first one: Was it difficult to make it seem like it could be a plausible sequel?"

"Not really," I said, shrugging. "I mean, my friend and I were stuck on a level for like, months, of the original, so I guess I could say I knew the original well. But that's the thing. Also I did put a few Easter eggs to the original in it, so."

"Ah, yes. On the topic of the 'Easter eggs'..." Connor looked at me, his expression was one of  'this is it'. I nodded at him before turning back to the interviewer. There was a confused mumble from the gathered crowd. "There were a few that they wanted to know about.."

Connor was right, this was it. They wanted to know why there is a random proposal message hidden in the code. That, among others of course. Connor and I shared a look. "Is it the proposal message?" I asked, causing a silence to fall, as if they didn't expect me to say that.

"Well, yes," the interviewer said, blinking, as a picture of said 'Easter egg' appeared behind him. I sighed at it, remembering the day....

"Connor do you want to try out a demo of that game I've been working on?" I had asked. He turned around.

"Let me finish making us breakfast," he replied, smiling. I had smiled back. He didn't know what exactly was in that demo.

"Okay," I said, going to set it up. When Connor finished, I led him to the room where I had set it up. Connor sat down in the seat. He started playing the demo.

"You seem excited, what's up?"

"Oh nothing," I had assured. I watched him go through the levels until he came to the special room. I had felt my gaze soften. His eyes had widened when he saw the message: You're the guy I'm so kinda into, will you marry me? Connor then leapt at me and showered me with kisses causing us both to fall on the couch.

"Um, Mr. Mell?" The interviewer asked. I blinked.

"Oh sorry," I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah. You were saying?" He sighed.

"So we all know you've been dating someone," he began. "And then they found this message... but you haven't said anything else on the matter. They're itching to hear more about it."

"Well okay," I said, face heating up. "Yes, it was how I proposed to my boyfriend. He said yes, if you wanted to know." I turned to face Connor, taking his hand. "And I think it's time I told you who it was, since you're all tripping over yourselves to know..."

"So, you're gonna finally let us know who this mystery guy is?" I looked at Connor.

"You guys see my plus one here?" I asked the crowd. "The actor Connor Murphy?" The crowd whispered among themselves.

"Well we do," said a small voice from the crowd. I assumed they were embarrassed that they were the one chosen to say that. I flashed them a smile.

"Well, you've waited long enough," I said raising my voice like an announcer. "My beloved fans, if you had theories that my secret boyfriend was Connor Murphy..." The chatter died, and the audience waited with baited breath.

"Don't you mean husband?" Connor asked, winking and revealing it for me. The crowd started squealing excitedly. I swear I saw some faint.

"Yeah, of course," I answered, causing the crowd to squeal more at my confirmation. It caused Connor and I to laugh. "Well, you were correct," I giggled. "They did freak."

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