Press Meet!!

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At Bhushan Villa

Amar went inside Chandra Lekha Room

All Family Members became shock on seeing this

Prithvi : Amma..Dada went inside to his Secret Room!!

Subhadra became worried on seeing this..

Subhadra asked Jhende

Subhadra : What happened, Raghava? Is any Everything OK? Why Amar went inside that Room?

Jhende became worried how to cover this

Jhende : Nothing..Amma..Don't worry about that..

Urmila asked Jhende

Urmila : How can say not to worry, Jhende? Don't You know about that Room..Sometimes Bro-in-law be in that Room for so many days without having any food..Now Function will start soon,Why He went to that room at this time?

Jhende became worried to reply for this..

Urmila : There Devi Akka still didn't reach her room, Her Parents are worrying about her..Tell me, What happened to Devi Akka? Where is She?

Subhadra became worried on heard this and asked Jhende

Subhadra : Raghava..Why Devi still didn't reach her home? Is She Fine only right? Is anything happened to her?

Jhende covered this

Jhende : Amma...Devi is Fine..Nothing happened to her..

Prithvi asked Jhende

Prithvi : Then Why Dada went to that Room? Only when he is depressed about anything, Then He will only go to that Room? Now What happened to My Dada?

Jhende : Prithvi Sir..Only Amar Sir can give answer to this..Please wait for him..

Subhadra became worried for Amar

Subhadra (Inner Voice) : God!! Now What Problem came to My Amar? When He is going to start his New Life, Why He is trying to open his Past? Please save My Amar..

Inside Chandra Lekha Room

Amar stood infront of Chandra Lekha Photo

Amar : Chandu..You know How much I Love You..When I got Your Love I felt No one in this world is lucky like Me..

Amar remembered about his Moments with Chandra Lekha.

Amar : When You Hold my Hand, I felt You are Mine only..With these hands I tied knot to You and make You my Wife..

Amar Remembered about his Marriage with Chandra Lekha..

Amar : But with these hands only I did Your Funeral..

Amar Remembered the Day when Chandra Lekha dead..

Amar : I Lost Hope on my Life on that Day itself..But I again started Living when I see Devi..I felt like You only came for me..

Amar Remembered the Day when he saw Devi..

Amar : I felt No one can love me Like You Love me..But Not only Devi looks like You, Devi Loves me like You Love Me infact sometimes more than You..

Amar remembered Devi love on him..

Amar : Today Devi is in Danger because of me..To save her, I have to agree infront of this World that I only killed You..

Amar Remembered Jitendra condition to leave Devi..

Amar :My Life is Your Dream, But Today I am going to destroy that Life..I'm Very Sorry, Chandu..But Now Except Devi nothing is important to me..Please Forgive me!!

Amar said before leaving from there

Amar : Infront of this World, May be I will become Criminal who Killed You..But infront of You, I'm always the man who Loves You immensely..

Amar left from there after saying this to Chandra Lekha Photo..

At Main Hall

All are waiting for Amar to come out..

Urmila said to Subhadra

Urmila : Mom-in-law..Please go and call Bro-in-law to come out..Or Else We don't know Where is Devi Akka?

Subhdra : No, Urmila..Please wait..Amar will come..

On that time Amar came out from Chandra Lekha Room..

All felt relief on seeing Amar came out..

Subhadra asked Amar

Subhadra : Amar..Is Eveything Ok? Why You went to that Room in this time?

Amar : You know Amma..When I can't find answers to my Questions, I will go to that Room..

Subhadra became worried on heard this..

Subhadra : Now What such Question came to You? Amar..

Amar : Question means Till now I stayed single, Suddenly life take new change ..So, I became Nervous!!

Prithvi asked Amar

Prithvi : What!! My Dada always takes Changes as Challenge, How can He became Nervous suddenly!!

Amar covered this

Amar : If it is about Business, I would take it as Challenge..But it is about Life, So I am Nervous!!

Urmila said to Amar

Urmila : In that case You don't need to think about that..Devi Akka Loves You So Much, She will take care of Very well..

Subhadra said to Amar

Subhadra : Yes, Amar.. Devi is Perfect Life Partner to You...If You are with Devi, She don't need anyone in this World...

Amar : Even I'm not with her, You all have to take care of her..

All became shock on heard this..

Amar covered it

Amar : I mean 24 Hrs, I can't be with Devi..On that time, You all have to be with her..

Urmila said to Amar

Urmila : Bro-in-law..Please stop this, You are talking Like Adapilla Appaginthalu (Bride's Farewell)..Tell me, Where is Devi Akka? I said to her Parents I will Go and bring her..

Amar : Not You, Urmila..I only need to Go and then only Devi will come..

All became confuse for this..

Amar : I mean, If I go there then I only I can bring Devi!

Urmila : Oh!! So You only want to bring Your Bride to Function..Good!! Good!!

Amar said to Prithvi

Amar : Prithvi..You all Go to Function..

Prithvi : Ok..Dada..

Urmila asked Jhende

Urmila : What about You? Jhende..You will also go with Bro-in-law..

Jhende nodded as Yes..

Urmila : Ok..Ok..

Urmila said to Subhadra, Prithvi

Urmila : Mom-in-law, Prithvi..Come, We have to start..Let's Get Ready..

Subhadra, Prithvi went inside with Urmila..

At Amar's Guest House

Amar sit quiety and thinking deeply..

Jhende : Amar..Why You talk like that there? On seeing Your behaviour, I am feeling supsious that You take some Dangerous Decision..

Amar : Arrange Press Meet!! Jhende!!

Jhende became shock on heard this..

Jhende : What? That means You got surrendered to that Jitendra Condition..No..Amar..Please don't do this..

Amar : To save Devi, except this I don't have any Option..

Jhende : Amar..Please..For Love, You can sacrifice Your Life..But You don't have to destroy Your Life..How can You agree for the crime which You never did..If You do like that, Will Devi be Happy?

Amar : I don't have time to think about anything now..I need to save Devi..

Jhende : Amar..If You took that Blame, Not only to You, It will Black Mark to the Whole Bhushan Family..

Amar : If One Innocent Girl dead because of me, Will it won't be Black Mark to the Bhushan Family..

Jhende : You will Lose Your Entire Prestige which You earn till now..If King lose his Prestige, It is like take off his Head!!

Amar : Jhende..Don't try to convince me..Directly or Indirectly I was reason for One Death..I don't want another..

Jhende : Amar..Please give me some minute, I will catch Jitendra..He will tell to us where He hide Devi..

Amar : He guessed this and hide Devi in a place which he don't know..

Jhende : Amar..Please..

Amar : Don't waste my time, Jhende..Will You arrange Press Meet? Or Do You want me only to arrange it?

Amar took his Phone to arrange Press Meet..Jhende Stopped him..

Jhende : I will arrange it..Wait!!

Jhende called and said to his Team

Jhende : Arrange Press Meet for Amar Sir!! It is Urgent!!

Team : Ok, Sir..

Jitendra became disappointed for this and said to Amar..

Jhende : At this time It would better If I die instead of doing this..

Jhende hugged Amar

Jhende : Anyone can do sacrifices, But The one who do sacrifice for the Girl who trusts him even he knows he will fall down with that Sacrifice, He is one and Only My Amar!!

Jhende left from there after saying this.

At Kidnappers Place

Devi thinking about Amar

Devi (Inner Voice) : Sir..Why I am feeling like You are going to take some Harsh Decision for me? Please don't do anything like that!!

Devi Praying to God

Devi (Inner Voice) : God!! Please show me that Mobile to stop Amar Sir!!

On that time Devi saw Mobile under table..

Devi (Inner Voice) : If I get that Mobile, I can contact Amar Sir to stop him!!

Devi trying to get that Mobile on pushing that Chair..She makes that Chair fall down to reach that Mobile..

Devi hold that mobile after so much difficulty..

Devi called Amar..But it is getting Not Reachable..

Devi (Inner Voice) : Cha..Not Reachable!! I will send Message..

Devi sent Message to Amar Mobile "Call Me!! "

Devi (Inner Voice) : I Hope Sir will see this Message..

Inside Car

Amar going to Press Meet on thinking about Devi on seeing the Bangles which he want to wear to her..

Amar (Inner Voice) : I promised You that I will marry You whatever happened..But with this Press Meet, May be I can't marry You anymore..I'm Sorry, Devi..

On that time, Amar saw one Message to his Mobile which Devi sent "Call me!!"

Amar thinking on seeing that Message.

Amar (Inner Voice) : "Call me, Sir!!" Did Devi send this message?

Amar called to that Mobile which Devi sent message..

At Kidnappers Place

Devi became Happy on seeing Amar call

Devi : Amar Sir!!

Amar became Happy on heard Devi voice

Amar : Devi..Where are You?

Devi : Sir..Listen to me, I heard these People making You agree some Crime on kidnapping me..Please don't anything like that for me..

Amar : Leave about that..You tell me, Where are You?

Devi : I don't know..Sir..They make me unconscious on taking me here..When I came to conscious, I was here..

Amar : Devi.. Go and Look out from window..You will find something..

Devi : I can't Sir..They tied me..

Amar : Devi..Try to give some alert to me so that I can know where You are..I know You can do it..Please Try for us!!

On that time, That Kidnappers saw Devi talking on their Mobile..

Goon 1 : Hey..To whom You are talking?

Goon 2 : May be to his Would be Husband?

They took away Mobile from Devi..

Amar became worried on heard this..

Amar : Hello..Who are You , People..Hello..

Those Goons disconnected the call..

Amar became worried about Devi

Amar (Inner Voice) : Cha..They know Devi tried to talk with me..Now What to do!!

Goons discussed there

Goon 1 : This Madam spoke with that Amarendra Bhushan..Now What to do?

Goon 2 : First Call and inform this to Boss..

They went out to inform this Jitendra

Inside Car

Amar called to Jhende

Amar : Jhende..Did you trace the Location?

Jhende : No..Amar..May be it is some Normal Mobile..We can't able to trace adjust Location..But Definitely Devi is near to her Colony only..

Amar thinking about this.,.

Amar : Jhende..Do one thing, Alert all Emergency Services at that Place...If they got any Emergency call at that place, Immediately they have to inform us..

Jhende : Ok..But Why?

Amar : I feels like Devi will give some alert to us..Let's Hope for it..

Jhende : Then You can stop this Press Meet,Amar?

Amar : No..Jhende..Those Kidnappers know that Devi spoke with me..If I stop this Press Meet, It will be Danger to Devi..

On that time, Some one came infront of Amar Car..He stopped Car and came out..

Amar : Are You Ok? Sorry..I didn't see You in Hurry..

It is Jitendra who came infront of Amar Car..

Jitendra : But I'm Intentionally came infront of Your Car, Amar..

Amar became shock on seeing Jitendra

Amar : You?

Jitendra : What is this Amar? Why You are driving so slow? You have to drive so fast that I have to die on spot..

Amar : If I know it is You, I will definitely do that only..

Jitendra : I know You are capable to do that..Is this Dearness came because You heard Your Devi Voice?

Amar became shock on heard this..

Jitendra : I said I don't know Where Devi is..But I said to My Goons to inform me If she show any kind of over smartness..

Amar : Jitendra!! You are doing wrong..You don't know What Happened on that Day!!

Jitendra shouted on Amar

Jitendra : Yes, I don't know ..But You only get more benefit because of Chandra Lekha Death..That means You only killed her..

Amar holds Jitendra

Amar : Just Shut Up!! Jitendra!! If You say that again, I will forget that You are My..?

Jitendra take away Amar hands and said to him

Jitendra : Amar..It is not the time to dig our Past..First do What I say Or Else Your Devi will die there..

Jitendra showed the Newspaper which mentioned "Amarendra Killed his Wife Chandra Lekha"

Jitendra : With so much difficult, I got another copy of this Newspaper..Show this Media, It will be helpful to agree Your Crime!!

Amar became angry for this..

Jitendra gave that Newspaper and showed one Mobile tracker to Amar..

Jitendra : This Mobile tracks Your Location..Put it on..Take this also..

Amar took that Mobile Tracker

Jitendra : Your Car have to go straight to Press Meet..Go!!

Amar left from there in his car

At Kidnappers Place

Goons discussing there

Goon 1 : Thank God!! Our Boss gave warning to that Amarendra Bhushan..He is going to Press Meet..

Goon 2 : Good..After he confessed his Crime in that Press meet ..We can leave this Madam and take our Money..Let's discus about our share..

Goon 1 : What is need to discuss about our shares infront of this Madam.Come, Let's Go Out!!

They all went out..

Devi feeling bad on heard that Amar going to Press Meet..

Devi (Inner Voice) : Because of me, Amar Sir will lose his Prestige!! I can't able to stop You!! I'm Sorry Sir!!

On that time, Devi saw something there..

At Press Meet (Outside)

Amar came to Press Meet..

Jhende said to Amar

Jhende : Amar..Devi..

Amar indicated not to talk on showing that Mobile which Jitendra gave to him to listen their conversation

Amar said to Jhende intentionally

Amar : Jhende..All Media People came?

Jhende : Yes, Sir..All are waiting for You..You can go and talk with them..

Amar mute Jitendra call and said to him

Amar : Jhende..That Jitendra tracking my Location with this Mobile Tracker..He warned me to go to Press meet or else he warned me that he will kill Devi..

Jhende : Amar.. I alerted all Emergency Services at that place..Let's wait for sometime May be as You say We will get some alert from Devi..

Amar : I can't take chance, Jhende..We don't know about Devi situation there..It is Better I will talk in Press Meet..

Jhende : Amar..Please think about it..

Amar : Let's Go Inside..Jhende!!

Inside Press Meet

Amar came inside Press meet..

Other Side

Jitendra became Happy on seeing Amar came to Press meet on TV

Jitendra : Finally My Target to see Your Destroy came True, Mr. Amarendra Bhushan..Now without any choice You will agree infront of this World that You only killed Chandra Lekha!! After that You will go to Jail and there I will finish You completely!! All Thanks to Your Devi only!!

At Devi's House

Devi and Amar Family Members became shock and worried on seeing Amar in Press Meet..

Urmila : What is this? Bro-in-law said he will bring Devi Akka with him..Then Why He suddenly Put Press Meet now?

Inside Press Meet

Media asked Amar

Media 1 : Sir..Why You arranged this Press Meet?

Media 2 : Is it about Your Marriage?

Media 3 : Are You taking any Decision about Your Marriage?

Jhende said to them

Jhende : Please calm down..Amar Sir will talk with You..

Amar said to Media

Amar : Thanks for Coming..Before I say anything, I need to show You something..

Amar took out the Newspaper which mentioned "Young Icon Amarendra Bhushan killed his Wife Chandra Lekha"

Percap :  Amar shocking Decision in Press Meet..Twist?

I'm Very Very Sorry for Late Update, Little bit Busy..

Please Forgive me If any mistakes are there..

How was Amar conversation with Chandra Lekha? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar conversation with his Family? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Jhende worry about Amar? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Devi Efforts to stop Amar not to go to Press Meet? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar, Devi caring about each other? Please Tell me, Friends..

Is Jitendra have any relation with Amar? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Devi sent some Alert to Amar to know about her Location? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Amar agree in Pressmeet that he only killed Chandra Lekha? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Friends..

Thank You So Much for all Your Votes and Supportive Comments..❤️❤️💕💕

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care, Stay Safe..

Loves You All...💕💕

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