Let's Become Strangers Again

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Let's become strangers again
Maybe you'd drop a message again,
Or maybe this time you'd type that message
And it'd go into your trash
But either way it's fine.

Let's become strangers again
Maybe you'd smile again,
Scrunch up your eyes
Ask me something
I'd smile, unsure of my reply
And maybe you'd ask my name again.
Or maybe this time,
You'd ignore me
And just move to the next table.
But either way it's fine.

Let's become strangers again
And we'd bump into each other
And give an awkward smile
And then when I run for the lift
You'd hold it for me
Or maybe this time you won't bother
And I'll watch the lift door
Closing, leaving me on the other side.
But either way it's fine.

Let's become strangers again
And maybe you'd accompany me
Back from the library because it's dark
Or maybe this time
You wouldn't stop
You'd walk away faster
Leaving me behind
But either way it's fine.

It's fine if we meet.
It's fine if we don't.
It's fine if we become friends
It's fine if we don't.
But at least let's be strangers again
And then at least we'd have a choice
Have an excuse
Have sonething to look forward to
A mystery, a discovery
Let's forget this relationship
And start anew and maybe this time
I'd be better.

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