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At Night, Gadwal Palace

Amar, Jhende came to Gadwal Palace with Documents..

Damodar came there to take Documents..

Damodar : Hi..Zandu!!

Jhende became irritated for this..

Damodar : It is so sad to see this.. The Great Amarendra Bhushan who knows except Success, Now He is going to lose..

Amar said Loudly

Amar : Where is Devi?

Damodar : Abba..Zandu..Even After 20 Years also, Your Boss Voice maintaining that Same Bass..

Amar shouted Loudly

Amar : Where is Devi?

Damodar : Ok..Ok..First Sign Those Documents..Or Else..?

Amar immediately took Documents and signed them..

Damodar took Documents and laughed on seeing Amar, Jhende..

At that time, Amar pointed Gun at Damodar head..

Damodar became scared on seeing this..

Jhende smiles on looking at Damodar..

At Bhushan Villa

Subhadra thinking about Amar and Devi

Subhadra (Inner Voice) : Why Amar looking dull? Where He sent Devi?

Prithvi asked Subhadra

Prithvi : Amma..What are You thinking?

Subhadra : Nothing..Prithvi..You know New CEO Devi right..

Prithvi : Yes,Amma..Even You and Urmila also know her right..

Subhadra : Yes..Do You know where Devi went today?

Prithvi : Gadwal!!

Subhadra became shock and worried on heard Gadwal..

Prithvi : What Happened, Amma?

Subhadra : Why Devi went to Gadwal?

Prithvi : Some Transactions issue is there in Our Gadwal Unit..So, She went to do Enquiry..Any Problem?

Subhadra : Nothing..You Go..

Prithvi : Ok..

Subhadra became worried on thinking about Gadwal Palace..

At Hospital

Jitendra sits on a Wheelchair with Oxygen Mask

On that time, Jitendra felt Damodar came there..

Jitendra : Damodar..You came.. Looking like that Amar signed those Documents..Show me..

Jitendra took those Documents happily..

Jitendra became shock on seeing the Signature..

Amar signed Idiot on Documents..

Jitendra : Idiot!!

Jitendra looked back and became shock on seeing the Person..

He is not Damodar..He is Jhende who dressed like Damodar..

Jitendra : Jhende!!

Jhende took Jitendra at Top of the Building..

Jitendra became scared for this..

Jitendra : Jhende!! No..Don't do this..

Jhende : What Jitendra? Can I throw you from here?

Jitendra : No..Jhende..Please!!

Jhende : How can I let You die so easily..!!

Jhende took Jitendra to One Empty room

Jitendra : Jhende!! What are you doing?

Jhende on TV and showed to Jitendra..

Jhende : You wanted to see Amar lose..The man who is meaning of Success sit infront of You..See!!

On TV Screen, Amar sits with smile..

Jitendra became shock on seeing Amar like that..

Amar : Jitendra!! No..Loser!!

Jitendra felt bad on heard th

Amar : Do you know why You always Lose? Because Your Wish is Injustice..

Jitendra felt angry on heard this.

Amar : You need Eligibility to get this Gadwal Palace..You only ask Yourself..Do you really have that Eligibility?

Jitendra felt angry on heard this..

Amar : You already know the reason why I always leaves without killing You...But If You won't tell me Where is Devi..I will definitely break that Rule..Don't test my Patience..

Jitendra didn't said anything for this..

Jhende took away Jitendra Oxygen Mask..

Jitendra can't able to breathe..

Amar shouted on Jitendra

Amar : Where is Devi?

Jitendra became scared on seeing Amar angry..

Jitendra : I will tell..I will tell..

Jhende : Tell me..

Jitendra said the Place to Jhende where He hide Devi..

Amar said to Jhende

Amar : Jhende..Let's Go..

Jhende : Ok..

Jhende left from there without keeping Oxygen Mask to Jitendra..

Jitendra : Jhende..Oxygen..?

Jhende : If You still have time to live on this Earth..Then Someone will come and save You..Bye!!

Jhende left from there after saying this..

At Night, At Bhushan Villa

Subhadra called to Jhende

Jhende became confuse on seeing Subhadra call..

Jhende (Inner Voice) : Why Amma calling me at this time? May be about Amar..

Jhende answered Subhadra call..

Jhende : Amma..

Subhadra : Raghava..Why Amar let Devi went to Gadwal Palace?

Jhende became shock on heard this..

Jhende : Amma..That is..

Subhadra : I called Amar to ask about this.. He is not responding my calls.. You tell me..Why He let Devi went to Gadwal Palace?

Jhende : Nothing..She just went for small Enquiry..Now It is over,Amar also went to drop Devi at her Home..Don't worry..!!

Subhadra : Fine..Everything is Ok..Right?

Jhende : Yes, Amma..Everything is Good..

Subhadra : Ok..

Jhende : Amma..Small Request..Don't ask Amar about this..He is already in work stress..So..

Subhadra : I understand..Raghava..Ok..!!

Outside Devi's House

Amar bring Devi to her Home and said to Devi seriously..

Amar : Your Home came..Go!!

Devi : Sir..Why are you talking like that? Are You angry on me?

Amar : You Go Inside..Your Parents are worrying for you..

Devi : Sorry.. Sir..

Amar shouted on Devi

Amar : Sorry.. Seriously? Didn't I tell you not to go to Gadwal Palace? Why You went there? Tell me..

Devi became scared for Amar angry..

Amar : Give me answer..

Devi : Yes..Sir..

Amar : Then..Still You went there that too alone..What I have to understand on this?

Devi became silent for this..

Amar : That Place is Deserter area..If anything happen to You..What will happen to me?

Devi became shock on heard this..

Amar : I mean Your Parents.. Did you think about them? You left without informing them..

Devi can't able to reply to this..

Amar : You know how much they worried for You..Subbu Garu came to my House also for You..

Devi : Sir..Sorry!! Please listen to me once..

Amar : Go Inside..It became late!!

Devi get down from Car and went inside her home..

Amar waited there till Devi went inside her home..

Next Morning , At Bhushan Group of Companies

From Last Night onwards, Devi calling to Amar Mobile so many times But he didn't respond her calls with angry..

Devi sent Sorry Messages to Amar..But He ignored it ..

Jhende said to Amar on observing this..

Jhende : Amar..What is this? Small Girl She is..  Please talk to her.. Try to understand her..

Amar : Oh..I only have to understand everyone..No one try to understand me..right..

Jhende : Amar..I can understand Your angry..But Devi don't know about this..right..

Amar : You know how much I worried when I know Devi went to that Gadwal Palace..Till I see her, I can't be normal..

Jhende : So You are showing angry on that Innocent Girl..

Amar : Don't call her Innocent.. If I stop talking with her, Then she will understand My Pain..

Jhende : I will also see How many days You won't talk with Devi?

Jhende left after saying this..

At Devi's House Terace

Devi became angry when Amar not resounding her calls and Messages..

Devi (Inner Voice) : Amar Sir is doing too much..I said Sorry right.. I won't go to Office, Then Sir will only call me..

Hema asked Devi

Hema : What Madam? You still didn't go to Office?

Devi : I took Leave today..

Hema : What? You took Leave..Are You OK, right?

Devi : I am Ok..But Amar Sir doing too much..

Hema : What Happened?

Devi : Yesterday I went to Gadwal,Even Amar Sir not to go..So, He became angry on me..

Hema : Then It is Your Mistake right.. Say Sorry to Sir..

Devi : Not once so many times I said Sorry to Amar Sir..Even I sent messages also..But He is not even responding to my calls also..So Rude He is!!

Hema : So..You took leave for that?

Devi : Yes..If I won't go to Office, Then Sir will definitely call me..

On that time, One Big Car came to Devi House..

Hema said to Devi

Hema : Devi..Looking like someone came to Your House..

Devi looked down and became superised on seeing them..

Percap : Subhadra knows that Amar Loves Devi..

I am Very Sorry for Late Update..Little Bit Busy..

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

How was Amar Reaction to Jitendra Plan? Please Tell me, Friends..

What do you understand in Amar angry on Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

Who came to Devi's House? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Devi calm down Amar angry? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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