Family Lunch!!

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Happy Birthday to Our Queen, Lady Super Star, Our Pabsu's Bangaram..Anushka Shetty..(Sweety)...Loves You So Much..🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉😍😍🥳🥳🎉🎉💕💕💕💕🥳🥳💞💞💞🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕

This is New Cover Photo to Our Pranushka Story - Mustique Love ( I won't Leave You, Even I Die - 2 (Sequeal))..Thank You So Much to My Friend..💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕

Thank You So Much for all Your Huge Support to this Story..🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💞💞💖💖💖❤️❤️💕💕💕

Dedicated this Update to All of My Friends who gave Huge Support with their Comments and Supportive Comments..❤️❤️💕💕💕💕

Back to Story..

At Bhushan Villa

Inside Kitchen

Devi checking dishes in Kitchen..

Devi : You all did Good Job!! Very Good!!

On that time, Amar came to Kitchen silently for Devi..

Maids Repiled to Devi

Maids : Thanks..Madam!!

Devi : But salt is less in some dishes..It's ok..Give me that salt..I will add it..

On that time, Maids saw Amar..

They about to wish..He indicated to be silent and asked them to leave from there..

They all left from that Kitchen slowly..

Amar stood behind Devi silently.. She didn't observed him..

Devi : Give me salt!!

Amar gave one Box to Devi..

Devi : Sugar!? I asked salt..

Amar gave another Box to Devi..

Devi : Honey!? I asked salt.. Not this!!

Amar gave another Box to Devi..

Devi : Jaggery?! Arey..What Happened to You?

Devi turned back on saying and became shock on seeing Amar..

Devi : Amar Sir!! What are You doing?

Amar came closer to Devi and said to her

Amar : I came to help You!!

Devi : Help!? Really?

Amar : Yeah.. What I said to You before our Marriage..?

Devi : What?!

Amar : I said Even After Our Marriage..I will help You in eveything..Even in Kitchen!!

Devi : Wow!! What a Help!! You gave me all sweet items when I asked salt..

Amar pulled Devi closer to him..

Amar : My Devi is so Sweet right? So I gave Sweet items!!

Devi blushing when Amar pulled her..

Devi : Sir!! What are You doing?

Amar : You cheated me about Kiss right? I don't want to take revenge on My Cute Wife..So, want to ask You whether You changed Your mind and give me kiss now!!

Devi : Sir!! This is Kitchen not Our Bedroom!! Someone will see us!!

Amar : I sent all Maids from here..Your Parents are busy in talking with Amma!! Now Who will come?

When Amar, Devi coming more close to each other..

On that time, Urmila came there..

Urmila : Akka!!

Amar, Devi became shock and Amar moved from there..

Urmila understood What Happened there and asked Amar..

Urmila : Bro-in-law!! Why You came to Kitchen?

Amar tried to cover..

Amar : Actually..I..Devi..

Devi : Water!! Amar Sir came for Water!!

Amar : Yeah!! Water!!

Urmila asked them

Urmila : Oh!! I felt You came to help Devi Akka!!

Amar tried to cover that..

Amar : I got some call!! Bye!!

Amar escaped from there..

Urmila asked Devi

Urmila : Akka!! You also have Water!! Bro-in-law also want Water right?

Devi covered that..

Devi : Madam!! Add some salt to this Dish!! I will come back!!

Devi escaped on saying this..

Urmila laughed for this.

At Main Hall

Amar came to Hall On escaping from Kitchen..

Amar (Inner Voice) : Cha!! Why this Urmila coming when I'm with Devi?!

On that time, Devi came to Amar and pinched his Shoulder...

Amar : Ounch!! Devi!! What is this? It is Hall..If anyone see this!!

Devi : Oh!! Really!! Now You remember that!! I warned You someone would see us!! But You didn't care about that!!

Amar became silent for this..

Devi : You know How much I got embrassed infront of Urmila Madam!!

Amar : How can I know that Urmila would come there?

Devi : Today This is second time!!

Amar : This is Your Mistake!! Devi!!

Devi : What? My Mistake?

Amar : Then..If You gave my Kiss calmly..Why I would follow You? And We don't need to feel embrassed infront of Urmila!!

Devi pouted for this..

Amar : Fine!! Leave it!! Tell me this..What You are talking with Jhende?

Devi : Jhende Sir also helped You to bring back My Parents right? So, I said Thanks to Jhende Sir..!!

Amar : Ok!! But Vijay helped us so much!! With his help only we found about Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu..

Devi : Jhende Sir also said that to me!! Tomorrow, I will say Thanks to him in Office!!

Amar : You want to say Thanks to Vijay right? Then What is need to wait, Tomorrow? I will call now, You can say Thanks to him!!

Devi : Ok!! Call him!!

At Vijay's House

Vijay asked Jitendra

Vijay : Jitendra Sir!! You only recognized that Devi Parents are here right!! Then Why You asked me to inform about them to Jhende Sir?

Jitendra became silent on remembering Past on that Day..

At Temple (Past - On that Day)

After Vijay said to Jitendra about Devi Parents intentionally hiding from them..

Jitendra : I Hate these Parents!!

Vijay : Sir?

Jitendra : I know them!!

Vijay : You know them?

Jitendra : 2, 3 times I saw them when I'm trying to find about Devi!!

Vijay : Ok!! I will inform to our men..We will search about them!!

Jitendra : No need!! I know Where They are!!

Vijay became shock on heard this..

Vijay : What?!

Jitendra : Not only me..You also know them!!

Vijay : Sir? !

Jitendra : The Couple who are in Ground Floor of Your House..They are only Devi Parents!!

Vijay became shock on heard this..

Vijay : That Aunty, Uncle who You gave 50,000 /- to Prepare Food for You..

Jitendra : Yes..I saw them on that Night itself..

Vijay became shock on heard this..

Jitendra : I thought they changed their House and struggling for money..That's why I gave that Money to them to help them!!

Vijay : Now I understand why You gave that much money to them!! Then Why You didn't say this to me!!

Jitendra : I want to know why they came here suddenly..But I don't know they did this to hurt Devi!!

Vijay : Sir!!

Jitendra : First call to Jhende and inform about them!!

Vijay : Sir!! This is Good Opportunity for You to get close to Devi Madam!! We will only bring Devi Madam Parents here and inform this to Devi Madam!!

Jitendra : No need of those things!! Call to Jhende and inform about them!! They know what to do!! We don't need to interfere!!

Vijay : But Sir!!

Jitendra : Just do as I say!! Vijay!!

Vijay : Ok!! Sir!!

Vijay called to Jhende and informed about Subbu, Padhu..

Present (At Vijay's House)

Vijay said to Jitendra

Vijay : Sir!! Why You did like that? Please Tell me!!

On that time, Vijay got call from Amar..

Vijay : Jitendra Sir!! Amar Sir call!!

Jitendra became shock and asked Vijay

Jitendra : Answer it!

Vijay : Ok!!

Vijay lift the call..

Vijay : Good Afternoon!! Amar Sir!!

Amar : Good Afternoon, Vijay...Are You free, Can I talk with You?

Vijay : Yes, Sir..I'm Free!! You can talk with me!!

Amar : Actually You helped us about my Devi Parents!!

Vijay : Oh!! I Just informed about them!!

Amar : But You really did Great Help to us!! Actually Devi want to talk with You!!

Devi took call and talk with Vijay

Devi : Hello!! Vijay!!

Other Side, Vijay said to Jitendra

Vijay : Sir!! Devi Madam on call!!

Jitendra became Happy on heard that Devi on call..

Jitendra : Put Speaker On!!

Vijay put call on Speaker

Vijay : Devi Madam!! Please Tell me!!

Devi : Thank You!! Thanks alot!!

Jitendra became Emotional on heard Devi Voice..

Vijay Repiled to Devi

Vijay : It's Ok!! Madam!!

Devi : You really did Great Help to me!! I can't say How much Happy today!! Thanks is very small word to You!!

Jitendra became Happy on heard this..

Vijay : Madam!! I Just gave information to Sir!! It is Small Help!!!

Devi : But It helps Amar Sir to bring back my Parents!! Thanks!!

Vijay : It's Ok!! Madam!!

Amar took call and said to Vijay

Amar : Vijay!!

Jitendra became irritated on heard Amar Voice and indicated Vijay to off the Speaker..

Amar : Hello!! Vijay!! Are You there?

Vijay : Yes!! Sir!! Tell me!!

Amar : Thanks once again!!

Vijay : It's Ok!! Sir!!

Amar : I will talk with You in Office!! Bye!!

Vijay : Bye!! Sir!!

Vijay disconnected the call..

Other Side, Jitendra became Happy on heard Devi Voice (who he felt like his Sister) after long time..

Vijay : Jitendra Sir!!

Jitendra : I'm feeling so Happy..After long time, I heard my Chammy Voice!!

Vijay became confuse on heard this..

Vijay : Sir?!

Jitendra : Nothing!! You won't understand!!

Vijay : If You only gave back Devi Parents..Devi Madam would say these Thanks to You!!

Jitendra : Vijay!! Don't underestimate Amar!! If We did like You said, What If they got doubt on us!! Before we start our Plan, It will end there itself!!

Vijay understood this..

Jitendra : And One More thing!! I Hate these Parents!! They hurt my Sister!! Through them, I never want to get close with My Sister!! I don't want that!!

Vijay : Then What we do next?

Jitendra : I will think about that!!

Vijay : Ok!! Sir!!

Jitendra thinking about his Next Plan..

At Bhushan Villa

Amar asked Devi

Amar : Happy!!

Devi : Yes!! Sir!! But We have to say Thanks to him personally!!

Amar : Sure!! We will do that!!!

Subhadra came down with Subbu, Padhu..

Subhadra : Amar, Devi!! Come..Let's have Lunch!!

Amar : Ok!!

Devi asked Urmila

Devi : Urmila Madam!! Where is Shahini Madam?

Amar, Subhadra became upset on heard about her..

Urmila became silent for this..

Devi : Ask her to come for Lunch!!

Urmila covered that..

Urmila : Akka!! Actually..

Prithvi : Urmila arranged Lunch in her room!! We can carry on!!

Devi : But Prithvi Sir!! Shahini Madam?

Amar said to Devi

Amar : Devi!! Leave about her!! Let's Go and have Lunch!! Come!!

Amar took Devi with him.

At Dinning Hall

Subhadra said to Subbu, Padhu..

Subhadra : Take Your Seats!!

When Devi about to serve Food..Amar stopped her..

Amar : Devi!! Today You won't serve Food to us!!

Devi : Why? Sir!!

Amar : Let's all have Lunch together!!

Subhadra said to Devi

Subhadra : Amar said correctly!! You also sit and have Lunch!! Maids are there!! They will serve!!

Devi nooded as Ok..

When Devi about to sit with Amar..He stopped her..

Amar : Not with me!!

All became confuse for this..

Amar took Devi to Subbu, Padhu place..

Amar : Today You Sit with Your Parents and have Lunch with them!!

Devi became Happy for this..

Amar : Come!! Devi!! Sit!!

Amar makes Devi sit with her Parents..

Amar sit Opposite to Devi..

When Maids serve food to All of them..

Amar : Don't serve Food to Devi!!.

All became shock for this..

Padhu asked Amar

Padhu : What Happened, Amar Sir Garu?

Subbu : Any Problem!! Sir!!

Amar : You are her Parents right? Then Feed Food to Your Daughter Today!!

Devi became Happy on heard this..

Padhu, Subbu looking at Each other for this.

Amar : Subbu Garu, Padhu Garu..Any Problem?

Subbu : Sir!! Infront of You!!?

Amar : This is Your Daughter House!! She cried so much for You!! If You both feed food to her, Your Daughter will become Happy!

Padhu : Ok! Sir Garu!!

Subbu, Padhu both feed food to Devi..

Devi became Emotional and Happy on looking at Amar for this..

At Night, At Main Hall

Amar stood in Main Hall to talk with Shahini..

Shahini came to Main Hall when Amar asked Urmila to send her there..

Amar stood and said to Shahini

Amar : Shahini Garu!! You are Our Urmila's Mother That's why We are giving Respect to You and we helped You so many times!! Still we are ready to help You!!

Shahini stood Silently for this..

Amar : But Don't dare to distrub My Devi !!

Shahini became scared for this..

Amar : Devi is My Wife, My Wife Family means my Family also!! Remember that!!

Shahini became scared on heard this..

Amar : Just because of Your Daughter, You still living here!! Or Else You would be go out from this House!!

Shahini became silent for this..

Amar : If You again cross Your Limits in My House!! You can't even imagine What I will do!!

Shahini became scared on heard this.

Amar : So, Be Careful!! Be in Your Limits!!  Understand!!

Shahini became scared and Repiled..

Shahini : Yes!! Amarendra Bhushan Garu!!

Amar left after saying this..

Shahini became scared for Amar warning..

At Night, At Subbu, Padhu Room

Subbu thinking about that Old man who recognized them..

Padhu said to Subbu

Padhu : Subbu!! Our Devi is very lucky right?

Subbu didn't heard this..

Padhu : Subbu!! Subbu!!

Subbu : Tell me!! Padhu!!

Padhu : What are You thinking?

Subbu : I will tell that later..You tell me!!

Padhu : Our Devi is very Lucky right? See, Amar Sir take care of our Devi in small things also!!

Subbu : Yes!! Padhu!! Our Devamma is Really Lucky!! Along with Amar Sir, All are taking care of our Devi so much!! Even We also Lucky for this!!

Padhu : Yes!! Subbu!! No man will be like Amar Sir Garu!! Sir is Really Great!!

Subbu : You said True!! Padhu!!

Padhu : Now Tell me, What are You thinking?

Subbu : About that Old man who recognized us!!

Padhu also became worried on thinking about that Old man..

Padhu : I also have that worry!! Just miss If Amar Sir men didn't Kidnap us , He would caught us!!

Subbu : After Long Years, He still recognized me!!

Padhu : Yes..That Old man have very sharp Eyesight!!

Subbu : Why He suddenly came here?

Padhu : May be He had some work here!!

Subbu : What If he sees us again!! The Past which hide, It will come out!! I don't want that!!

Padhu : Subbu!! You are unnecessarily worrying about that!! I Hope we won't see him again!!

Subbu : I also hope that!!

Padhu : Don't take any stress, Leave it!!

Subbu : Ok!! Padhu!!

At Amar, Devi's Room

Amar checking files in his Laptop..

When Devi coming to Room with sad face, By mistake her leg got hit to Table..

Devi : Amma!!

Amar became worried and came to Devi..

Amar : Devi!! What Happened? Are You ok?

Devi : My Leg, Sir!! It's Paining!!

Amar : First You come and Sit!!

Amar makes Devi sit on bed..

Amar : Where is Balm?

Devi : Inside Cupboard!!

When Amar checking Devi leg, Devi stopped her

Devi : Sir!! What are You doing? Leave my Leg..I can do that!! You Please Leave!! Sir!!

Amar : Why?

Devi : Sir!! Please try to understand!! You don't have to touch me leg!!

Amar : If I feel pain like You, Will You leave me like this?

Devi : That is Different!! Sir!! You are My Husband!!

Amar : Then You are My Wife!! Do You think Only Wife only have right to do service to Husbands? Even Husbands also have right to do service to Wives!!

Devi : Sir!! Please don't confuse me!! Leave my Leg!! Please!!

Amar : Devi!! Do You want Chocolate?

Devi became confuse for this..

Devi : What?

Amar : Tell me, Do You want Chocolate?

Devi : No!!

Amar : Ice Cream?

Devi : No!!

Amar : Then..What will You have to sit silently?

Devi pouted for this..

Amar smiles for this..

Amar applied balm to Devi..

Devi smiles on seeing Amar caring for her..

Amar : Are You feeling better now?

Devi moved her head..

Amar : Tell me Properly? How can I know If You move Your head like that?

Devi : You said to sit silently right? I'm doing that only!!

Amar : What to do!! You are not letting me to do service to My Beautiful Wife right?

Devi smiles for this..

Devi : You are Very Stubborn Husband!! Sir!!

Amar : My Wife is more Stubborn than me!! Devi Madam!!

Amar pinched Devi cheeks on saying this and Sit beside Devi..

Amar : By the way, Your Eyes are Fine right?

Devi became confuse for this..

Devi : Yes..My Eyes are Fine!!

Amar showed fingers to Devi..

Amar : How many fingers these are?

Devi : Sir!!?

Amar : Morning, You got slipped and now Your leg got hit to table..So, I got doubt?

Devi glared at Amar for this..

Devi : Sir!! My Eyes are working Fine!!

Amar : Then What happened?

Devi : I'm just thinking, So I didn't observe Table..

Amar : About What?

Devi : Tomorrow My Parents will go to home right?

Amar : Fine..I will ask them to stay some more days..

Devi : No!! Sir..One Day they will definitely Go back to home right? If I got used to them, I can't let them Go!!

Amar : You know that, right? They are not going to another City.. If You want to see them, Go to Your Home!! Or Ask me, I will bring to our Home!! Ok!!

Devi : Ok!!

Amar : Now, Don't put Your Face like that!! Smile!! Devi Madam!!

Devi still sit silently for this..

Amar : Please!! Devi Madam!! Smile!!Smile!! Smile!! Smile!!

Devi laughed for this..

Amar : That's like my Good Girl!!

Devi smiles for this and Hugged Amar on keeping her head on her Shoulder..

Devi : Love You!! Sir!!!

Amar : I know!! Devi!!

Amar kissed Devi hand on saying this..

Next Morning, At Bhushan Villa

Villagers asked Amar

Villagers : Amar Babu!!! You have to come to our Village!!

Amar : I'm Sorry!! I don't want to come to Gadwal!!

Amar left from there with angry..

Subhadra said to Villagers

Subhadra : Please don't mind!!! Anyways After Chandra Lekha, No one alive in that Family!!

One of the Villagers said to Subhadra

Villagers : No!! One Person in Chandra Lekha Family still alive!!

Subhadra and Villagers became shock on heard this..

Subhadra : Is it True?

On that time, Subbu and Padhu became shock and worried on seeing those Villagers..

At Temple

One Middle Aged Woman hide her face and came to Temple..

Panthulugaru : Amma..On Whose Name, We have to do Puja?

Woman : Chandra Lekha!!

Percap : Presence of Chandra Lekha!!

I'm Very Sorry for not able to write some Parts in this Update..In Next Update, I will definitely Complete those Part..

Forgive me If any mistakes are there.I wrote this in Hurry...Please Forgive me..

How was Amar, Devi Love Moments? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar, Devi Kitchen Romance? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Urmila teasing Amar, Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar, Devi Conversation? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar caring for Devi when her leg got hurt? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar teasing Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Jitendra Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Jitendra Emotions on heard Devi Voice? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Dinning Table Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar warning to Shahini? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Subbu worried about that Old man? Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Amar don't want to go to Gadwal? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Subbu, Padhu became worried on seeing Villagers? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Who is that middle aged woman did Puja on Chandra Lekha? Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Friends..

Thank You So Much for all Your Votes and Supportive Comments..❤️❤️💕💕

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care, Stay Safe..

Loves You All...💕💕

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