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At Bhushan Villa

One Maid came to Subhadra with Box

Maid : Amma..Prithvi Sir said to give this Box to You..He found this in Amar Sir Desk..

Subhadra opened that Box..It is Diamond Necklace which Amar bought as Gift to Devi..

Subhadra : Diamond Necklace!! For Whom Amar bought this Necklace?

Maid : May be Amar Sir bought this for You..

Subhadra : May be..But I have so many Jewellers right? Then Why this?

Maid : Even Amar Sir bring so many Jewellers to You..He still wanted to Bring gifts for You..

Subhadra : You said True..But More than to me..this Necklace will be Good to one Girl..

Maid : Who is that Girl, Amma?

Subhadra : Amar's wife..

Maid became Happy for this

Maid : So, Amar Sir agreed to marry? Did He like any Girl?

Subhadra : He didn't said anything like that..But My Heart feels like Amar will get marry soon..

Maid : Whoever the Girl come to Amar Sir life..She is so Lucky..Amma..

Subhadra : You said true..Keep this Necklace in my Cupboard..After Amar came to London, I will give this to him..

Maid : Ok, Amma..

On that time, Sodamma came there

Sodamma : Jai Durgamma Thali!!

Subhadra welcomes Sodamma

Subhadra : Please Come Inside..Amma..

Sodamma sit there and said to her

Sodamma : You wanted to see your Son Marriage..But One Evil trying to destroy Your Son Life..

Subhadra became shock for this..

Sodamma : The Person who You thought got left 20 years before, That Person come back to Your Son Life..

Subhadra became worried for this

Sodamma : Careful..Your Son life is in Danger..Save him..

Subhdra : Tell me, Amma..What I have to do to save My Amar?

Sodamma : Till Your son come back to Home.. Light Deepam (Lamp) Infront of Durgamma and Pray to Amma to save Your son..That Durgamma will save Your son..

Subhadra : Ok..Amma..

Sodamma : That Evil thinking she is Your Son Weakness But he don't know it is the power who will save Your son..Jai Durgamma Thali!!

Inside Car

Jhende got call when he is going to office

Jhende : Hello..

Jitendra : Areyo, Jhende..

Jhende message to his team to trace Jitendra mobile.

Jitendra : Did you see in Your Home CCTV footage? How I am looking? My Fans already said I am Looking Handsome..You too give some Compliment to me..

Jhende became silent for this..

Jitendra : By the way How is Your Friend who is hiding from me for scaring of me?

Jhende became angry on heard this and shouted

Jhende : Jitendra!! Who scared from whom? You are scaring from Amar..That's why without facing him, You are trying to Provoke me..

Jitendra : Finally..Jhende You spoke with him..When I said anything about Your friend, You will get angry, right?

Jhende : Hey..Till Lion is in Dean, You will be safe..If it came out, No one can stop That Lion..

Jitendra : I too want to see that, Jhende..By the way, Did you trace me?

Jhende became shock for this..

Jitendra : Don't be too much shock..In these 20 years, I too learn some techniques..But I don't give You that Chance to trace. See You, Jhende!!

When Jitendra cut the call, Jhende called his team

Jhende : What happened? Did you trace him?

Team : Sorry, Sir..Call Duration is very less..We can't able to find it..

Jhende became irritated for this..

At Bhushan Group of Companies

Prithvi showed Chandra Lekha Sarees New Calendar Design..All Employees like this but Devi didn't like that Calendar

Prithvi : So, How is this?

Employees : It is Wonderful, Sir..

All Employees clapped for that Calendar Design except Devi..

Prithvi : What happened, Devi? Didn't you like that Calendar Design?

Devi : Sir..That is..

Preethi : Sir..Devi don't have knowledge about it, Even She don't like it..You don't need to care about it..

Prithvi : Fine..Finalize this Design..

All Employees went back to their work..

At Employees Desk

Devi feeling sad about that Calendar Design..

Devi (Inner Voice) : If Models are in Calendar, How can they think it will increase our sales? But No one care to hear me..What to do?

Devi remembered Amar words


Amar : Devi..First You have to understand this, If you think any mistake is going to happen in our Company..As Employee , it is Your responsibility to correct it..Even It me also, you have to say that confidently..


Devi stood up on thinking about Amar words and went to Prithvi Cabin..

At Prithvi's Cabin

When Prithvi is discussing with Designer and Preethi about the Calendar Design..

Devi came inside..

Devi : Excuse me, Sir..

Preethi shouted on Devi

Preethi : Here we are discussing about Calendar Design..Go out..

Devi : I came here to tell about the mistake in that Calendar..

Preethi and Prithvi became shock for this..

Prithvi asked Devi

Prithvi : Mistake? What mistake is there in that?

Preethi said in between

Preethi : She is talking nonsense, Sir..Just send her out..

Prithvi : Devi is trying to say about some mistake, right? Let her talk..

Preethi : Sorry, Sir..If you want hear her nonsense, You do that..I can't do that..

Preethi and the Designer left the cabin

Prithvi asked Devi

Prithvi : Tell me, Devi..What is the mistake in that Calendar?

Devi : Sir..If we publish our Calendar with model Pics, Forget about Profits, Our sales will get Problem of lose?

Prithvi : What? Do you know that Designer is Top most Designer?

Devi : Ofcourse, Sir..But that Design won't be benefit to us?

Prithvi : Why?

Devi : Sir..Most of Our Customers are Middle Class People only.. In that Calendar, Those Models looking so, Customers think it is not their range Sarees..

Prithvi : Why are you thinking like that? May be Customers will think they will look like them with those Sarees..?

Devi : No, Sir..We all know those Models won't wear sarees outside..So, Customers will think our Sarees are so costly which they can't buy..

Prithvi think about it and said to Devi

Prithvu : Fine..You said true..Do you have any New Idea for this?

Devi : Yes..Sir..If You give 2 minutes time, I will explain You..

Prithvi : Fine..Take Your Seat..

Devi sit infront of Prithvi

Prithvi : Tell me, What's Your Idea?

Devi : Festivals, Sir?

Prithvi : Festivals?

Devi : Yes, Sir..We will Publish in Our Calendar about Festivals in that month and their behind Story..

Prithvi : How can it will increase our sales?

Devi : Sir..Generally Customers will buy New Clothes only in Festivals..If they see Festival in that month in our Calendar and about that Festival Story, they will remember to buy New Clothes..Like that Our sales will increase..

Prithvi thinking about it

Devi : I just said My Idea, Sir.. But Decision is Yours only..

At Employees Desk

Preethi said to Swathi

Preethi : Swathi..Devi will get Fire from her Job..Type that Letter..

Swathi became shock for this..

Jhende asked in between

Jhende : Preethiji..Why are you saying like that?

Preethi : Then..She dared to speak anything Prithvi Sir Decision..Definetly He will fire that Devi..

Jhende : Over Confidence not Good, Preethiji..

Preethi : You Just wait and see..It will only happen..

On that time Prithvi and Devi came there..

Prithvi said to Employees

Prithvu : Hello, Everyone..I cancelled that Models Calender..

Preethi became shock on heard this..

Prithvi : In Our Calender, we will have about Festivals stills in those months and their behind stories, It is only our Chandra Lekha Sarees Calendar Design..I approved this..

All Employees became shock on heard this..

Prithvi : You know Who give me this Idea..Devi!!

Preethi, Jhende and all Employees became shock on heard this..

Prithvi : Please give applause to her..Good Job, Devi!!

All Clapped for Devi..Except Preethi..

Devi : Thank You, Sir..

Preethi left from there with angry..

At Night, Amar's Guest House (City Outskirts)

Amar sat with irritation..

Jhende : Amar..Why You sit like that?

Amar : Happiness..too much Happiness, Sir..Look at my face..

Jhende : Amar!! Don't talk sarcastically..

Amar : Then..I am feeling so bore..

Jhende : What is need to feel bore? Just relax..

Amar : Jhende..I am already in irritation..Don't irritate me more..

Jhende : Fine..If I say something to You..Your Irritation will be gone..

Amar : What?

Jhende : Today one Strange thing happened in Office..Your Devi did one Great thing today..

Amar smiles on heard Devi Name..

Jhende : Prithvi finalized one Designer's Design for Our Chandra Lekha Sarees Calender Design..But Devi convinced Prithvi and make him cancelled that Design and He approved Devi's Idea..All Employees became shock for this..

Amar sat with Proud smile..

Jhende : I know, Sir..You must be feel so Proud of Your Devi!!

Amar : Yes..Now you understand Why I said Devi is so Special..

Jhende : Ok, Sir..I understood that..

Amar observed Mobile in Jhende Pocket..

Amar : What Jhende Sir? You said Not to use Mobile here.. But You are using Mobile..

Jhende : This is Satellite Phone..No one can trace signal of this Phone..

Amar : Oh..Really..Give me once..I will see that..

Jhende : Why, Amar? You are asking like You never see such Mobile..

Amar : I said I will see that once..

Amar took Mobile from Jhende and left from there..

Jhende : Amar..Listen to me..

Amar went to his room with Jhende Satellite Phone without listening to him..

At Devi's House

Devi get call from unknown Number..

Devi (Inner Voice) : Who is this Unknown Number? Is this number which Jhende Sir said to me? First I will answer it..

Devi lifted the call

Devi : Hello..

It is Amar who called from that Unknown Number with Jhende Satellite Mobile

Amar changed his voice and talk with Devi

Amar : Namsthey, Madam..We are calling from Bank for Loan Requirement..

Devi : Sorry, Not Interested..

Devi about to cut the call..

Amar : Madam..Madam..Don't cut the call..Please listen about our Loan..You will definitely like it..

Devi : Don't You understand once, I am not Interested..

Amar : We will give loan on anything..Like Gold Loan, Car Loan, House Loan and Even We will give Ice Cream Loan also..

Devi: What ? Ice Cream Loan?

Amar : Yes, Madam..You can have as many as Ice Creams, You can pay Loan later..

Devi : Hey..Are you kidding me?

Amar : What to do, Madam? I am feeling so bore..Plesae chitchat with me..

Devi : Hey..What are you talking? Am I Your Lover to chitchat with You?

Amar : Think like that only, Madam..

Devi : How dare You, I will give complain about you..

Amar : Ok..Madam.. Complain to anyone..No Problem!!

Devi : Do you think, I can't do that? Who give my Number to You?

Amar : You only Madam..

Devi : What? I never give my number to People like You..

Amar : No, Madam..You only gave Your number to me..

Devi : When?

Amar : 2 Months before..

Devi : 2 Months before..I didn't give number to anyone..

Amar : First You said like this only, After that you only gave Your Number..

Devi : I didn't remember..

Amar : "One Rupee have so much Power, Guru" !!

Devi recognized it is Amar only and became Happy for this

Devi : Amar Sir!!

Amar : Yes, Devi Madam!!

Devi : What is this, Sir? Why are you teasing me like this? You changed Your Number and Voice also..

Amar : Place got changed right, So Number also changed..Water got changed, So Voice also changed..

Devi : That's why You couldn't able to call me..

Amar : Yeah..By the way, Congratulations!! I heard that Prithvi likes Your Calendar Idea..

Devi : That is all because of you only, Sir..

Amar : What I did?

Devi : You gave Confidence to me Indirectly..

Amar : You are giving this Credit also to me..Fine..Are You studying for Exams?

Devi : Yes..Sir..

Amar : Good..Study well..

Devi : Ok, Sir..How is weather there?

Amar : So Secure..

Devi : What?

Amar : I mean..So Cool..But I am Fine..

Devi : Ok..

Amar : Devi..I have to say Thanks to you..

Devi : Why, Sir?

Amar : I will tell You when I meet you..

Devi became Happy for this..

Devi : Really..When will you meet me, Sir?

Amar : Soon..I will call you before I meet you..Ok..

Devi : Ok, Sir..

Amar : Good Night, Devi..Take Care..Bye..

Devi : Bye..Sir..

Devi became Happy that Amar finally called him..

Percap : Danger..Twist?

I am Sorry for late Update, Little bit Busy...

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

How was Madhav Dialogue for his Fans?

Will Subhadra wish for Amar's wife get fulfill? Please Tell me..Friends..

What are You thinking about Prithvi now? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar teasing with Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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