A Lot Like Love - Part 5

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Vikram looked around for uptenth time.Wet his lips and felt his throat dry as he kept glancing at greenery around.His own garden area which were adorned with love by him only.Wearing loose white shirt and baggy pants he kept fixing his glasses which looked like weird frame. No one would say that he is same persona who comes larger than life on screen for fans.

It was bad idea indeed.If only he didnt had to listen to his friends who planned this.When Nikhil was planning a candle light dinner date Mani refused at very moment.Saving Vikram and by no means he would prefer him getting close to Sakshi.He ended up here with her taking view of his garden calling it date maybe.

"Do you like gardening?"

He was almost sleeping when heard her voice.She saw that and he felt embarrased as they walked deeper into beautiful area covered with lush and greenery.Sakshi smiled seeing him.From no angle he looked or behaved like big star he was.Be it his behavior or mannerisms it gave her good impression only.She was surprised for moment when Vikram spoke to her about having talk.Though she agreed she kept on glancing back at house.Leaving her baby alone for moment makes her uneasy.Vikram noticed that.

V-" Dont worry.He is in safe hands.Nikhil loves kids and he seems happy with him."

She gave smile and they kept walking.Till she broke silence again.

S-"So.You love gardening?This is beautiful place."

V-"It is indeed.This has been my interest since I was kid.With my father I used to take care of plants.And seeing them around growing up.I never feel this close or familiar.A serene feeling with anything else.This place helps me to breathe."

Sakshi looked at smile that came on his face.It was pure just like his personality.As he looked back at her she moved her face.

S-"Nice.Wasnt expecting such words from you.I thought superstars have different life.High society types."

He laughed it off seeing her touching a flower in tree.It just bloomed.

V-"We are humans too.We can live life in our own way too.Its just people need to change their views about us."

S-"Views and mindset.Even if you say so some people can never change their way of thinking.For them society and family values.Repuation are much more important than own people."

He frowned sensing her words had some other meaning.She came out of her trance and adjusted her stole.The light breeze touched her face.Making her hair fly and she closed her eyes feeling the calmness.

Vikram was staring at her.The view looked soothing to him.He has worked with so many beautiful ladies on screen.Some even tried to be friendly with them or more than that expected.But he never found interest or none of personalities attracted him.There was something about this girl.Which pulled him towards her from beginning.The loud thunder got him back.It will rain soon.

Sakshi smile widened and she tried to touch droplets of rain.Vikram found it cute.She eyed him asking what and he shook his head.

V-"Sakshi.Can I ask you something.And expect truth."

S-"I have been saying truth only.But you wouldnt believe."

Her eyes shined and he looked down as they started walking again in grass which was little wet now.

V-"Even if I believed now something happened between us.At one point.And this baby is.Ours.What next.Do you expect?From me?Or us."

She stopped walking and stood like that.Taking deep breathe looked at him.Her eyes had calmness which he couldnt defy.

S-"If I say what my heart wishes.Will you be able to stand to that?"

He didnt meet her eyes and she knew he wasnt willing to take any step.Her heart had hopes but every time she would see him.He had fear or guilt.

V-"There are times when we need to keep few things in life above our wishes and desires.For our own peoples sake."

Sakshi laughed making him stare at him.She could see sky getting darker.

S-"Just like how you are doing I believe."


S-"Have you ever lived life for your own sake.Even for some minutes.Without any bindings.Or inhibitions just give some time for yourself.Life is precious.Only then you can feel it.Even small things matter to us so much.But we keep running after big ambitions in life.Which fail us.At end we have nothing for us.Except regrets."

V-"Why did you keep baby?I mean.You had choice.You didnt even knew me like you said."

S-"Because thats how I prefer to live my life.Do what I like and prefer.I could have had different life but.Moment I started feeling life connected to me.I made promise.To never leave his side."

Her words as if silenced Vikram.He didnt knew what to say next or ask her.Deep inside he was fighting within himself.If to believe whatever was happening.He felt confused.Right then rain started pouring and he felt his glasses blurred.Taking them out he found most beautiful sight in front of him.She let rains touch her face getting drenched with smile on face.A calm smile and she looked happy.He wished if moment could stop there.

Mani was walking restlessly in room.Checking time again and again.trying to have look at garden area.Goswami came grinning.

G-"Sir if you worry this much.Your hairs will go all grey."

M-"Shut up Goswami.Go and see whats taking Nikhil so wrong.I called him to solve this mess.And he is doing something else only.Sending Vikram on date with her.And now.Dont know what he is doing."

Nikhil came humming song checking his phone casually.He patted Mani on back and gave smile.

M-"Where have you been.Do you know time.For how long those two have been together."

N-"thats cool.Right."

M-"Nikhil.I cant take this anymore.What are you even planning.Did you do what we planned or you forgot.Listen I."

N-"I know my job well brother.Goswami take this."

He handed him a small packet sealed with few hairs inside.Goswani took it carefully.Mani tried to have look at it.

N-"This will solve all problems at once.I believe so.As this will prove if Vikram is father of this child.Once we get reports."

He winked at Mani who could finally take breath of relief.Thunder bolted loudly and they saw Vikram and Sakshi getting inside house together with smile on face.Vikram looked different.Nikhil smirked while Mani kept hand on his heart.

It was same evening Vikram felt lazy to read any script or think about work.Music or movies nothing seemed of interest to him.Mani was sleeping too.He came out of his room seeing sky turning into beautiful shade color after rain.Wind was soothing.Smile vanished from his face as he found them talking.

He felt little tug at his heart seeing them together.He didnt knew why.Nikhil and Sakshi were in garden.He was explaining her something about plants.She was smiling at him.Nikhil being flirt he was Vikram could see same looks from him for Sakshi.He frowned not taking this in good way.A sense of jealousy triggered him.He wanted to go and stop them.When heard his phone.Myra was calling.He shut his eyes and cut call.Hearing buzz again he switched off his phone this time.Kept looking at them from distance.It disturbed him.It did.

Dinner was served.Mani woke up after good nap and sat on dinner table along with others.Vikram looked little down.Nikhil  came waving at him.The aroma of food took them in different frenzy as cook came and announce todays dinner was prepared by Sakshi.

Mani saw food and couldnt wait to relish it.Seeing Sakshi coming he averted his gaze and tried to give stern look.Sakshi smiled and kept all dishes on table.Being helped by Goswami and Nikhil.Vikram did noticed that.

N-"Till now I heard about beauty with brains.But beauty with skills must say."

S-"I shall take this as compliment.But not before you taste the food.I love cooking and been days away from cooking so.Thought to make something today.Thanks to them who helped me alot."

She smiled at helpers in kitchen area along with Vikrams chef.Who was also fan of Sakshi now.Mani and Vikram didnt fail to notice how in such short time they all admire Sakshi and respected her.

Mani started eating filling his plate with biriyani.As he couldnt wait any longer.Nikhil and others tasted food as well and their faces said it.How delicious and scrumptious was meal.It was only Vikram who was not eating.Sakshi noticed that.

S-"Why are you not eating?"

Mani interrupted before Sakshi could fill his plate.

M-"Oh he cant eat all this.He is on strict diet.Hey bring his food."

Sakshis face fell for second which didnt go unnoticed by Vikram.He saw Nikhil having food and asking for more.Which made her smile.It just burned him.Without giving thoughts he filled his plate full with biriyani.Startling Mani and others.Started eating.Nikhil laughed enjoying his food.

M-"Vikram.What are you."

V-"Once in while.You can think about your wishes Mani.Relax.I will do extra workout tomorrow."

Vikrams words did not only surprise Mani.But his staff too.Who have never seen him saying or doing like this.Sakshi played with fork on her plate and smiled stealing glance at Vikram.

After dinner the boys sat together for drink.Nikhil was enjoying his drink.Vikram sat in silence having his drink.

N-"If your friend catches me making you drink this.He will throw me right now.Ditching his plans to bring me here."

Vikram smiled knowing how Mani was always conscious about him and his image.be it his health or keeping him sane in this insanely artificial world.He finished drink and asked for one more.

N-"You sure?"

V-"Yes.Never been this sure."

N-"Ohoo.My boy is getting some vibes now."

Both cheered and sat again facing each other.It was raining outside.

N-"You know life is complicated only if we make it.Its all here in our mind.We have solutions for every problem.Just we dont want to go for it."

Both were feeling little heavy with drink.But Vikram continued having.Even for some time he wanted be relived of stress.

V-"Life been never easy for me.Huh.Problems have loved me always."

N-"Girls too loved you.If only you would have loved them back.Man remember that costar of yours.She tried so hard to hit on you.And you were scared to even to romance her on screen.You are something Vikram.I mean.How and why.Try to appreciate beautiful things in life.When they happen to you.Like see Sakshi now.She is beautiful isnt she."

Her name made him stop drinking and he stared at Nikhil.His face said it he was besotted by her.He gave look to his friend who just laughed it off.

V-"Seems like you become fond of her.In this short time."

N-"Who wouldnt.Well you are an exception like I said.She is amazing.Like magic.If it would have been me in your place.I would have accepted everything without doing anything also.I mean she is so hot."

V-"Enough Nikhil."

Vikram just stood up banging glass on table.Which stunned Nikhil.But he had smirk on face.

V-"I think.We should call night.Its late."

N-"Okay okay.Goodnight man."

He patted Vikrams back and left from there feeling difficult to walk.Vikram felt his head heavy too.Closing door he felt suffocated and opened buttons of shirt.Dumping himself on bed.He could still feel rushes in his blood.Hearing Nikhil saying all those words for Sakshi.Why did it matter to him so much.How much does he even know about her.All he knew he wanted to get rid of this problem.Thats it.If these things werent enough to disturb his mind.Mani informed him he has to go to Hyderabad in morning.Myra is coming there and they have to fix dresses for the wedding functions.He laughed sarcastically thinking about word wedding.His wedding.About which he has no excitement.He shut his eyes and fell on bed covering his face with pillow.

It was early hours of morning Vikram stirred in his sleep.He had an uneasy feeling from inside.Tried opening his eyes and sleep again but couldnt do so.He got up restless and washed his face.Checking time he thought to catch some sleep.It was far from his eyes.He opened door of his room and frowned hearing cries of baby.His heart felt something.

He walked to Sakshis room and saw door was open.Baby was crying loudly.Door widened and he could see Sakshi face down trying to calm down baby.He didnt think twice and entered room.Her eyes had tears.He saw Nikhil touching Sakshi shoulder which infuriated him.

N-"Vikram.Good you are here.Baby has high fever not going down.I think we need to go to  doctor.Vikram?"

V-"You could have informed me.First."

Sakshi looked at him and his tone sounded harsh.She tried to say something when Nikhil interrupted.

N-"Its not time for all this.Sakshi hurry up.I will ask Goswami to get car."

V-"No need to go anywhere."

Sakshi picked baby in her arms.Trying to comfort him.She gave stern look to Vikram.

S-"I thought all this while you dont consider him as your own.But at least you have this thing called humanity.To save your reputation you are stopping me to go out.Huh.I wont take that."

N-"Vikram.I will handle this dont worry.He needs medical attention."

Vikram shut his eyes and spoke calmly.He held Sakshis wrist as she walked passed him.The baby wriggled in her arms.Crying as he saw Vikram.

V-"I said no one will go out."

She glared at him feeling shocked with way he was behaving at moment.Even after seeing babys condition.Nikhil was taken back too.What he did next left both Sakshi and Nikhil surprised.Vikram took baby from her who settled comfortably in his arms.Rubbing his face with his tiny palms.He could feel him burning with fever and just hugged him tightly.

He called for Goswami who came all scared with roar of his voice.

V-"Get best doctor here right now."

The sun rose and it was morning now.Doctor came checking on baby.Sakshi was on bed holding tiny hands of little one comforting him.Who wouldnt stop crying.Vikram stood there too along with Nikhil on other side.Goswami and Mani were near door of room.

G-"Sir.I havent seen Vikram sir this angry.Till now in all these years.You should have seen his face.Im telling you.He looked like father."

Mani gave him look which stopped him from speaking further.

D-"Fever will come down in some time.I have given medicine.Lets see how he reacts to that.If it doesnt come down have to hospitalize him."

S-"But he is too small.He will be fine.Right?"

D-"Dont worry.Lets hope for best."

Sakshi kissed her baby and shed tears.Nikhil came from other side.

N-"Sakshi.He will be fine dont worry.You need to be strong to take care of him.Okay."

She gave nod wiping her tears.All this was witnessed by Vikram.Somehow Nikhils closeness with Sakshi wasnt going well with him.Every time it was making him angry.He tried to gain control and before Nikhil could touch baby.He walked to bed and sat there.Startling both sakshi and Nikhil.He took small wet towel and put on babys forehead.He just looked at Sakshi and said nothing.

After sometime only Sakshi and Vikram was there with baby.Sakshi dozed off with her hands patting baby.Vikram was awake seeing carefully babys features and smiling.Little one had some magic.Something which bonded with him and wouldnt leave him.He looked at his tiny fingers and kissed them.

Mani came there asking Vikram to come out.He got up carefully not disturbing Sakshi and little ones sleep.

M-"Vikram I think situation is under control here now.You should start now else wont be able to reach.Myra is already there and waiting for you."

V-"For what?"

He looked back inside room seeing duo on bed.His heart wouldnt allow him to leave them like this.At moment he wanted to be here.

M-"What are you saying.I told you last night.Designers are coming you have to select outfits.For wedding functions.Myra has been calling you from morning.Vikram.Are you avoiding her calls?Vikram?"

He found him engrossed in looking inside room.It didnt give Mani good vibes.He knew Vikram is soft hearted and who wouldnt feel so for baby.But at moment he needs to do what was needful.

M-"They will be fine.Dont worry.Nikhil will handle everything.Goswami will be here too.Lets go."

With mention of Nikhil being here was enough to flare him up.

V-"I said Im not going.I will stay here.And thats my deicision.Cancel the plan or do whatever."

His voice was so loud.It woke up Sakshi and she frowned.Seeing Vikram leaving from there in anger.Mani was too shocked to say a word and giving look to Sakshi he left after Vikram.Sakshi kissed her baby and gave light smile.

S-"I think we are winning baby.He will accept you.Soon."

Mani closed door of room and saw Vikram sitting on bed with his hand on his head.He had headache and adding to that lecture from his friend was irritating him more.

V-"Can we not discuss this Mani.Right now."

M-"What do you think Im doing.Why do I need to remind you of your priorities every time Vikram.right now whats more important.Wedding is around corner and you are showing no interest.Myras father calling me every day and he havent given full nod.To sponsor full budget fo your next project.Your behavior is confusing me.What do you want?"

V-"At moment I want peace.Please allow me."

Nikhil stood there.Mani exchanged baffled look with him.

N-"Vikram I think.Mani is right.You go and handle things there.Im here."

V-"I said I wont go."

M-"And why?Look for humanity sake whatever you could do you did for baby and her.Now dont tell me Vikram you are falling for her tricks.I have been saying she is cunning will trap you.None of you paid heed to my words.See now.Nikhil.Has he ever reacted this way.He is hell bent on ruining everything.For that fraud girl."

V-"enough Mani.Enough."

Nikhil has never seen the friends in heated conversation like this.He held Mani and tried to handle situation.Vikram got up and flared his nostrils.

M-"I was scared of this only.It came true.He is having soft corner for her now.Next she will make him accept baby too."

Vikram shut his eyes and made face.Mani held his heart with his hands and breathed heavily which made Nikhil almost smile.

M-"Nikhil.Try to knock some sense into him.I can see us losing everything.Landing on street.Before that something will happen to me."

Before Vikram could  get to him reaching his frustration levels Nikhil acted as referee stopping both.

N-"Guys.Stop this."

Just then knock came on door and it was Goswami.He handed paper to Nikhil.

G-"Sir.Reports came."

Vikram frowned and Mani got up in second.He looked happy finally they can sort this mess for once and all.

M-"Finally.Nikhil show him the reports and truth of that girl.I knew it.But he wouldnt believe right.He can doubt his own integrity but not.Nikhil?"

Nikhil fixed his glasses and read reports again.He looked at Vikram which didnt give Mani good vibe.He went to him and Vikram took reports from him.

N-"She isnt lying.The baby is yours."


I just hope I have readers for this one.As I worked really hard for this.WIll be waiting for your review and votes.

Thank you :)

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