From Japan - CyJax

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Hah!! An au! Yay! Okay, so Jaxon is a prince (?) Or just a royal boi who's hella well known, and he's transfers to a school on the same day as Circles.

Circles, on the other hand, is from Japan. Circles speaks English well, and is a gentle, and nice boy.

And Jaxon notices him (of all people) and some girls start being mean toward Circles calling him names and shit, and Jaxon becomes his friend and then eventually something more.

Also, these are my ocs. Y'all can use them? And like... Write shit about them. (I'd really enjoy that actually-) but like. Pls credit me? :)

Genre; Fluff
Warnings; some bullying, and just a poor bean getting hurt


"Okay, class, we have two new transfer students." The science teacher says, smiling softly.

The students murmur to themselves, asking themselves if they'll be cool or fucking lame.

The two new boys walk into the class. The teacher smiles, standing between them.

The students gasp, as the recognize one of the boys to be that famous Royal dude who just moved to New Jersey.

The teacher gestures toward him, and he smiled. "This is Jaxon. He moved here from England" (Oooo cliche)

She gestures towards the other boy, who smiled softly, but nervously. "This is Circles. He came from Japan. We're so happy that these two will be joining the school, please make them feel welcome."

She points to the back of the class, where there were two open desks for them, next to each other.

Everyone in the class watched as Jaxon moved to the back. Circles went to the back as well, taking the desk next to Jaxon.

A few months passed, and everyone in the school seemed to love Jaxon. Many people followed him almost everywhere.

Circles, of course, was one of the people who genuinely liked Jaxon.

He didn't like him because he was famous, or royal. He liked him because he thought he was a nice person. He thought he was great.

Three girls (who were probably the most obsessed with Jaxon) didn't want this. They realized how sensitive, and sweet, and.. weak Circles was.

He wasn't a crazed fan. He wouldn't fight back.

Circles knew they hated him.

But he didn't know why? He knew Jaxon would never focus on him when those three exist.

The first one, Scarlett, was a tall, blonde, stuck up girl. Definitely the leader. She was also the most popular girl, and she usually got everything she wanted.

The second, Caroline, was the black haired, stuck up, know it all bitch. She talked back to Scarlett constantly, and she was off and on in the group of three.

The third, Skylar, was definitely the nicer of the three. Which was still pretty stuck up and bitchey. She had red hair and was decently tall.

So Circles was definitely confused on why they could possibly hate a quiet, background person. Someone in the shadows.

Plus, Jaxon was probably straight. Why would they hate him?

But, oh well. They hated him either way.

Circles was alone, in the hallway, at his locker. Right now, his classes were stressing him out, and with the extra stress from bullying, he needed a break.

But of course, those three girls approached him.

"Sup, slut."

Circles turned immediately.

"Drooling over Jaxon again?" Scarlett spoke, snickering.

"Isn't that.. usually you?" He tries to shoot back, but just ended up mumbling.

"Excuse me, what did you just fucking say?" Scarlett gestured for Caroline and Skylar to grab him.

Circles eyes widened a bit, and he tried to get out of their grasp. They'd never physically hurt him before, they just shook him up a few times.. all the time..

"All I'm trying to get through your head, is that you're going to stay away from Jaxon."

The grip the other girls had on Circles arms was getting tighter. Circles whined a bit from the pain, as their nails dug into his skin.

"It's not like Jaxon even likes me anyways! I'm barely visible! He's always watching you bitches!" Circles gasped. 

'Welp, I'm screwed.'

Scarlett grabbed Circles by the front of his shirt, and punched him quickly.

Circles squealed a bit, trying to push her away. "L-Leave me alone! I-I didn't mean to say that!"

"But you thought it! Which is why you accidentally said it!" She hit him again, before throwing him to the ground.

The girls scoffed, and walked off.

Circles groaned, reaching up and feeling his nose, realizing it was bleeding now. He shakily got up, leaning against the lockers for support.

He felt tears form in his eyes. He shouldn't have transferred. He really thought it would be better than the old school. He thought he'd escape..

Circles headed to the bathroom, trying to stop the bleeding. 

He looked in the mirror, has hands on the sink, shaking. He finally felt the tears roll down his face, as he sobbed.

Right now, he didn't care if people walked in on him. Right now, he was in pain, and he couldn't stop it at the moment.

After a couple minutes, someone eventually did walk in. Circles didn't notice.

"Holy shit!"

Circles gasped, as someone turned him around. It wasn't just anyone either. It was Jaxon.

Jaxon study him for a second, before grabbing some paper towels, and cleaning off his face.

After about 5 minutes, Circles face was completely clean and he already felt a bit better.

The two stared at each other for a second, before Jaxon spoke.

"Circles, right?"

Holy shit.

Jaxon knew him.

"You uh.. Transferred here the same day I did.. You're in almost all my classes.."

"Oh, uh.. Yeah, I'm Circles.. Sorry, I just didn't think you knew me.." He mumbled, scratching his arm lightly.

"Oh. Well... I'm Jaxon. Though, you probably know that.. Everyone does."

Circles smiled.

"So.. I wanted to ask.. Why did you transfer here? I mean... From England?" Circles asked.

Jaxon smiled. "I wanted a change of pace, you know? I told my mom's that I didn't really want to be treated like Royalty anymore... Soooo... I moved here. And I mean, I still do. Sometimes. But.. I like it better."

Jaxon laughed lightly.

"Plus, I wanted to express myself a bit more." Jaxon opens his jacket, revealing a pansexual pride pin.

Circles looked at him, and smiled. "Cool.."

"So... I do see you often, and such... And I don't have many real friends.. And you seem genuine, and nice... So.. Care to be my friend?"

Circles nodded quickly, smiling more.

"I'd love that, Jaxon."


A couple months later, and everything had gotten a little better.

Circles was getting bullied a lot less now, since Jaxon knew who the main bullies were, and he'd often yell at them. And they always listen to him.

Circles' crush on Jaxon only increased once he realized he was right about Jaxon being a nice, caring, and gentle person.

Jaxon started gaining a crush on Circles too. Circles was the only person who really cared about Jaxon for who he was inside.

Jaxon appreciated that.

"Cy?" Jaxon said, as he approached Circles at lunch.

Circles moved a bit allowing Jaxon to sit next to him. "What's up, Jaxxy?"

Jaxon smiles. "So.. I was exploring some stuff on-"

Circles zoned out, staring at Jaxons face. He studied his features.

He brown hair, his orange eyes, his really nice coat...

And his soft looking lips-


"Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu..." Circles mumbles, looking at Jaxon.

Jason's eyes widened, and he blinked a couple times. "What?"

"Uhmm... It's Japanese.." Circles scratched his neck.



The next day, Circles walked into school, looking for Jaxon.

He spotted him, and waved, as Jaxon started running over.

"So, Ja-"

Jaxon cut him off, by leaning down and kissing Circles cheek quickly.

"Watashi mo anata o aishitemasu."

Circles blushed brightly, as Jaxon walked off.

Circles stood there, completely flustered.

After a few hours, Circles was in the bathroom, attempting to fix his messy as frick hair.

When of course, Jaxon walked in.

"Oh, hey Jax-"

Jaxon pushed Circles up against the wall, kissing him passionately.

Circles almost immediately kissed back, and moved his hands ups to Jaxon's hair.

Jaxon pulled away, looking Circles in the eyes.

"I meant what I said, Cy.. Watashi mo anata o aishitemasu. I love you too.."

"I-I d-didnt know you c-could understand Japanese..."

Jaxon laughed. "I can. I started taking it a couple years ago. It seemed interesting."

Circles smiled, blushing softly.

"So... W-what does.. This make us?"

"Well," Jaxon starts. "I'd like you to be my boyfriend... If... You're okay with that?"

Circles nodded quickly. "Yes! I.. I'd love that!"

Jaxon laughed, pulling Circles close and kissing him again.

"Fuck yeah! I have a boyfriend now!"

Circles laughed, hiding Jaxon close. "Hell yeah you do..."

The two remained in the large bathroom stall for the rest of the day, laughing, cuddling and kissing, talking about life and shit like that.

Eventually someone caught them, (no one opened the door, they just knocked and called them out-) and Jaxon and Circles immediately ran out of the bathroom, laughing.

They ended up getting in trouble, and they had to have detention for the next few days. (Since not only were they skipping, but they were kissing and shit in a stall together-)

But, no one showed up on the third day, so they...


That's a story for another day-


Oh yes.

This ship makes me really happy.

I love them.

Lemme know if you want a part 2? (I lowkey wanna write a smut for these two.. Despite Circles' complete innocent self.)

But uh...

Yeah, I'm probably writing a second part...

Also, sorry for the ending. I didn't know what to do?

So I made it super gay.

Also, my Japanese is probably hella off, bc I used Google Translate-

Okay, ima go to bed bc my poor pained self desperately needs sleep.

And she needs to do homework.



OKAY I hope you enjoyed :)

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