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"His eyes were glowing," Scott told Mr. Argent. "There was something almost ritualistic about it. like it was looking right into his soul." Mr. Argent told us as Allison cleaned up his wounds. "That's the same thing it did to me," Isaac informed him.

"That's what it did to everyone." Allison said making me shake my head 'no'. "Not everyone," I told her. "They only came after the werewolves," Scott told Mr. Argent. "And Lydia," Allison told us. "Anyone with the connection to the supernatural." Mr. Argent filled us in.

"Then who was the guy that went after in Japan?" Isaac asked Mr. Argent. "A Kumicho. A yakuza boss." Mr. Argent said.

"It was my first fun deal. I was only 18 and it was supposed to be a simple exchange. Except Gerard left out the minor detail of the buyers being Yakuza. He wanted to see if I could adapt at the moment. Testing my ability to improvise."Mr. Argent said to us.

"Or your ability to survive," Allison told her father. "The moment the sun went down it was like they just materialized out of the shadows. They had swords not surged like Katanas but straight, black steel. Like ninjas." Mr. Argent said. "That's what they had last night," I told him remembering how they took out a sword from their chest.

"What did they want?" Scott asked Mr. Argent. "To get to the Kumicho." He said as he told us the story. "They cut down every living thing in their way." Mr. Argent said. "Did they mark him leks they did to us?" Isaac asked Allison's father.

"Not exactly." Mr. Argent said as he told us how they stab him more than once. "What was he?" Scott asked him.

"I don't know but there might be someone who does. There were a few others who survived that night. One of them was a man named Katashi. They called him a silver finger because of an unusual prosthetic. and it looked like he was getting ready to take them all on himself." Mr. Argent said as he told the story to us.

"I've known for a while Katashi was in the country. I spent yesterday tracking him down." Mr. Argent says as Isaac points towards the wounds he got, "Didn't look like he wanted to be found." Isaac said making me roll my eyes.

"No, shit Sherlock," I said to him. "Not particularly, no." Allison's dad said. "You think he knows what they are? Or what they want?" Scott said as he leaned more towards the desk. "Maybe." Mr. Argent told us. "What if he doesn't want to talk?" Allison said as her father got up from his chair.

"What if he doesn't even remember you," Isaac asked him as he stood in front of a box. "He'll remember this." He said as he turned the box forward to us and opened it revealing a broken mask that looked the same as the ones they wore.

"I know I didn't kill it. I'm not sure you can. But I slowed it down Long enough for us to get out of." Mr. Argent said looking at his daughter. "What was behind the mask?" Scott asked him. "Darkness. Absolute darkness." He told us, "did it have a face?" I told him. "No."


"They just came out of the dark," I told Josie as we walked down the corridors. "I wish I was there." She told me. "No. And thank god you weren't. I tried to use my magic on them but it didn't work." I told her. "So magic doesn't work on those demonic ninjas?" She told me.

"Yep. I guess we are useless." I told Her as I saw Scott with Ethan and Aiden behind him. "Nice bodyguards," I told him. "Hey Katherine, Josie." The twins said as Scott hugged me.

"Okay, one thing first. We need to talk to Stiles and let him know everything that happened last night. Without you." Scott said as I shook my head in agreement.

"No." The twins both said. "Yes." Scott and I said to say the same time. "And I don't want tour listening in. No wolf hearing." Scott told the twins. "How would you even know?" Ethan said. "I'm a true Alpha. You have no idea what I can do." He told them as I had a smirk on my face.

"That's my best friend," I said with a smile on my face. "Let's go talk to my ex-boyfriend," I said as they gave me a look. "Would you two stop looking at me like that and let's go talk to Stiles about last night," I told Josie and Scott. "Yes." They both said as I smile. "Chop, Chop," I said as I pushed them forward toward Stiles.

"Hey, buddy," Scott told stiles who looked like who hasn't slept for days. "We need to tell you something," I told him. "Yeah, but first I need to show you guys something." He told us as he left and I gave Josie a look as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Wait up!" I said as I ran towards them. "Remember the girl last night?" Stiles told Scott as He gave me a look. "Yeah, I remember," Scott said as we enter an empty chemistry class. "So the. She starts talking about phosphors and the key having chemicals on it, right? And so that made me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in." Stiles said super fast as he stopped talking as looked at a clean chalkboard.

"It's gone," Stiles said. "What?" I told him. "Okay, it doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter I've still got the key." Stiles said as he grabbed his keys. I turned to look at Scott giving a 'What's going on' look but he just shrugged his shoulder. "What the hell?" Stiles said making us look at him,

"I had it... I had it here. I had it heat this morning. I swear to God, I had it this morning." Stiles said as I looked at Josie with a concerned look. "The key you were talking about last night?" Scott asked Stiles.

"Yeah, I showed it to you, right? Didn't I show it to you?" Stiles asked Scott lifting his head. "No, you just told me about it. I never actually saw it." Scott told Stiles as he was breathing heavily.

"I was here a couple of hours ago. And the message left to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right there on the board in my handwriting and I had the key to the chemistry closet." Stiles told us.

"So you unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hide in it from the cops and then you wrote him a message to kill Kira?" Scott said to Stiles. "I know... I know how it sounds." Stiles said as he pulled out a piece of newspaper.

"But look at this. This is the news report that came out about Barrow when they caught him, okay? About the shrapnel bomb that he used. See this? See what he did? He puts nuts, bolts, and screws. And then hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a present. What does that sound like to you?" Stiles told us making me more concerned for him.

"Coach. The joke we played on coach." Scott said as he remembered what they did. "That was my idea. Do you remember? That was my idea. That's no coincidence. I can't be." Stiles said he look like he was panicking.

"Look, I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tell you that you're wrong. But we don't think you're trying to kill people either." I told him as he turned back to look at the board. "It was here. It was all here." Stiles said. "Dude, are you feeling okay?" Scott asked Stiles.

"You're looking really tired," I told him. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping really." He told us as I reached for his hand. "Why don't you go home? Take a sick day or something." I told him as I squeezed his hand.



"I'm here!" Katherine yelled as she entered Scott's house from the back door. "Katherine," Scott said. "Guess who I found coming in," Katherine said as Scott and Kira walked into the kitchen Scott's dad stood there. "What are you doing here?" Scott asked his dad.

"And why do you still have a key?" Scott told his Dad as Katherine went to go stand next to Scott. "Funny you mention keys because while I have a key to this house, I'm not exactly sure how you got a key to my office." Scott's dad said as he opened his laptop to reveal a picture of Scott and Kira.

"Busted," Katherine whispered as Scott turned to her and glared at her. "Let me help you out here. This kind of thing usually begins with something along the lines of, 'it's not what you think.' Or, 'I can explain'." Mr. McCall said to the two teens as Katherine stood there amazed.

"Dad, let me help you out. You need to leave." Scott told his dad as he was trying to protect him from whatever is going to happen there. "I will. With a satisfactory explanation." Scotts' dad told his son.

"Go get a warrant," Scott told his father. "I don't need a warrant. I'm your father." Mr. McCall said to Scott. "No, you're a gene donor. I got my hair color from you. And that's all I got." Scott said making Katherine roll her eyes. "Oh, my god," Katherine whispered.

"So you're not allowed to play tough dad with me," Scott told his dad as Melissa walked in just in time. "Oh, my God. Melissa your back!" Katherine said as she ran up to Scott's mom and hugged her. "You're a life savior. Things were about to go crazy." Katherine told her as she pulled away.

"Hey, what's going on?" Melissa asked her son and her ex-husband. "Maybe one of you should explain." Mr. McCall said as the three kids looked out the window seeing that the sun is going down. "Scott." Kira and Katherine both said.

"What the hell is this?" Mr. McCall said ad he started to walk towards the living room. The three teens all turned around to see that one of the demonic ninjas is standing in front of the living room.

"Dad, no!" Scott said but his dad didn't listen he walked closer. "Dad, wait," Scott said as one of them appeared behind him and drove the sword right through his shoulder making Kira let out a scream. "Dad," Scott yelled. Melissa ran towards her ex-husband and knelt.

"Melissa takes him somewhere," Katherine told Melissa as she dragged him away from there as Katherine stood next to Scott. That's when the front door opens and Derek came in and let out a growl and more of the appeared. "And it begins," Katherine said as she used her fighting skills in good use.

"Mom, the Ashe!" Scott told his mom as Katherine kicked one of them as they fell to the ground. Katherine kicked one of them as she threw them out the window. "Melissa do it now!" Katherine told her as there helped Scott attack another one.

That's when Melissa threw the mountain, Ash, to the ground. "Hey, Derek," Katherine said with a smile on her face. "All of the baseboards are ash wood?" Derek asked Scott. "Uh, yeah. It was Deaton's idea. And what the hell did you come from?" Scott asked Derek.

"I've been following you," Derek said to Scott. "For how long?" Scott asked Derek. "All day," Deere said before walking away. "First the twins now Derek. Who's next?" Katherine said to Scott. "Scott this isn't good!" Melissa yelled as the two teens went to go to her.

"We should take him upstairs," Katherine told Melissa and Scott as they both carried him upstairs and into Scott's bed. "Slowly," Katherine said as they both laid him in the bed. "You need to call for backup." Scott's dad said.

"I'll go get you some towels," Katherine said as she ran into Scott's bathroom and looked for some of the towels. She grabbed them and ran back to the room handing them to Melissa. "How bad is it?" Scott asked his mom.

"From the way that his arm is rotated, the tend looks torn. He could be on his way to a collapsed lung." Melissa said as she pressed down on the wound, "Mom, those things, they're not going to leave until the sun's up." Scott told his mother.

"At the rate, he's bleeding he's not gonna make it that long. We got to get him to the hospital." Melissa said. "Should we call Stiles' dad?" Scott asked and Katherine rolled her eyes.

"I don't know. Is that going to just get more people hurt?" Katherine told him as she helped Melissa. "Maybe," Scott responded. "I don't think guns work on them," Scott said. "Then what does?" Melissa said as Katherine let out a sigh. "Nothing does. Not even my magic." Katherine told them.

Katherine felt the house moves as the looks
it was because they were trying to break in. "What are they doing?" Scott asked the other. "Testing for weaknesses," Ethan said as they started to hit the barrier and make stuff fall. "I think they'll probably get in," Katherine said as she watched them. "Guys?" Ethan said.

"We've got a problem," Ethan said as everyone watched as they try to break the barrier. "We have to do something," Katherine said to the tigers as she heard a phone ringing. "This is a bad timing to call," Katherine said.

"Allison, please tell me that you have something. They're here. They're trying to get in. And it looks like they're gonna be able to do it." Scott said as Katherine turned around to look at him. "A Nogistune," Scott said making all of them look at him.

"Just... Tell me what else." Scott said through the phone. "I'm right, aren't I? They're looking for me." Kira said to Scott. "They're looking for a dark spirit. And I know it's not you." Scott assured Kira.

"Scott, we're going to have to do something," Derek said as they were prepared to fight them again. That's when they broke the barrier. "Uh, guys," Katherine said as she watched them come in. "Don't do anything," Scott told us making us turn it to him.

"Your joking?" Katherine asked him. "Is he serious?" Aiden asked. "No, he's not?" Katherine said. "I said don't do anything," Scott said as Katherine let out a scoff. "Trust me," Scott told Kira as they both walked up to them.

"Hold on. Why are they three." Maths aid right before one of them grabbed her by the ear and she felt herself being weak as she looked right into their eyes.

They let go of them making the three teens fall to the ground. Katherine reached behind her ear as she felt the mark they left on her. "You're going to be okay," Derek told her as she felt too weak to move.

"Hey, stab wound to the left chest. Possible collapsed lung. Pulse is weak." Melissa said as they ran into the hospital making sure they helped Scott's dad. "We'll find stiles," Katherine told her with a smile. "Come on," Katherine said to Scott as they both took off.

"I thought all of this supernatural shit would be over but I guess it wasn't," Katherine told Scott as they looked around the hospital for Stiles. "Something tells me that it won't be over not yet," Scott told Katherine. "Where the hell will he be?" Katherine asked Scott as they both looked for Stiles.

"Beats me," Scott said as they both turned their right. "I'm still having trouble with, all of the things that's happening right with, the Oni's a dark spirit that can be assumed could be in anyone as we try to save people from it," Katherine said as she gathers everything trying to figure it out.

"And we can't even stop them," Katherine said referring to the Oni. Scott stopped in his tracks. "What?" Katherine said as she looked in the direction Scott was looking at and she saw Stiles standing there facing the other side Scott and Katherine walked into the room where Stiles is.

"Stiles?" Katherine said as she saw the boy she love just standing there. "Stiles? You okay?" Scott asked his best friend. Stiles turned around as he saw Katherine and Scott. "Yeah, I'm fine. What's been going on?" Stiles asked as she watched him walk towards Scott.

For some odd reason, Katherine had a bad feeling but she didn't know what it is.

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