Gravestone collector - Connor x reader

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This is based on a dream I had recently

Genre; fluff, angst (mostly angst but I'll add as much fluff as I can)
Warnings; death, angst

Enjoy...? Dontkillme


You walked down the hallway, Connors hand in yours.

You'd been best friends for years, but you just started hanging with him more.

You had told him you were sick of him shutting you out, and that you cared. And so, he told you he'd try harder to be with you more.

Once you walked into class, the teacher shut the door, giving the whole class a very serious look.

She was a cool teacher, and was barely serious. So something was up.

"Listen, class.." She started. "There has been some news lately... Basically, there's a very dangerous killer on the loose... The FBI is involved."

Your eyes widened, and you squeezed Connors hands tightly. He squeezed back.

"For everyone's safety, I want you all home before dark.. I know you're young, and rebels, but this is very, very, serious."

The class was silent.

"Now... Let's start class, shall we?"

Your head fell onto Connors shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around your waist comfortingly.

You blushed, due to your ever growing crush on the edgy male.

You figured he probably didn't like you, despite the fact your the only one he ever opened up to.

You never talked about crushes though.

And thank God, because you'd never be able to think of anyone to say instead of him.

There was Evan and Jared, but they were together and you shipped them so much you couldn't bring yourself to risk ruining it.

Zoe was Connors sister, and he may try to get you both together. So. Nope.

You weren't paying attention to the class, you were just sketching. Connor was watching.

You decided to draw him, since he was there. You kept looking at his face, taking in his features.

"Whatcha doing?" He whispered with a confused smile.

"I'm drawing you, stupid."

"Ah." He gave a small nod. You continued drawing until the class ended.

After a few classes, you and Connor met up with Jared and Evan at lunch.

"You guys hear about the killer?" Jared asked. You all nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going to (y/n)'s tonight because she's a pussy."

"Oi! You asked if you could stay because you were worried something happened!"

Jared laughed.

"Maybe it's best to stay with someone over the weekend. I'll probably be staying with Evan."

"I think Zoe is going to Alanas." Connor said. "I still can't believe there's an actual killer here though."

You nodded.

"It's a usually quiet town for the most part, I don't understand why someone would attack here."

Jared took out his phone.

"According to the news, he's... Stealing gravestones..." He said, confused.

"The hell? Lemme see." He handed you the phone. There were pictures of holes, we're gravestones used to be, and other pictures of the gravestones by the bodies of the victims.


"T-this is... A-actually terrifying." Evan said, grabbing Jared's hand.

"Daw, don't worry, Evy, I'll keep you safe." Jared said, hugging him gently, planting kisses all over his face. Evan giggled.


The bell rang, and you all said good byes, before heading to your classes.


You waited outside the school for Connor, and once he finally found you, he ran over.

"Sup, Connie."

"Hey loser." He grabbed your hand, and you started walking home.

"I think I'd rather get home before dark.." You mumbled.


You both walked in a comfortable silence, enjoying the warmth of each other's hands.

Once you reached your house, you unlocked the door and you headed inside.

You sat down with Connor on the couch after putting all your stuff away.

"How long do you think it'll be before they catch him?" You asked.

He thought a moment. "Hopefully not long. I think they have some hella good FBI agents from Quantico Virginia. BAU."

"Sounds safe." You smiled, pouncing on Connor.

"Gah! (N/n), no, get offfff!" He smiled, laughing a bit. You cuddled into his chest.

"Nah, you make me feel safe."

"That's good to hear..." He kissed your head, and you both fell into another comfortable silence.

"Connor, if you like someone... How do you know they like you back?" He chuckled.

"You're asking me for love advice? (Y/n), you've got the wrong guy." He raised his arms, closing his eyes.

"But" He snapped his eyes open, catching yours in a soft gaze. "You could always make a move, and see how they react."

"What if they hate me?"

"Well... Then that's their fault.. Not yours." You nodded, thinking about what to do. "Why?" You blushed.

"No reason."

"Awww does little (y/n) have her eyes on someone?~" You blushed more and giggled.

"Connniiiiee~" You pushed his face, and he licked your fingers, winking at you. "Bitch."

He laughed.

Deciding to end his reign of confidence, you leaned in, pressing your lips to his. You hesitated doing it, but you finally brought yourself to do it.

He tensed, before grabbing the back of your head and kissing back.

You pulled away, sitting up. "Ah, shit... I-I didn't expect you to kiss back.." You blushed, scratching the back of your neck.

"So..." He started.

"So?" You asked, looking away.

"So I assume you like me... Unless you dont?" He cocked an eyebrow at you with a small smirk.

"I-I er..."

"Well I mean, if you like me, then I can finally say I like you back." He sat up, and held your hand gently.

"Connor... I-I... I do like you, a lot..." You gave him a sheepish smile.

He chuckled. "Well, cmon... Let's sleep? Or something?

You nodded. "Yeah, let's sleep" You got up, and started pulling him to your room and onto your bed. You smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist and snuggling yourself into his chest.

He held you softly, burying his face into the crook of your neck.

He mumbled sweet nothings to you, and you eventually fell asleep in his arms.


A few months later, the whole serial killer thing died down. Apparently, he decided not to stay in the town, since he was close to getting caught.

So he started killing in New Jersey.

But eventually he just. Stopped, and disappeared.

You sat with your boyfriend and your friends, discussing some things.

Connor looked over to you. "Hey, (y/n).. Wanna go to the park after school?" You smiled.

"Fuck yes."

"Ew you guys are so straight." Jared says, rolling his eyes. You laughed. "And you and Evan are gay, now we're even."

"You may be even, but I'm Evan." Evan says giggling a bit.

"Dude... You need to protect that cinnamon roll forever..." You told Jared, staring into his eyes seriously. He laughed.

"Don't worry, my bean will be safe with me."

~After School~

"Hey, (y/n)? I have some things to do. I'll pick you up a little later and we'll go to the park." You nodded, pulling his face down and kissing him quickly. He smiled.

"Okay, Connie." He grabbed your hand, and walked you home, before he walked home himself.

~A lil later~

You heard a knock on the door, and when you opened it, Connor immediately picked you up and started kissing your face.

You laughed. "Connie~"

"Cmon, let's go to the park now."

He grabbed your hand and you started walking to the park.

You and Connor loved going to the park at night, but haven't in a while.

Once you got there, you and Connor sat on the swings laughing and talking.

Eventually, you had just started walking around, talking about life and other stuff. Just enjoying each other's company.

That is until someone had jumped at you guys.

You let out a small screech, and you held Connors hand tightly. The guy who had jumped out had a black outfit on, completely covering his face.

Connor squeezed your hand. He stepped in front of you, about to say something when you noticed something.

By the bush the man had oh so subtly jumped out of, there was a large piece of stone.

You gasped. "Connor, it's the graveston-"

You heard a bang, and Connor fell to the ground.

"Connor!" You covered your mouth, and then ran off, hiding somewhere before the man could follow. You still had a good view of him and Connor on the ground.

You took out your phone and dialed 911.

You explained what happened through tears. The operator was actually really urgent, considering the gravestone killer had come back.

Speaking of him, he had disappeared, probably knowing you called 911. That didn't stop him from placing a gravestone by Connor's limp body.

You ran over to him, trying to stop the bleeding from where the gunshot was.

"C-Connor, fuck, I'm sorry." Tears fell from your eyes, as you bit your lip.

He tried to smile at you, as he held your face with his hand.

You sat that way for a minute or two, before his hand fell, and his breathing stopped.

You let out a sob, shaking as you sat by Connor on your knees.

Once the ambulance and police got there, they took you in for questioning, and then took you home.

They only thing you did for the next few days, was cry.

You didn't talk to anyone.

You also found out that the day after Connors death, they had caught the killer.

The day after your best friend and boyfriend died right in front of you.

You attended Connors funeral, but refused to talk to anyone.


You walked into school, about 2 weeks after Connors death.

Evan saw you and ran up to you.

"Hey... How are you holding up?" You sighed.

"Not good.." Evan frowned, and patted your back. You flinched at the touch.

"I'm sorry (y/n)..."

The rest of the day consisted of people apologizing, and you catching up on work.

Every day that passed, you died a little bit more on the inside.

Everyday you visited Connor grave, and were constantly reminded of how he died, and how you couldn't save him.

Evan and Jared made life better, but nothing ever healed the pain.

You loved Connor, and Connor loved you. But the universe had other plans.

and universe succeeded.


Dude I'm so sorry, I lowkey started crying while writing it.

And I woke up crying when I had this dream.

It was sad as shit.


The original dream, Connor and I were FBI agents AND we were in school? And Emily Prentiss and Reid were there-

It was weird and he died so suddenly, and it was so sad--

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