𝟷𝟺. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍

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"That bitch is dead!" I said to Scott and stiles while making our way to Derek's loft. "You don't mean that," Scott said to me making me stop in my tracks. "Oh, I do," I said to him. "You're not a killer!" He said to me making me scoff.

"I'm a Mikaelson! I'm Katherine Camille Mikaelson, I'm the Tri-Brid, a witch, werewolf, and vampire I'm the deadliest thing you'd ever meet. So when someone crossed a line they end up dead. They will see the better version of myself." I said to him angrily making Stiles and Scott looked at me with a fully shocked faces.

"So none of you will stop me. Or else you'll be stopped and I don't want that." I said to them before walking away and making my way to the loft. "Hey, Derek," I said hugging him.

"Hey, Katherine. What's going on?" He asked me before I pulled away from him and turned to Scott and Stiles who were standing by the door frame.

"There's a problem," I said looking back at Derek. "What kind of problem?" Derek asked us and I let out a sigh. "Should you guys tell him or should I?" I asked them and they started to walk closer. "Where do we begin?" Scott said to Derek. "From the start," Derek said to us. 'Well, this will end well.' I said to myself.

•~• •~•

"Derek!" I heard Jennifer say while Stiles, Scott, and I stand behind the wall hiding and trying to make sure she doesn't see us. When I heard her voice I felt rage and anger pulsing through my body making me even madder than I was. I felt a hand reach for mine making me look up at Stiles.

"Calm down." He whispered to me making me pull away. "I'm going to calm down when I see that bitch dead," I said walking away and standing next to Scott. "Can you hear them?" I asked feeling stressed about what was going on.

"Yes," Scott said as I started to hear Jennifer talk. "Something happened at the recital. At the school. Okay, I need to tell you before you hear it before you hear any of it from them." Jennifer told Derek.

"From who?" I hear Derek asking her. "Scott, Stiles, Katherine. They're gonna tell you things. Things you can't believe. You have to trust me, okay? You trust me." Jennifer said to Derek making me roll my eyes at her even if she can't see me. "What is it?" Derek asked Her. "Promise you'll listen to me." She asked Derek.

"I promise." He said that he is lying about it. That's when I didn't hear anything else making me go all crazy. "They're already here aren't they?" Jennifer asked him making me leave my spot and stand behind her along with Scott, and Stiles. "Surprise!" I said with a smile on my face as she turned to face us.

"So, they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?" She said making me cross my arm. "No. We told him you're the one killing people. Which is true by the way." I said tilting my head to one side.

"Oh, that's right," Jennifer said letting out a chuckle. "Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Y-yeah, I probably do it during my lunch hour. That way I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." Jennifer said letting out some more chuckles making me roll my eyes.

"Where's my dad?" Stiles with teary eyes. "How should I know?" Jennifer said looking at Stiles before turning to face Derek. "Derek, tell me you don't believe this." She said to him before Derek took a glance at Stiles before looking at her. "Do you know what happened to Stiles's father?" He asked her. "No," Jennifer said shaking her head. "Lie," I said angrily.

"Ask her why she almost killed Lydia." Scott asked her, "Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that." Jennifer said making me scoff. "What do you know?" Derek asked her angrily.

"I know that these boys and girls, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story. And one they can't prove, by the way." Jennifer said looking at us and making me smirk before looking at Scott. "What if we can?" Scott said holding up a jar with a mistletoe.

"What is that?" Jennifer said with a scared voice. "My boss told me it's a poison and a cure, which means you can use it and it can be used against you," Scott said before I saw the look on Jennifer's face. "Mistletoe?" She said before Scott threw it at her as she started to change and change again making me look surprised along with the others.

I hear Jennifer breathing heavily as she looked at Derek before she wanted to run away but I used my powers on her. "Mittent," I said as she was up against the wall I looked straight into her eyes. "Do you think we would let you go that easy? Just throwing you some mistletoe and seeing what you are. No." I said angrily as I started squeezing my hand.

"Wait, wait," Jennifer said pleading for her life. "You need me." She said making me laugh, "as if." I said angrily. "What are you?" Derek asked her. "The only person who can save your sister." She said.

"Call Peter. Call him!" She told him and that's when he reached into his pocket and he started to dial Peter's number and placed it to his ear, "How is she?" I hear Derek saying through the phone.

"Mistletoe." I hear Derek saying to Peter right before he hung up and looked at me which I took as a sign before squeezing my hand and making her breathless. "Katherine, Katherine, what are you doing?" He asked me as I gripped my hand tighter. "What I should've done when I saw her in that classroom," I said to him.

"Her life, it's in my hands!" She said as she let out more grunts. "Katherine. Stop, Katherine, stop!" I hear Stiles pleading with me but I didn't glance at him. "Stilinski, you'll never find him," Jennifer said to Stiles. "There are different ways to find them," I said to her angrily even more. "Katherine," Scott said to me and I focus all on Jennifer trying to block everything and everyone around me,

"Katherine!" I hear Stiles say to make me let out a sigh before letting Jennifer go and she fell to the ground. "That's right," Jennifer said lifting her head. "You need me." She said looking at Derek before looking at us. "All of you." She said making me let out a chuckle.

"That's where your wrong I don't need you. I could've easily killed you. But like they stopped I didn't. If I had the chance I would rip you into shreds. And trust me when everything is over I will." I said to her before bending to her position.

"As if my name is Katherine Camille Mikaelson, I give you my word that I will. And it will be painful," I said with a smile before getting up and standing next to Scott, and Stiles.

•~• •~•

"What's that?" Scott asked stiles making me look at stiles weirdly. "Well, you got claws, and this one can move anything with her mind. I got a bat." He said making me roll my eyes at him and run inside the hospital. "Where are we going?" I asked them.

"To get Cora," Scott said to me. "Scott! Scott!" We heard Scott's mom say from behind making us turn around. "What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating." Melissa said to her son. "We're here for Cora," Scott said making his mom turn to look at us. "What, all of you?" She asked looking at us before looking at stiles.

"Why does Stiles have my bat?" She asked making me look at him, "seriously." I said looking at him as he shrugged his shoulders. "Mom, just trust me on this. You need to get out of here." Scott said to her mother. "Right now." He said to his mom.

"The building is supposed to be clear in 30 minutes. We've got two ambulances that are coming back. One's 10 minutes out, the other's 20. Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage." She said making Scott nod. "Got it. Okay." He said before we all started to walk to the elevator.

"This is going to be a disaster," I said as we all stepped into the elevator. "You don't have to keep me on a leash, Derek. I'm going to help." She said making me roll my eyes. "Yeah, okay. Whatever." I said as she turned to me. "I'm still surprised you haven't turned yet." She said to me making me frown.

"You know." She said as I shook my head. "I don't know?" I said to her. "Becoming a killer just like your father. Sadly, he's gone or he'll be very disappointed in the girl you've been growing up to." She said making me clench my jaw. "You have no idea who my father is or who I am," I said to her angrily. "Klaus Mikaelson." She said making me turn my hand into a fist. "Don't you dare say his name," I said walking closer to her?

"Woah, hey. Calm down." I hear Stiles saying making me look at him before looking at Jennifer who had a smirk on her face. That's when I hear the elevator doors opening. We started to walk out when the lights started to flicker making us look around. "What now?" I said as we stopped making me look at the room where supposedly Cora was at. "Derek." I hear Scott saying when I heard the doors Burt opened and saw Peter on the ground.

"What hell happened to you," I said letting out a giggle. "We got a problem," Peter said before looking up and then forward. "A big problem." He said as I looked seeing the twins formed together. "Yay! More fighting." I said with an annoyed voice as they growl at us. That's when I heard growling coming from Derek as he turned into a werewolf and ran toward them and so did Scott.

"Help me," Stiles said to me as I get his hand around my waist. "Help me," Stiles said to Derek as we ran towards Cora to help her. I turned to look and see Ethan and Aiden holding Scott up against the wall. "Ethan, Aiden, stop!" Scott said to them. "All we want is her." They said still choking Scott. "Stop," I said but they didn't let go so I ran a little closer to them.

"Ventus," I said as they flew across the room letting Scott go. "Are you okay?" I asked him as I help him up. "Yeah." He said to me before I turned to Derek. "She's gone." He said as I looked around and then I spotted her inside the elevator. "Oh," I let out a scoff. "That bitch is dead," I said to them before helping Derek up. "Come on let's go," Stiles said as he helps Cora.

"Let's go before Ethan and Aiden get up," I said but I heard someone clear their throat. "Uh, too late." They said as I turned around and see them looking straight at us. "Run," Scott said and we did we ran until we went through one of the rooms. "Don't stop, don't stop!" Derek said as we passed through the room not looking back. "Stiles!" I heard Derek say making me turn around to look at Stiles who was standing right next to the door where Ethan and Aiden will come through.

"Stiles!" I said as I try to run to him but Derek stop me. Ethan and Aiden stood in front of the door as Stiles took that moment and hit them with the wooden bat making it break. "Stiles," I said as the twins look at him. "Corporis impetu," I said as I attacked them and that's when Scott hit the light making it hit them.

"Let's go now," I said as I grabbed stiles by the hand not letting him go. "Next time don't do anything stupid," I said to him angrily as we stopped at another room where they probably or probably might find us. "Why did we stop?" I asked them. "Where's the big guy?" I hear Peter ask and make them ignore my question. "He's close," Derek said closing the door.

"What about Ms. Blake?" Stiles asked looking at Scott who looked around before looking at stiles again. "What do you mean? What does that mean? Like, she's gone! Scott, are you kidding me?" Stiles said to Scott angrily. "Shh, quiet," Derek said making Stiles look at him.

"Me be quiet! Me, huh? Are you telling me what to do now? When your psychotic, mass-murdering girlfriend, the second one you've dated, by the way, has got my dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed?" Stiles said to Derek angrily. "Stiles, they're still out there," Scott said trying to make stiles not talk.

"And... and they want her, right? Which means now we don't have her either, so my dad and Cora are both dead!" Stiles said before I did something I would regret it and probably make stiles not talk to me. "Silencio," I said making him shut his mouth.

"I'm sorry but we can't let them find us, with you and all that talking," I said as Stiles roll his eyes at me making me regret doing it. "Not yet." I heard Scott saying looking at stiles, Scott walked towards Peter and an unconscious Cora.

"Is she dying?" Scott asked Peter as I looked at stiles who kept ignoring me. "She's not getting any better," Peter said to Scott. "There has to be something that we can do. We have to help her." I said to all of them, and that's when we all heard the door opening as the one and only Jennifer Blake appeared.

"You can't. Only I can. I can save her, and I can tell you where sheriff Stilinski is. But there is a pack of alphas in this hospital who want me dead. So I'll help you, but only when I'm out of here and safe." She said to us making me roll my eyes at her.

"Only then." She said making me scoff. "You know you ask for something you don't even know if we are going to help you or not," I said crossing my arms between my chest. That's when Derek through something out of his way and tries to attack Jennifer.

"Derek, wait!" Scott said to him while holding him up. "She was trying to get out," Derek said pointing his index finger at her angrily. "I was trying to keep from getting killed. You can't blame me for that." Jennifer said to us while I hear Stiles trying to mumble something. That's when I used my magic on him so he won't be muted again,

"if you want to show you're one of the good guys, then heal her," Stiles said pointing towards Cora. "Not until I'm safe." She said shaking her head at us. "I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion. Let's torture her." Peter said to us. "Works for me," Derek said making me agree with them. "I'm down," I said to them with a smile on my face looking at Jennifer, that's when I hear the P.A. System squeak.

"I'm, can I have your attention?" We heard the P.A. Saying, "Mr. Deucalion... excuse me, just Deucalion, request you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have 10 minutes." I heard Melissa's voice before the P.A. Was shut off. "He's not gonna hurt her," Jennifer said.

"Shut up." Derek and I said at the same time. "He won't!" She said to us. "Scott, you know why." Making me look at Scott confused, "tell them it's true." Jennifer said. "What does she mean?" Derek asked Scott. "You're not the only one he wants in his pack," Jennifer said making me frown. "He's not an alpha?" I said confused.

"Deucalion doesn't just want an alpha pack. He wants perfection." Jennifer said to us. "That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks," Jennifer said. "A true Alpha," Peter said making me turn to him. "What's that?" Stiles asked Peter.

"The kind that doesn't have to steal his powers from another. One that can rise by the force of his own will." Peter said before I turned to look at Scott. "Our little Scott." Peter said, "doesn't matter. We still need to get her out of here."

"Scott your mom," Stiles said to Scott while walking closer to us. "My mom said there's one more ambulance coming in 20 minutes. And I don't think we've been here that long, so if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here." Scott said to us.

"The twins aren't gonna let us just walk out," Peter said to us. "I'll distract them," Scott said to Peter and Derek. "You mean to fight them." Derek corrected Scott. "Whatever I have to do," Scott said as I shook my head. "I'll help you," Derek said. "Um, sorry, but I'm not going anywhere with you, Derek," Jennifer said making me let out a sigh.

"I'll do it," I said making Peter look at me. "What are you gonna do use your hands and fly them away?" He said to me making me roll my eyes and let out a chuckle.

"Just because I'm a which doesn't mean I didn't have skills training with a werewolf, vampire hunter," I said to him with a smirk and made him roll his eyes at me. "I'll help too. But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage." Peter said. "An advantage like what? You mean like a weapon?" Stiles asked Peter. "Something better than a baseball bat."

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