Precious Girl

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On Morning, At Bhushan Villa

Subhadra arranging some Sarees neatly and touched them Previously..

Maid asked Subhadra

Maid : Madam..You won't wear these sarees...Urmila madam also don't wear these type of Sarees..Then For whom You always wash and iron those Sarees neatly..

Subhadra : These Sarees are Very Precious to me..!! I am waiting for that Precious Girl who will wear these Sarees..Don't know when she will come..?

On that time, Sodamma came there

Sodamma : Jai Durgamaa Thali!!!

Subhadra welcomes Sodamma..

Subhadra : Namaste. Amma..Please Come Inside!!

Sodamma : That Precious Girl is coming soon to Your House to wear these Sarees..

Subhadra felt Happy on heard this..

Subhadra : Is it True..Amma..?

Sodamma : Durgamaa Thali words never became False..Get Ready to Welcome that Girl!!

Subhadra : Your words really gives so Much Happiness to me..

Sodamma smiles for this..

Subhadra asked Maid

Subhadra : Give Pasupu Kumkuma (Turmeric, Saffron) to Amma..

Sodamma stopped her and asked Subhadra

Sodamma : You only give..

Subhadra became shock on heard this..

Subhadra : How can I? You know right.. I am Widow..

Sodamma : Your Wish is selfless..If Durgamaa Thali took these things from Your Hand..Then Your Wish fill get Blessings from that Thali..Give!!

Subhadra became Happy for this and gives Pasupu Kumkuma (Turmeric, Saffron) to Sodamma..

Sodamma : Jai Durgamaa Thali!!

At Bhushan Group of Companies

Board of Directors said to Amar

Directors : Yeaterday Ms.Devi really gave Brilliant Idea..We never see her before, Is she new here?

Amar : Yes..She just joined recently..

Directors : We heard You only appointed her..

Amar : Yes, Sir..

Directors : You Proved again that Your Selection is always Perfect..Amar Sir..

Amar smiles for this..

Directors : Amar Sir encourage Ms. Devi Personally, She will definitely be in Top Position..

Amar : Sure, Sir..

Directors : We take Leave, See You Tomorrow..

Amar : Ok..

Amar felt Happy that they appreciated Devi..

At Employees Desk

Amar came to Employees Desk and said to Employees

Amar : Listen Everyone..Did you know that Our Chandra Lekha Sarees Board of Directors likes Devi Idea..

Employees : Yes, Sir..We know that..Even Devi is New here, She did good Work..

Amar : Yes..Why you don't we celebrate this?

Employees : Yes,Sir..We have to celebrate this..

Amar : Don't say this to Devi..It is Surprise..

At Conference Hall

Jhende came to Preethi and said to her

Jhende : Preethiji..Why are you still here?

Preethi : What Happened, Jhendiji..?

Jhende : Amar Sir conducted a Party for Devi..

Preethi became Shock on heard this

Preethi : What?

Jhende : Yes..Preethiji..Yesterday Devi idea became Successful right? That's why Amar Sir wanted to conduct small Party for Devi..

Preethi became angry for this

Preethi : Jhende..How can You Support this?

Jhende : Angry not Good, Preethiji..

Preethi : I won't come..

Jhende : Preethiji..If You won't come to Party, Nothing will happen to Devi..But Amar Sir will get doubt on You.

Preethi became worried on heard this

Preethi : Fine..I will come..

Jhende : Good.

At Office Entrance

Devi came to Office..On that time All Employees came there

Employees : Congratulations!! Devi..

Devi : Thank You..

Amar came to Devi

Amar : Congratulation!! Devi..

Devi : Thank You, Sir..

Amar : You did Good Job !!

Amar give Flower Bouquet on saying this , but Devi said to him

Devi : Thank you,Sir..But If you don't mind, I want to take this Bouquet from Preethi Madam..

Preethi became shock on heard this..

Devi : If Preethi Madam didn't give this Opportunity, I wouldn't achieve this..

Amar became disappointed that Devi don't want take Bouquet from him, But said to Preethi

Amar : Fine, Preethi..You only give this to Devi..

Preethi : Sir? Me?

Amar : Devi want You only to give this Bouquet..Give this to her..

Preethi didn't want to do that. But gave Bouquet to Devi that Amar said to do that..

Preethi : Congrats!! Devi..

Devi : Thank You, Madam..

Amar said to Employees

Amar : Join in Party!!

After sometime, At Conference Hall

Preethi became angry that Devi makes her to give Bouquet to her, Jhende said to her

Jhende : Angry not Good, Preethiji!!

Preethi : How dare she!! I wanted to send that Devi out of this Office, but look she makes me to give Bouquet to her..

Jhende :What to do.. You wanted to threw stones on Devi..But with those stones only, she is going Up..

Preethi : Do you know, First Devi didn't said anything in Presentation, But After Amar Sir came there, She continuously said about her Idea, All Board of Directors appreciated her very well..I don't know how she did this?

Jhende : Do you know What is Devi's Strength?

Preethi : What?

Jhende : Amar Sir!!

Preethi became shock on heard this

Jhende : How many Problems you wanted to create to her, If Amar Sir is there with Devi..She never get fail..

Preethi became angry on heard this..

At Devi's House Terrace

Devi felt bad for avoiding Amar like that..

Hema came to Devi with Happiness

Hema : Devi.. I got to know that Your Marriage got cancelled..Congratulations!!

Devi : Thank You..

Hema : Look at me, Loki is my own Bava but I am feeling happy that his Marriage got cancelled..

Devi : Poor Loki, Did he felt bad?

Hema : Hey..He is comedy Piece, On that Evening itself he would forgot it..Just Leave about him and think about Amar Sir only..Did you say thanks to Sir?

Devi became silent for this and covered it

Devi : You know Today I gave My First Presentation.. All Board of Directors likes my idea..

Hema : Aunty said this to me..Congrats!!

Devi : Thanks..Do you know first I became blank How to give Presentation, But Suddenly I became confident on seeing A...

Devi about to say Amar name but stopped on saying that..

Hema : I know on seeing Amar Sir only You got that Confidence right?

Devi became silent for this..

Devi : Hema..Do you know What Idea said to them?

Hema : Stop it..What Happened? Why are you diverting the topic? Did you talk with Amar Sit?

Devi : Amar Sir tried to talk with me, But I am only avoiding him..

Hema : Why?

Devi : Why I have to talk with him? Even He know What I feels for him, He didn't reply anything? What I have to understand with this? Till Amar Sir said What he feels for me..I will avoid him like this only, That's it!!

Hema : Are You taking Vow?

Devi : Like that only..

Hema : This is so bad, Devi..Amar Sir only helped You to cancel this marriage, right? You are doing too much..

Devi : I am not doing too much..Amar sir only doing so much..

Hema : Oh..I will also see How many days You will avoid him!!

At Bhushan Villa

Amar felt sad that Devi is avoding him..Jhende observed this and asked him

Jhende : Amar..Are You ok?

Amar : Don't talk to me like You will help me..

Jhende : If Devi avoiding You, How can I help you?

Amar became shock for this..

Amar : How You know?

Jhende : I am Your Shadow, Amar..More than You, I know You..

Amar became silent for this..

Jhende wanted to make Amar Happy and said to him

Jhende : Do you know..Today one strange thing happened in Presentation?

Amar : What?

Jhende : First Devi didn't say one word also in Presentation..But Suddenly on seeing someone, She suddenly gave Presentation very well..How it happened?

Amar felt Happy on heard this..But asked Jhende

Amar : Who is that someone?

Jhende : Please don't act like that You don't Know..

On that time, Subhadra came there and asked them

Subhadra : Raghava..What are you both discussing?

Jhende : Nothing, Amma.. Today one Presentation was happened very well..That's what we are discussing..

Subhadra : Who gave that, Presentation?

Amar and Jhende became silent for this..

Urmila came in between

Urmila : Devi..Mom-in-law..

Amar and Jhende became shock how Urmila knows this..

Jhende : Urmila Madam..How You know this?

Urmila : Prithvi said this to me..He said all Board of Directors are discussing about Devi only..

Subhadra asked Amar

Subhadra : Amar..Is that Girl really give Presentation that much good?

Amar : Yes, Amma..It is simple Idea..But Devi elaborate it very well..You know she always explains anything which anyone get impress to it..

Subhadra felt Happy on heard this..

Subhadra : Amar..I want to see Devi once, Will you bring her to our Home?

Amar became shock for this

Amar : Amma..Why?

Subhadra : I don't know, why? From the time, I know about her, I wanted to see her once..

Urmila said in between

Urmila : Yes, Bro-in-law..Bring her to our home, we all can meet her..

Amar thinking about this, Subhadra asked him

Subhadra : What happened, Amar? Is any Problem?

Amar : Nothing, Amma..I will bring her..

Subhadra felt Happy for this

Amar : But Not now..When Correct time came, I will definitely bring Devi to Our home..Ok?

Subhadra : Ok..As your Wish..

Next Morning, At Devi's House

Devi said to Padhu

Devi : Amma..I am going to Office..Bye..

Subbu said to Devi

Subbu : Devi..Today Buses are in Strick..

Devi became worried for this..

Padhu : Then..How will Devi go to Office?

Padhu said to Devi

Padhu : Devi..Today take Leave..

Devi : No..Amma..Today important work is there..

Padhu : Then How You will go? Autos also won't come Side at this time..You have walk for 1 KM..

Devi : It's ok..Amma..I will take Cab..

Padhu : Take Care..Devi..

Outside Devi's House

Devi trying to book Cab but no Cabs are available at their Place.

Devi : Ayo..Cabs also not available at this time.. What to do?

On that time, Loki came there..

Loki : Devi..How are You?

Devi became irritated on seeing Loki

Devi : Fine..

Loki : Devi. Can I talk with You?

Devi : I am going to Office..

Loki : Please..Devi..I know You are angry on me also..But Please listen to me once..Please..

Devi : Fine..Tell me..

Loki : Devi, I know, I'm not at all correct for You..Because of My Father Pressure only, I agreed for this Marriage..But I never want this..

Devi became shock on heard this..

Loki : Because You and Amar Sir Loving Each other right?

Devi became shock for this..

Devi : How You know this?

Loki : Hema said to me that You Loves Amar Sir..

Devi : Then How You know Amar Sir also loving me?

Loki : Is anyone have to say this to me..On seeing Amar Sir Caring for You, Not only me, Anyone can understood it..

Devi smiles for this and said

Devi : But Don't say this to anyone?

Loki : Promise..I won't say this to anyone..Trust me..

Devi : Thanks..

Loki : Devi..Friends? Promise..I will be Your Friend like Hema..

Devi think about this and said to him

Devi : Ok..Friends..

Loki : Thanks..

Devi : Bye..

Loki : I heard Today Buses are in Strick..You will get late to Office right? So Can I drop You..?

Devi first hesitate for this.

Loki : Just now You said We are Friends, Right? So, I wanted to Help You as Friend only...Please..

Devi think about this and said to him

Devi : Fine..

Loki : Thank You..Devi..

Outside Bhushan Group of Companies

Amar about to go inside Office..

On that time, Amar saw that Devi came to Office on Loki Scotty..

Amar became angry on seeing this..

At Bhushan Group of Companies

Amar came to Office with angry..

On that time, Amar heard Mobile ringtone of one Employee.

Amar shouted on Employees

Amar : Don't You know.. Mobiles have to be in Switched Off after You came to Office!!

All became scared on seeing Amar angry..

Amar shouted on Preethi

Amar : Preethi..Don't You said to Employees to keep their Mobiles Switched off..

Preethi became scared for Amar angry..

Preethi : Sir, I already said to them..

Amar : Remind them Once Again..

Preethi : Ok, Sir.

Preethi became scared on seeing Amar angry and thinking

Preethi (Inner Voice) : Today Amar Sir is looking Very angry..It is better to stay away from him..

Peon FM said to Preethi

Peon FM : Preethi Madam..Jhende Sir went out for some work..He said to You this is time to give this Tablet to Amar Sir..

Preethi became scared for this..

Preethi : FM..Today You only give Tablet to Amar Sir..

FM became scared for this..

FM : Madam? Me? You also saw right? Amar is very angry today..How can I?

Preethi : I don't want to hear anything.. You only Go and Give Tablet to Amar Sir..

FM : Fine, Madam..

Preethi felt relief that she gave that work to FM..

FM became scared to go to Amar Sir

FM (Inner Voice) : God!! Please save me..

On that time Devi came to Office

FM felt Relief on seeing Devi..

FM : Good Morning, Devi Madam..

Devi : Good Morning, FM..

FM : I need Favour from You? You only can help me..Madam..

Devi : What is that? FM

FM : Don't know What Happened..Today Amar Sir is very angry.. But Sir have to take this Tablet..Please Give it to him..

Devi : Me? Why?

FM : Please Madam..Please do this Help..

Devi think about this and said

Devi : Fine..I will give..

FM became Happy for this and gave Tablet to Devi..

At Amar's Cabin

Amar is getting more angry on remembering That Devi came with Loki..

On that time Devi came inside..

Devi : May I come in, Sir?

In angry, Amar didn't see Who came inside and said

Amar : Come In..

Amar became angry on seeing Devi..

Devi asked Amar

Devi : Sir..Tablet.. ?

Amar : Did I asked You to give Tablet to me?

Devi : Sir?

Amar shouted on Devi

Amar : Did I asked to give it?

Devi became shock on seeing Amar angry..

Amar : Do You know What I am thinking right now?

Devi still asked Amar

Devi : Sir..Please Take Your Tablet..

Amar : Do You know How Painful it is  if anyone avoids us?

Devi still asked Amar

Devi : Sir..Please Take Your Tablet..I have to go..

Amar became angry for this and shouted on her

Amar : What I asked You? What are you asking me?

Amar threw Water Glass on Floor with angry..

Devi felt bad on seeing Amar Behavior like this..

Percap : Amar worried for Devi..

I am Sorry for late Update, Little bit Busy...

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

Who is that Precious Girl for whom Subhadra is waiting? Please Tell me..Friends..

Why Amar asked time to bring Devi to his Home?  Any Guess..Please Tell me..Friends..

Why is Amar became so angry ? Please Tell me..Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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