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Happy Duseehra..Friends..

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Inside Car

Amar asked Devi

Amar : By the way, What are those Nightmares?

Devi remembered about her Nightmares..

Amar : Devi..Tell me..

Devi : Those are...

Devi about to say that but stopped.

Devi : It's ok..Sir..I am in confusion whether to believe it or not..

Amar : Devi..Don't think too Much about The things which we can't believe..

Devi : I will try, Sir..

Amar : Leave all these things and complete Your Exams..So, After that You can come to Office..right..

Devi : So, Do you want me to come to Office?

Amar : Yes, Devi..When You are in Office, It looks so Glow..

Devi : Really? You are saying I an Glow to Office ..

Amar : I mean, Your Desktop looks blank, If You come and on it, it looks bright and Glow, right?

Devi : I understand!! You don't need give me excuses..

Amar : If You already understand , Why are you asking me?

Devi : Just I want to heard it from You..But You won't give me straight answer..

Amar glared at Devi for this..

Devi : Anyways, Thank so much for All Your Three Suprises. I am So Happy today..

Amar : These are small things, Devi..If you complete Your Exams, I will give Real Suprise to You..

Devi became Happy for this..

Devi : Really..Why don't you tell me now? Sir..

Amar : Patience..Madam..First You write these Exams well..

Devi : Fine..Sir..

At Devi's House

Subbu started to go to Preethi House..

Subbu said to Padhu

Subbu : Padhu..I am going to Preethi Madam House..

Padhu : Ok, Subbu..Ask Every detail of Vipul.

Subbu : Ok, Padhu..

On that time, Sodamma stood Outside..

Sodamma : Jai Durgamaa Thali!!

Security Guards stopped Sodamma..

Padhu came out on seeing this..

Padhu : Ayo..Don't stop her..She is our Sodamma..

Padhu said to Sodamma

Padhu : Sorry, Amma..Please come inside..

Sodamma : That's ok..Padhu..They are doing their duty..I just came here to tell you one thing..

Subbu said to Sodamma

Subbu : Amma..Why you always come to our House? You will say some random things to our Padhu..She is doing like You said..

Padhu shouted on Subbu

Padhu : Subbu..Don't talk like that..Amma always said for our Goodwill only..

Padhu said to Sodamma

Padhu : Sorry, Amma..My Husband don't know about you Properly..Please Forgive him..

Sodamma : It's ok..Padhu..Your Husband is trying to change Destiny..But It will happen as Ammavaru (Goddess) Decision only..

Subbu became confuse for this..

Sodamma : Padhu..Today is Asthami (8th Day of week)..

Padhu became worried on heard this..

Sodamma : Your Daughter will get strange Nightmare Tonight..Take Care of her..Jai Durgamaa Thali!!

Subbu and Padhu became worried Sodamma words..

After sometime, Outside Devi's House

Amar dropped Devi at her Home..

Amar and Devi at a time said "Bye"

They both laughed for this..

Devi : We both spoke at a time.. That means Today Guests will come to My House and Your House..

Amar laughed for this.

Amar : Devi..Where you learn these things?

Devi : On my Childhood, My mother used to tell me like this.

Amar : But Devi..You are educated..Why You believe these things?

Devi : Fine..Then Why You believe these things?

Amar : Me? When?

Devi : On that day, When I said "If heads got hit once, we will her horns.."

Amar remembered that day "That He hit Devi head again"

Devi : Why You believe that on that day?

Amar can't able to reply to this..

Devi : Did you hit my head that You would get Horns or Did you intentionally hit me?

Amar : You really don't know.

Devi : How can I know? Sir..

Amar : Really?

Devi : I asked you first but in reverse You are asking me?

Amar : I know one Girl even she understood everything, She acts like she don't know..

Devi smiles for this..

Amar : I think You said True..Devi.. Today Really one Guest came to our House..

Devi : Who, Sir?

Amar showed hand to Devi to see Left Side..

There Jhende stood near to Devi's House

Devi : Jhende Sir?

Amar : Yes!!

Devi : How Jhende Sir know that You are here..Is Sir is following us..Or any CC Camera is there behind Your Car?

Amar : CC camera, GPS, Mobile Tracker etc..etc..All those are Jhende only..

Devi : Yes..Sir..On that day at Hotel also..Jhende Sir came there even there was no signal in that Place..Jhende Sir knows wherever You are!!

Amar : Yes, Devi..Jhende is so Protective towards me..

Devi : Yes, Sir..Jhende likes You so much..That's why he knows wherever you are..

Amar smiles for this..

Devi : You know Sir..when everyone thought that You are in London..But I felt like You are here only..It became true also..That's means I'm also..

Amar : You also..?

Devi : You know right..

Amar : No..I don't know..

Devi : I'm also know one man Even He understood Everything, He is acting like He don't anything..

Amar smiles on heard this.

Amar : Fine..Devi..I have some work..Bye..

Devi : Ok, Sir..Bye..

At Preethi's House

Preethi gave coffee to Subbu

Preethi : Have it, Subbu Garu..

Subbu : Thank You, Madam..

Preethi : Tell me, Subbu Garu..You wanted to talk with me?

Subbu : Madam..Last we saw one match to Devi, But it was not good..So, it got cancelled..

Preethi : Yes, I know that..

Subbu : So, This time I wanted to know clearly about Vipul to proceed further..

Preethi : That's Fine, Subbu Garu..It is Good to know clearly everything..

Subbu : So, What You thinking about Vipul?

Preethi : Vipul is very Good man, In office also he works so hard.. and Everyone likes him in Office..I think Devi too..So, You don't think too much, You can Proceed happily.

Subbu : Thank You, Madam..I want to talk with Vipul's Uncle also..Later I will proceed further..

Preethi : Ok..Subbu Garu..I will ask about Vipul uncle..If Possible I will only talk with him..

Subbu : Thank You, Madam..If possible, Please send me his Horoscope also..

Preethi : That's ok, Subbu Garu..I will try.. Don't worry..

Subbu : Ok, Madam..Thanks for Your Help..I will take leave..

Preethi : Ok, Subbu Garu..

Subbu left from there after leaving from there..

Preethi smiles that her plan is workout..

At Night, At Bhushan Villa

Amar smiles on remembering his Moments with Devi in Temple..

Amar remembered that Devi said about Nightmares..

Amar (Inner Voice) : Devi is getting worried for her Nightmares..What are those Nightmares?

Other Side, At Devi's House

Devi is sleeping in her House..

Devi is getting same images in her Sleep like before..

At Bhushan Villa

Amar came to his mother Subhadra room..

Subhadra : Amar..What Happened, Nanna? You still didn't sleep?

Amar : Actually..Amma..I came to talk with you..

Subhadra : Tell me.. Amar..

Amar : I don't why.. Suddenly I am feeling fear..Amma..

Subhadra became shock on heard this..

Subhadra : Fear? That too to my Amar? You always face things with dare..Then Why you are feeling fear now?

Amar : I gave Promise to someone..I am feeling fear that maybe I can't able to fulfill that Promise..

Subhadra : You are saying like this means must be it is very important to you..

Amar : Yes, Amma..

Subhadra : Amar..When we are in such situation, ask Your Heart..It will never cheats You..It definitely give Solution to Your Fear..

Amar thinking about this..

Subhadra : Everyone thinks that Our Heart is so weak..But Truth is it is Strength to everyone..If we follow our Heart, it will guide us in correct way..Trust Your Heart, Amar..It will remove Your Fear..

Amar smiles on heard this.

Subhadra : Try as much as You can to fulfill Your Promise..If that Promise is Genuine definitely it will get fulfill..

Amar : Thanks, Amma..After talking with You, I am feeling better..Good Night, Amma..

Subhadra : Good Night, Amar..

Other Side, At Devi's House

Devi  seeing some images in Her Sleep..

"Devi came to one Place..

One Beggar like man shouted on Devi

Beggar : You are doing wrong..You are Trusting wrong Person..

Devi became confuse for his words..

Beggar : Amarendra Bhushan - He will destroy Your Life..Go away from him .

Devi : You are telling lies..Amar Sir is not like that .I Trust him..

Beggar became angry for this and took one big stone..

Devi is running from him.. That Beggar Hit Devi with that Stone. "

Devi wake up from her Sleep and shouted

Devi : Amma!!

Padhu, Subbu wake up on heard Devi screams...

Padhu : What happened, Devi? Why You shouted like that?

Devi still in shock of that Nightmare

Padhu : Did You get that Nightmare again?

Devi nooded like No..But Immediately She nooded like Yes not to make them worry..

Subbu : Nothing will happen to You, Devi..We both are there right..

Padhu put Kukuma to Devi..

Padhu : Don't worry, Devi..Ammavaru (Godess) mercy on us..

Devi put her head on Padhu laps to sleep..

Percap : Devi Nightmare became true..

I am Sorry for late Update, Little bit Busy...

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

Why Devi didn't said about her Nightmares to Amar? Please Tell me, Friends..

About What Promise Amar is fear of losing it? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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