The Wizard 🧙‍♂️ And The Fairy 🧚‍♂️

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The little fairy 🧚‍♂️ was content in herself,
Hiding away from the others' eyes.
In the heart of her little flower 🌷,
The curtainy petals kept her from spies,

From the judgements and comments.
She knew she was different 🥴but,
The world around made her feel at fault🤐.
And so she stayed in her own kernel shut,

A wizard 🧙‍♂️ was passing by on that day,
Fate decided which was to change the story.
He looked at the little objects 🌬️,
Created by the magic of the unknown fairy.

It was imperfectly novice,
Wasn't even near to good at artistic 🎨 flow,
The wizard recognised something maybe,
So he set out to search high and low.

He found her little hiding place,
He knocked at the door and waited🧙‍♂️.
The fairy almost tumbled out of her niche.
"Hi," she whispered with breath baited🧚‍♂️.

He dropped his hat, shook his cloak,
And rubbed his moustache with style😁
Cleared his throat for the umpteenth time,
And said, "I need your help awhile."😎

Rushed in all the comments and jeers,
All the bad memories like confetti 🎊.
"Are you sure I'm the best person to do it?"
Her voice was laced with self doubts and insecurity 😔.

His eyes danced with positivity 🤠,
"If you have confidence in yourself, than yes,"
He continued with more hope☺️,
"I believe you can definitely come up with some good ideas."

And this little thing started a chain,
Of more positivity a unique cascade,
The Wizard mentored the fairy,
And didn't let the little sparks fade.😋

They worked on their little art,
Gathering memories together so deep,
And before soon the mutualism blossomed,
In that little Grove of Friendship. 🤷‍♀️

The Wizard and the Fairy still continue,
Their little bantering, philosophies some,
And forge together a story that will,
Hopefully fill many pages in the days to come. 🖋 📙


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the one and only Mr Wizard cchinu and why I wrote this is just because he thinks I'm a kid and a fairy 🧚‍♂️ 😂 but.... It's more that that

Mr Wizard, you were the one who reached inside my bubble of insecurity and dragged me out to face the world. Though I wrote poems since I was in 6th grade, somewhere since 2017, I lost the rhymes in my writing. They turned graver and graver as life pelted me with dissapointments and rejections from every sphere. After almost 3 years Mr Wizard inspired the rhythms back in my life, the rhythms that I didn't know I was missing.

Positivity didn't come naturally to me until now. At this moment I can safely say at some times that I am happy. Truly happy how much brief that happiness maybe, it's genuine, unlike the pretense I had been so used to putting up. The smile was just like another makeup I had to put on everyday. But now it feels different. All those poems, puns, memes, playlists and the fights, the little tiffs and those moments of philosophical sombreity... Chinmay you instilled hope back in me. The hope that life can be better,the hope that maybe good days are awaiting, the hope that I can make today a good day.

I could say so many more things but I'll end it here because some things better stay unspoken. That keeps the spirit of discovery alive in a friendship.


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