Hot - JereSquip

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Genre; fluff
Warnings; none, I think.
Request; DearSofu_Hansen


Edit; it keeps breaking??????


Jeremy held his head, as his Squip took physical mode. He had just gotten a new update, and he wanted to show it to Jeremy.

"Whoa..." Jeremy stared. Squips blue aura and semi blue skin were gone. He had a bright blue shirt, and black jacket on, instead of his trenchcoat. (Autocorrect; ya mean French fries? Me: ..... No. What the hELL-)

"What did you.. Do?" Jeremy asked, reaching out and touching his arm. Squip turned his face away a bit.

"I have put myself in my... Physical form. Now everyone can see me, and I can.. Touch you... For real, though." Jeremy blushed.

"Can you still read my thoughts?"

Squip thought a second, and decided. This is a perfect way for me to find out his secrets >:3

"No, actually. Not in this form."

Jeremy thought a moment. "Okay, just... Asking." Squip chuckled.

Jeremy bit his lip and blushed a bit.

Squip didn't know what to say.

He glitched a bit.

"Well, Jeremy... Wanna go out and do shit? Like, maybe frozen yogurt?" Jeremy smiled.

"Hell yeah, man!" He grabbed Squips hand, running out of the house and to his car. They got in, and Jeremy started driving to Pinkberry.

"So.... How do I look by the way? Since, y'know, I just got this update and no one has ever given me feedback on... How I look.." Squip scratched the back of his neck.

Jeremy smiled. "You look fantastic, Squippy."

Squip smirked, and cocked an eyebrow. "Squippy?"

"Well, I felt you should have a nickname, I don't know.. You don't like it? Should I not call you that?" Jeremy got nervous, biting his lip.

"No no, it's fine. You can call me that... I just didn't expect it. I don't usually get treated as an equal being... Especially after all I did."

Jeremy smiled a bit. "Squippy, you're fine. It was a... Mistake. Sure, I was so hurt I wanted to die, but I know how shit like that feels. I didn't want you to be... Hurt."

"You are... Something else, Heere." Squip fumbled with his hands.

"Oh look. We made it!"

They got out of the car, entering the frozen yogurt shop.

"What flavor you getting?" Squip thought a second.

"What do you recommend? I've never had this before..."

Jeremy gasped. "What?!"

"What do you expect? I've had my abilities abused by many people who never cared about me. You think I had time to eat frozen yogurt? Or... Eat in general?"

"You should have told meeee!"


Jeremy ended up buying a shit ton of frozen yogurt for Squip.

They stumbled out of the store laughing their asses off.

"Damn, Squip... Eating it that fast is obviously going to give you a brain freeze, dumbass!"

"I didn't... Actually... Think... It'd... Hurt that...Bad!" Squip said in between laughter.

"Cmon, let's go home, it's late. We were there for too long..." Squip smiled, after calming his laughter down.

"Yeah, yeah... Cmon Jere."

They got back in the car, and Squip leaned his head on the window.

"It's so pretty... I like sun sets."

"That's adorable." Jeremy says, driving.

"Shut up..." Squip had a day dreamy look on his face, as he watched the world zoom by quickly.

Once they got home, Jeremy flopped onto his bed, yawning.

Squip chuckled, leaning against the wall with a cheesy look on his face.

'Surprisingly, he's really fucking hot... I can't believe I never noticed it.'

"Jeremy, you really should sleep. You have school tomorrow."

Squips face was bright blue, from Jeremy's thoughts.

Jeremy smiled.

"Night Squippy."

"Good night, slugger."

Once Squip was positive that Jeremy was sleeping, he squealed a bit.

"Oh my god, he thinks I'm hot!" He said, falling to the floor with a goody smile on his face.

"You lied to me!" Squip snapped his head over, and saw Jeremy with a bright red blush on his face, and a nervous look.

"You can read my mind still! Asshole!" He threw a pillow at Squip.

Squip sighed, going over to Jeremy's bed and sitting down.

"For what it's worth, you're pretty damn hot yourself."

Jeremy's face just got redder.

'That's a hell of a thing to hear from the person you've been crushing in for a while.'

'I can read your thoughts, Jerry.'


Squip grabbed Jeremy's chin, pulling his face up and connecting their lips gently. Jeremy leaned into the kiss, closing his eyes and placing a hand on Squips chest.

Once they pulled away, Squip smiled.

"I actually really like you, Jeremy... It's unprofessional, I know, but I really do..."

"Shut up. I don't care about the professionalism... Fucking kiss me, because you're amazing at it.." Jeremy whispered, connecting their lips again.

Squip ran his fingers through Jeremy's hair, and Jeremy let out a soft groan. Squip pulled away, a love struck look on his face.

"As much as I wanna continue, you have school tomorrow..."

"Sleep with me..?" Jeremy asked nervously. Squip smiled.

"Of course.."

Squip wiggled himself under the blankets with Jeremy, cuddling him gently.

"I love you, Squip."

"Love you too, Jere."


Re uploaded!!!

Next chapter probs will be either JereSquip or Sincerely three.


I keep forgetting to say this, smh


I don't know much about the characters, but fuck you.

I'll probably fuck it all up

*needs to listen to the whole soundtrack.*

Welp, that's all!!

Good bye.

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