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At Night, At Bhushan Villa

At Dinning Hall

Urmila serving Gulab Jams to Subhadra

Urmila : Mom-in-law..Today I specially Prepared Gulab Jams for us.

All became confuse for this

Prithvi : Urmila..You never step into kictchen..Then What happened to You Today?

Urmila : Today is Special Day..

Urmila Serving So many Gulab Jams to Amar

Amar : Urmila...What is this? These many Gulab Jams..?

Urmila : Bro-in-law..Don't say No..From Today onwards, You should add Sweet in your Menu and Your Life..

Prithvi asked Urmila

Prithvi : Urmila..Are You ok, right?

Urmila : I'm Perfectly Alright..Infact I am Very Happy today..

Prithvi : Happy? Why?

Urmila : Today Amar Bro-in-law Proposed his Love to Devi..

Prithvi became shock for this

Amar, Subhadra became confuse how she know that..

Subhadra : Urmila..How You know this?

Urmila : Comeon, Mom-in-law..Not more than you People, But I too have some sources..

Prithvi asked Amar

Prithvi : Dada..The Girl who you Loves is Our CEO Devi..Why you didn't tell this before?

Amar : Prithvi..That was..

Urmila said in between

Urmila : Prithvi..Instead of saying Congrats..How you can ask Questions? Are You not Happy for this..

Prithvi : Of course..I am Very Happy..

Urmila : Then say Congrats to Bro-in-law..

Prithvi said on giving Hug to Amar

Prithvi : Congrats!! Dada..I am Very Happy for You..

Amar : Thank You..

Prithvi asked Urmila

Prithvi : Urmila..Won't you Serve Gulab Jam to me?

Urmila : Of Course, My Lovely Hubby..Sit..Sit..

Prithvi : Not in Plate, In Your Favorite Cup..

Urmila : Sure!!

When Urmila serving Gulab Jam , Amar said

Amar : Stop!!

All became shock for this..

Amar : Hold that Cup Properly..Prithvi..Last time Urmila broke this Table when you broke her Cup, If You again break this Cup, She will break Your Head..

Subhadra, Prithvi laughed for this

Prithvi : True, Dada..I Have to be Careful!!

Urmila : Bro-in-law..This is Too much..I am not that much Shrew..

Prithvi repiled to Subhadra

Prithvi : Yes, Urmila..You are not Shrew, You are Psycho..

Urmila : Prithvi!! You!!

Urmila hits Prithvi shoulder for this..

Prithvi : OK, Sorry..Sorry..We can't control you If You get angry or Love, Urmila..

Subhadra became Happy on seeing her Family Happinesss..

At Devi's House Terrace

Hema bring Devi on closing Her Eyes..

Devi : Hema..Why You closed My Eyes?

Hema : Wait Devi Madam..Not only Your Amar Sir, We only can give Suprise to You..

Hema asked Loki

Hema : Loki..Ready!!

Loki : Ready!! Ready!!

Hema said to Devi

Hema : Now, You can See!!

Devi opened her Eyes and became Happy on seeing their Surprise

It is Heart Shaped Balloons with Amar, Devi Names..

(This Edit Credit to annu_pranushka_jam ...Thank You So Much, Dear..

Devi : Wow.. It is So Cute!! Thank You..Hema..

Devi gave hug to Hema for this..

Loki pouted for this

Loki : It is so Unfair...I only bring these Balloons without let anyone see it..

Devi : Sorry, Loki..Thanks to you also..

Loki : Mention not..

Hema said to Devi

Hema : Devi..Fly these Balloons in Sky..Your Love will get Blessings from Sky...

Devi fly those Balloons in Sky..

Loki asked Hema

Loki : Then..What Next?

Hema : Next Our Devi and Amar Sir Engagement and Marriage..

Loki : Which Place is Best for their Marraige? Goa..It looks Destination Wedding..

Hema : Goa become Normal..Udaipur Palace is Best ..It is Perfect for Amar Sir Royalty..

Loki : Like Virat Kohil and Anushka Sharma Marriage, How about in Foreign? Ayo..But I don't have Passport..

Hema : Loki..Amar Sir will book Charted Flight to us..

Loki : Then..No Problem..

Other Side, Devi thinking seriously..

Hema asked Devi

Hema : What happened, Devi? We both are so excited for Your Marriage..But You are looking so serious..

Devi : It is not easy as You think,Hema..

Hema : Why?

Devi : First My Parents have to agree My Marriage with Amar Sir..

Hema : Ofcourse That is Compulsory..

Devi : Just because I accepted Subhadra Madam given Necklace..My father made it a big Issue..Then How he will react that I want to marry Amar Sir?

Hema : Yes, I also saw that..Then Why don't you ask Amar Sir to talk with Your Parents?

Loki : Yes, Devi..If Amar Sir come, No need of any discussion..only Action..

Hema : True..Ask Amar Sir Once..

Devi : I know that..Even Amar Sir also wanted to do that..But I only told Sir that I will only convince them..

Hema : Ayo..Devi..Why you take this tension on You?

Devi : Hema..My Parents always trusts me and give Importance in every thing in their Life..So, To tell about My love to My Parents is like giving Respect to them..

Hema : Your Decision also Correct..But Devi..Remember one thing, Don't Prolong this matter..If You can't able to do it, Take Amar Sir Help..

Devi : Ok..

At Midnight

Devi called Amar but he didn't respond..

Devi (Inner Voice) : Why Amar Sir not responding my Call? May be Sir is sleeping..It is better I too sleep..

After Sometime, Devi got call from Hema

Devi : Hema..Why you called me at this time?

Hema : Devi..Come out from Your home silently..

Devi : Why?

Hema : First You come out..

Devi : Ok..

Outside Devi's House

Devi came out from her home and asked Hema and Loki

Devi : What happened?

Hema : Come with me..

Devi : Where?

Loki : First You come, Devi..You will only know..

Hema and Loki took Devi with them..

Devi : Arey..Are You both Mad..At this time, Why You bring here?

Hema showed Opposite side to Devi

Amar stood there for Devi..

Devi became Happy on seeing Amar

Devi : Amar Sir!!

Devi came to Amar and hugged him with Happiness..

Hema, Loki became Happy on seeing them..

Devi asked Amar

Devi : Sir..You? At this time?

Amar : You only tell me right..If You want to see me, I have to come infront of You..

Devi : Yes..But I didn't tell you that I want to see You, how you know then?

Amar : You called me, right?

Devi : Yes..But You didn't respond my call, right?

Amar : If You think about me, it means You want to talk with me..If You talk with me, it means You want to meet me..And If You directly call me means You want to see me..So, I came here..

Devi : Oh...In that One call, These many meanings are there..

Amar : Yes..

Devi : Fine..If I want to see You, What it means?

Amar : Just now You gave me Hug right.. It is only the meaning..

Devi blushed for this..Amar smiles on seeing this..

Amar : It is 12:30AM now..

Devi : So, You want go now.. ?

Amar : No..I won't go now..

Devi : Then..Why You said about time now?

Amar : Usually, What will People do at this time?

Devi : Usually all will sleep at this time..

Amar : Ok..What will Lovers do at this time?

Devi : What they will do..They will talk with each other..

Amar glared at Devi for this.

Amar : Tubelight!!

Devi pouted for this..

Devi : Then..You only tell me, What Lovers will do at this time?

Amar coming close to Devi..

Devi is moving back feeling tense..

Devi : Sir!?

Amar : Usually These days Lovers will go to Pubs..But We are not that type, right? So...?

Devi : So?

Amar : In this Moonlight..

Devi : In this Moonlight?

Amar coming so close to Devi..

Amar : Something Romantic..?

Devi : Romantic?

Amar put Earphones to Devi and said to her

Amar : We will listen Romantic Songs together in this Moonlight..

Devi : Songs..?! That's it..

Amar : Yes..What do you think?

Devi : Nothing..

Amar smiles for this..

Amar, Devi walk together listening Romantic Songs in Moonlight..

Next Morning, At Temple

Devi came to temple and Pray to god..

Devi (Inner Voice) : Ganesha..Please give me Courgae to tell about My Love to My Parents..

Panthulugaru give blessings..

Panthuluharu (Priest) : Shegrameva Suputra Prapthirasthu..(To Have Kids soon)

Devi became shock on heard this and looked beside her..

Amar also stood beside her in Prayer..

Devi shouted in Excitement...

Devi : Amar Sir!!

Amar : Slow..Devi..It is Temple..

Devi : Ok..Ok..Why You came suddenly here?

Amar : To see this Smile in You..

Devi smiles for this..

Amar : Devi..You also Looks So Beautiful, When You smile..

Amar blushed for this.

Amar : Anyways, I am So Happy to see Your Smile..

Devi : But I am not Happy, Sir..

Amar : Why? Devi..

Devi : Panthulugaru blessed us as "Shegrameva Suputra Prapthirasthu" That means To have Boys only.. Why not Girls?

Panthuluagaru said in between

Panthulugaru : Amma..Suputra means not only Boy, It Include Girl also..Actually Suputra means Auspicious Kids..That's why we bless as "Shegrameva Suputra Prapthirasthu"

Devi : Sorry, Panthulugaru..I don't know that..

Panthuluhgaru : No Problem..Amma..

Amar said to Devi

Amar : You only misunderstood it and said it loudly..Panthulugaru herd it and explained to You..

Devi : It's Ok.. Sir..We got Double wishes..It would be too Good to us..

Amar smiles for this..

On that time, Subbu also coming to the same Temple..

Other Side

Urmila and Prithvi going in Car

Prithvi : Urmila..I don't think, it is Good Idea..

Urmila : My Idea will definitely workout..

Prithvi : Before we go to Devi House, We have to inform this to Dada right? Amma said to wait for sometime right..?

Urmila : If we wait like this, it will get delay..So, We will only go and talk with Devi Parents about her Marriage with Amar Bro-in-law..

Prithvi : But..

Urmila : Don't ask me anything..I am doing correct thing.. You just concentrate on Driving..

Prithvi : Fine!!

Percap : Amar introduce Devi to her Family..

I am Very Sorry for Late Update..Little Bit Busy..

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

How was Urmila Happiness? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Hema, Loki Suprise to Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar, Devi Moonlight walk? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was " Shegrameva Suputra Prapthirasthu"  Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Subbu see Amar, Devi in Temple ? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Urmila talk with Devi Parents about Devi Marriage with Amar? Any Guess..Please Tell me..Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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