Mangalasnam (Holy Bath)

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At Bhushan Villa

On that time, Amar came there...

Amar asked them

Amar : What Happened? Why all of You looking so disturb?

All became worried on seeing Amar..

Urmila about to say

Urmila : Bro-in-law!! That is..

Prithvi stopped Urmila and said to Amar

Prithvi : Nothing, Dada..When we all taking care of Marriage Arrangements without her, Urmila became Upset for that..That's only..

Amar : Prithvi..We already discussed it right? Urmila wanted to take care of all Arrangements in Marriage, Let her Do..Don't upset her..

Prithvi : Ok..Dada!!

Amar : Good!!

Amar going upstairs on saying this..

Preethi became disappointed for this

Preethi (Inner Voice) : Cha..It would be so Good If Amar Sir heard their argument!!

Urmila asked Prithvi

Urmila : Prithvi..Why You stopped me?

Prithvi : Urmila..Please Don't make scene now..

On that time, Amar came back and said to them

Amar : Actually I need to share one Important News with You all..

All became confuse for this..

Subhadra : What is that, Amar?

Amar : I will tell You, Amma!!

Amar said to Preethi

Amar : Preethi..Immediately You have to do one work..

Preethi : Sure, Sir..What is that work..

Amar : Transfer Chandra Lekha Food Corporation Shares on Urmila Name!!

All became shock on heard this..

Urmila became stunned on heard this..

Subhadra asked Amar

Subhadra : Amar?

Amar : Yes..Amma..From Now onwards, Our Chandra Lekha Food Corportaion Shares on Urmila Name only..

Prithvi asked Amar

Amar : Dada..Why Suddenly?

Amar : Not Suddenly..Actually I sent this Proposal to our Board Members 2 months back, Just now I got call for their Approval..If I know this Yesterday, Along with Devi Name, I would announce Urmila Name also..Just a Bit Late..

Urmila felt guilty on heard this..

Subhadra asked Amar

Prithvi : Amar..What is need to do this?

Amar : Amma..I Just want both Daughter-in-laws in this House have be in Equal Position..But it doesn't mean they will feel difference..But Bhushan Daughter-in-laws have Equal share in Eveything..

Urmila became Emotional on heard this for misunderstanding Amar

Urmila : Bro-in-law!!

Amar : What Happened, Urmila? Oh..I have to say Congratulations, Right..Hearty Congratulations!! Urmila..

Urmila cried for behaving like that..

Urmila : I'm So Sorry, Bro-in-law..I always under estimate You in everything..I'm Sorry!!

Amar : Urmila..Why are You getting Emotional now? Is anything wrong?

Urmila : Bro-in-law!!

Jhende covered this and said to Amar

Jhende : Nothing, Amar..Urmila didn't except You are thinking this much about her..That's why she get Emotional!!

Jhende said to Urmila

Jhende : What is this, Urmila Madam? You are the one cherish us everytime, It won't looks good If You get Emotional like this..

Amar said to Urmila

Amar : Yes, Urmila..Keep Smiling!!

Urmila forced smile for this..

Amar : That's Good..Sister-in-law!!

Amar went upstairs after saying this..

Preethi became Disappointed that her Plan got failed

Preethi (Inner Voice) : Cha..I heard In Business, Amar Sir guess Problems and solves that before it came, But I didn't except Sir solves Family Problems like this..I missed such a Good Chance!!

Preethi left from there with disappointment..

Urmila feeling guilty for behaving like that..

Jhende said to Urmila

Jhende : Urmila Madam..Amar Sir didn't become Great Person so easily..With his Values, Hard work, Honesty makes him Great..

Urmila felt sad on heard this..

Jhende : Even God also gives anything when we ask him only..But Amar Sir gives before we asked him..He knows more than us What to give to us..

Jhende left from there after saying this..

Prithvi said to Urmila

Prithvi : I used to said My Dada is Great.. Now I say more strongly My Dada is always Great!!

Urmila : I'm Sorry, Prithvi..

Prithvi : Not to me, Because of You Amma hurts so much..Say Sorry to her..

Urmila holds Subhadra hands and requested her

Urmila : I'm Very Sorry, Mom-in-law..Because of my Mad Thoughts, I Hurts You all So Much..I won't Repeat this again..Please Forgive me!!

Subhadra : You don't need to say Sorry, Urmila..My Amar knows Family Value,He thinks so much about his family and take Decisions..Please Remind this!!

Subhadra left after saying this..

Urmila felt guilty for her behavior with them..

At Night, Devi's House (Inside)

Hema checking all arrangement Devi Mangalasnam (Holy Bath)

Padhu asked Hema

Padhu : Hema..Is Everything came?

Hema : Yes, Aunty..All Arrangements are done for Mangalasnam..

Padhu : Then..Go and bring Devi..

Hema : Ok, Aunty!!

Hema bring Devi for Mangalasnam (Holy Bath)..

Neighbors said to Padhu on seeing Devi

Neighbours : Padha Akka..Before doing Mangalasnam, Devi face is glowing..

Hema : Yes, Aunty..If we did Mangalasnam to Devi, She will get More Glow like Bride..

Hema makes Devi Sit for Mangalasnam..

Neighbours said to Padhu

Neighbours : Padha Akka..First as Mother You have to put Pasupu (Haldi/Turmeric) to Devi..Come!!

Padhu first applied Pasupu (Turmeric) to Devi and give Blessings to her..

Padhu said to Neighbors

Padhu : You all come and apply Pasupu to Devi and Give Blessing to her..

All Neighbors applied Pasupu to Devi and gave their Blessings to her..

At Bhushan Villa

Urmila checking all arrangements for Amar Mangalasnam (Holy Bath)

Urmila asked Maids

Urmila : Did all things came for Managalasnam?

Maids : Yes, Madam..

Urmila : Did you check all Roses clearly?

Maids : Yes, Madam..

Urmila : I gave some Scents to mix in this water..Did You mix it?

Maids : Yes, Madam..I mixed them..

Urmila asked other Maids

Urmila : Where are the Ladies relatives who have to give blessings to Bro-in-law?

Maids : They also came, Madam..

Urmila : Ok..Ok..Good..Good..

Prithvi said on seeing Urmila excitement like before

Prithvi : My Monster is so Weird..Suddenly She get angry and Suddenly she get Happy..Like Switch on and Switch off..

Urmila : Prithvi..I know You are talking about Morning Incident..I'm So Sorry..

On that time, Preethi came there to see arrangements..

Urmila said on looking at Preethi

Urmila : I didn't behave like that wanted only, One Negative Evil effect fall on me..

Preethi understood She is talking about her only..

Urmila : And I know How to get rid of that Negative Evil..

On that time, Jhende bring Amar

Prithvi : See, Dada is coming!!

Urmila said to Amar

Urmila : Come, Bro-in-law..See, We decorated So Beautifully for Your Mangalasnam (Holy Bath)..

Urmila makes Amar Sit for Mangalsnam (Holy Bath)

Jhende said to Prithvi on looking at Amar

Jhende : Prithvi Sir..Before Managalsnam itself, Amar Sir face is glowing right?

Amar smiles for this..

Prithvi : True, Jhende..

Urmila : Hello, You don't need to tease our Bro-in-law.. Or Else He is blushing here itself instead on Wedding Stage..

Amar : Urmila!!

Subhadra said to Urmila

Subhadra : Urmila.. First You go and apply Pasupu (Haldi/Turmeric) to Amar..

Urmila : Ok..Mom-in-law!!!

Prithvi asked Subhadra

Prithvi : Amma..As Mother,First You have to apply Pasupu right?

Subhadra became sad for this..

Subhadra : I don't have to touch Pasupu (Turmeric), Prithvi..

Amar became sad on heard this..

Urmila asked Subhadra

Urmila : Mom-in-law..We don't need to follow those customs, Come and apply Pasupu to Bro-in-law..

Subhadra : Please, Urmila..I have some sentiments, Don't force me..My Amar have to be always Be Happy, I don't want anything bad happen to him..

Amar felt bad on heard this..

Urmila : Ok, I will only Put Pasupu first to Bro-in-law..

Amar Stopped Urmila

Amar : Wait..Urmila!!

Amar came to Subhadra

Amar : Amma..You are feeling, it is bad omen If You apply Pasupu (Turmeric) to me, right?

Subhadra became sad for this..

Amar : Ok..I don't want to force You..But As Mother, You only have to give Blessings to me First..Please Bless Me, Amma!!

Amar took Blessings from Subhadra..She became Emotional for this and gave Blessings to Amar

Subhadra : You have to achieve so much Honor and Live Long Life, Amar!!

When Amar got up, Subhadra caressed Amar head feeling Emotional..

Relatives : He respects his Mother so much that's why He became Great in Everywhere..

Subhadra said to Amar

Subhadra : Go and Sit, Amar..We have to start Ritual!!

Subhadra said to Urmila

Subahdra : Urmila..Go and apply Pasupu to Amar..

Urmila : Ok, Mom-in-law..

Urmila applied Pasupu to Amar..

Subhadra asked Jhende

Subhadra : Raghava..Why You stand like that? You also apply Pasupu to Amar..

Jhende became shock for this..

Jhende : Amma..Me?

Subhadra : More than us, As Friend to Amar Your blessings are Important to him..

Urmila said to Jhende

Urmila : Jhende..Don't think anything. Come and Apply Pasupu to Your Best friend..

Jhende came to Amar

Jhende : Tell me, Sir..What Blessings You want from me?

Amar : Not Blessings, Jhende..I want Your Support in my life..

Jhende : Oh..So, You want to tie me life long..

Amar gave kick to Jhende for this..Jhende laughed for this

Jhende : Atleast For this Kick, I will be with You only..Amar!!

Jhende applied Pasupu to all over his face to tease him..

Amar : Jhende!!

Jhende tickled Amar and he laughed for this..

Urmila asked Subhadra

Urmila : Mom-in-law..Can we start Mangalasnam (Holy Bath) ritual?

Subhadra : Yes, Urmila..

Urmila observed Preethi sad face and asked her

Urmila : Preethi..You don't have work right? Come and Help us..

Preethi became shock for this..

Preethi : Me? Madam..

Urmila : Yes..Come, Preethi..

Urmila pulled Preethi and gave Jalledu (executioner's axe)

Urmila : Hold this!!

Preethi became angry on doing this..

Urmila and Other Ladies did Mangalasnam (Holy Bath) to Amar..

At Devi's House

Neighbors said to Padhu

Neighbors : Padha Akka..Paspu Ceremony got completed..Now We can do Mangalsnam (Holy Water) to Devi..

Padhu : Ok..

Padhu asked Hema

Padhu : Hema..You also come and Help us..

Hema : Ok, Aunty..

Padhu, Hema and Neighbours did Managlasnam (Holy Water) to Devi..

On that time, Devi felt he had Mangalanam before like this..

Padhu asked Devi

Padhu : Devi..What Happened?

Devi : Amma..Did I ever had Mangalasnam like this before?

Padhu : Pichi Pilla..Only Before Marriage, We do Managalansam..

Devi : But Why I am feeling I had Mangalasnam like this before?

Padhu : Oh..On Your Mature function , Like this You had bath..That's why You are feeling like this..

Devi : Oh..Ok!!

But Devi still feeling the same..

Padhu said to them

Padhu : Mangalasnam (Holy Bath) got completed..Shall we give Mangala Harathi (Divine Fire) to Bride (Devi)?

Hema stopped Padhu

Hema : Aunty..Wait!! You all Go..We want to play with Devi for some time..After Her Marriage, She wil play with her Amar Sir only..Right?

Devi glared at Hema

Devi : Hema !!

Padhu laughed for this..

Padhu : Ok..As Your Wish!!

Hema and her Friends applied Pasupu to all over her face..

Devi : Hema!! Stop!!

Hema : No Way!!

Hema and Her Friends played with Devi and splashed Water on her..

At Devi's House (Outside)

Seshaya became irritated on heard smiles from inside..

Seshaya (Inner Vocie) : Chi..Instead of heard these smiles, It would be better If I lost my Ears..

Loki said to Seshaya

Loki : Nanna..Some Burning smell is coming..Did you put anything on Stove?

Seshaya : Chi..Pora (Get Lost)..

Loki : Oh..I understand now, That Burning Smell is coming from Your Stomach with Jealous!!

Loki laughed on saying this..

Seshaya :You!!

Loki ran from him..

At Jitendra's Plan

Jitendra's Men bring some People as Jitendra said to him

Jitendra said to them

Jitendra : You all got Chance to act like Rich People..So, Do it Correctly..

People : Ok, Sir..

Jitendra asked his Men

Jitendra : Rey..Did you said everything Clearly?

Men : Yes, Anna.. When that Amarendra Bhushan, Devi come on Wedding Stage..They all have to Question him about Chandra Lekha Death on showing Newspaper..

Jitendra : Did you give that Newspaper Cuts to them?

Men : Yes, Anna..

Jitendra said to them

Jitendra : Don't gather in a Group like Beggars, Each One of You spread into different Sides and Join with Other People..

People : Ok, Sir..

Jitendra : Now Leave!!

Jitendra's Men asked Jitendra

Men : Anna..It would be Good, If we send Video with this Newspaper on Wedding time right? What is need of all these plans?

Jitendra : Rey..Do You think this is Your Wedding to see Video instead of Wedding?

They became silent for this..

Jitendra : Most awaiting Amarendra Bhushan Wedding, Whole Hydearbad and all Celebrities will be there only to see his Wedding..So, This Plan only Correct!!

Men : Ok..Now I got it!!

Jitendra : I don't know why? Even Plan looks Perfect, I am feeling some worry..

Men : Don't worry, Anna..Everything will happen as You want..

Jitendra : But It is better to plan some backup Plan to this..

At Devi's House

Devi getting Ready as Bride..

Devi Friends became shock on seeing so many Jewelry to Devi..

Friends : Ammo..I heard Queens in Palace will have Jewelries like this..But Here Our Devi have these many Jewelries..

Hema : Then..Our Devi also Queen right?

On that time, Loki came to Devi there with Red Dry Chilles and Salt...

Loki : Move..Move..

Friends : What Happened?

Loki came to Devi and take away Dishti (Evil Eyes) on Devi

Loki : My Father Dishti , That Preethi Madam Dishti and Hema Dishti , Your Friends Dishti ..All Dristhi have to break down..

Devi Friends became angry and shouted on Loki

Friends : Are we Disthi (Evil Eyes) to Devi?

Loki : Yes..All of You stand around our Devi and put Disthi (Evil Eyes) to her..

Friends : You!!

Padhu came there and said to them

Padhu : Loki, You bring them not to get Disthi (Evil Eyes)on Your Friend Devi right?

Loki : Yes, Aunty..

Padhu : Don't worry, I have Idea, not to fall any Disthi (Evil Eyes) on Devi..Wait!!

Padhu bring Sambrani Dhoop for Devi

Hema asked Padhu

Hema : Aunty..We have Hair Dryer right? What is need of Samabrani Dhoop?

Padhu : Hema..It is not just to dry hair..These Samabrani Dhoop won't let evil Powers fall on Bride..

Hema : Ok..Do it then..

Padhu did Samabrani Dhoop to Devi..

Hema asked Padhu

Hema : Aunty..Shall we start to get ready Devi as Bride?

Padhu : Just a Second!! First I need to Put Ammavari Kukuma (Goddess Kukuma) to Devi..

Hema : Aunty..After we do make Up, You can Put Kukuma right?

Padhu : First We need to Put Kukuma to Bride (Devi) to get her ready..

Padhu Put Kukuma to Devi..

After Sometime, At Wedding Hall

Amar came to Devi and asked her on Holding her hand..

Amar : Devi..If I ask you anything , Will You do that for me?

Devi : Why You asking like that, Sir? Ofcourse..I will..Tell me, What do you want me to do?

Amar : You took Promise from me not to say about My First Marriage with Chandra Lekha..

Devi : Yes, Sir..

Amar : You have to take back that Promise from me!!

Devi became shock on heard this..

Percap : Unknown Evil help to Preethi..Twist?

I'm Very Very Sorry for Late Update...Little bit Busy..

Please Forgive me If any mistakes are there..

How was Amar announcement about Urmila? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Urmila Gulity for misunderstanding Amar? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar, Devi Mangalasnam Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Urmila again get excitement in Amar, Devi Marriage Arrangements like before? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Jhende Bonding with Amar? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar bonding with Subhadra? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Hema and Loki Part in Amar, Devi Marriage Arrangements? Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Devi feels she had Mangalasnam before? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Jitendra Plan workout ? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Devi agree to take back her Promise from Amar? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Jitendra Plan will workout? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Friends..

Thank You So Much for all Your Votes and Supportive Comments..❤️❤️💕💕

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care, Stay Safe..

Loves You All...💕💕

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