Chandu's Brother!!

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At Wedding Hall (Entrance)

Jitendra came to Wedding Hall like Old man..

Jitendra saw Flexi of Amar, Devi together Photo for Wedding..

(This Flexi Poster Credit annu_pranushka_jam )

Jitendra became angry on seeing that Poster..

Jitendra observed Security Machine which will detect the Bomb which he hide under Shirt..

Jitendra tried to go avoiding Security Machine...Security Stopped him..

Security : Sir..You have to go inside through this Security Machine only..

Jitendra (Old man) : Do you know Who I am?

Security : Sorry, Sir..Whoever You are,You don't have to go like that..

Jitendra : Listen..My Name is Ravindra Nanda, Chandra Lekha's Uncle..If he knows this, Your Amarendra Bhushan will come and take me inside..

Security : Sorry, Sir..Amarendra Bhushan Sir is busy inside..He can't come out..

Jitendra : Go and say My Name..

Security : Fine..Wait!!

Inside Groom's Room

Prithvi said to Amar

Prithvi : Dada..Your Dress is Ready..You can get Ready..

Jhende Repiled to Prithvi

Jhende : Still Time is there, Prithvi..Let Amar Sir get ready Peacefully..After Marriage, He can't right?

Amar : Jhende!!

Amar gave kick to Jhende for this..

Security knocked door on that time..

Jhende : I will go and see!!

Security asked Jhende

Security : Jhende Sir..One Old man came to Wedding, He said that He is Chandra Lekha Madam Bhabai..

Amar, Jhende became shock on heard this..

Amar : What is his Name?

Security : Ravindra Nanda!!

Amar, Jhende became shock on heard that Name..

At Wedding Hall (Entrance)

Amar and Jhende came to Entrance..

Jitendra who Disguised like Old Man asked Amar

Jitendra (Like Old man) : Namasthey Babu!!

Amar : Namastey..You are?

Jitendra (Like Old man) : I'm Ravindra Nanda..Chandra Lekha's Distant Relative In relation I'm Bhabai to her..

Amar : Yeah..I know You..But Sorry I didn't see You..You were in Aboard right?

Jitendra (Like Old man) : Yes..Babu..I was in Aboard..Yesterday Night I came to Hyderabad, I heard in News You are going to marry today..So, I came to see Your Wedding..

Amar : It was Pleasure to see You here..Atleast One Person is there from Chandra Lekha Side..I'm Feeling So Happy..

Amar gave shakehand to Jitendra and gave hug to him..

Jitendra gave evil smile on giving hug to Amar..

Amar : Please Come Inside..

Jitendra (Like Oldman) : Yeah..

At Wedding Hall (Inside)

Amar and Jhende bring Jitendra ( Old man) inside Wedding Hall..

Subhadra asked Amar

Subhadra : Amar..Who is He?

Amar : Didn't You recognize him, Amma? He is our Chandu's Distant Relative In relation He is Bhabai to her who used to live in Aboard..To see my Marriage, He came here..

Jitendra (Like Old man) said to Subhadra

Jitendra : Yes..I'm so Happy that Amar going to marry today..

Jitendra said to all Guests

Jitendra : Listen Everyone..You all know He is the Great Businessman, Great Person Amarendra Bhushan..Not only that How many that Jitendra tried to destroy him, he win him Everytime..

All Guests smiles on heard this..

Jitendra : Happy!! Very Happy!!

Jitendra suddenly shouted

Jitendra : But I won't get You that Happiness!! Amarendra Bhushan..

All became confuse on heard this

Jitendra : Because Today I will end Your Life, Amar!!

All became shock and sacred on heard this..

Amar said to Jitendra Loudly

Amar : The Thing which You can't able to do from 20 Years, Now How can you do that? Jitendra!!

Jitendra became shock on heard that Amar recognized him..

All became shock on seeing Jitendra disguised like Old man..

Jitendra asked Amar with Shock

Jitendra : How you recognized me? Amar..

Amar : You Plan is Good, Jitendra..But You did one mistake, You came with name Ravindra Nanda!! He used to live in aboard..But He got expired 3 Years before..

Jitendra became shock on heard this..

Amar : You were in Jail in these Years right? Must You didn't know this information.. You have plan correctly, right? So Sad!!

Jitendra became angry on heard this..

Amar : Even I know You are Jitendra only, Do You know Why You bring You here? To Show You, Now You can't do anything..

Jitendra smiles on heard this..

Jitendra : Wow!! You are So Brave, Amar..But You also did mistake on bringing me inside..See this!!

Jitendra opened his Coat and showed Time Bomb fixed to his Body..

All became scared and ran out on seeing this..

Jitendra : I'm ready to dead with You..But I won't let You get My Chammy (Chandra Lekha) this time!!

Loki saw this and went inside to inform this Devi

Inside Bride's Room

Loki : Devi..Come out immediately!!

Devi : What Happened? Loki..

Loki : Someone came inside with Bomb to Kill Amar Sir..

Devi became scared on heard this and about to go out..

Devi : Amar Sir!!

Jhende came there and stopped Devi

Jhende : Devi..Don't come out!!

Devi : Sir..Please Let me come out..Amar Sir in Danger!!

Jhende : Devi..Listen to me..Nothing will happen to Amar..You don't come out..

Jhende closed Doors not let Devi and Family come out..

Devi : Sir..Please open the Door!! Let me Come Out!!

At Wedding Stage

All became scared on seeing Time Bomb on Jitendra and about to come to Amar..

Amar : Don't Come!! Stay back!!

All went back for this..

Jitendra said to Amar

Jitendra : I will give Last and Final Chance to save Yourself..Give my Chammy back to me..I will leave You..

Amar : First of all She is not Chandu..She is My Devi..

Jitendra : Tell me Your Lies to others..Not to me..Give me My Chammy right now!! Or else I will Kill You!!

Amar : It is waste to make You understand..Fine..Do as Your Wish..I won't give her to You..

Jitendra became angry on heard this..

Jitendra : Ok..Then Let's Dead together!! My Dear Amarendra Bhushan!!

Jitendra hugged Amar to on the Bomb..

Subhadra Requested Jitendra

Subhadra : Jitendra!! Please Stop this!!

Jitendra : I don't have any Problem with You..Stay back!! Or Else You will also Dead..

Jitendra switch on the Time Bomb , All became scared for this..

But That Bomb didn't blast..

Jitendra became confuse for this..

Jitendra : Hey..What is this? Why it is not working?

Amar and Jhende laughed for this..

Amar : What Jitendra!! Did you buy any expired Time Bomb?

Jitendra became angry for this..

Jitendra : Don't laugh!! What You did?

Jhende said to Jitendra

Jhende : Amar Very well know If You come to Lion Dean means You will definitely come with Weapon..

Jitendra became confuse for this..

Amar said to Jitendra

Amar : You didn't understand..When I understood You are Jitendra, Like Giving Hug to You..I checked You..

Few Minutes Before

When Amar gave Hug to Jitendra, He checked his Body and found Bomb inside..

Amar slowly cut the wire of bomb which makes it won't blast..


Jitendra became angry on heard this..

Jitendra : Hey..Cheating..Again You Cheated me..

Jhende said to Amar

Jhende : You always think Amar is Normal Person..But He is the Great Amarendra Bhushan!! You can't do anything to him..

Jitendra became angry on heard this..

Jitendra : Amar..I won't leave You!!

When Jitendra about to attack on Amar..Jhende pushed him and shouted on him

Jhende : What You will do!! Tell me..What You will do!!

Jhende took out his Gun and pointed on Jitendra

Jhende : I will Kill You right now!!

On that time Police came there to arrest Jitendra and tried to control Jhende

Police : Sir..Please Control Yourself!!

Jhende : Leave Me..Inspector!! I will kill this Fellow!! Don't Stop me!!

Amar stopped Jhende

Amar : Jhende..Stop!!

Jhende looked at Amar

Jhende : Don't Stop me, Amar..Please Let me Kill him..It will End Right now!!

Amar shouted on Jhende

Amar : Jhende!!

Jhende moved back for this..

Amar : To win our Enemy mean not to make him lost or to kill him..We have to Live more Greater, than Our Enemy..That is only Real win on Our Enemy!!

Jhende : But Amar!! This Jitendra!!

Amar : Don't Forget He is My Chandu's Brother..

Jhende became silent for this..

Jitendra became angry on heard this..

Jitendra : Don't call It is Your Chandu!!!

Police arrested Jitendra and take him away from them..

Other Side, At Bride's Room

Someone Opened Bride's Room..Devi immedately came out..

At Wedding Hall

On that time, Jitendra shouted when they are taking away from them..

Jitendra : I won't Leave You, Amar!! Remember this!!

On that time, Devi came to Amar and hugged him with fear..

Jitendra became Emotional on seeing Devi (Who look alike Chandra Lekha) on remembering their Past Moments.

And Jitendra angry on seeing Devi with Amar..

Police took out Jitendra from there to take him to Police Station..

At Weding Hall (Inside)

Devi asked Amar with fear

Devi : Sir..Are You Ok, Right? I became so scared when I heard someone came with Time Bomb..Nothing happened to You right?

Amar : Devi..Calm Down..See, I'm Perfectly Alright..Don't worry!!

Subhadra asked Amar

Subhadra : What is this, Amar? You know how Dangerous Jitendra is, Why You take such risks?

Subbu repiled to Subhadra

Subbu : It's ok, Leave it..Madam.. Now all Problems gone..Now this Marriage will happen without any interpretation..

All smiles on heard this..

Padhu : Madam Garu..Think this that all Disti (Evil Eyes) go away on this Marriage!!

Subhadra : Yes, Padhu Garu..You both said True.. Now This Marriage will happen happily..

Other Side

Preethi thinking after seeing Jitendra

Preethi (Inner Voice) : Is this Jitendra send these Tablets to me?

At Dinning Hall

Seshaya became disappointed that Jitendra can't able to stop this Marriage..

Seshaya (Inner Voice) : Cha..I felt this Jitendra will kill that Amarendra Bhushan..Cha!! This Amarendra Bhushan is Impossible!!

Preethi thinking on seeing those Tablets..

Seshaya came to Preethi

Seshaya : What Madam..For not able to stop this Marriage..You bring tablets, To decrease Your BP?

Preethi glared at Seshaya for this..

Seshaya : Instead of glaring at me..What You can do!!

Preethi became angry on heard this..

Seshaya : Learn from Jitendra..He wanted to kill that Amarendra Bhushan, He got ready to kill himself, He is Real Villain..But To stop this Marriage, You can't able to do anything to that Devi..You are waste!!

Preethi shouted on Seshaya

Preethi : Seshaya!!

Seshaya became silent for this.

Preethi : These Tablets are not BP tablets or Sugar Tablets..

Seshaya : Then?

Preethi : Very Powerful Sleeping Tablets!!

Seshaya became shock on heard this..

Preethi : If we mix these Tablets in Water and give to Devi..She will become unconscious..Without Bride on Wedding Stage, How will this Marriage happen?

Seshaya became Happy on heard this..

Seshaya : Very Good!! This Marriage have to stop and that Amarendra Bhushan get Humilate infront of Eveyone!!

Seshaya laughed with Happiness..

Seshaya : What is Late, Madam..Add all those Tablets in Water and give to Devi..Do it!!

Preethi about to took out those tablets...But stopped on remembering about Amar words..

" To win our Enemy mean not to make him lost or to kill him..We have to Live more Greater, than Our Enemy..That is only Real win on Our Enemy!!"

Preethi thinking about those words..

Preethi : What I am doing!! What Happened to me?How can I think cheap like this!!

Seshaya became confuse for this..

Preethi : If Amar Sir know I did like this with Devi, He will hate me!! I can't bear that!!

Preethi throw those tablets there and left from there without listening to Seshaya..

Seshaya : Preethi Madam!! Madam!!

Seshaya became disappointed for this..

Seshaya : What Happened to this Preethi  Madam? Suddenly How she got realization!! Cha!!

Seshaya saw Tablets on Floor which Preethi throw there..

Seshaya took those Tablets..

Seshaya : Go, Preethi Madam..I will do Your Job!!

Seshaya opened those Tablets and mixed in Water Bottle..

Seshaya : Whoever Mix these Tablets..It will do its work, Right?

Seshaya shake that Watter Bottle well

Seshaya (Inner Voice) : I will also see Now..How will this Marriage now?

After Sometime, Insidde Bride's Room 

Devi got ready as Bride to go to Wedding Stage..

Suddenly, Devi feels Dizzy, Her Heart feels Heavy and she got collapsed on Bed with Pain in Heart..

Percap : Amar Weds Devi..Twist?

I'm Very Sorry for not able to give Amar, Devi Wedding Update..I want to give Whole Amar, Devi Wedding Sequence in Long Update..I Hope You Understand..Friends.

I'm Very Very Sorry for Very Late Update...So Much Work from last few Days..

Please Forgive me If any mistakes are there..

Thank You So Much annu_pranushka_jam for Amar, Devi Wedding Flexi Poster ..💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖😍😍

How was Amar counter Plan for Jitendra Plan? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Whole Jitendra Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar Reply to Jitendra? Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Jhende not let Devi come out? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Jhende Angry on Jitendra? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Jitendra Emotions on seeing Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Amar not let Jhende kill Jitendra? Any Guess.. Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Preethi didn't use those Tablets? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Seshaya Plan with those Tablets workout? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Devi able to go to Wedding Stage? What Happened to Devi? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Amar, Devi Marriage Happen? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Friends..

Thank You So Much for all Your Votes and Supportive Comments..❤️❤️💕💕

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care, Stay Safe..

Loves You All...💕💕

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