Chapter 1:Gas Boy

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NOTE:I made a lot of mistakes in translating because I'm Vietnamese and not good at English. I hope you can forgive these mistakes

Click... clack... Sigh, there's nothing left in this car. It doesn't even look like a car anymore. There's really no hope for a rusty iron box!

Ah, hello! You might be wondering why I'm dressed like someone from a radiation zone, right? Gas mask and yellow hazmat suit. Actually, my situation is pretty much the same. Let me tell you the whole story, what happened. First, let me introduce myself. My name is... is... I can't remember! It's been a long time since I was called by my name by a normal person. I didn't pay attention to it either, so now I can't remember. My memory is really bad. Oh, maybe I've been beating around the bush because I can't remember my name. So you can call me "Gas Boy". It's a bit of a lame name, but whatever. Now I'll get back to the main point... It must have been about 3 years ago. At that time, I was playing a VR game to kill time. Well, I'm quite good at it, but while I was playing, the car alarm kept going off in the parking lot, making me unable to concentrate. I immediately exited the game, opened the window, and intended to call the car owner to turn off the alarm or chase away the person near the car because the alarm kept going off. But what I saw were hideous creatures, or I could say they were disgusting. Their bodies were covered in fungus, like half-decomposed corpses. Just by looking at them, I immediately recognized that they were zombies, or so I thought. At this moment, many screams interrupted my train of thought. Perhaps those monsters had already infiltrated this apartment building. This apartment building has 5 floors, and I live on the 3rd floor. Not knowing what to do, I heard gunshots outside the hallway. Like a ray of hope, I opened the door ajar. I saw the old hunter who lived next door to my room shooting at the zombies with his shotgun. But when the zombies approached, he immediately fell down and had a seizure. He writhed in pain and then turned into a zombie. I witnessed it all and knew that these creatures could infect their prey at a certain distance without necessarily biting them. While the zombies were not yet approaching me, I quickly returned to the room, grabbed a can of insect spray, matches, and created a simple flamethrower. Hurriedly putting on a mask, I rushed out to the fire escape as fast as possible. The 2nd floor is probably not safe now either, but there is a window in the middle of the staircase. Outside this window is a water pipe that connects from the roof straight down to the yard on the left side of the apartment building. This is where the water pump for the apartment building is located and is fenced on both sides. Although it is not very strong, since no one is there, the zombies probably haven't gone there yet. After a few seconds of thinking, I used the can of insect spray in my hand to break the glass door and climb down the iron pipe. Unexpectedly, there were 2 zombie that heard the sound of the water pipe and rushed over. I was going to jump down because they couldn't get into the place I was going to land anyway, but I suddenly remembered how the hunter died and shuddered. I wasn't sure if this mask could protect me from turning into a zombie, so I decided that when I had just climbed down more than halfway from that position, I jumped over the wall separating the apartment building and a park. Although my body and legs hit the wall, I was still able to cling to the wall and climb over there. Step over the wall and now I'm here. I'm also surprised that I've alive until now. In front of me is a store that I don't think has anything useful left inside for 3 years now. So I'm sure I'm not the first person to be here. But anyway, let's go in, take whatever there is. There's really nothing left here, but there are 3 zombies here that made me have to work hard to give each one an axe. I don't use guns much because I don't have much ammunition and they're quite noisy. Now I only have a Glock pistol on me. Yes, just a pistol I picked up from a police corpse. There are no assault rifles or machine guns like in the zombie movies. Where can you find those things in real life? Learning to use them is already very difficult, so why don't I prioritize finding weapons just to look cool like that? I've met many people looking for guns like that, and I never see them again when they go looking. Even though I just stay there, not going anywhere.

Back to exploring this store. I just killed 3 zombies but haven't found anything yet. Walking around, I found the dried up corpse of a woman lying face down on the floor. I saw that her hands were gesturing as if she was holding something to her chest. My experience tells me that she might be holding something that could be beneficial to me. I slowly turn her over. I hope it's not her child. I start to open her hands and I find a can of canned fish. Maybe before she died, she tried to protect this from the people who rushed in here to find food and water or other necessities. In my place too, all the stores I went through when the pandemic just started had the same situation. I thought that rushing in wouldn't have a chance to get anything, so I didn't go in but would look elsewhere.

And now:

Thank you for protecting this for me. And now, goodbye. - I said.

Then I walked out of the store. Perhaps I talked too much a while ago, no, I should say quite a lot. Let me talk a little more about this epidemic. According to the little information I know, this epidemic is caused by a type of fungus called "Mortuus vivus". For the sake of understanding, I will call it fungus. At first, when it first appeared, it could only spread to rats. Poor people who ate rats and lived in places with many rats were initially unaffected, with only some symptoms of food poisoning. In addition, it could not cause any further harm to humans. But gradually, they mutated into a different type of fungus to adapt to the human body, and then the epidemic broke out. As for how they can infect prey without biting, it is because the fungi emit small fungal cells. Therefore, if you stand near them without a gas mask, you will be infected immediately. That's all I know. Currently, I'm walking on a fairly dilapidated road, passing through abandoned houses. Near the end of the road, I see a house that is good enough to shelter me for tonight. At night, a very aggressive fungal variant will appear, and I don't think I can fight them all off.Entering the house, I find it quite messy, but it's still much better than other houses. There is a corpse sitting on a chair in the middle of the house. Perhaps this person holed up here but died of starvation. So there is probably nothing left to eat in this house. Anyway, I just need a place to hide.Just as I sat down on the sofa, the sound of gunfire rang out. I immediately jumped off the couch, ran to the second floor and blocked the door with a wardrobe. The gunfire continued, but it was getting closer to me. At this point, I could also hear the sound of a truck.Slowly pulling out my pistol, I hid to the right of the window. I don't know what's going on yet, but I know they're getting closer and the zombies will definitely come if they keep shooting like that.After about 10 seconds of waiting, I saw a pickup truck that had lost control and behind it was a truck chasing it. The front truck seemed to have been fitted with a lot of accessories, including a large bumper at the front, trying to knock down obstacles. It's exactly the kind of apocalypse truck I've seen in movies.On the truck were 4 people wearing gas masks with strange shapes like skulls or demons They were hanging on both sides of the truck and continuously firing at the pickup truck in front. This was probably a robbery, as the cargo bed of the pickup truck was loaded with a lot of stuff. I thought this truck must have had its tires shot through, which is why it lost control.At this moment, the pickup truck crashed into the house opposite the one I was hiding in. Smoke and flames billowed, and the bandits behind chased after it. Four gangsters on the side of the truck and a big guy in the cabin got out of the car. I saw one more guy sitting in the driver's seat.I was still there, observing them. On the pickup truck, a man stepped down with a bloody forehead. He put his hands behind his head and knelt down, surrendering.Two more people got out of the car, a boy and a girl about 17 years old. They were unharmed, probably because they were sitting in the back seats (since this pickup truck has 4 seats).While one of them held them at gunpoint, the other three started unloading the cargo from the unfortunate vehicle. The big guy stood by and watched, probably the leader.At this point, even though I knew it was quite dangerous, I still left my hiding place and pushed the wardrobe blocking the door aside. Slowly walking downstairs and out of the house, I secretly approached the bandits' truck.Since the rearview mirror was broken, the driver didn't see me. I successfully climbed into the back of their truck. But then I heard the car door open, maybe the bandit had noticed the movement in the back of the truck.I quickly prepared my knife and hid behind a crate. When the bandit came to check, he climbed onto the back of the truck. As he walked past me, I quickly stabbed him in the back of the neck with the knife. He collapsed and started to turn into a zombie because the knife had been contaminated with a lot of fungal cells when I killed the zombie before.Quickly, I put him back in the truck and fastened his seatbelt. A great victory! He wouldn't go anywhere because he had turned into a zombie, so he wouldn't fall down and would still move. This would make his accomplices think he was still alive.Since he was wearing a gas mask that covered his face, his accomplices wouldn't know he had turned into a zombie.After taking care of the driver, Mr. Thoa, I went back to the truck to get all the necessary supplies. There was a lot of food and water on the truck, as well as a first-aid kit. There was too much to take it all.Suddenly, I found a box of gunpowder on the truck. I had an idea and took a piece of rope and dipped half of it in the gasoline can that was on the truck, leaving the other half dry.I dipped the half of the rope soaked in gasoline into the gunpowder container, and lit the other half with a match. The reason I didn't soak the whole rope in gasoline was because if I did, the speed of the burn could have killed me when I got out of the truck.I didn't understand why I wanted to do this. Maybe it was because the little bit of conscience I had left wanted me to destroy these people. Maybe another part of me wanted to reduce the number of enemies in this already harsh world.After making sure there was no more space in my backpack, I got out of the truck and returned to my hiding place. I started observing again.And I saw that the bandits had loaded the goods from the unfortunate car onto their trailer, and they were pulling it back to their truck. I thought they didn't back up to the pickup truck right away so they could load the goods more quickly because the road where the pickup truck crashed was a dead end. If they went there, it would be difficult to turn the truck around. Meanwhile, where they parked the truck had a turnoff, and they could easily turn there after loading the goods. Or maybe they were just careless. Anyway, they had chosen the best parking spot in this situation. But they didn't expect to meet me. My actions may have inadvertently saved the people who were robbed.Do you wonder why? Because if they didn't kill those 3 people, the zombies who were coming because of the noise would come and do the rest. But don't worry, you'll see in a moment.When they pulled their trailer back to the truck, one of them even tried to take the girl away. I don't think he had any good intentions. But at that time, the boy, who could be the girl's friend or boyfriend, stood up to protect her. The bandit seemed angry, but the leader stopped him. Maybe because there was no more room to carry the girl because the truck bed was already quite full. Not to mention they had to load the goods they had just robbed. And if they took the girl back, it would only cost them more food. Although it may be a little, in this day and age, it's not worth it. If I were them, I wouldn't choose to do that either.But at this moment, the important thing was my bomb. They had started to unload the goods from the truck. One of them who was carrying the goods to the truck ran back to his comrades in horror and shouted:

The trunk is smoking, the trunk is smoking!

As if realizing something, while his comrades were still standing there in shock, the leader ran a few steps away. Then, there was a loud explosion. The cargo bed of the truck was blown to pieces. The front part was also burnt and badly damaged. I don't think his comrades could have survived. Perhaps the only survivor of the explosion was him. Although he was hit by a few pieces of glass, he was still unharmed.But anyway, I had already planned for this. Zombies have poor eyesight, so at night, they rely mainly on sound to locate their prey. As for smell, they can't smell it because the people they attack have a strong smell of blood and rotting corpses. Those two smells overwhelm the faint smell of their prey in the air. That's something I've seen in few movies, maybe because they haven't experienced what a zombie apocalypse is like.To get back to the main point, since they locate their prey at night by sound, they immediately turned from the three unfortunate people who were robbed to the burning car. And of course, they would meet the leader who was just struggling to stand up. When he had just regained his senses, the zombies had surrounded him. He only had time to scream in horror before being torn to pieces by the zombie horde.As for the three people who were robbed, they had asked to stay in the house I was hiding in. As a temporary owner, I had to welcome them, right?

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