Somewhere That I Belong

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There must be
Somewhere that I belong?
Some place where I'm not a misfit
Somewhere that I feel strong

Not the square peg in round hole
Not the girl who's a bore
Someplace, someone who'd
Keep my memories in a safe store

There must be a tiny cove
Where I can squeeze in and stay
Some place warm and cozy
To drive all my fears away

If the open places are not for me,
I'd rather like the darkness
Somewhere that I could hide
Away from all the stress

There must be someone out there,
Someone who'd hear me out
Someone who listens, who cares
Without me needing to shout

Staying inside books
Hiding in my words all day
I've forgotten somedays
The reality in which I stay

But I need to find a safe space
In this reality and not escape
Someone who'd actually glue me together
Rather than fix me with cello tape

I know I'm sharp at the edges
At places oddly broken by strife
I need to me mended somedays
And find where I belong in this life...

I need to find where
I belong in this life...

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