You, Me & Moon

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On Evening, At Bhushan Villa

Urmila thinking about Amar

Urmila (Inner Voice) : If Bro-in-law came to home, I can find whether He went to Pochampalli along with Devi or Not..So, I can get Confirmation..Why He still didn't come yet?

Prithvi asked Urmila

Prithvi : Urmila..Are you looking for someone?

Urmila : Nothing..Prithvi..Amar Bro-in-law used to come at this time, right?

Prithvi : Dada must have some work..He will come..

Urmila : Ok..

Prithvi : Do you have any work with Dada?

Urmila : Nothing..I just asked Causally..

Prithvi : Ok..

At that time, Preethi came there..

Urmila is Surprised to see Preethi at that time..

Preethi asked Subhadra

Preethi : Madam..Did Amar Sir came to Home?

Subhadra : No, Preethi..Is Amar not at Office?

Preethi : No, Madam..Don't know where Sir must be there?

Pritvhi asked Preethi

Prithvi : Dada do work according to Your Schedule..How You don't where he is? And Today Meeting also there..
Preethi : Sir attended Meeting through Video Conference..But I don't know Where Sir is? Sir Mobile also getting Not Reachable..I came here Whether Sir came to home..

Subhadra said to Preethi

Subhadra : Any Problem, Preethi?

Preethi : Nothing, Madam...Along with Office work, Amar Sir handles New CEO work also..I am Just worried about that..Sir is getting burden in work because of that New CEO..

Subhadra : New CEO means Her Name is Devi, right?

Preethi : Yes, Madam..

Subhadra : Amar never felt anything as Burden, Must be He is helping Devi in Work ..Don't worry about that..

Preethi forced smile for this..

Subhadra : If company gets Profits with Devi work, you will also become Happy..Right?

Urmila said in between

Urmila : If Devi bring Profits to Company, Preethi will only become sad..Mom-in-law..

Preethi became shock on heard this..

Preethi : Madam..?

Urmila : Instead of Happy, by mistake I said it as sad..Don't take me wrong..

Preethi became irritated for this..

Preethi said to Subhadra

Preethi : Madam..After Sir came to Home, Please Inform me..

Subhadra : Ok..

Preethi left from there with disappointment..

Urmila became Happy on seeing Preethi Tension

Urmila (Inner Voice) : Wow!! Preethi..I like the tension on Your face because of Devi..To see you with this tension permanently, Devi have to step into this Home as Amar Bro-in-law Wife..And I will make sure it will happen.

On Highway

Amar, Devi talking with each other..

Other Side, Seshaya who is following Amar, Devi getting angry on seeing their Closeness..

Seshaya (Inner Voice) : Cha..I wanted to see their sad face, but here these both are romancing on main Road..I can't see this anymore..I have to trouble them..

Seshaya thinking about this and got Idea on seeing Amar's Car..

Seshaya from back side of Car fills sand in Petrol Tank..

Seshaya (Inner Voice) : I will also see How they will go Peacefully..In this Area, Public Transport also won't available..

Inside Car

Amar and Devi get back to Car..

When Amar tries to start Car, it is not starting..

Devi : What Happened, Sir?

Amar : Don't know..Suddenly Car is not starting..

Amar, Devi get down from Car and Amar checks the Car..

Devi : What Happened, Sir?

Amar : Looking like some major Problem, We can't do anything..Mechanic can only repair this..

Devi : Ayo..Now What we do? It is already became so late..

Amar : Don't worry..Let's walk for some distance..We can take any Bus or Auto..

Amar and Devi started walking from there..

Other Side, Seshaya follows them silently..

Amar asked someone

Amar : Excuse me..Where will we find any Bus or Auto Here?

Someone : If You go straight, You can find there..But it is too Long..But If You take Right, In Shortcut You can find Buses there..But it is Forest Area..

Amar : Ok, Thank You..

At Devi's House

Padhu shouted on Subbu

Padhu : It is all because of You only, When You went to Pochampalli, Can't You bring Devi along with You?

Subbu : Padhu..I went for Shop work and that Shop Owner continuously called me to bring stock..So, I can't able to..

Padhu : Don't tell me Excuses..See It became Night, Still Devi didn't come to Home..And Her Mobile is getting Not Reachable..

Subbu : Must be Signals are not there in that place..And Why are you worrying that much? Devi is CEO now..Along with Devi, her Team must be there with her to help her..

Padhu : If it is a normal Day, I won't need to worry..It is Asthami Today..That Asthami troubles our Devi every time..Atleast If we know Who is with Devi, We can call them and inform this..

Subbu : I called Amar Sir also, His Mobile getting Not Reachable..

Padhu : Then Call Bende Sir..

Subbu : Let's wait for sometime..If Devi still didn't come, Then we will call...

At Night, At Forest

Amar, Devi walking in Forest..

Devi : Sir..It became Night also, Still How much distance we have to walk?

Amar : I'm also thinking that only..Maybe we lost way..

Devi became worried about this..

Devi : What? We lost way..What will we do now?

Amar : It is Better to stay at one place here..

Devi : Here, At this Forest? That too Alone?

Amar : Devi..I'm there for You, You are there for me..When we both are together, How can we be alone?

Devi smiles for this..

Devi : But Sir..Along with us, One more is there with us..

Amar became confuse for that

Amar : Who?

Devi showed Up and said

Devi : Chandamma!! (Moon)

Amar Laughed for this along with Devi..

At Devi's House

Subbu called Jhende

Jhende became surprised on seeing Subbu Call

Jhende (Inner Voice) : Why is Subbu Garu calling me at this time?

Jhende lifted Subbu Call

Jhende : Tell me, Subbu Garu..

Subbu : Sorry to disturb You, Sir at this time..

Jhende : That's ok, Subbu Garu..Please Tell me..

Subbu : Devi still didn't come to home, her Mobile also getting Not Reachable...When She will come to home?

Jhende is thinking about this..

Jhende (Inner Voice) : Amar Mobile also getting Not Reachable..So, My Doubt is Correct Amar is with Devi only...

Jhende said to Subbu

Jhende : Subbu Garu..Must be Devi stuck in work..It has already became Night, So Devi will come tomorrow Morning..

Subbu : But Sir..Is anyone with Devi? On her, Asthami Effect will be there tonight..

Jhende : Oh..Don't worry, Subbu Garu..Devi is not alone, Amar Sir will take care of her very well..

Subbu : Amar Sir?

Jhende realised What He said and Covered..

Jhende : I mean Amar Sir Staff. They will take care of her..You Just Relax..

At Forest

Amar and Devi put camp Fire at one Place

Suddenly, Devi feeling Thirsty

Devi (Inner Voice): Water Bottle also not with me.How can I get water here?

Amar brings water in Leaves to Devi..

Devi became suprised for this

Amar : Drink..Devi!!

Devi : How You get water here?

Amar : I asked for water for You, Suddenly One Pond appeared infront of me..

Devi : Sir?

Amar : First have this water..

Devi drinks water..

Devi : Sir..I understand, You can understand everyone's needs..How?

Amar : Not Everyone, But I know What Devi want..

Devi smiles for this..

Other Side, Someone Clicking Amar, Devi Pics..

Devi thinking on looking at Amar

Devi (Inner Voice) : Sir..I wish this Time will stop here, Just You and Me like this Lonely Place..I Just want to see You like this..

Amar smiling on looking at Devi

Devi : Sir..Why are you smiling like that?

Amar : Nothing..On hearing Nature words..I felt like smiling..

Devi : What did Nature say to You?

Amar : Nature said to me that "Devi wants this Time to stop here, Just Me and She in this Lonely Place..She Just wants to see me like this".

Devi was surprised to hear this..

Devi : Sir..These words are My Mind Voice words..How You know?

Amar : It is Secret..

Devi : Please..Sir.Tell me, How Do You Know this?

Amar : Ok..Only for You..Close Your Eyes..

Devi closed Her Eyes

Amar : Now Breathe in, Breathe Out..

Devi did as Amar said..

Amar : Feel the Nature touch..

Devi feels the Nature..

Amar : Now Open Your Eyes..And look at me..

Devi opened her Eyes and looked at Amar..

Amar (Inner Voice) : Devi..I too wish this time stop here itself, Just You and Me like this..Just I want to be with You till my Last Breath!!

Devi heard Amar Mind Voice..

Devi : Sir..I too heard Your Mind Voice..

Amar : You really heard it fully..

Devi : Fully!

Amar diverted the topic

Amar : Devi..Do you want some more Water?

Devi glared at Amar for this..

Devi : You are Just Impossible!! Sir!!

Amar : What!!

Devi : Nothing!!

Amar smiles for this..

Percap : Origin of ChandraLekha ..Twist?

I am So Sorry for late Update, Little bit Busy...

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

Will Urmila do Amar Marriage with Devi? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Jhende hide from Subbu that Devi is with Amar? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar, Devi Forest Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Please Tell me, Friends..

Thank You So Much for All Your Votes and Supportive Comments..It means a Lot to me..

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care..Stay Safe..💕💕

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